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At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Publication Year: 1853

All the fiction titles published in the year 1853:

  1. Jacob Abbott.  Agnes: A Franconia Story.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  2. Jacob Abbott.  Caroline: A Franconia Story.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  3. Jacob Abbott.  Stuyvesant: A Franconia Story.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  4. Grace Aguilar.  Home Scenes and Heart Studies.  1 vol.  London: Groombridge.
  5. John Yonge Akerman.  Wiltshire Tales.  1 vol.  London: John Russell Smith.
  6. William Anderson.  Blanche the Huguenot: A Tale.  1 vol.  London: Nathaniel Cooke.
  7. Anonymous.  Broomhill: or, The County Beauties: a Novel.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  8. Anonymous.  Passion and Pedantry: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  9. Anonymous.  Castle St. Laure: A Tale.  2 vol.  London: Saunders and Otley.
  10. Anonymous.  Harold and Louis: Fear and Love; and Other Stories.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  11. Anonymous.  Mary Morton and Her Sister: or, The Advantages of the Savings Bank.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  12. Anonymous.  Summer Days: or, The Cousins. A Story for the Young.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  13. William Delafield Arnold.  Oakfield: or, Fellowship in the East.  2 vol.  London: Longman.
  14. Timothy Shay Arthur.  Anna Lee: The Maiden--The Wife--The Mother. A Tale.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  15. Thomas Henry Ashton.  Bannerford: or, The Valley of Gold. A Tale of our own Times.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  16. Mrs. Atkyns.  The Colonel: A Novel of Fashionable Life.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  17. Berthold Auerbach.  Florian and Crescenz: A Village Tale from the Black Forest.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  18. Randall Hunter Ballantyne.  Rainy Afternoons: or, Tales and Sketches by the Howard Family.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Thomas Constable.
  19. George Frederick Lewis Bampfield.  Sir Aelfric and Other Tales.  1 vol.  London: J. Whitaker.
  20. Mary Ann Serrett Barber.  The Lord's Jewels: or, Sketches of Unknown Disciples.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  21. Catherine Douglas Bell.  Lily Gordon the Young Housekeeper.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy.
  22. Anne Bowman.  Laura Temple: A Tale for the Young.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  23. Edward Bradley.  The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green: An Oxford Freshman.  1 vol.  London: Nathaniel Cooke.
  24. Fredrika Bremer.  The Homes of the New World.  3 vol.  London: Arthur Hall.
  25. Charlotte Brontë.  Villette.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  26. William Wells Brown.  Clotel: or, The President's Daughter: A Narrative of Slave Life in the United States.  1 vol.  London: Partridge and Oakey.
  27. BTAO "Aunt Edith".  Clara Stanley: or, A Summer among the Hills.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  28. BTAO "Cecil-Dean".  Cecil-Dean: A Story for the Young.  1 vol.  London: Joseph Masters.
  29. BTAO "Sin and Sorrow".  Tendring Cottage: or, The Rainbow at Night.  3 vol.  London: Saunders and Otley.
  30. Edwina Jane Burbury.  Mabel Trevor: or, The Pearl Necklace.  1 vol.  London: Darton and Co..
  31. Lady Charlotte Bury.  The Roses.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  32. Lady Pamela Campbell.  The Story of an Apple.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  33. Alice Carey.  Clovernook: or, Recollections of Our Neighbourhood in the West.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  34. Philippe Ferdinand Auguste de Rohan Chabot.  Electra: A Story of Modern Times.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  35. Elizabeth Rundle Charles.  The Two Vocations: or, The Sisters of Mercy at Home. A Tale.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  36. Charles Mitchell Charles.  Claverston: A Tale. Showing how there was a living skeleton in James Nicol's house.  1 vol.  London: Saunders and Otley.
  37. Henry Cockton.  Percy Effingham: or, The Germ of the World's Esteem.  2 vol.  London: Routledge.
  38. Alfred Whaley Cole.  Hope: A Tale of Chequered Life.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  39. Thomas Cooper.  Alderman Ralph: or, The History of the Borough and Corporation of the Borough of Willowacre.  2 vol.  London: Routledge.
  40. David Trevena Coulton.  Fortune: A Romance of Life.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  41. Dinah Marie Craik.  Agatha's Husband: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  42. Dinah Marie Craik.  Avillion, and Other Tales.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  43. Dinah Marie Craik.  A Hero: Philip's Book.  1 vol.  London: Addey.
  44. Sophia Crawford.  Lismore.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  45. Camilla Dufour Crosland.  Stray Leaves from Shady Places.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  46. Eyre Evans Crowe.  Charles Delmer: A Story of the Day.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  47. Capt. Henry Curling.  The Forest Youth: or, Shakspere as he Lived.  1 vol.  London: Eli Charles Eginton.
  48. Marquis Massimo Tapparelli D'Azeglio.  The Maid of Florence: or, Niccolo de' Lapi.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  49. Elizabeth Daniel.  Gertrude Cameron: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  50. Charles Dickens.  Bleak House.  1 vol.  London: Bradbury and Evans.
  51. Anna Hanson Dorsey.  Woodreve Manor: A Tale of American Life.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  52. Anna Harriet Drury.  Light and Shade: or, The Young Artist. A Tale.  1 vol.  London: William Pickering.
  53. Alexandre Dumas.  Memoirs of a Maître d'Armes: or, Eighteen Months at St. Petersburg.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  54. Henrietta Louisa Farrer.  Alice Beresford: A Tale of Home Life.  1 vol.  London: Joseph Masters.
  55. Fanny Fern.  Fern Leaves from Fanny's Portfolio.  1 vol.  London: Edward Eginton.
  56. Lucy Field.  The Twin Sisters: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: John Chapman.
  57. Emilie Flygare-Carlén.  The Maiden's Tower: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  58. Emilie Flygare-Carlén.  The Events of a Year: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  59. Emilie Flygare-Carlén.  John: or, Is a Cousin in the Hand Worth Two Counts in the Bush?.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  60. Emilie Flygare-Carlén.  The Hermit: A Novel.  4 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  61. Catherine Foster.  Lady Marion: or, A Sister's Love.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  62. Metta Victoria Fuller.  The Senator's Son: A Tale of Intemperance.  1 vol.  London: Clarke, Beeton, & Co..
  63. Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell.  Ruth: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  64. Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell.  Cranford.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  65. Elizabeth Amelia Gee.  Confidence: A Tale.  3 vol.  London: Saunders and Otley.
  66. Hannah Ransome Geldart.  Mary Dundas: or, Passages in Young Life.  1 vol.  London: Arthur Hall.
  67. Catherine Gore.  The Dean's Daughter: or, The Days We Live In.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  68. Francis Robert Goulding.  Robert and Harold: or, The Young Marooners. A New Crusoe Story.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  69. James Grant.  Jane Seton: or, The King's Advocate. A Scottish Historical Romance.  2 vol.  London: Routledge.
  70. Maria Georgina Grey.  Passion and Principle: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  71. Eleanor Griffiths.  World Worship.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  72. Josepha Heath Gulston.  The Life and Death of Silas Barnstarke: A Story of the Seventeenth Century.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  73. Josepha Heath Gulston.  The School for Dreamers: A Story of the Present Day.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  74. Thomas Chandler Haliburton.  Sam Slick's Wise Saws and Modern Instances: or, What he Said, Did, or Invented.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  75. Herbert Byng Hall.  Mary, a Daughter of the English Peasantry: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  76. Catherine Georgina Hamilton.  The Unclaimed Daughter: A Mystery of our Own Day.  1 vol.  Bath: Binns and Goodwin.
  77. James Hannay.  Sketches in Ultra-Marine: Nautical Tales.  2 vol.  London: Addey.
  78. Frederick Hardman.  Hidden Treasures: or, The Heir of Hohenberg.  1 vol.  London: Grant and Griffith.
  79. Lady Duffus Hardy.  Savile House: An Historical Romance of the Time of George the First.  2 vol.  London: Routledge.
  80. Nathaniel Hawthorne.  Tanglewood Tales, for Girls and Boys: Being a Second Wonder-Book.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  81. Stanley Herbert.  John at Home: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  82. Frances Georgiana Herbert.  A Legend of Pembroke Castle, and Other Tales.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  83. Henry William Herbert.  The Cavaliers of England.  1 vol.  London: C. H. Clarke.
  84. Jane Margaret Hooper.  Arbell: A Tale for Young People.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  85. Martha Stone Hubbell.  The Shady Side: or, Life in a Country Parsonage.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  86. G. P. R. James.  Agnes Sorel: An Historical Romance.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  87. G. P. R. James.  The Vicissitudes of a Life.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  88. Hargrave Jennings.  St. George: A Miniature Romance.  1 vol.  London: W. N. Wright.
  89. Laura Jewry.  Audrey: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  90. Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury.  The History of an Adopted Child.  1 vol.  London: Grant and Griffith.
  91. Hannah Maria Jones.  The Curate's Daughters: or, The Twin Roses of Arundale. A Domestic Story.  1 vol.  London: W. Caffyn.
  92. Emily Judson.  Tales for all Seasons.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  93. Julia Kavanagh.  Daisy Burns: A Tale.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  94. Eliza H. Keating.  Raymond Bury: A Tale. Founded on T. Hood's Poem, "The Haunted House".  1 vol.  London: Arthur Hall.
  95. Rosa Mackenzie Kettle.  Sir Frederick Derwent.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  96. Charles Kingsley.  Hypatia: or, New Foes with an Old Face.  2 vol.  London: John W. Parker.
  97. William Henry Giles Kingston.  Manco, the Peruvian Chief: or, An Englishman's Adventures in the Country of the Incas.  1 vol.  London: Grant and Griffith.
  98. Marie Price La Touche.  The Clintons: or, Deeps and Shallows of Life.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  99. Fanny Eliza Lacy.  The Visitor in Grey, and Other Tales.  1 vol.  London: William Tweedie.
  100. John Lang.  The Wetherbys, Father and Son: or, Sundry Chapters of Indian Experience.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  101. John Lang.  Too Clever by Half: or, The Harroways.  1 vol.  London: Nathaniel Cooke.
  102. Lady Catharine Long.  The First Lieutenant's Story.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  103. Margaret Lupton.  Maud: A City Autobiography.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  104. Augusta Louisa Lyons.  The Lover upon Trial.  1 vol.  London: Simms and M'Intyre.
  105. Edward Bulwer Lytton.  My Novel: or, Varieties of English Life.  4 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  106. Matilda Anne Mackarness.  Influence: or, The Evil Genius.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  107. Matilda Anne Mackarness.  The Star in the Desert.  1 vol.  London: W. N. Wright.
  108. Daniel Owen Madden.  The Game of Brag: or, The Batterary Boys. A Comic Novel.  2 vol.  London: C. J. Skeet.
  109. Annette Marie Maillard.  Miles Tremenhere.  2 vol.  London: Routledge.
  110. Anne Manning.  Cherry and Violet: A Tale of the Great Plague.  1 vol.  London: Arthur Hall.
  111. Anne Marsh.  The Longwoods of the Grange.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  112. Anne Marsh.  Helen's Fault: A Tale for the Young.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  113. Emily Juliana May.  The Sunshine of Greystone: A Story for Girls.  1 vol.  Bath: Binns and Goodwin.
  114. Colburn Mayne.  The Evil Star: or, The Tide and the Planet: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: C. J. Skeet.
  115. Sarah Jane Mayne.  Stanton Rectory: A Tale.  1 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  116. Sarah Jane Mayne.  Stanton Rectory: A Tale [Part II].  1 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  117. Maria Jane Mcintosh.  Alice Montrose: or, The Lofty and the Lowly. Good in all, and none all good.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  118. Maria Jane Mcintosh.  Annie Donaldson: or, Evenings at the Old Manor House.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  119. Maria Jane Mcintosh.  Florence Arnott: or, Is She Generous?.  1 vol.  London: Benjamin L. Green.
  120. Mrs. Ogden Meeker.  Kate Gearey: or, Irish Life in London. A Tale of 1849.  1 vol.  London: Charles Dolman.
  121. Susanna Moodie.  Mark Hurdlestone, the Gold Worshipper.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  122. Richard Williams Morgan.  Raymond de Monthault, the Lord Marcher: A Legend of the Welsh Borders.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  123. Georgina C. Munro.  The Little Emigrant's Birthday, and the Children of the Alps.  1 vol.  London: Addey.
  124. Eustace Clare Grenville Murray.  Walter Evelyn: or, The Long Minority.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  125. Mary Anne Needell.  Ada Gresham: An Autobiography.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  126. Margaret Oliphant.  Ailieford: A Family History.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  127. Margaret Oliphant.  Harry Muir: A Story of Scottish Life.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  128. Margaret Oliphant.  Katie Stewart: A True Story.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  129. Henry Owgan.  The Life of a Collegian: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: C. J. Skeet.
  130. Gertrude Parsons.  Joe Baker: or, The One Church.  1 vol.  London: James Burns.
  131. Lady Charlotte Maria Pepys.  The Diary and Houres of the Ladye Adolie, A Faythfulle Childe.  1 vol.  London: Addey.
  132. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps.  The Tell-Tale: or, Sketches of Domestic Life in the United States.  1 vol.  London: C. H. Clarke.
  133. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps.  The Sunny Side and a Peep at "Number Five".  1 vol.  London: C. H. Clarke.
  134. Jane Vaughan Pinkney.  The Wilful Ward: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  135. J. J. Porchat.  Charles Roussel: or, Industry and Honesty.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  136. J. J. Porchat.  Three Months Under the Snow: The Journal of a Young Inhabitant of the Jura.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  137. Philip Bennett Power.  The Two Brothers; and The Two Paths.  1 vol.  London: Wertheim and Macintosh.
  138. Philip Bennett Power.  The Last Shilling: or, The Selfish Child.  1 vol.  London: Charles Haselden.
  139. Charles Reade.  Peg Woffington: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  140. Charles Reade.  Christie Johnstone: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  141. Capt. Mayne Reid.  The Boy Hunters: or, Adventures in Search of a White Buffalo.  1 vol.  London: David Bogue.
  142. George William MacArth Reynolds.  The Seamstress: or, The White Slave of England.  1 vol.  London: John Dicks.
  143. Azel Stevens Roe.  I've Been Thinking: or, The Secret of Success.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  144. Giovanni Ruffini.  Lorenzo Benoni: or, Passages in the Life of an Italian.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Thomas Constable.
  145. James Malcolm Rymer.  Paul Clifford: or, Hurrah for the Road. A Romance of Old Times.  1 vol.  London: Edward Lloyd.
  146. Jane Alice Sargant.  No Lie Thrives: A Tale.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  147. Jane Alice Sargant.  Home Tales, Founded on Fact.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  148. Elizabeth Missing Sewell.  The Experience of Life.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  149. Elizabeth Sara Sheppard.  Charles Auchester: A Memorial.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  150. George Simpson.  Revelations of School Life.  2 vol.  London: Hope.
  151. Felicia Mary Frances Skene.  St. Alban's: or, The Prisoner of Hope.  1 vol.  London: Joseph Masters.
  152. Frank Smedley.  The Fortunes of the Colville Family: or, A Cloud and its Silver Lining. A Christmas Story.  1 vol.  London: George Hoby.
  153. Menella Bute Smedley.  Nina: A Tale for the Twilight.  1 vol.  London: George Hoby.
  154. Charles Manby Smith.  The Working-Man's Way in the World: Being the Autobiography of a Journeyman Printer.  1 vol.  London: W. and F. G. Cash.
  155. Joseph Sortain.  Count Arensberg: or, The Days of Martin Luther.  2 vol.  London: Longman.
  156. Elizabeth M. Stewart.  Aubrey Conyers: or, The Lordship of Allerdale.  1 vol.  London: Ingram, Cooke, and Co..
  157. Elizabeth M. Stewart.  Snowed Up: or, Lost on The World.  1 vol.  : [None].
  158. Harriet Beecher Stowe.  The May-Flower: or, Short Tales and Sketches.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  159. Robert Smith Surtees.  Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour.  1 vol.  London: Bradbury and Evans.
  160. Baroness von Tautphoeus.  Cyrilla: A Tale.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  161. Charles Benjamin Tayler.  Truth: or, Persis Clareton. A Narrative of Church History in the Seventeenth Century.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  162. Annie Tinsley.  Margaret: or, Prejudice at Home, and its Victims.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  163. Frances Milton Trollope.  The Young Heiress: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  164. M. Viener.  Arthur Clifton: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  165. Susan Bogert Warner.  Ellen Montgomery's Bookshelf.  1 vol.  London: Frederick Warne.
  166. Annie Webb.  The Pilgrims of New England: A Tale of the Early American Settlers.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  167. Annie Webb.  The Autobiography of a Five-Pound Note.  1 vol.  London: Clarke, Beeton, & Co..
  168. Sarah R. Whitehead.  Nelly Armstrong: A Story of the Day.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  169. Sydney Whiting.  Memoirs of a Stomach: Written by Himself, That all who Eat may Read.  1 vol.  London: W. E. Painter.
  170. George John Whyte-Melville.  Digby Grand: An Autobiography.  2 vol.  London: John W. Parker.
  171. Francis C. Woodworth.  Uncle Frank's Home Stories.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  172. Mary Elizabeth Wormeley.  Amabel: or, Victory of Love.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  173. Henry C. Wright.  A Kiss for a Blow: or, A Collection of Stories for Children, Showing them How to Prevent Quarrelling.  1 vol.  London: Thomas H. Keble.
  174. Charlotte Mary Yonge.  The Heir of Redclyffe.  2 vol.  London: John W. Parker.
  175. Henry Gustavus Ainslie Young.  Frank Merryweather: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.