The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.
Title |
Author |
Year |
The Green Field: A Novel of the Midlands |
Neil Wynn Williams |
1899 |
Green Fire: A Romance |
William Sharp |
1896 |
The Green Flag and Other Stories of War and Sport |
Arthur Conan Doyle |
1900 |
The Green Garland |
Frances E. Crompton |
1896 |
The Green Girls of Greythorpe |
Christabel Rose Coleridge |
1890 |
The Green Graves of Balgowrie |
Jane Helen Findlater |
1896 |
The Green Hand: A Sea Story. Being the Adventures of a Naval Lieuten... |
George Cupples |
1856 |
The Green Hills by the Sea: A Manx Story |
Hugh Coleman Davidson |
1887 |
The Green Mountain Boys: A Story of the American War of Independence |
Eliza Fanny Pollard |
1896 |
The Green of the Period: or, The Unsuspected Foe in the Englishman's... |
Anonymous |
1869 |
The Green Passion: Being the Study of a Jealous Soul |
Anthony P. Vert |
1899 |
Green Pastures and Piccadilly |
William Black |
1877 |
Green Pleasure and Grey Grief |
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford |
1886 |
The Green Ray |
Jules Verne |
1883 |
Green Tea: A Love Story |
Vesta S. Simmons |
1892 |
The Green Turbans |
James Maclaren Cobban |
1902 |
The Green-Eyed Monster |
Henry Courtney Selous |
1871 |
Greene Ferne Farm |
Richard Jefferies |
1880 |
The Greenwich Pensioners |
Lt. Hatchway, R.N. |
1838 |
The Gregors: A Cornish Story |
Jane H. Spettigue |
1878 |
Gregory Hawkshaw, His Character and Opinions |
BTAO "Colonial Adventures" |
1873 |
Greifenstein: A Novel |
F. Marion Crawford |
1889 |
Gretchen: A Novel |
Eliza Margaret von Booth |
1887 |
Gretchen's Holiday |
Emma Leslie |
1887 |
Gretchen's Troubles: A Story of German Peasant Life. For Girls |
Alfred Harold Engelbach |
1867 |
Gretna Green: or, All for Love |
Susannah Frances Reynolds |
1848 |
Grettir the Outlaw: A Story of Iceland |
Sabine Baring-Gould |
1890 |
Greville: or, A Season in Paris |
Catherine Gore |
1841 |
Greville Landon: A Novel |
John Percy Gordon |
1872 |
Grey Abbey: A Novel |
Theobald Raoul William |
1877 |
Grey and Gold |
Emma Jane Worboise |
1870 |
Grey Craigs: or, "Auld Lang Syne" |
Jean L. Watson |
1880 |
A Grey Eye or So |
Frank Frankfort Moore |
1893 |
The Grey House at Endlestone |
Emma Jane Worboise |
1877 |
The Grey House on the Hill |
Hon. Louisa Lelias Greene |
1870 |
The Grey Lady |
Hugh Stowell Scott |
1895 |
The Grey Man |
S. R. Crockett |
1896 |
Grey Mantle and Gold Fringe |
David Storrar Meldrum |
1896 |
The Grey Monk |
Thomas Wilkinson Speight |
1895 |
Grey of Greybury: A Novel |
James Cyprian Camby Biddle-Cope |
1884 |
The Grey Pool, and Other Stories |
Frances Parthenope Verney |
1891 |
Grey Roses |
Henry Harland |
1895 |
Grey Towers: or, Aunt Hetty's Will |
Matilda Mary Pollard |
1877 |
Grey Weather: Moorland Tales of my Own People |
John Buchan |
1899 |
The Grey Woman and Other Tales |
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell |
1865 |
Greymore: A Story of Country Life |
Mrs. A. B. Church |
1860 |
Grey's Court |
Lady Chatterton |
1865 |
Greyslaer: A Romance of the Mohawk |
Charles Fenno Hoffman |
1840 |
Greystone Abbey |
Emily Foster |
1882 |
Greystone Grange |
Da Due Signore |
1889 |
Grif: A Story of Australian Life |
Benjamin Leopold Farjeon |
1871 |
Griffith Gaunt: or, Jealousy |
Charles Reade |
1866 |
Griffith's Double |
Frances Cashel Hoey |
1876 |
Griggie's Pilgrimage: or, Heaven is my Home |
Jessie Fearon Armstrong |
1887 |
The Grim House |
Mary Louisa Molesworth |
1899 |
Grim Tales |
Edith Nesbit |
1893 |
Grins and Wrinkles: or, Food for Thought and Laughter |
James McGrigor Allan |
1858 |
The Grip of the Bookmaker |
Percy White |
1901 |
The Grip of the Wolf |
John Jessop Teague |
1900 |
Grip!: A Novel |
Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard |
1896 |
Grisel Romney |
Mary Elizabeth Fraser Tytler |
1880 |
Griselda: A Novel |
Alice Mangoldt Diehl |
1886 |
Grisly Grisell: or, The Laidly Lady of Whitburn. A Tale of the Wars ... |
Charlotte Mary Yonge |
1893 |
The Ground Ash: A Public School Story |
Henry William Pullen |
1874 |
A Group of Noble Dames |
Thomas Hardy |
1891 |
Grown-Up Babies |
John Habberton |
1877 |
Grumble: or, How She Wanted to Grow Up. A Child's Story |
Mrs. Thomas Erskine |
1882 |
Grumbleby Hall: or, Whose Boy? |
Eleanor Lloyd |
1883 |
The Grumbler: A Novel |
Ellen Pickering |
1843 |
Gryll Grange |
Thomas Love Peacock |
1861 |
The Guardian |
Emilie Flygare-Carlén |
1865 |
Guardian and Lover |
Mrs. Alexander Fraser |
1876 |
A Guardian Angel |
Matilda Anne Mackarness |
1864 |
The Guardian Angel |
Oliver Wendell Holmes |
1867 |
Guards, Hussars, and Infantry: Adventures of Harry Austin. By an Off... |
An Officer |
1838 |
Guarica, the Charib Bride: A Legend of Hispaniola |
Henry William Herbert |
1844 |
Guavas the Tinner |
Sabine Baring-Gould |
1897 |
Gubbins Minor and Some Other Fellows: A Story of School Life |
Fred Whishaw |
1897 |
Guenn: A Wave on the Breton Coast |
Blanche Willis Howard |
1883 |
The Guerilla Chief, and Other Tales |
Capt. Mayne Reid |
1867 |
Guessing Stories: Or, The Surprising Adventures of the Man with the ... |
Philip Freeman |
1864 |
The Guide of the Desert: or, Life in the Pampas |
Gustave Aimard |
1867 |
Guide, Philosopher, and Friend |
Mary Emma Martin |
1884 |
A Guiding Star |
Wilhelmina Martha James |
1880 |
Guild Court |
George MacDonald |
1868 |
Guilderoy |
Ouida |
1889 |
Guilty: or, Not Guilty. A Novel |
Harriet Maria Smythies |
1864 |
Guilty Bonds |
William Le Queux |
1891 |
Guilty Gold: A Romance of Financial Fraud and City Crime |
Headon Hill |
1896 |
The Guilty River |
Wilkie Collins |
1886 |
Guilty, or Not Guilty?: A Tale |
William George Hamley |
1878 |
Guinea Gold: or, The Great Barrier Reef |
Charles Henry Eden |
1879 |
The Guinea Stamp: A Tale of Modern Glasgow |
Annie S. Swan |
1892 |
The Gun Runner: A Romance of Zululand |
Bertram Mitford |
1893 |
Gunner Jack and Uncle John |
C. E. C. Weigall |
1900 |
Gurney Married: A Sequel to Gilbert Gurney |
Theodore Edward Hook |
1838 |
Gustavus Lindorm: A Novel |
Emilie Flygare-Carlén |
1854 |
Guthred, the Widow's Slave: An Historical Tale |
Agnes Strickland |
1876 |
Gutta Percha Willie: The Working Genius |
George MacDonald |
1873 |
Guy Beauchamp's Victory |
Anonymous |
1875 |
Guy Darrel's Wives: A Novel |
E. Iles |
1884 |
Guy Deverell |
J. Sheridan Le Fanu |
1865 |
Guy Falconer: or, The Chronicles of the Old Moat House |
Lucy Ellen Guernsey |
1876 |
Guy Fawkes: or, The Gunpowder Treason. An Historical Romance |
William Harrison Ainsworth |
1841 |
Guy Livingstone: or, Thorough |
George Alfred Lawrence |
1857 |
Guy Mervyn: A Novel |
Florence Louisa Barclay |
1891 |
Guy Rivers: or, A Boy's Struggles in the Great World |
Alfred Elwes |
1862 |
Guy Rivers, the Outlaw: A Tale of Georgia |
William Gilmore Simms |
1835 |
Guy Vernon |
Hon. Isabella Letitia Woulfe |
1870 |
Guy Waterman: A Novel |
John Saunders |
1864 |
Gwen: or, The Cousins. A Tale |
A. M. Goodrich |
1855 |
Gwen Dale's Ordeal |
Clara Lemore |
1891 |
Gwen Wynn: A Romance of the Wye |
Capt. Mayne Reid |
1877 |
Gwendoline |
Agnes Giberne |
1885 |
Gwendoline: A Novel |
Anonymous |
1867 |
Gwendoline's Harvest: A Novel |
James Payn |
1870 |
The Gwillians of Bryn Gwillian |
Susanna Carnegie Venn |
1876 |
Gwynedd: A Novel |
Frances Geraldine Southern |
1877 |
Gwyneth: A Story of Seventeen Hundred Years Ago |
L. S. E. |
1874 |
Gwynett of Thornhaugh: A Romance |
Frederick William Hayes |
1900 |
The Gypsies of the Danes' Dyke: A Story of Hedge-Life in England, in... |
George S. Phillips |
1864 |
A Gypsy Against her Will |
Emma Leslie |
1889 |
Gypsy Breynton |
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps |
1872 |
Gypsy's Cousin Joy |
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps |
1873 |
Gypsy's Sowing and Reaping |
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps |
1873 |
Gypsy's Year at the Golden Crescent |
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps |
1873 |
Gytha's Message: A Tale of Saxon England |
Emma Leslie |
1885 |
Habbie and Madge: A Series of Scottish Dialogues |
James Smith |
1872 |
Hacco, the Dwarf: or, The Tower on the Mountain, and Other Tales |
Henrietta Lushington |
1865 |
The Hacienda on the Hill: A Novel |
Henry Richard Savage |
1899 |
Haco the Dreamer: A Tale of Scotch University Life |
William Sime |
1884 |
Hadassah: or, The Adopted Child |
Susan Selby Coppard |
1847 |
Hagar: A Novel |
Eliza Tabor Stephenson |
1870 |
Hagar: A North Yorkshire Pastoral |
Mary Jane Linskill |
1887 |
Hagar of Homerton |
Alice Dudeney |
1898 |
Hagar of the Pawn-Shop |
Fergus Hume |
1898 |
Hagarene |
George Alfred Lawrence |
1874 |
Haggith Shy, Quakeress |
Mary Nicholls Daubeney White |
1900 |
Hair-Breadth Escapes: or, The Adventures of Three Boys in South Africa |
Henry Cadwallader Adams |
1877 |
Hal Hungerford: or, The Strange Adventures of a Boy Emigrant |
J. Robert Hutchinson |
1891 |
Half a Commandment |
Elizabeth M. A. F. Saxby |
1875 |
Half a Hero |
Anthony Hope |
1893 |
Half a Life |
Sir George Webbe Dasent |
1874 |
Half a Million of Money: A Novel |
Amelia B. Edwards |
1865 |
Half Brothers: Tales for Twilight Hour |
Hesba Stretton |
1892 |
Half my Life |
William Theodore Hickman |
1901 |
Half Round the World for a Husband: A Comedy of Errors |
May Crommelin |
1896 |
The Half Sisters: A Tale |
Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury |
1848 |
Half Way: An Anglo-French Romance |
Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards |
1886 |
Half-a-Dozen Daughters |
Victoria Baker |
1871 |
Half-a-Dozen Transgressions |
Hélène E. A. Gingold |
1896 |
The Half-Caste: An Old Governess's Tale |
Dinah Marie Craik |
1897 |
The Half-Hearted |
John Buchan |
1900 |
Half-Hours of Blind Man's Holiday: or, Summer and Winter Sketches in... |
William Wilthew Fenn |
1878 |
The Half-Sisters |
Mary Kirby |
1880 |
The Half-Sister's Secret: (Le Secret de la Cadichonne ou Le Chalet d... |
Fortuné du Boisgobey |
1889 |
Halil the Pedlar: A Tale of Old Stambul |
Mór Jókai |
1901 |
The Hall and the Hamlet: or, Scenes and Characters of Country Life |
William Howitt |
1847 |
The Hall and the Manor House |
Anonymous |
1849 |
The Hall of Chavenlay: A Winter's Tale of 1649 |
Capt. Henry Curling |
1852 |
Hall-Court |
Hon. Fenella Fitzhardinge Armytage |
1886 |
The Hallett Family: A Story for the Young |
Sarah Schoonmaker Baker |
1863 |
The Halletts: A Country Town Chronicle |
Grace L. Keith Johnston |
1891 |
The Hallow Isle Tragedy |
Anonymous |
1860 |
Hall's Vineyard |
Maud Jeanne Franc |
1875 |
Hallvard Halvorsen: or, The Avalanche. A Story of the Fjeld Fjord an... |
Nellie Cornwall |
1887 |
Halves: A Novel |
James Payn |
1876 |
Hamilton Graeme: or, The Fourth Generation |
BTAO "Kind Words to my Cottage Friends" |
1864 |
Hamilton King: or, The Smuggler and the Dwarf |
Matthew Henry Barker |
1839 |
Hamilton of King's |
Alice Price |
1890 |
The Hamiltons: or, The New Era |
Catherine Gore |
1834 |
The Hamiltons: or, Dora's Choice |
Emily Brodie |
1879 |
The Hammer: A Story of the Maccabean Times |
Alfred John Church |
1890 |
The Hammonds of Holycross |
Lady Blake |
1865 |
Hamon and Catar: or, The Two Races. A Tale |
Charles Mitchell Charles |
1851 |
The Hampdens: An Historiette |
Harriet Martineau |
1880 |
Hamperton the Financier |
William Morley Farrow |
1867 |
The Hampstead Mystery: A Novel |
Florence Marryat |
1894 |
Hampton Court: or, The Prophecy Fulfilled |
Francis Lloyd |
1844 |
Hanbury Mills: A Study of Contrasts |
Christabel Rose Coleridge |
1872 |
Hand and Glove |
Amelia B. Edwards |
1858 |
Hand and Ring |
Anna Katherine Green |
1884 |
The Hand but Not the Heart: or, The Life Trials of Jessie Loring |
Timothy Shay Arthur |
1877 |
Hand in Hand: or, Radiance at Beechdale |
Jennie Chappell |
1891 |
The Hand of Ethelberta: A Comedy in Chapters |
Thomas Hardy |
1876 |
The Hand of his Brother: or, Galahad's Sin |
Edith C. Kenyon |
1898 |
The Hand of Vengeance |
George Frederick Underhill |
1890 |
Handfast to Strangers: A Novel |
Stephen Joseph Mackenna |
1876 |
Handfasted |
Augustus Charles Bickley |
1890 |
A Handful and Other Stories |
Frances Maitland |
1897 |
A Handful of Exotics: Scenes and Incidents Chiefly of Russo-Jewish L... |
Samuel Gordon |
1897 |
A Handful of Silver |
Elizabeth Thomasina Meade |
1897 |
A Handful of Stories |
Ascott R. Hope |
1886 |
Handicapped: A Novel |
Sir Randal Howland Roberts |
1895 |
Handley Cross: or, The Spa Hunt. A Sporting Tale |
Robert Smith Surtees |
1843 |
Hands in the Darkness |
Arnold Golsworthy |
1899 |
Hands not Hearts: A Novel |
Janet W. Wilkinson |
1849 |
Hands not Hearts |
Lady Isabella Schuster |
1878 |
The Hands of Justice |
Frederick William Robinson |
1883 |
The Handsome Brandons: A Story for Girls |
Katharine Tynan |
1899 |
The Handsome Examiner: His Adventures in Learning and Love. An Incid... |
Robert St. John Corbet |
1890 |
The Handsome Humes |
William Black |
1893 |
Handsome Jack and Other Stories |
James Greenwood |
1888 |
Handsome Phil and Other Stories |
Charlotte Elizabeth Riddell |
1899 |
The Handwriting on the Wall: A Story |
Edwin Atherstone |
1857 |
Handy Andy: A Tale of Irish Life |
Samuel Lover |
1842 |
Hania |
Henryk Sienkiewicz |
1897 |
Hanley Castle: An Episode of the Civil Wars and the Battle of Worces... |
William Samuel Symonds |
1883 |
The Hanleys: or, Wheels within Wheels |
Mary Caumont |
1888 |
Hannah: A Novel |
Dinah Marie Craik |
1872 |
Hannah Lavender: or, Ladyhall |
Fanny Caroline Lefroy |
1857 |
Hannah Lee: or, Rest for the Weary |
Elizabeth Youatt |
1859 |
Hannah Tarne: A Story |
Mary Emily Hullah |
1883 |
Hannah Thurston: A Story of American Life |
Bayard Taylor |
1863 |
Hannah's Home |
Anonymous |
1866 |
Hannibal's Daughter |
Andrew Charles Parker Haggard |
1898 |
Hans and his Friends and Other Stories |
Mary Emily Hullah |
1893 |
Hapless Harry: His Own Enemy |
Mary Keary |
1880 |
The Happenings of Jill |
Kathleen Mannington Caffyn |
1901 |
The Happiness of Obedience |
Mrs. Carmichael |
1860 |
Happy Charlie and Other Stories |
BTAO "Kitty's Victory" |
1866 |
The Happy Colony |
Robert Pemberton |
1854 |
The Happy Cottage: A Tale of Summer's Sunshine |
Mrs. Alexander |
1856 |
The Happy Days at Fernbank: A Story for Little Girls |
Emma Marshall |
1861 |
Happy Ellen: A Girl's Story |
Anonymous |
1868 |
A Happy Error: or, Facts Sometimes Stranger than Fiction |
Mary Clementina Hibbert-Ware |
1885 |
Happy Evenings: or, The Literary Institutions at Home |
Clara Lucas Balfour |
1851 |
The Happy Exile |
Henry Dawson Lowry |
1898 |
The Happy Family and Other Tales |
Anonymous |
1863 |
Happy Holidays: or, Brothers and Sisters at Home |
Emma Anne Georgina Davenport |
1865 |
The Happy Home: or, The Children at the Red House |
Henrietta Lushington |
1864 |
Happy Hours: At Wynford Grange. A Story for Children |
Edward Bradley |
1859 |
The Happy Lad: A Story of Peasant Life in Norway. And Other Tales |
Björnstjerne Björnson |
1882 |
The Happy Land |
Mary Louisa Code |
1872 |
"A Happy New Year!": A Story for Girls |
M. Martin |
1899 |
The Happy Prince and Other Tales |
Oscar Wilde |
1888 |
The Happy Recovery and Other Stories for the Young |
Anonymous |
1870 |
Happy Thoughts |
Francis Cowley Burnand |
1868 |
The Happy Village and How it Became So |
Maria Wright |
1870 |
Happy with Either: A Novel |
Mary Jane Davidson Sanders |
1878 |
A Happy Wooing |
Arnold Gray |
1890 |
Happy-Day Stories for the Young |
Henry William Dulcken |
1874 |
Happy-Thought Hall |
Francis Cowley Burnand |
1872 |
Haps and Mishaps of the Simpleton Family Abroad |
Bell |
1863 |
The Harbour Bar: A Tale of Scottish Life |
Grace Anne Prestwich |
1874 |
Harcourt |
George Loftus Tottenham |
1873 |
Hard as a Nail: or, Jubal Sparge's Bounty |
Frederick Langbridge |
1897 |
Hard Cash: A Matter-of-Fact Romance |
Charles Reade |
1863 |
Hard Held: A Sporting Novel. Being a Sequel to "Curb and Snaffle" |
Sir Randal Howland Roberts |
1889 |
A Hard Knot: A Novel |
Charles Gibbon |
1885 |