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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
Surrender: A Novel Grace L. Keith Johnston 1881
The Surrender of Margaret Bellarmine Adeline Sergeant 1894
The Survivor E. Phillips Oppenheim 1901
The Survivors Henry Cresswell 1886
The Survivors of the Chancellor: Diary of J. R. Kazallon, Passenger Jules Verne 1875
Susan Fanny Osborne 1862
Susan: or, The First Year in Service Anonymous 1873
Susan and Magdalene BTAO "The Cousins Reconciled" 1866
Susan and the Doll: or, Do Not be Covetous. The Little Orphan's Hist... Caroline Leicester 1861
Susan Drummond: A Novel Charlotte Elizabeth Riddell 1884
Susan Fielding Annie Edwards 1869
Susan Osgood's Prize: A New Story about an Old One Mrs. J. F. Foster 1873
Susannah Mary Elizabeth Mann 1895
Susie and the Chestnut Stall Mary Keary 1891
Suspense: A Novel Hugh Stowell Scott 1890
Suspicion Aroused Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock 1893
A Sussex Idyl Clementina Black 1877
Sussex Stories Eleanor Grace O'Reilly 1880
Susy Bret Harte 1893
Susy's Flowers: or, 'Blessed are the Merciful, for they shall obtain... Frances Mary Synge 1862
Susy's Sacrifice Julia A. Mathews 1867
The Sutherlands Miriam Coles Harris 1865
Suzanne de l'Orme: A Story of France in Huguenot Times Harriet Gabourel 1872
Swahili Tales, as Told by Native of Zanzibar: With an English Transl... Edward Steere 1871
The Swallow: A Tale of the Great Trek H. Rider Haggard 1899
Swallow-Tails and Skippers Francesca Maria Steele 1886
Swallowed by an Earthquake Edward Douglas Fawcett 1894
The Swallows of Leigh Farm: A Story for CHildren BTAO "The Book of Children's Hymns and Rhym... 1869
A Swallow's Wing: A Tale of Pekin Charles Hannan 1888
The Swampers: A Romance of the Westralian Goldfields James Hume Nisbet 1897
The Swan and Her Crew: or, The Adventures of Three Young Naturalists... George Christopher Davies 1876
Swanford Bridge BTAO "Madeleine's Forgiveness" 1886
The Swan's Egg Anna Maria Hall 1851
The Sway of Philippa James Blythe Patton 1900
The Swedish Singer: Or, The Story of Vanda Rosendahl Mrs. Walter G. Hall 1871
The Swedish Twins: A Tale for the Young Sarah Schoonmaker Baker 1878
Sweet and Twenty Edward James Mortimer Collins 1875
Sweet Anna Greyson Ellen Baseley 1888
Sweet Anne Page Edward James Mortimer Collins 1868
Sweet Bells Jangled: A Novel Challys Vane 1872
Sweet Bells Out of Tune Constance Cary Harrison 1893
Sweet Charity Mary Bell 1891
Sweet Christabel: A Novel Arabella Maud Hopkinson 1885
Sweet Content Mary Louisa Molesworth 1891
Sweet Counsel: A Book for Girls Henrietta Keddie 1866
A Sweet Disorder Norma Octavia Lorimer 1896
Sweet Flowers Matilda Anne Mackarness 1873
A Sweet Girl Graduate Elizabeth Thomasina Meade 1891
Sweet Idolatry Miss Anstruther 1875
Sweet Inisfail: A Romance Richard Dowling 1882
Sweet Irish Eyes: A Novel Edith E. Cuthell 1897
Sweet is True Love Katharine King 1888
Sweet Kitty Clare Jennie Chappell 1897
Sweet Little Rogues: A Child's Story Elvina Corbould 1876
Sweet Mace: A Sussex Legend of the Iron Times George Manville Fenn 1884
Sweet Magdalen: Only a Love Story Marie Connor 1887
Sweet Nance Waverley Alice Mangoldt Diehl 1899
The Sweet o' the Year: A Novel Henry John Wilmot Buxton 1887
Sweet Seventeen: A Home and Colonial Story Arthur Locker 1866
A Sweet Sinner James Hume Nisbet 1897
The Sweet Story of Old: A Sunday Book for Little Ones Hesba Stretton 1884
Sweet Violet, and Other Stories Christina Catherine Fraser Tytler 1869
Sweet Violets and Other Tales Matilda Anne Mackarness 1873
Sweet William Mrs. Thomas Erskine 1880
Sweet, not Lasting: A Novel Annie B. Lefurt 1874
Sweetbriar: or, Doings in Priorsthorp Magna Agnes Giberne 1882
Sweetbrier Owen Masters 1898
Sweetheart and Wife: A Novel Lady Constance Howard 1882
Sweetheart Gwen: A Welsh Idyll William Edward Tirebuck 1893
Sweetheart Travellers: A Child's Book for Children, for Women, and f... S. R. Crockett 1895
Sweethearts and Friends: A Story of the Seventies Maxwell Gray 1897
Sweethearts and Wives Marguerite Agnes Power 1861
Swept out to Sea David Ker 1896
Swift and Sure: or, The Career of Two Brothers Alfred Elwes 1873
Swifter than a Weaver's Shuttle: A Sketch from Life James William Gambier 1887
The Swing of the Pendulum Frances Mary Peard 1893
The Swintons of Wandale: A Novel Joseph Crawford Scott 1879
The Swoop of the Eagles: An Episode from the Secret History of Europe Anonymous 1889
Sword and Assegai Anna Howarth 1899
Sword and Gown George Alfred Lawrence 1859
Sword Flashes Ferdinand Mansel Peacock 1895
The Sword of Damocles Theodore Augustus Tharp 1880
The Sword of Damocles: A Story of New York Life Anna Katherine Green 1884
The Sword of De Bardwell: A Tale of Agincourt C. M. Katherine Phipps 1881
The Sword of Fate Henry Herman 1899
Sworn Allies M. E. Le Clerc 1897
Sworn Foes, and The Skeleton on the Hearth Edith Stewart Drewry 1879
Sybarite and Spartan: A Novel Harriet Nunn 1880
Sybil: or, The Two Nations Benjamin Disraeli 1845
Sybil and Chryssa: Being a Sequel to Mr. Rutherford's Children Susan Bogert Warner 1869
Sybil and Dave: or, The Little Comforter Jessie Fearon Armstrong 1887
Sybil Campbell: or, The Queen of the Isle. A Tale of Dark Deeds, and... May Agnes Fleming 1865
Sybil Chase: or, The Valley Ranche. A Tale of California Life Ann S. Stephens 1862
Sybil Fairleigh S. Elizabeth Hall 1897
Sybil Foster's Love Story: or, The Country Cousin Lady Watkin Williams 1897
Sybil Grey: An Autobiography Bourne Gomerie 1859
Sybil Grey Eliza Perring 1877
Sybil Lennard: A Novel Catherine Maria Grey 1846
Sybil Ross's Marriage: The Romance of an Inexperienced Girl Francis Charles Philips 1890
Sybil, and her Live Snowball: To which is Added the Story of the Bir... Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen 1880
Sybilla Lockwood Noell Radecliffe 1864
Sybilla, and Other Stories Isabella Banks 1884
Sybil's Book Lady Barker 1874
Sybil's Friend and How She Found Him Florence Marryat 1874
Sybil's Message Emily Brodie 1888
Sybil's Repentance: or, A Dream of Good Margaret Scott Haycraft 1892
Sybil's Sacrifice and Other Choice Stories for the Young Anonymous 1870
Sybil's Second Love Julia Kavanagh 1867
Syd Belton, the Boy who would not go to Sea George Manville Fenn 1891
The Sydenhams of Beechwood: or, The Two Espousals. A Tale Anonymous 1879
Sydney Georgiana Marion Craik 1881
Sydney Beresford: A Tale of the Day Louisa Sidney Stanhope 1835
Sydney Fielding: The Domestic History of a Gentleman who Served unde... Edwin Keene 1857
Sydney Morcom: A Novel Anonymous 1844
A Sydney Sovereign and Other Tales Jessie Catherine Couvreur 1890
Sydney Stuart: or, Love Seeketh not her own Catherine Douglas Bell 1856
A Sydney-Side Saxon Rolf Boldrewood 1891
Sydney's Chums: A Story of East adn West London H. F. Gethen 1897
Sydney's Inheritance Mary S. Hancock 1893
Sydney's Secret: or, Honesty is the Best Policy Evelyn Ward Everett Green 1891
Sydonie's Dowry Margaret Roberts 1865
Sylvan Holt's Daughter Harriet Parr 1858
A Sylvan Queen Eliza Tabor Stephenson 1880
Sylvanus: or, The Primitive Christian. A Tale of the First Century o... Anonymous 1844
Sylvester Enderby, the Poet: A Tale Louis Sand 1861
Sylvester Sound, the Somnambulist Henry Cockton 1844
Sylvestra: Studies of Manners in England from 1770 to 1880 Annie Raine Ellis 1881
The Sylvestres Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards 1871
Sylvia and Janet Anne Maria Carter Smith 1870
Sylvia Arden: A Novel Oswald John Frederick Crawfurd 1888
Sylvia Brooke Magdalen Harriet Mary Capes 1888
Sylvia in Flowerland Linda Gardiner 1899
Sylvia's Ambition Adeline Sergeant 1901
Sylvia's Choice Georgiana Marion Craik 1874
Sylvia's Enemy Frederick Scarlett Potter 1880
Sylvia's Lovers Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 1863
Sylvia's New Home: A Story for the Young Mrs. J. F. B. Firth 1877
Sylvia's Romance Marion Andrews 1900
Sylvie and Bruno Lewis Carroll 1889
Sylvie and Bruno Concluded Lewis Carroll 1893
Symphonies George Egerton 1897
A Syndicate of Sinners Gertrude Warden 1901
The Syren: A Story Cecil Medlicott 1886
Syrlin: A Novel Ouida 1890
Tabby's Travels: Or, The Holiday Adventures of a Kitten Lucy Ellen Guernsey 1864
Tabby's Travels: Told by Herself Frederick Scarlett Potter 1880
The Tablette Booke of Ladye Mary Keyes, Owne Sister to the Misfortun... Flora Frances Wylde 1861
Tacita Tacit: A Novel Jane Vaughan Pinkney 1860
Tact: A Novel Frederick August Hoffmann 1887
Tad: or, "Getting Even" with Him Edward S. Ellis 1890
The Tadpole of an Archangel, and Other Naval Stories William Price Drury 1898
Taia: A Shadow of the Nile Marie Louise Hutcheson 1890
Take Care of Number One: or, Good to me Includes Good to Thee Samuel Griswold Goodrich 1848
Take Care Whom You Trust Compton Reade 1872
Taken at his Word Walter Raymond 1892
Taken at the Flood: A Novel Mary Elizabeth Braddon 1874
Taken from the Enemy Sir Henry John Newbolt 1892
Taken Up: A Tale for Boys and Girls Alfred Whymper 1873
Taken upon Trust Matilda Charlotte Houstoun 1863
Taking French Leave Lizzie Ellen Tiddeman 1896
Taking it up: or, Katie's Probation Emma S. Pratt 1890
The Taking of Dover Horace Frank Lester 1888
Taking the Bastile: or, Six Years Later. Being the Sequel to "The Me... Alexandre Dumas 1859
Taking the Consequences: A Book for the Present Day Charlotte Bickersteth Wheeler 1867
Talbot and Vernon: A Novel John Ludlum McConnel 1850
Talbot Hall: A Novel Robert S. Carter 1855
Talbot Harland William Harrison Ainsworth 1871
Talbot's Folly: A Novel W. B. Guinee 1882
A Tale for the Pharisees William Gilbert 1859
The Tale of a Horse William Allison 1884
A Tale of a Lonely Parish F. Marion Crawford 1886
A Tale of a Nest Edis Searle 1872
A Tale of a Spoon Mary Trevor Pembroke 1878
The Tale of Chloe; The House on the Beach; The Case of General Ople ... George Meredith 1894
A Tale of Second Sight. And The Forbidden Sail M. T. Johnson 1882
A Tale of the Crusades Sarah Crompton 1872
A Tale of the French Revolution Francis Osbern Giffard 1870
A Tale of the House of the Wolflings and All the Kindred of the Mark William Morris 1889
A Tale of the Summer Holidays Geraldine Mockler 1899
The Tale of the Ten: A Salt-Water Romance William Clark Russell 1896
A Tale of the Thames: With Illustrations in Verse by the Author Joseph Ashby-Sterry 1896
A Tale of the Vaudois: Designed for Young Persons Annie Webb 1842
A Tale of Two Brothers James Francis Cobb 1866
A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens 1859
A Tale of Two Old Songs Marion Clifford Butler 1871
A Tale of Two Rings: A Story of Episodes and Intervals Samuel Gordon 1898
A Tale of Two Stowaways C. Ellis 1901
A Tale of Two Tunnels: A Romance of the Western Waters William Clark Russell 1897
A Tale That is Told Oliver 1881
A Tale told by Two Lizzie Ellen Tiddeman 1894
Talent and Tact: A Tale Arthur Ringwood 1868
Talent in Tatters: or, Some Vicissitudes in the Life of an English Boy Edith Hawtrey 1878
Tales Edgar Allan Poe 1846
Tales about Christmas Samuel Griswold Goodrich 1838
Tales about Temperaments John Oliver Hobbes 1902
Tales and Adventures for the Young Mrs. Laurie 1867
Tales and Illustrations: "He Spake Many Things to Them in Parables" Anonymous 1876
Tales and Legends of Saxony and Lusatia William Bury Westall 1877
Tales and Legends of the Tyrol Marie A. von Gunther 1874
Tales and Sketches George Rooper 1872
Tales and Sketches Hugh Miller 1863
Tales and Sketches for Fireside Reading Charles Fleet 1849
Tales and Sketches of Christian Life in Different Lands and Ages Elizabeth Rundle Charles 1850
Tales and Sketches of Lancashire Life Benjamin Brierley 1862
Tales and Sketches of Lancashire Life [volume 2] Benjamin Brierley 1862
Tales and Sketches of the Covenanters: Being a Choice Selection of N... Anonymous 1880
Tales and Sketches of the Scottish Peasantry Alexander Bethune 1838
Tales and Sketches, Historical and Domestic Effie A. Clarke 1838
Tales and Stories to Shorten the Way Anonymous 1863
Tales and Traditions of Hungary Ferenc Pulszky 1851
Tales and Trifles William Mudford 1849
Tales at Tea-Time: Fairy Stories Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen 1872
Tales by a Barrister Frederick Liardet 1844
Tales Explanatory of the Sacrements Elizabeth de Vaux Agnew 1846
Tales for a Bible Class of Girls William Edward Heygate 1875
Tales for all ages William Henry Giles Kingston 1863
Tales for all Seasons Emily Judson 1853
Tales for Boys and Girls Anonymous 1869
Tales for Christmas Eve Rhoda Broughton 1873
Tales for Me to Read to Myself Anonymous 1863
Tales for Mission Rooms Sarah Tomlinson 1873
Tales for my Godson Franz Hoffmann 1851
Tales for Sunday Scholars Frances E. Reade 1878
Tales for the Bush Mary Theresa Vidal 1846
Tales for the Children's Hour Anonymous 1865
Tales for the Marines Walter Thornbury 1865
Tales for the Marines Robert Blatchford 1901
Tales for the Twilight Joseph Verey 1858
Tales for Town and Country Anonymous 1866
Tales for Village Schools Jane Kinderley Stanford 1866
Tales from Alsace: or, Scenes and Portraits from Life in the Days of... Margaretha Spörlin 1868
Tales from Catland, for Little Kittens Anonymous 1851
Tales from Dreamland Horace Scudder 1865
Tales from Fairyland James Johnson 1868
Tales from French History Phoebe M. Feilden 1871
Tales from the Diary of a Sister of Mercy Charlotte M. Brame 1867
Tales from the Fjeld: A Second Series of Popular Tale P. Christian Asbjörnsen 1874
Tales from the German Anonymous 1863
Tales from the Holly-Tree Farm Mona B. Bickerstaffe 1870
Tales from the Note-Book of a Stroller Douglas Stewart 1862
Tales from the Telling-House Richard Doddridge Blackmore 1896
Tales from the Veld Ernest Glanville 1897
Tales from the Western Moors Walter Matthew Gallichan 1895
Tales Illustrative of the Beatitudes Harriet Power 1864
Tales in Prose: For the Young Mary Howitt 1836
Tales in the Cabin: or, Nights on the Ocean William Heard Hillyard 1861
Tales of a Deserted Village Charles Allen Clarke 1894
Tales of a Dying Race Alfred Augustus Grace 1901
Tales of a Grammar School John William Reed 1864
Tales of a Grandmother Alison Charles Carmichael 1841

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