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At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Publication Year: 1847

All the fiction titles published in the year 1847:

  1. Julia Addison.  The Curate of Wildmere: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  2. Grace Aguilar.  Home Influence: A Tale for Mothers and Daughters.  1 vol.  London: Groombridge.
  3. Anonymous.  Cromwell in Ireland: An Historical Romance.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  4. Anonymous.  Henry Domville: or, The Younger Son, by Himself.  2 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  5. Anonymous.  The Quarter-Deck: or, Home and Abroad.  1 vol.  London: Thomas Tegg.
  6. Anonymous.  Emily Bathurst: or, At Home or Abroad.  1 vol.  London: Wertheim and Macintosh.
  7. Anonymous.  Stories of Youth and Childhood: or, Scenes from Humble Life.  1 vol.  Derby: Henry Mozley and Sons.
  8. Hon. F. B..  Harden Hall: or, The Three Proposals. A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  9. Richard Harris Barham.  The Ingoldsby Legends: or, Mirth and Marvels [Third Series].  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  10. Catherine Douglas Bell.  Set About it at Once: or, Cousin Kate's Story.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy.
  11. Countess of Blessington.  Marmaduke Herbert: or, The Fatal Error.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  12. Charlotte Brontë.  Jane Eyre: An Autobiography.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  13. Emily Jane Brontë.  Wuthering Heights: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  14. Anne Brontë.  Agnes Grey: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  15. John Delavau Bryant.  Pauline Seward: A Tale of Real Life.  2 vol.  London: Charles Dolman.
  16. Selina Bunbury.  The Triumph of Truth: or, Henry and his Sister.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  17. Hannah Dorothy Burdon.  All Classes: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  18. William Carleton.  The Black Prophet: A Tale of Irish Famine.  1 vol.  London: Simms and M'Intyre.
  19. Clara de Chatelain.  The Silver Swan: A Fairy Tale.  1 vol.  London: Grant and Griffith.
  20. Richard Cobbold.  Zenon the Martyr: A Record of the piety. . . of the Early Christian Nobles.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  21. James Fenimore Cooper.  Mark's Reef: or, The Crater. A Tale of the Pacific.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  22. Susan Selby Coppard.  Hadassah: or, The Adopted Child.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  23. Camilla Dufour Crosland.  Partners for Life: A Christmas Story.  1 vol.  London: William S. Orr.
  24. Catherine Ann Crowe.  The Story of Lilly Dawson.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  25. Elizabeth Daniel.  Jeremiah Parkes: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  26. Elizabeth Daniel.  The Cardinal's Daughter: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  27. John Davis.  Jack Ariel: or, Life on Board an Indiaman.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  28. Benjamin Disraeli.  Tancred: or, The New Crusade.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  29. Harriet Drummond.  Lucy Seymour: or, It is More Blessed to Give than to Receive.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy.
  30. James Anthony Froude.  Shadows of the Clouds.  1 vol.  London: John Ollivier.
  31. Lady Georgiana Fullerton.  Grantley Manor: A Tale.  3 vol.  London: Moxon.
  32. Caroline Leigh Gascoigne.  Evelyn Harcourt: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  33. Catherine Gore.  Castles in the Air.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  34. Catherine Gore.  Temptation and Atonement, and Other Tales.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  35. James Grant.  The Romance of War: or, The Highlanders in Spain.  4 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  36. Catherine Maria Grey.  Daughters: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  37. Frederick Hardman.  The Student of Salamanca.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  38. Elizabeth Furlong Shipton Harris.  From Oxford to Rome, and How it Fared with Some Who Made the Journey.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  39. William Hawkins.  Lydia and Philip: or, The Visit to Kiffenford. A Narrative for the Times; Founded on Facts: wherein are set forth the true Church, its Profession and Fellowship.  1 vol.  London: Houlston and Co..
  40. Rose Ellen Hendriks.  The Young Authoress.  3 vol.  London: J. and D. A. Darling.
  41. Charles Frederick Henningsen.  Sixty Years Hence: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  42. William Edward Heygate.  Godfrey Davenant: A Tale of School Life.  1 vol.  London: Joseph Masters.
  43. William Howitt.  The Hall and the Hamlet: or, Scenes and Characters of Country Life.  2 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  44. William Hurton.  The King's Daughter: or, Revelations of Our Own Times.  1 vol.  London: George Pierce.
  45. G. P. R. James.  A Whim and its Consequences.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  46. G. P. R. James.  Russell: A Tale of the Reign of Charles II.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  47. G. P. R. James.  The Castle of Ehrenstein: Its Lords, Spiritual and Temperal: Its Inhabitants, Earthly and Unearthly.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  48. G. P. R. James.  The Convict.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  49. G. P. R. James.  The Last of the Fairies.  1 vol.  London: Parry and Co..
  50. Laura Jewry.  Kirkholme Priory: or, Modern Heroism. A Tale.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  51. Hannah Maria Jones.  The Ruined Cottage: or, The Farmer's Maid. A Romance of Real Life.  1 vol.  London: W. Caffyn.
  52. Helen C. Knight.  Robert Dawson: or, The Brave Spirit.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  53. James Sheridan Knowles.  Fortescue: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Moxon.
  54. J. Sheridan Le Fanu.  The Fortunes of Colonel Torlogh O'Brien: A Tale of the Wars of King James.  1 vol.  Dublin: James McGlashan.
  55. Charles James Lever.  The Knight of Gwynne: A Tale of the Time of Union.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  56. Sir Richard George Augustus Levinge.  Echoes from the Backwoods: or, Sketches of Transatlantic Life.  2 vol.  London: Routledge.
  57. George Henry Lewes.  Ranthorpe.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  58. Theodora Elizabeth Lynch.  The Cotton-Tree: or, Emily, the Little West Indian. A Tale for Young People.  1 vol.  London: Hatchards.
  59. Frederick Marryat.  The Children of the New Forest.  2 vol.  London: Henry Hurst.
  60. Anne Marsh.  Norman's Bridge: or, The Modern Midas.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  61. William Hamilton Maxwell.  Hill Side and Border Sketches: With Legends of the Chevids and the Lammermuir.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  62. Augustus Mayhew.  The Good Genius that Turned Everything into Gold: or, The Queen Bee and the Magic Dress. A Christmas Fairy Tale.  1 vol.  London: David Bogue.
  63. Herman Melville.  Omoo: A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas.  1 vol.  London: John Murray.
  64. Lydia Falconer Miller.  Passages in the Life of an English Heiress: or, Recollections of Disruption Times in Scotland.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  65. Edward Augustus Milman.  The Wayside Cross: or, The Raid of Gomez. A Tale of the Carlist War.  1 vol.  London: John Murray.
  66. James Justinian Morier.  Misselmah: A Persian Tale.  1 vol.  Brighton: W. Saunders.
  67. Erskine Neale.  Experiences of a Gaol Chaplain: Comprising Recollections of Ministerial Intercourse with Criminals of Various Classes, with their Confessions.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  68. Emma Newton.  The Modern Unbeliever.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  69. William North.  Anti-Punch: or, The Toy-Shop of Fleet Street. A Romance.  1 vol.  London: E. Dipple.
  70. Henriette Paalzow.  St. Roche: A Romance.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  71. Catherine Denoon Ponsonby.  The Protégé: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Henry Hurst.
  72. James Jubilee Reynolds.  The Confessions of a Pencil-Case, Written by Himself.  1 vol.  London: T. and W. Boone.
  73. George Herbert Bonaparte Rodwell.  Woman's Love: A Romance of Smiles and Tears!.  1 vol.  London: Kent and Richards.
  74. Ann Rolfe.  The Oath of Allegiance: A Tale of the Times of Philip the Second.  2 vol.  London: Saunders and Otley.
  75. Charles Rowcroft.  The Chronicles of "The Fleet Prison".  3 vol.  London: Henry Hurst.
  76. James Malcolm Rymer.  Ada, the Betrayed: or, The Murder at the Old Smithy. A Romance of Passion.  1 vol.  London: Edward Lloyd.
  77. James Malcolm Rymer.  Varney the Vampyre: or, The Feast of Blood. A Romance.  1 vol.  London: Edward Lloyd.
  78. James Malcolm Rymer.  Dead Man's Hollow: or, The Bridal of Bodesden. A Romance.  1 vol.  London: Edward Lloyd.
  79. James Malcolm Rymer.  Jane Brightwell: or, The Beggar's Petition. A Romance.  1 vol.  London: Edward Lloyd.
  80. James Malcolm Rymer.  The Lady in Black: or, The Widow and the Wife. A Romance.  1 vol.  London: Edward Lloyd.
  81. James Malcolm Rymer.  The Love Child: A Romance.  1 vol.  London: Edward Lloyd.
  82. James Malcolm Rymer.  Moreton: or, The Doomed House. A Romance.  1 vol.  London: Edward Lloyd.
  83. George Sand.  The Miller of Angibault.  1 vol.  London: Edward Churton.
  84. George Sand.  Mauprat.  1 vol.  London: Edward Churton.
  85. George Sand.  The Companion of the Tour of France.  1 vol.  London: Edward Churton.
  86. George Sand.  Letters of a Traveller.  1 vol.  London: Edward Churton.
  87. George Sand.  The Last Aldini.  1 vol.  London: Edward Churton.
  88. George Sand.  André.  1 vol.  London: Edward Churton.
  89. George Sand.  Consuelo: In Two Volumes.  1 vol.  London: Simms and M'Intyre.
  90. Jane Alice Sargant.  The Broken Arm: A National School Story.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  91. Thomas James Serle.  The Players: or, The Stage of Life.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  92. Elizabeth Missing Sewell.  Margaret Percival.  2 vol.  London: Longman.
  93. Mary Martha Sherwood.  The De Cliffords: An Historical Tale.  1 vol.  London: Darton and Co..
  94. Hon. Adela Augusta Wilhelmina Sidney.  Home and its Influences.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  95. John Palgrave Simpson.  Gisella.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  96. Burrows Willcocks Arthur Sleigh.  The Outcast Prophet.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  97. Harriet Maria Smythies.  A Warning to Wives: or, The Platonic Lover.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  98. George Soane.  January Eve: A Tale of the Times.  1 vol.  London: Edward Churton.
  99. Percy Bolingbroke St. John.  The Fireside: A Domestic Tale.  1 vol.  London: H. K. Lewis.
  100. Sir George Stephen.  The Jesuit at Cambridge.  2 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  101. Eugène Sue.  The Orphan: or, Memoirs of Matilda.  2 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  102. Robert Smith Surtees.  Hawbuck Grange: or, The Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, Esq.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  103. William Makepeace Thackeray.  Mrs. Perkin's Ball.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  104. Katherine Thomson.  Tracey: or, The Apparition. A Tale of the Last Century.  3 vol.  London: Thomas Hodgson.
  105. Elizabeth Thornton.  Truth and Falsehood: A Romance.  3 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  106. Anthony Trollope.  The Macdermots of Ballycloran.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  107. Frances Milton Trollope.  Father Eustace: A Tale of the Jesuits.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  108. Frances Milton Trollope.  The Three Cousins: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  109. Alfred de Vigny.  Cinq-Mars: or, A Conspiracy under Louis XIII. An Historical Romance.  1 vol.  London: David Bogue.
  110. Robert Francis Walrond.  Paddiana: or, Scraps and Sketches of Irish Life, Present and Past.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  111. Robert Folkestone Williams.  Strawberry Hill: A Historical Novel.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  112. Charlotte Mary Yonge.  Scenes and Characters: or, Eighteen Months at Beechcroft.  1 vol.  London: James Burns.