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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
The Princesses of Penruth Mary H. Debenham 1890
Principle: A Tale Susan Selby Coppard 1849
Prinkle and his Friends: A Novel James Shearar 1877
The Priors of Prague William Johnstoune Nelson Neale 1836
Pris Evelyn Whitaker 1892
Priscilla: A Story for Girls Evelyn Ward Everett Green 1900
Priscilla: or, The Story of a Boy's Love Clara L. Willmets 1879
Priscilla: or, The Story of a Boy's Love Clara L. Wilmets 1879
Prison Characters Drawn from Life, by a Prison Matron Frederick William Robinson 1866
A Prison Princess: A Romance of Millbank Penitentiary Major Arthur George Frederick Griffiths 1893
Prisoner among Pirates David Ker 1894
The Prisoner of the Mill: or, Captain Hayward's Body Guard Lt. Col. Hazeltine 1866
The Prisoner of the Pampas: or, The Mysterious Seal Island Charles Henry Eden 1889
A Prisoner of War: A Story of the Time of Napoleon Bonaparte G. Norway 1895
The Prisoner of Zenda: Being the History of Three Months in the Life... Anthony Hope 1894
Prisoners and Captives Hugh Stowell Scott 1891
The Prisoner's Daughter: A Story of 1758 Esmé Stuart 1884
Prisoners of Conscience Amelia E. Barr 1897
Prisoners of Hope Constance Isabella Stuart Smith 1898
Prisoners of Hope: A Story of the Faith Deborah Alcock 1894
Prisoners of Silence Mary Angela Dickens 1895
Prisoners of the Sea: A Romance of the Seventeenth Century Florence Morse Kingsley 1897
Private Bobs and the New Recruit Mabel C. Birchenough 1901
A Private Inquiry: A Novel Charles Henry Ross 1870
Private Lawrie and his Love: A Tale of Military Life Shirley Byron Jevons 1885
The Private Life Henry James 1893
The Private Papers of Henry Ryecraft George Gissing 1903
The Private Secretary Sir George Tomkyns Chesney 1881
Private Tinker and Other Stories Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard 1895
The Privateer's Man, One Hundred Years Ago Frederick Marryat 1846
Prize Temperance Tales Anonymous 1871
Pro Patria: The Autobiography of an Irish Conspirator William Mackay 1883
Pro Patria Max Pemberton 1901
Pro Patria: A Small Sketch on a Vast Subject Jean Delaire 1897
Probation: A Novel Jessie Fothergill 1879
The Problem of Prejudice Josephine Elizabeth Campbell 1896
The Problem Solved Mary Elizabeth Herbert 1882
The Procession of Life: A Novel Horace Annesley Vachell 1899
A Proctor's Wooing Frances M. Marshall 1897
The Prodigal Daughter: A Story of Female Prison Life Eustace Clare Grenville Murray 1879
A Prodigal Son Edward Dutton Cook 1863
The Prodigals and Their Inheritance Margaret Oliphant 1894
The Prodigal's Brother: A Story of Western Life John Mackie 1899
A Prodigal's Progress Frank Barrett 1882
A Prodigy: A Tale of Music Henry Fothergill Chorley 1866
A Professional Beauty Mrs. Alexander Fraser 1882
A Professional Secret, and Other Tales William Wilthew Fenn 1888
The Professional, and Other Psychic Stories Ada Goodrich Freer 1900
Professions: A Novel Floyd Tayleure 1852
The Professor: A Novel Emilie Flygare-Carlén 1854
The Professor: A Tale Charlotte Brontë 1857
The Professor and his Daughters: A Novel J. Meredith Thomas 1883
A Professor of Alchemy (Denis Zachaire) Percy Ross 1887
The Professor's Children Edith Henrietta Fowler 1897
The Professor's Daughter: A Tale Rev. Albert Eubule Evans 1882
The Professor's Experiment: A Novel Margaret Wolfe Hungerford 1895
The Professor's Last Experiment Stanley Stewart 1888
The Professor's Wife: A Story Leonard Graham 1881
The Professor's Wife Berthold Auerbach 1851
The Professor's Wooing: Being the Courtship of Monsieur La Mie Elsa D'Esterre Keeling 1886
Profit and Loss Emma Raymond Pitman 1875
Progress and Prejudice Catherine Gore 1854
The Progress of Crime: or, The Authentic Memoirs of Maria Manning Robert Huish 1849
The Progress of Pauline Kessler Frederic Carrel 1899
A Promise Kept Mary Elizabeth Palgrave 1887
Promises and Vows Helen Shipton 1887
Proper Pride: A Novel Bithia Mary Croker 1882
The Prophecy Lady Rachel Evelyn Butler 1862
The Prophet John: A Romance Frederick Boyle 1894
The Prophet of Berkeley Square: A Tragic Extravaganza Robert Hichens 1901
The Prophet of the Caucasus: An Historical Romance of Krim-Tatary Capt. Edmund Spencer 1840
The Prophet of the Ruined Abbey: or, A Glance of the Future of Irela... Hugh Quigley 1863
Prophet Peter: A Study in Delusions Mayne Lindsay 1902
The Prophet's Mantle Edith Nesbit 1889
The Prophet's Mantle Christabel Rose Coleridge 1897
Propsy: A Novel J. B. Douglas 1887
Prosy Jane: or, The Puritan's Bequest Gregory Graves 1868
The Protégé: A Novel Catherine Denoon Ponsonby 1847
A Protégée of Jack Hamlin's Bret Harte 1894
The Protestant Leader Eugène Sue 1849
Proud as Lucifer: A Novel Burke O'Farrell 1877
Proud Maisie Bertha Thomas 1877
Proud Miss Sydney Geraldine Mockler 1896
Proved in the Fire: A Story of the Burning of Hamburg William Duthie 1867
Proved Unworthy Caroline Emily Cameron 1891
Proverb Stories Louisa May Alcott 1882
A Provincial Lady Emma Sarah Williamson 1896
Provincial Papers, Being a Collection of Tales and Sketches Joseph Hatton 1861
Provincial Sketches William Pitt Scargill 1835
The Proving of Priscilla Louie Bennett 1902
The Provocations of Madame Palissy Anne Manning 1854
Prudence Palfrey Thomas Bailey Aldrich 1874
Prudence Winterburn Sarah Doudney 1886
Prue Clara Catherine Andrews 1896
Prue the Poetess H. Louisa Bedford 1897
Prue's Father: or, Miss Prothisa's Promise Ethel Forster Heddle 1894
The Prussian Spy: A Novel Victor Valmont 1871
Prying Polly: and Other Tales for Boys and Girls Mary Emily Ropes 1873
P's and Q's: or, The Question of Putting Upon Charlotte Mary Yonge 1872
Publicans and Sinners: A Novel Godfrey Bosvile 1900
Puck: His Vicissitudes, Adventures, etc Ouida 1870
Puck and Blossom: A Fairy Tale Rosa Mulholland 1874
Puck and Pearl: The Wanderings and Wonderings of Two English Childre... Frederika Macdonald 1887
Pudd'nhead Wilson Mark Twain 1894
Pueris Reverentia: A Story for Boys and Masters Henry William Pullen 1892
Puff, the Pomeranian and Other Tales Lucy Sale-Barker 1885
Puffs of Wind Helen Dickens 1901
Punch Eliza Caroline Phillips 1883
Punch, Judy, and Toby: A Tale Mary Eliza Bramston 1896
Punchinello's Romance Roma White 1892
Punished and Pardoned: or, How Does it End? A Tale of the Nineteenth... Mrs. Alexander S. Orr 1873
The Punters: A Racing Romance Henry George Harper 1900
Puppets: A Romance Percy H. Fitzgerald 1884
Puppets Dallying: A Novel Arthur Lillie 1872
The Purcell Papers J. Sheridan Le Fanu 1880
The Purchase of the North Pole: A Sequel to "From the Earth to the M... Jules Verne 1891
Pure Gold Caroline Emily Cameron 1884
The Purgatory of Peter the Cruel James Greenwood 1868
The Purification of Dolores and Other Stories Morley Roberts 1894
A Puritan's Wife Max Pemberton 1896
Purple and Fine Linen: A Novel Mrs. Alexander Fraser 1889
The Purple Cloud M. P. Shiel 1901
The Purple Robe Joseph Hocking 1900
Pursued by the Law James Maclaren Cobban 1899
The Pursuit of Camilla Clementina Black 1899
Pussy Tip-Toes' Family: A Story for Our Little Girls and Boys Mrs. D. P. Sanford 1876
Put Asunder Clara Lemore 1895
Put to the Proof Caroline Janet Fothergill 1883
Put to the Test: A Novel Ada Buisson 1865
Put to the Test Jeanie Hering 1889
Put Yourself in His Place Charles Reade 1870
Puttyput's Protégée: A Story Henry George Churchill 1872
A Puzzling Pair Amy Le Feuvre 1898
Pyrna, A Commune: or, Under the Ice Ellis James Davis 1875
The Quadroon: or, A Lover's Adventures in Louisiana Capt. Mayne Reid 1856
The Quadroone: or, St. Michael's Day Joseph Holt Ingraham 1840
Quaker Cousins Agnes Macdonell 1879
A Quaker Grandmother Kathleen Mannington Caffyn 1896
A Quaker Maid Mrs. J. F. B. Firth 1898
Quality Corner: A Study of Remorse Clara Louisa Antrobus 1901
Quality Fogg's Old Ledger Sophie Amelia Prosser 1869
The Quality of Mercy: A Tale of Slumberly Quamp Edward Harold Vallings 1890
The Quarry Farm: A Country Tale Joseph Smith Fletcher 1893
The Quarter-Deck: or, Home and Abroad Anonymous 1847
Quatrefoil: A Novel Mary Bathurst Deane 1883
The Quay of the Dioscuri: A History of Nicene Times; Written in Gree... John Mason Neale 1860
Quebec and New York: or, The Three Beauties. An Historical Romance o... Joseph Holt Ingraham 1839
Queechy Susan Bogert Warner 1852
A Queen: A Story for Girls Ottalie Wildermuth 1868
The Queen against Owen Allen Upward 1894
Queen Amethyst: or, The Lips of Snow Henry Blunt 1884
A Queen among Girls Ellinor Davenport Adams 1900
The Queen Anne's Gate Mystery: A Novel Richard Arkwright 1889
Queen Charlotte's Maidens Henrietta Keddie 1901
Queen Cophetua Robert Edward Francillon 1880
Queen Dora: The Life and Lessons of a Little Girl Kathleen Knox 1879
Queen Elfrida of the Olden Time J. S. Williams 1878
Queen Mab Julia Kavanagh 1863
Queen Mab: A Novel Lord James Edward Sholto Douglas 1884
The Queen o' the May Anne Beale 1882
A Queen of Atlantis: A Romance of the Caribbean Sea Francis Henry Atkins 1899
The Queen of Bohemia: A Novel Joseph Hatton 1877
The Queen of Connaught: A Story Harriett Jay 1875
The Queen of Coquettes: Her Courtiers and her Courtships Ernest Warren 1881
A Queen of Curds and Cream Dorothea Gerard 1892
The Queen of Denmark: An Historical Novel Andreas Nicolai de Saint-Aubain 1845
The Queen of Hearts Wilkie Collins 1859
Queen of Herself Alice King 1871
The Queen of Love: A Novel Sabine Baring-Gould 1894
A Queen of Men William O'Brien 1898
The Queen of Night Headon Hill 1896
The Queen of Sheba Thomas Bailey Aldrich 1877
The Queen of the Black Hand Hugh Coleman Davidson 1890
The Queen of the County Julia Cecilia Stretton 1865
Queen of the Daffodils: A Story of High-School Life Alice Laing Stronach 1894
Queen of the Hamlet Horace Frank Lester 1894
Queen of the Isles Jessie Margaret Edmonston Saxby 1897
Queen of the Jesters, and Her Strange Adventures in Paris Max Pemberton 1897
The Queen of the Lakes: A Romance of the Mexican Valley Capt. Mayne Reid 1879
Queen of the Meadow: A Novel Charles Gibbon 1880
The Queen of the Mice, and Other Fairy Tales Anonymous 1868
The Queen of the Moor Frederic Adye 1885
The Queen of the Pirate Isle Bret Harte 1886
Queen of the Ranche: or, Life in the Far West John Laurence Hornibrook 1890
The Queen of the Rangers: A Tale of Indian Life Anonymous 1865
The Queen of the Regiment Katharine King 1872
The Queen of the Savannah: A Story of the Mexican War Gustave Aimard 1862
The Queen of the Seas: A Tale of Sea and Land Francis Claudius Armstrong 1864
The Queen of the World: or, Under the Tyranny Standish James O'Grady 1900
The Queen of Two Worlds: A Novel Laurence Brooke 1879
The Queen Wasp Jean Middlemass 1900
Queenie: A Novel May Crommelin 1874
Queenie's Whim: A Novel Rosa Nouchette Carey 1881
The Queen's Cadet, and Other Tales James Grant 1874
The Queen's Cup: A Novel George Alfred Henty 1897
The Queen's Desire: A Romance of the Indian Mutiny James Hume Nisbet 1893
The Queen's House: A Narrative Lizzie Alldridge 1886
The Queen's Jewel: A Story of Queen Anne's Day Mary Popham Blyth 1889
The Queen's Justice: A True Story of Indian Village Life Sir Edwin Arnold 1899
The Queen's Land: or, Ard Al Malakat Verney Lovett Cameron 1886
The Queen's Lieges: A Novel Anonymous 1846
The Queen's Maries: A Romance of Holyrood George John Whyte-Melville 1862
Queen's Mate John Jessop Teague 1901
Queen's May: or, Stories for Village Girls BTAO "Queen's May" 1862
The Queen's Necklace Alexandre Dumas 1855
The Queen's Pardon Mary Eyre 1860
The Queen's Poisoner: Or, France in the Sixteenth Century. A Romance Louisa Stuart Costello 1841
The Queen's Scarf: A Story of a Scarecrow David Christie Murray 1889
The Queen's Scarlet: Being the Adventures and Misadventures of Sir R... George Manville Fenn 1895
The Queen's Serf: Being the Adventures of Ambrose Gwinett in England... Elsa D'Esterre Keeling 1898
The Queen's Shilling: A Soldier's Story Major Arthur George Frederick Griffiths 1873
The Queensberry Cup Clive Phillipps Wolley 1895
Queensford Elizabeth Taylor 1884
Queer Chums: Being a Narrative of a Midshipman's Adventures and Esca... Charles Henry Eden 1887
Queer Customers: What They Did, and What They Didn't. Promiscuously ... Richard Locke Johnson 1866
Queer Folk: Seven Stories Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen 1874
Queer Little People Harriet Beecher Stowe 1867
Queer People: A Selection of Short Stories Josefina Vilhelmina Vettergrund 1882
A Queer Race: The Story of a Strange People William Bury Westall 1887
A Queer Showman and Other Stories James Greenwood 1885
The Quest of Jack Hazelwood Marion Andrews 1891
The Quest of Mr. East Edwin Johnson 1900
The Quest of the Golden Girl: A Romance Richard Le Gallienne 1896
The Quest of the Golden Pearl J. Robert Hutchinson 1897
The Question of Cain Frances Cashel Hoey 1882
A Question of Colour Francis Charles Philips 1895
A Question of Degree Caroline Janet Fothergill 1896
A Question of Faith Lily Dougall 1895
A Question of Honour: A Novel William Cosmo Monkhouse 1868
A Question of Instinct: An Analytical Study Morley Roberts 1895
A Question of Penmanship: Stories L. B. Walford 1893
A Question of Taste: A Novel Maarten Maartens 1892
A Question of Time Gertrude Atherton 1892
The Quickening of Caliban: A Modern Story of Evolution Sir Joseph Compton Rickett 1893
Quicksands: A Tale Anna Lisle 1858
The Quicksands of Fashion: A Novel Mrs. Martin Lucas 1855
The Quicksands of Pactolus: A Novel Horace Annesley Vachell 1896
Quicksilver: or, The Boy with no Skid to his Wheel George Manville Fenn 1889
Quid's Silver Bond Agnes Giberne 1886
Quiet Corners: An American Tale Mary Howe Henry 1883
The Quiet Heart Margaret Oliphant 1854
The Quiet Husband Ellen Pickering 1840
The Quiet Mrs. Fleming Richard Pryce 1891
A Quiet Nook in the Jura Giovanni Ruffini 1867
Quindaro: or, The Heroine of Fort Laramie. A Tale of the Far West Harry Hazelton 1865
Quinland: or, Varieties in American Life Orlando Williams Wight 1857
Quinnebasset Girls Sophie May 1878
Quintin Matsys, the Blacksmith of Antwerp Pierce Egan 1839
Quintura: Its Singular People and Remarkable Customs Joseph Carne-Ross 1886
Quisante Anthony Hope 1900

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