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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
Constance D'Oyley: A Tale Ellen Wallace 1844
Constance Herbert Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury 1855
Constance Lyndsay: or, The Progress of Error Catherine Georgina Hamilton 1849
Constance Mordaunt: or, Life in the Western Archipelago E. J. W. 1862
Constance Rivers Lady Emma Barrett-Lennard 1867
Constance Sherwood: An Autobiography of the Sixteenth Century Lady Georgiana Fullerton 1865
Constance Tyrrell: or, The Half-Sister Philip Henry Pepys 1852
Constancia's Household: A Story of the Spanish Reformation Emma Leslie 1872
Constancy and Contrition: A Novel Anonymous 1844
A Constant Heart Theodosia Spring Chapman 1877
The Constant Prince Christabel Rose Coleridge 1879
A Constant Woman Elizabeth Glaister 1878
Constantia: A Novel Eleanor C. Price 1876
Constantia Carew: An Autobiography Emma Marshall 1883
Constantine: or, The Last Days of an Empire. An Historical Romance Capt. Edmund Spencer 1855
Constantine: A Tale of Greece under King Otho George Horton 1896
Consuelo: In Two Volumes George Sand 1847
A Consul's Passenger Harry Longley Lander 1894
Contarini Fleming: A Psychological Auto-Biography Benjamin Disraeli 1832
The Contented Home: Or, The Wreath of Hop Blossoms Johann Christoph von Schmid 1879
Contes Drolatiques: Droll Stories Collected from the Abbeys of Toura... Honoré de Balzac 1874
Contesting the County, and Other Tales Samuel Bracebridge Hemyng 1868
Conti the Discarded: With Other Tales and Fancies Henry Fothergill Chorley 1835
Contraband: or, A Losing Hazard George John Whyte-Melville 1871
Contraband of War: A Tale of the Hispano-American Struggle M. P. Shiel 1899
Contradictions Frances Mary Peard 1883
Contrast: A Story of Two Women Lady -- 1884
Contrast: or, The Schoolfellows Harriet Parr 1868
Contrast: or, The Shepherd of Bentham Hill Mrs. Burn 1863
The Convent: A Narrative founded on Fact Rachel MacCrindell 1848
The Convent and the Harem Marian Pisani 1851
Convent Tales: During the Reigns of Henry the Eighth of England, Lou... Ann Adams 1838
Conversations with Cousin Rachel: Part I Anonymous 1844
Conversations with Cousin Rachel: Part II Anonymous 1844
Conversations with Cousin Rachel: Part III Anonymous 1844
Conversations with Cousin Rachel: Part IV Anonymous 1844
The Converts of Kilbann: An Irish Story George Robert Wynne 1869
The Convict G. P. R. James 1847
Convict 99: A True Story of Penal Servitude Marie Connor 1898
Convict No. 25: or, The Clearances of Westmeath James Murphy 1883
The Convict Ship William Clark Russell 1895
Conviction: A Tale Benjamin B. Clarke 1851
Conyers Lea: or, Sketches of Character Military, Magisterial, and Ep... Cyril Thornton 1862
The Cook and the Captive: or, Attalus the Hostage Charlotte Mary Yonge 1894
Coomb Desert: A Novel G. W. Fitz 1876
The Coombsberrow Mystery Gilbert Sheldon 1890
Cooper's First Term Thomas Cobb 1899
The Coparceners: Being the Adventures of Two Heiresses Francis Arthur 1885
The Copper Crash: Founded on Fact Julia Frankau 1889
The Copper Queen: A Romance of To-day Blanche Roosevelt 1886
Copsley Annals: Preserved in Proverbs Emily Steele Elliott 1867
The Coquette: A Novel Biddulph Warner 1858
The Coquette, and Other Tales and Sketches Caroline Sheridan Norton 1835
A Coquette's Conquest Richard Ashe King 1885
Cora: or, The Romance of Three Years. A Novel Gertrude Fenton 1869
Cora: or, Three Years of a Girl's Life Matilda Mary Pollard 1882
Coral Constance Susanna Blount 1893
Coral and Beryl: or, Children of the Kingdom Elizabeth Emily Charlton 1886
Coral and Cocoa-Nut: The Cruise of the Yacht Fire-Fly to Samoa Frank Frankfort Moore 1890
The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean R. M. Ballantyne 1858
The Coral Island: or, The Hereditary Curse George William MacArth Reynolds 1854
The Coral Reef: A Tale of Peril and Adventure Percy Bolingbroke St. John 1866
Coralia: A Plaint of Futurity Ellis James Davis 1876
Coralie: or, The Wreck of the Sybille Charles Henry Eden 1877
Corban Constance Isabella Stuart Smith 1901
Corbie's Pool Susan Morley 1882
The Cord of Love Jeanie Selina Dammast 1867
Cordelia: A Novel Frances E. M. Notley 1879
Cords and Discords: A Family Record of Long Ago Charlotte Atcherley 1880
Corestone Rectory: A Tale Carrie S. Matthews 1880
Corinna: A Study Eliza Margaret von Booth 1885
Corinthia Marazion: A Novel Cecil Griffith 1892
Corleone: A Tale of Sicily F. Marion Crawford 1897
Cormorant Crag: A Tale of the Smuggling Days George Manville Fenn 1895
Corner Cottage and its Inmates: or, Trust in God Fanny Osborne 1869
A Corner in Sleep and Other Impossibilies Ernest Edward Kellett 1900
A Corner of the West Edith Henrietta Fowler 1899
Cornertown Chronicles: New Legends of Old Lore Kathleen Knox 1880
The Cornet of Horse: A Tale of Marlborough's Wars George Alfred Henty 1881
Cornish Diamonds Jessie Bedford 1895
The Cornish Fishermen's Watch-Night, and Other Stories Anonymous 1879
A Cornish Maid Lily Higgin 1896
Cornish Stories Mark Guy Pearse 1884
Cornish Tales, in Prose and Verse I. T. Tregellas 1868
Coronation Mysteries and Other Stories Headon Hill 1902
The Coroner's Understudy Edward Card Mitchell 1891
A Coronet of Shame Charles Garvice 1900
Corrafin Sir Garnet Joseph Wolseley 1878
Corrageen in '98: A Story of the Irish Rebellion Adela Elizabeth Orpen 1898
Corrie: A Story for Christmas Ruth Lynn 1877
Corruption Percy White 1895
The Corsars: or, Love and Lucre John Hill 1885
Corse de Léon: or, The Brigand. A Romance G. P. R. James 1841
The Corsican Brothers: or, The Fatal Duel Thomas Frost 1852
Cortes: or, The Fall of Mexico Robert Montgomery Bird 1835
Cosette: A Novel Katharine Sarah Macquoid 1890
Cosmo Gordon: A Novel Bertha Jane Adams 1882
Cosmo's Violets Cecil Rushton 1877
Cossack and Czar David Ker 1892
The Cossacks: A Tale of the Caucasus in 1852 Count Leo Tolstoy 1878
The Cost of a Coronet: A Romance of Modern Life James McGrigor Allan 1861
The Cost of a Lie Caroline Emily Cameron 1886
The Cost of a Secret Isa Blagden 1863
The Cost of Caergwyn Mary Howitt 1864
The Cost of her Love Charlotte M. Brame 1891
The Cost of Her Pride Mrs. Alexander 1898
The Cost of Revenge: or, Dirty Dick and his Dog Bones; and Other Sto... Anonymous 1880
A Costly Freak Maxwell Gray 1894
A Costly Heritage Alice O'Hanlon 1882
Cot and Cradle Stories Catharine Parr Traill 1896
The Cottage and the Grange Evelyn Ward Everett Green 1885
The Cottage at the Firs Anonymous 1875
The Cottage by the Cathedral, and Other Parables Elizabeth Rundle Charles 1872
The Cottage by the Creek Marion Clifford Butler 1871
Cottage Folk Alice Vansittart Carr 1897
The Cottage Girl: or, The Marriage-Day Mary E. Bennett 1842
The Cottage Next Door Helen Shipton 1884
The Cottage on the Rock: An Allegory Anna Shipton 1862
The Cottage on the Shore: or, Little Gwen's Story Lucy Massey 1870
The Cottagers of Glencarran Letitia McClintock 1869
The Cotters of Mossburn Benjamin Brierley 1871
The Cotton Lord Herbert Glyn 1862
The Cotton Planter's Daughter: A Domestic Story Anonymous 1865
The Cotton-Tree: or, Emily, the Little West Indian. A Tale for Young... Theodora Elizabeth Lynch 1847
Could Aught Atone? Anna Boulton 1880
Could He Do Better? Arthur A. Hoffmann 1887
Coultour's Factory Edith Rodwell 1881
Coulyng Castle: or, A Knight of the Olden Days Agnes Giberne 1875
A Counsel of Perfection Lucas Malet 1888
The Count: or, Sublunary Life. By One in a High Station Anonymous 1848
Count Arensberg: or, The Days of Martin Luther Joseph Sortain 1853
Count Cagliostro: or, The Charlatan. A Tale of the Reign of Louis XVI Thomas Andrew James 1838
The Count de Perbruck: An Historical Romance Henry Cooke 1859
Count Hannibal: A Romance of the Court of France Stanley John Weyman 1901
Count Königsmark: An Historical Romance Frederick Chamier 1845
The Count of Monte-Cristo Alexandre Dumas 1846
The Count of Talavera Jacob van Lennep 1881
The Count of the Saxon Shore: or, The Villa in Vectis. A Tale of the... Alfred John Church 1887
Count Teleki: A Story of Jewish Life and Customs ECA 1869
Count Ulrich von Lindburg: A Tale of the Reformation in Germany William Henry Giles Kingston 1868
Count up the Sunny Days: A Story for Boys and Girls Cecilia Anne Jones 1882
The Counter of this World Lillias Wassermann 1884
Counterfeit Coin Miriam Ross 1871
Counterparts: or, The Cross of Love: A Novel Elizabeth Sara Sheppard 1854
The Countess: A Novel Theodore Sedgwick Fay 1840
Countess Daphne: A Novel Eliza Margaret von Booth 1880
The Countess de Charny Alexandre Dumas 1860
The Countess Dowager: A Sequel to The Old Palace Julia Augusta Tilt 1862
The Countess Eve Joseph Henry Shorthouse 1888
The Countess Faustina: A Novel Countess Ida von Hahn-Hahn 1845
The Countess Gisela Eugenie Marlitt 1870
Countess Helena Marion Andrews 1896
Countess Irene Joseph Fogerty 1888
Countess Kate Charlotte Mary Yonge 1862
The Countess Margarthe and Her Children: or, Country Life in Russia.... Sarah M. S. Clarke 1872
Countess Maud: or, The Changes of the World. A Tale of the Fourteent... Emily Sarah Holt 1892
The Countess Miranda Percy Bolingbroke St. John 1861
The Countess of Bonneval: Her Life and Letters Lady Georgiana Fullerton 1858
The Countess of Glosswood: A Tale Anonymous 1870
The Countess of Rudolstadt: Being a Sequel to Consuelo George Sand 1851
The Countess of Salisbury: To which is added The Maid of Corinth Alexandre Dumas 1840
Countess Petrovski Orme Agnus 1898
The Countess Pharamond: A Sequel to "Sheba" Eliza Margaret von Booth 1893
The Countess Radna William Edward Norris 1893
The Countess Sarah Georges Ohnet 1884
The Countess Tekla Robert Barr 1899
The Countess's Cross Mrs. Egerton 1868
Counting the Cost: A Novel William Duthie 1867
The Country: or, Old Michael and Young Maurice George Mogridge 1843
The Country and London: A Tale for Little Boys and Girls Mary Atkinson Maurice 1849
Country Coteries Lady Chatterton 1868
Country Courtships: A Novel Anne Beale 1869
The Country Cousin Frances Mary Peard 1889
The Country Gentleman William Knightley Horlock 1862
A Country Gentleman and his family Margaret Oliphant 1886
The Country House on the Rhine Berthold Auerbach 1870
The Country I Come from Henry Lawson 1901
Country Landlords Louisa Matilda Spooner 1860
Country Maidens Mary Eliza Bramston 1875
A Country Mouse Mary Emma Martin 1887
Country Quarters Countess of Blessington 1850
Country Stories Mary Russell Mitford 1837
Country Stories, Old and New: In Prose and Verse Harriet Parr 1872
A Country Sweetheart: A Novel Dora Russell 1894
Country Versus Counter: A Novel Theodore Russell Monro 1878
A Country Visit: A Tale Charlotte Anne Mousley 1863
The County: A Novel Cecil Dunstan 1889
A County Family: A Novel James Payn 1869
The County Magistrate: A Novel Hannah Dorothy Burdon 1854
County People Annie Thomas 1880
A County Scandal F. Emily Phillips 1899
County Society: A Novel Anonymous 1861
Courage: A Novel Robert Langstaff de Havilland 1886
Courage and Cowards: A Book for Girls and Boys Selina Gaye 1868
The Courage of Pauline: A Novel Morley Roberts 1896
The Courage of Sylvia Fulgent Hubert Billinghurst Knight 1893
Courage, True Hearts: The Story of Three Boys William Gordon Stables 1899
The Course of a Revolution: or, The Parthenopaean Republic. A Histor... Anonymous 1849
The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth Charles Reade 1857
Court and the Cottage: or, The Two Alices S. L. 1870
The Court and the Kiln: A Story on the Church Catechism S. T. C. 1871
The Court Favourite: or, Facts and Fiction of the Nineteenth Century Jane Roberts 1840
Court Intrigues: A Novel William Peake 1846
Court Netherleigh: A Novel Ellen Wood 1881
The Court of Honour William Le Queux 1901
The Court Partial of 18--: A Tale of Military Life Anonymous 1844
Court Royal: A Story of Cross Currents Sabine Baring-Gould 1886
Court Secrets: A Novel Katherine Thomson 1857
A Court Tragedy Albert Dresden Vandam 1900
Courtenay of Walreddon: A Romance of the West Anna Eliza Bray 1844
The Courtesy Dame: A Novel Robert Murray Gilchrist 1900
The Courtier of the Days of Charles II, with Other Tales Catherine Gore 1839
The Courtier's Daughter Catherine Manners 1838
The Courting of Mary Smith Frederick William Robinson 1886
Courtland: A Novel. By the Daughter of Mary Ann Wellington Richard Cobbold 1852
Courtleroy Anne Beale 1887
Courtship and a Campaign: A Milanese Tale of '66 Linda Mazini 1873
Courtship and Wedlock Harriet Maria Smythies 1850
Courtship in Seventeen Hundred and Twenty, in Eighteen Hundred and S... Hawley Smart 1876
The Courtship of Morrice Buckler: A Romance A. E. W. Mason 1896
Cousin Aleck: or, Boy-Life Among the Indians Francis Robert Goulding 1871
Cousin Annie: or, Heart and Hand Sarah Schoonmaker Baker 1868
Cousin Bessie: A Story of Youthful Earnestness Clara Lucas Balfour 1863
Cousin Cinderella: A Novel Veronica King 1892
Cousin Deborah's Whim: A Tale Mary Elizabeth Shipley 1878
Cousin Dick Lily Tinsley 1885
Cousin Dora: or, Serving the King Emily Brodie 1887
Cousin Dorry: or, Three Measures of Meal Marion Clarke 1883
Cousin Ellen: A Tale Eliza Paget 1838
Cousin Eustace: or, Conversations on the Prayer Book Henrietta Louisa Farrer 1851
Cousin Flo Frederick Scarlett Potter 1877
The Cousin from India: A Story for Girls Georgiana Marion Craik 1871
Cousin Geoffrey: The Old Bachelor. A Novel Harriet Maria Smythies 1840
Cousin Geoffrey and I Caroline Austin 1890
Cousin George and Other Tales Mrs. Walker 1845
Cousin Harry Catherine Maria Grey 1858
Cousin Henry: A Novel Anthony Trollope 1879
Cousin Isabel: A Tale of the Siege of Londonderry Marion Andrews 1892
Cousin Ivo Cecily Sidgwick 1899
Cousin Jack: A Domestic Novel Anonymous 1868
Cousin Jim: A Sepia Sketch Lily Higgin 1897
Cousin Kate: or, The Punishment of Pride. A Tale Catherine Grace Godwin 1836
Cousin Mabel's Experiences: Sketches of Religious Life in England Miss Whately 1870
Cousin Mary Margaret Oliphant 1888
Cousin Mona Rosa Nouchette Carey 1897
Cousin Ned Louisa Mary Gray 1890
Cousin Phillis and Other Tales Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 1865
Cousin Sidney Elizabeth Traice 1879
Cousin Simon Clara Catherine Marsham 1879
Cousin Stella: or, Conflict Henrietta Camilla Jenkin 1859

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