Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Authors

This is a current list of every author of a fiction title published between 1837 and 1901. Authors with a particular nationality or occupation can be found on the Browse Author Tags page. For other author and gender-specific lists, use the Browse Men Authors, Browse Women Authors, or Browse Unknown Authors pages. Use the ABC-index to narrow the list.

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O'Brien, AliceO'Brien, Charlotte GraceO'Brien, CharlotteO'Brien, Fitz-JamesO'Brien, Richard BaptistO'Brien, WilliamO'Byrne, M. LouiseO'Connell, AliceO'Connor, Florence J.O'Dell, Stackpool EdwardO'Donoghue, Francis TalbotO'Donoghue, Nannie PowerO'Farrell, BurkeO'Flanagan, James RoderickO'Grady, Standish JamesO'Hanlon, AliceO'Hara, MaineO'Keeffe, C. M.O'Malley, M. F.O'Meara, KathleenO'Neil, Henry NelsonO'Neill, MoiraO'Reilly, Eleanor GraceO'Rell, MaxO'Riordan, Conal Holmes O'C...O'Ryan, JuliaO'Shea, John AugustaO'Sullivan, MortimerOakhurst, WilliamOakley, JohnObserver, By anOelschläger, HermannOenoneOertel, Friedrich WilhelmOfficer, AnOfficer, AnOgle, Anne CharlotteOhnet, GeorgesOkeden, Caroline ElizabethOld Bachelor, AnOld MerryOld Spinster, AnOldham, Mrs. E. S.Oliphant, LaurenceOliphant, MargaretOliphant, Mrs.Oliphant, OctaviaOliverOllier, CharlesOllivant, AlfredOllive, JohnOman, C. P. A.Oman, John CampbellOmegaOmond, George William ThomsonOne of his SoldiersOne Who Saw ItOnley, MaryOnyxOnyx, Mr.Oper, TheophilusOppen, Isabella vonOppenheim, E. PhillipsOrlayt, JerroldOrlebar, Mrs. CuthbertOrloffsky, R.Orpen, Adela ElizabethOrr, Mrs. Alexander S.Orr, Mrs. MaryOrred, MetaOrsi, Count JosephOrzeszkowa, ElizaOsborn, Emily Fanny DorothyOsborn, YottyOsborne, Catherine IsabellaOsborne, DuffieldOsborne, FannyOsborne, Francis George God...Ostlere, MayOtterburn, BeltonOttolengui, RodriguesOuidaOutram, LeonardOuvry, Francisca IngramOverend, Mrs. CampbellOverton, Ella EdersheimOwen, BrothersOwen, EmilyOwen, FairleighOwen, John LawtonOwen, Mrs. M. C.Owgan, HenryOxenham, Frances MaryOxley, James Macdonald

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