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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
The Green Field: A Novel of the Midlands Neil Wynn Williams 1899
Green Fire: A Romance William Sharp 1896
The Green Flag and Other Stories of War and Sport Arthur Conan Doyle 1900
The Green Garland Frances E. Crompton 1896
The Green Girls of Greythorpe Christabel Rose Coleridge 1890
The Green Graves of Balgowrie Jane Helen Findlater 1896
The Green Hand: A Sea Story. Being the Adventures of a Naval Lieuten... George Cupples 1856
The Green Hills by the Sea: A Manx Story Hugh Coleman Davidson 1887
The Green Mountain Boys: A Story of the American War of Independence Eliza Fanny Pollard 1896
The Green of the Period: or, The Unsuspected Foe in the Englishman's... Anonymous 1869
The Green Passion: Being the Study of a Jealous Soul Anthony P. Vert 1899
Green Pastures and Piccadilly William Black 1877
Green Pleasure and Grey Grief Margaret Wolfe Hungerford 1886
The Green Ray Jules Verne 1883
Green Tea: A Love Story Vesta S. Simmons 1892
The Green Turbans James Maclaren Cobban 1902
The Green-Eyed Monster Henry Courtney Selous 1871
Greene Ferne Farm Richard Jefferies 1880
The Greenwich Pensioners Lt. Hatchway, R.N. 1838
The Gregors: A Cornish Story Jane H. Spettigue 1878
Gregory Hawkshaw, His Character and Opinions BTAO "Colonial Adventures" 1873
Greifenstein: A Novel F. Marion Crawford 1889
Gretchen: A Novel Eliza Margaret von Booth 1887
Gretchen's Holiday Emma Leslie 1887
Gretchen's Troubles: A Story of German Peasant Life. For Girls Alfred Harold Engelbach 1867
Gretna Green: or, All for Love Susannah Frances Reynolds 1848
Grettir the Outlaw: A Story of Iceland Sabine Baring-Gould 1890
Greville: or, A Season in Paris Catherine Gore 1841
Greville Landon: A Novel John Percy Gordon 1872
Grey Abbey: A Novel Theobald Raoul William 1877
Grey and Gold Emma Jane Worboise 1870
Grey Craigs: or, "Auld Lang Syne" Jean L. Watson 1880
A Grey Eye or So Frank Frankfort Moore 1893
The Grey House at Endlestone Emma Jane Worboise 1877
The Grey House on the Hill Hon. Louisa Lelias Greene 1870
The Grey Lady Hugh Stowell Scott 1895
The Grey Man S. R. Crockett 1896
Grey Mantle and Gold Fringe David Storrar Meldrum 1896
The Grey Monk Thomas Wilkinson Speight 1895
Grey of Greybury: A Novel James Cyprian Camby Biddle-Cope 1884
The Grey Pool, and Other Stories Frances Parthenope Verney 1891
Grey Roses Henry Harland 1895
Grey Towers: or, Aunt Hetty's Will Matilda Mary Pollard 1877
Grey Weather: Moorland Tales of my Own People John Buchan 1899
The Grey Woman and Other Tales Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 1865
Greymore: A Story of Country Life Mrs. A. B. Church 1860
Grey's Court Lady Chatterton 1865
Greyslaer: A Romance of the Mohawk Charles Fenno Hoffman 1840
Greystone Abbey Emily Foster 1882
Greystone Grange Da Due Signore 1889
Grif: A Story of Australian Life Benjamin Leopold Farjeon 1871
Griffith Gaunt: or, Jealousy Charles Reade 1866
Griffith's Double Frances Cashel Hoey 1876
Griggie's Pilgrimage: or, Heaven is my Home Jessie Fearon Armstrong 1887
The Grim House Mary Louisa Molesworth 1899
Grim Tales Edith Nesbit 1893
Grins and Wrinkles: or, Food for Thought and Laughter James McGrigor Allan 1858
The Grip of the Bookmaker Percy White 1901
The Grip of the Wolf John Jessop Teague 1900
Grip!: A Novel Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard 1896
Grisel Romney Mary Elizabeth Fraser Tytler 1880
Griselda: A Novel Alice Mangoldt Diehl 1886
Grisly Grisell: or, The Laidly Lady of Whitburn. A Tale of the Wars ... Charlotte Mary Yonge 1893
The Ground Ash: A Public School Story Henry William Pullen 1874
A Group of Noble Dames Thomas Hardy 1891
Grown-Up Babies John Habberton 1877
Grumble: or, How She Wanted to Grow Up. A Child's Story Mrs. Thomas Erskine 1882
Grumbleby Hall: or, Whose Boy? Eleanor Lloyd 1883
The Grumbler: A Novel Ellen Pickering 1843
Gryll Grange Thomas Love Peacock 1861
The Guardian Emilie Flygare-Carlén 1865
Guardian and Lover Mrs. Alexander Fraser 1876
A Guardian Angel Matilda Anne Mackarness 1864
The Guardian Angel Oliver Wendell Holmes 1867
Guards, Hussars, and Infantry: Adventures of Harry Austin. By an Off... An Officer 1838
Guarica, the Charib Bride: A Legend of Hispaniola Henry William Herbert 1844
Guavas the Tinner Sabine Baring-Gould 1897
Gubbins Minor and Some Other Fellows: A Story of School Life Fred Whishaw 1897
Guenn: A Wave on the Breton Coast Blanche Willis Howard 1883
The Guerilla Chief, and Other Tales Capt. Mayne Reid 1867
Guessing Stories: Or, The Surprising Adventures of the Man with the ... Philip Freeman 1864
The Guide of the Desert: or, Life in the Pampas Gustave Aimard 1867
Guide, Philosopher, and Friend Mary Emma Martin 1884
A Guiding Star Wilhelmina Martha James 1880
Guild Court George MacDonald 1868
Guilderoy Ouida 1889
Guilty: or, Not Guilty. A Novel Harriet Maria Smythies 1864
Guilty Bonds William Le Queux 1891
Guilty Gold: A Romance of Financial Fraud and City Crime Headon Hill 1896
The Guilty River Wilkie Collins 1886
Guilty, or Not Guilty?: A Tale William George Hamley 1878
Guinea Gold: or, The Great Barrier Reef Charles Henry Eden 1879
The Guinea Stamp: A Tale of Modern Glasgow Annie S. Swan 1892
The Gun Runner: A Romance of Zululand Bertram Mitford 1893
Gunner Jack and Uncle John C. E. C. Weigall 1900
Gurney Married: A Sequel to Gilbert Gurney Theodore Edward Hook 1838
Gustavus Lindorm: A Novel Emilie Flygare-Carlén 1854
Guthred, the Widow's Slave: An Historical Tale Agnes Strickland 1876
Gutta Percha Willie: The Working Genius George MacDonald 1873
Guy Beauchamp's Victory Anonymous 1875
Guy Darrel's Wives: A Novel E. Iles 1884
Guy Deverell J. Sheridan Le Fanu 1865
Guy Falconer: or, The Chronicles of the Old Moat House Lucy Ellen Guernsey 1876
Guy Fawkes: or, The Gunpowder Treason. An Historical Romance William Harrison Ainsworth 1841
Guy Livingstone: or, Thorough George Alfred Lawrence 1857
Guy Mervyn: A Novel Florence Louisa Barclay 1891
Guy Rivers: or, A Boy's Struggles in the Great World Alfred Elwes 1862
Guy Rivers, the Outlaw: A Tale of Georgia William Gilmore Simms 1835
Guy Vernon Hon. Isabella Letitia Woulfe 1870
Guy Waterman: A Novel John Saunders 1864
Gwen: or, The Cousins. A Tale A. M. Goodrich 1855
Gwen Dale's Ordeal Clara Lemore 1891
Gwen Wynn: A Romance of the Wye Capt. Mayne Reid 1877
Gwendoline Agnes Giberne 1885
Gwendoline: A Novel Anonymous 1867
Gwendoline's Harvest: A Novel James Payn 1870
The Gwillians of Bryn Gwillian Susanna Carnegie Venn 1876
Gwynedd: A Novel Frances Geraldine Southern 1877
Gwyneth: A Story of Seventeen Hundred Years Ago L. S. E. 1874
Gwynett of Thornhaugh: A Romance Frederick William Hayes 1900
The Gypsies of the Danes' Dyke: A Story of Hedge-Life in England, in... George S. Phillips 1864
A Gypsy Against her Will Emma Leslie 1889
Gypsy Breynton Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 1872
Gypsy's Cousin Joy Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 1873
Gypsy's Sowing and Reaping Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 1873
Gypsy's Year at the Golden Crescent Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 1873
Gytha's Message: A Tale of Saxon England Emma Leslie 1885
Habbie and Madge: A Series of Scottish Dialogues James Smith 1872
Hacco, the Dwarf: or, The Tower on the Mountain, and Other Tales Henrietta Lushington 1865
The Hacienda on the Hill: A Novel Henry Richard Savage 1899
Haco the Dreamer: A Tale of Scotch University Life William Sime 1884
Hadassah: or, The Adopted Child Susan Selby Coppard 1847
Hagar: A Novel Eliza Tabor Stephenson 1870
Hagar: A North Yorkshire Pastoral Mary Jane Linskill 1887
Hagar of Homerton Alice Dudeney 1898
Hagar of the Pawn-Shop Fergus Hume 1898
Hagarene George Alfred Lawrence 1874
Haggith Shy, Quakeress Mary Nicholls Daubeney White 1900
Hair-Breadth Escapes: or, The Adventures of Three Boys in South Africa Henry Cadwallader Adams 1877
Hal Hungerford: or, The Strange Adventures of a Boy Emigrant J. Robert Hutchinson 1891
Half a Commandment Elizabeth M. A. F. Saxby 1875
Half a Hero Anthony Hope 1893
Half a Life Sir George Webbe Dasent 1874
Half a Million of Money: A Novel Amelia B. Edwards 1865
Half Brothers: Tales for Twilight Hour Hesba Stretton 1892
Half my Life William Theodore Hickman 1901
Half Round the World for a Husband: A Comedy of Errors May Crommelin 1896
The Half Sisters: A Tale Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury 1848
Half Way: An Anglo-French Romance Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards 1886
Half-a-Dozen Daughters Victoria Baker 1871
Half-a-Dozen Transgressions Hélène E. A. Gingold 1896
The Half-Caste: An Old Governess's Tale Dinah Marie Craik 1897
The Half-Hearted John Buchan 1900
Half-Hours of Blind Man's Holiday: or, Summer and Winter Sketches in... William Wilthew Fenn 1878
The Half-Sisters Mary Kirby 1880
The Half-Sister's Secret: (Le Secret de la Cadichonne ou Le Chalet d... Fortuné du Boisgobey 1889
Halil the Pedlar: A Tale of Old Stambul Mór Jókai 1901
The Hall and the Hamlet: or, Scenes and Characters of Country Life William Howitt 1847
The Hall and the Manor House Anonymous 1849
The Hall of Chavenlay: A Winter's Tale of 1649 Capt. Henry Curling 1852
Hall-Court Hon. Fenella Fitzhardinge Armytage 1886
The Hallett Family: A Story for the Young Sarah Schoonmaker Baker 1863
The Halletts: A Country Town Chronicle Grace L. Keith Johnston 1891
The Hallow Isle Tragedy Anonymous 1860
Hall's Vineyard Maud Jeanne Franc 1875
Hallvard Halvorsen: or, The Avalanche. A Story of the Fjeld Fjord an... Nellie Cornwall 1887
Halves: A Novel James Payn 1876
Hamilton Graeme: or, The Fourth Generation BTAO "Kind Words to my Cottage Friends" 1864
Hamilton King: or, The Smuggler and the Dwarf Matthew Henry Barker 1839
Hamilton of King's Alice Price 1890
The Hamiltons: or, The New Era Catherine Gore 1834
The Hamiltons: or, Dora's Choice Emily Brodie 1879
The Hammer: A Story of the Maccabean Times Alfred John Church 1890
The Hammonds of Holycross Lady Blake 1865
Hamon and Catar: or, The Two Races. A Tale Charles Mitchell Charles 1851
The Hampdens: An Historiette Harriet Martineau 1880
Hamperton the Financier William Morley Farrow 1867
The Hampstead Mystery: A Novel Florence Marryat 1894
Hampton Court: or, The Prophecy Fulfilled Francis Lloyd 1844
Hanbury Mills: A Study of Contrasts Christabel Rose Coleridge 1872
Hand and Glove Amelia B. Edwards 1858
Hand and Ring Anna Katherine Green 1884
The Hand but Not the Heart: or, The Life Trials of Jessie Loring Timothy Shay Arthur 1877
Hand in Hand: or, Radiance at Beechdale Jennie Chappell 1891
The Hand of Ethelberta: A Comedy in Chapters Thomas Hardy 1876
The Hand of his Brother: or, Galahad's Sin Edith C. Kenyon 1898
The Hand of Vengeance George Frederick Underhill 1890
Handfast to Strangers: A Novel Stephen Joseph Mackenna 1876
Handfasted Augustus Charles Bickley 1890
A Handful and Other Stories Frances Maitland 1897
A Handful of Exotics: Scenes and Incidents Chiefly of Russo-Jewish L... Samuel Gordon 1897
A Handful of Silver Elizabeth Thomasina Meade 1897
A Handful of Stories Ascott R. Hope 1886
Handicapped: A Novel Sir Randal Howland Roberts 1895
Handley Cross: or, The Spa Hunt. A Sporting Tale Robert Smith Surtees 1843
Hands in the Darkness Arnold Golsworthy 1899
Hands not Hearts: A Novel Janet W. Wilkinson 1849
Hands not Hearts Lady Isabella Schuster 1878
The Hands of Justice Frederick William Robinson 1883
The Handsome Brandons: A Story for Girls Katharine Tynan 1899
The Handsome Examiner: His Adventures in Learning and Love. An Incid... Robert St. John Corbet 1890
The Handsome Humes William Black 1893
Handsome Jack and Other Stories James Greenwood 1888
Handsome Phil and Other Stories Charlotte Elizabeth Riddell 1899
The Handwriting on the Wall: A Story Edwin Atherstone 1857
Handy Andy: A Tale of Irish Life Samuel Lover 1842
Hania Henryk Sienkiewicz 1897
Hanley Castle: An Episode of the Civil Wars and the Battle of Worces... William Samuel Symonds 1883
The Hanleys: or, Wheels within Wheels Mary Caumont 1888
Hannah: A Novel Dinah Marie Craik 1872
Hannah Lavender: or, Ladyhall Fanny Caroline Lefroy 1857
Hannah Lee: or, Rest for the Weary Elizabeth Youatt 1859
Hannah Tarne: A Story Mary Emily Hullah 1883
Hannah Thurston: A Story of American Life Bayard Taylor 1863
Hannah's Home Anonymous 1866
Hannibal's Daughter Andrew Charles Parker Haggard 1898
Hans and his Friends and Other Stories Mary Emily Hullah 1893
Hapless Harry: His Own Enemy Mary Keary 1880
The Happenings of Jill Kathleen Mannington Caffyn 1901
The Happiness of Obedience Mrs. Carmichael 1860
Happy Charlie and Other Stories BTAO "Kitty's Victory" 1866
The Happy Colony Robert Pemberton 1854
The Happy Cottage: A Tale of Summer's Sunshine Mrs. Alexander 1856
The Happy Days at Fernbank: A Story for Little Girls Emma Marshall 1861
Happy Ellen: A Girl's Story Anonymous 1868
A Happy Error: or, Facts Sometimes Stranger than Fiction Mary Clementina Hibbert-Ware 1885
Happy Evenings: or, The Literary Institutions at Home Clara Lucas Balfour 1851
The Happy Exile Henry Dawson Lowry 1898
The Happy Family and Other Tales Anonymous 1863
Happy Holidays: or, Brothers and Sisters at Home Emma Anne Georgina Davenport 1865
The Happy Home: or, The Children at the Red House Henrietta Lushington 1864
Happy Hours: At Wynford Grange. A Story for Children Edward Bradley 1859
The Happy Lad: A Story of Peasant Life in Norway. And Other Tales Björnstjerne Björnson 1882
The Happy Land Mary Louisa Code 1872
"A Happy New Year!": A Story for Girls M. Martin 1899
The Happy Prince and Other Tales Oscar Wilde 1888
The Happy Recovery and Other Stories for the Young Anonymous 1870
Happy Thoughts Francis Cowley Burnand 1868
The Happy Village and How it Became So Maria Wright 1870
Happy with Either: A Novel Mary Jane Davidson Sanders 1878
A Happy Wooing Arnold Gray 1890
Happy-Day Stories for the Young Henry William Dulcken 1874
Happy-Thought Hall Francis Cowley Burnand 1872
Haps and Mishaps of the Simpleton Family Abroad Bell 1863
The Harbour Bar: A Tale of Scottish Life Grace Anne Prestwich 1874
Harcourt George Loftus Tottenham 1873
Hard as a Nail: or, Jubal Sparge's Bounty Frederick Langbridge 1897
Hard Cash: A Matter-of-Fact Romance Charles Reade 1863
Hard Held: A Sporting Novel. Being a Sequel to "Curb and Snaffle" Sir Randal Howland Roberts 1889
A Hard Knot: A Novel Charles Gibbon 1885

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