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At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Illustrated Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were illustrated in volume format when published between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland.


Title Author Year
The South Sea Whaler: A Story of the Loss of the "Champion" and the ... William Henry Giles Kingston 1875
Sow Well and Reap Well Timothy Shay Arthur 1864
Sowing and Harvesting Mary H. Debenham 1900
Sowing Dragon's Teeth Anonymous 1872
Sowing in Tears and Reaping in Joy Franz Hoffmann 1870
The Spanish Barber: A Tale Anne Manning 1869
The Spanish Cavalier: A Story of Seville Charlotte Maria Tucker 1875
The Spanish Cousin: A Nineteenth-Century Story F. B. Forester 1896
Spare Well, Spend Well: or, The Adventures of a Five Franc Piece Anonymous 1865
Sparkling Diamonds: In Lessons for Young Readers Anonymous 1866
Sparkling Gems: Being Short Stories for the Benefit of Young People Anonymous 1871
The Sparrow on the Housetop and Wishing and Wanting Sophie Amelia Prosser 1882
Speaking Likenesses Christina G. Rossetti 1874
Spectre Gold: A Romance of Klondyke Headon Hill 1898
Spindle Stories: New Yarns spun from Old Wool Ascott R. Hope 1879
The Spirit of the Giant Mountains: A Series of Fairy Tales M. C. R. 1864
Spitewinter Helen Shipton 1892
The Splendid Stranger: A Story of the Monmouth Rebellion Robert Leighton 1898
Spoilt Guy: The Story of a Child Francesca Maria Steele 1883
Sporting Stories and Sketches Henry George Harper 1895
A Sprig of Heather Geraldine May Butt 1878
Spring Fairies and Sea Fairies Geraldine Mockler 1897
Sprott: An Autobiography F. S. A. Barnett 1884
Spunyarn and Spindrift: A Sailor Boy's Log of a Voyage Out and Home ... Robert Brown 1886
The Spy in the School: A Tale of Two Chums Andrew Home 1899
Squire Lynne's Will Emma Leslie 1875
The Squire of Lonsdale Edith C. Kenyon 1897
The Squire's Daughter and Other Tales Anonymous 1867
The Squire's Grandson: A Devonshire Story J. M. Callwell 1888
The Squire's Household Elizabeth J. Lysaght 1894
St Quentin's: A Village Tale and Other Stories Lady Gertrude Georgina Douglas 1879
St. Anne's Court Constance E. Miller 1889
St. Antholin's: or, Old Churches and New. A Tale for the Times Francis Edward Paget 1841
"St. Aubyn's Laddie," and The Little Would-Be Soldier Eliza Caroline Phillips 1882
St. Austin's Court: or, The Grandchildren BTAO "Maurice and his Mother" 1863
St. Cedd's Cross: A Tale of the Conversion of the East Saxons Edward L. Cutts 1872
St. George for England: A Tale of Cressy and Poitiers George Alfred Henty 1885
St. George's Key: A Tale for Boys W. E. Coghlan 1869
St. Helen's Well Mary H. Debenham 1888
St. Mary's Convent: or, Chapters in the Life of a Nun Jeanie Selina Dammast 1866
St. Patrick's Eve Charles James Lever 1845
Stable Secrets: or, Puffy Doddles, his Sayings and Sympathies John Mills 1863
The Standard Bearer: A Story of the Fourth Century Ellen Palmer 1871
Stanfield Hall: A Romance John Frederick Smith 1854
Stanley Thorn Henry Cockton 1841
Stanley's Summer Visit Constance Cross 1882
Stanton Grange: or, At a Private Tutor's J. C. Atkinson 1864
Star Eyes: or, The Susquehanna Rangers. A Tale of the French Indian ... W. J. Hamilton 1866
The Star in the Dust-Heap Hon. Louisa Lelias Greene 1876
The Star of Hope and the Staff of Duty: Tales of Womanly Trials and ... Anonymous 1860
The Stark Family: A Sketch from Real Life Johanna Christina von Hofsten 1874
Starlight Stories Told to Bright Eyes and Listening Ears Fanny Lablache 1877
The Starry Blossom and Other Stories for the Young Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards 1881
Stars in a Stormy Night: or, Light from the Catacombs. A Story of th... E. L. M. 1870
Station Dangerous, and Other Tales for the Young Octavius Frederic Timins 1867
Steadfast Frank: The Donkey Boy M. A. B. 1871
The Stealing of the Princes Ernest and Albert of Saxony: From the Fo... Anonymous 1865
The Steam House: (Part I) The Demon of Cawnpore Jules Verne 1881
The Steam House: (Part II) Tigers and Traitors Jules Verne 1881
Steffan's Angel, and Other Stories Mary Elizabeth Townsend 1880
Stella's Story: A Venetian Tale Francesca Maria Steele 1897
A Step in the Dark Kate Eyre 1894
Stephan Langton Martin Farquhar Tupper 1858
Stéphanie's Children Margaret Roberts 1896
Stephen Scudamore the Younger: or, The Fifteen-Year Olds Arthur Locker 1871
Stepping Heavenward Elizabeth Prentiss 1870
Stepping Stones: A Book for the Young Emily Steele Elliott 1862
The Stepping Stones: An Allegory BTAO "Flower and Fruit" 1879
Steps Downward: or, Sarah Seddon's Fall and Recovery Emma Leslie 1875
Steps up the Ladder: or, The Will and the Way. A True Story Elizabeth Kirby 1862
The Steward: A Romance of Real Life Henry Cockton 1850
Stick to the Raft Caroline Gladstone 1875
The Stitch in Time: or, Ruthven Moore Annie Webb 1866
The Stolen Cherries: or, Tell the Truth at Once Emilia Norris 1869
Stone Edge Frances Parthenope Verney 1868
The Stony Road: A Story from Real Life Mrs. G. E. Morton 1871
Stories About: -- Lady Barker 1871
Stories about Animals Thomas Jackson 1874
Stories about Birds Mrs. Fairfield 1859
Stories about Boys Ascott R. Hope 1871
Stories and Interludes Barry Pain 1892
Stories for Choristers Anonymous 1877
Stories for Darlings Hon. Mrs. Arthur Egerton 1870
Stories for Mamma's Darlings: Ten Stories for Children Amanda Matorka Blankenstein 1879
Stories for my Children Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen 1869
Stories for Ploughboys Anonymous 1865
Stories for Sunday Afternoons C. E. C. Weigall 1891
Stories for Telling to Children Prudentia 1880
Stories for Village Lads BTAO "Stories of School Boys" 1854
Stories for Weekdays and Sundays John Holme Burrow 1860
Stories for Willing Ears: A Book for Girls Anonymous 1871
Stories for Willing Ears: A Book for Boys Anonymous 1872
Stories for Workers Emily Steele Elliott 1873
Stories for YoungServants Anna Butler 1857
Stories from China Hezekiah Butterworth 1876
Stories from Memel, for the Young Agnes de Havilland 1863
Stories from Over the Sea Anonymous 1873
Stories from the Diary of a Doctor Elizabeth Thomasina Meade 1894
Stories from the South Seas Edis Searle 1876
Stories in Precious Stones Helen Zimmern 1873
Stories of French School Life Ascott R. Hope 1871
Stories of Irish Life Henry Martin 1878
Stories of Long Ago Ascott R. Hope 1881
Stories of Love and Duty for Boys and Girls Anonymous 1875
Stories of Love and Mercy: A Series of Narratives for Young People Anonymous 1878
Stories of Old England George Eliel Sargent 1868
Stories of Old England: Second Series George Eliel Sargent 1871
Stories of Success: As Illustrated by the Lives of Humble Men who ha... James Francis Cobb 1872
The Stories of the Broadmoor Patient: and The Poor Clerk Frederick Wicks 1893
Stories of the Early Christians Aunt Emily 1871
Stories of the Flowers Gertrude P. Dyer 1877
Stories of the Good Shepherd: A Sunday Book for Little Children Anonymous 1864
Stories of the Governess Anna Maria Hall 1852
Stories of the Italian Reformation Mrs. Campbell Overend 1870
Stories of the Mountain and the Forest Mary Anna Paull 1882
Stories of the Norsemen Anonymous 1852
Stories of the Old Romans Anonymous 1874
Stories of Vinegar Hill Anna Bartlett Warner 1871
Stories of Women Anonymous 1864
Stories of Young Adventurers Ascott R. Hope 1881
Stories of Youth and Childhood: or, Scenes from Humble Life Anonymous 1847
Stories on My Duty Towards God Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen 1865
Stories on "My Duty Towards My Neighbour" Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen 1869
Stories on Proverbs Anonymous 1854
Stories on Proverbs BTAO "The Conceited Pig" 1854
Stories out of School-Time Ascott R. Hope 1884
Stories that Came True Prudentia 1879
Stories to Teach Me to Think T. D. P. Stone 1861
Stories Told to a Child Jean Ingelow 1865
The Storm of Life Hesba Stretton 1876
Story after Story of Land and Sea, Man and Beast BTAO "Cheerful Sundays" 1877
The Story Book of Country Scenes Lydia Falconer Miller 1846
The Story of a Bad Boy Thomas Bailey Aldrich 1870
The Story of a Boy's Adventures, and How He Rose in the World Louisa Stewart 1862
The Story of a Cat Eliza Perring 1865
The Story of a Cat and a Cake During the Thirty Years' War Mary Eliza Bramston 1896
The Story of a Child's Companion George Eliel Sargent 1872
The Story of a City Arab George Eliel Sargent 1878
The Story of a Demoiselle Eleanor C. Price 1880
The Story of a Diamond: Illustrative of Egyptian Manners and Customs M. L. Whately 1867
The Story of a Dog Eliza Perring 1866
The Story of a Feather Douglas William Jerrold 1844
The Story of a Honeymoon Charles Henry Ross 1869
The Story of a King One of his Soldiers 1881
The Story of a Moss Rose: or, Ruth and the Orphan Family Charles Bruce 1871
The Story of a Mouse: For the Amusement and Benefit of Little People Eliza Perring 1858
The Story of a Needle Charlotte Maria Tucker 1858
The Story of a Peninsular Veteran: Sergeant in the Forty-Third Light... Anonymous 1878
The Story of a Penny Eliza Perring 1863
The Story of a Pocket Bible George Eliel Sargent 1857
The Story of a Pupil Teacher BTAO "Gather Up the Fragments" 1876
The Story of a Red Velvet Bible Marjory Horsburgh 1862
The Story of a Summer Day BTAO "Busy Bee" 1875
A Story of a Wooden Horse Jeanne Marcel 1878
The Story of Aimée: or, A Life's Discipline Mary Helen Holt 1872
The Story of Alice Middleton BTAO "Alice Middleton" 1868
Story of Allan Gordon: or, From Cabin-boy to Quarterdeck Alexander Christie 1893
The Story of an Apple Lady Pamela Campbell 1853
The Story of Arthur Hunter and his First Shilling: With Other Tales Catherine Ann Crowe 1861
The Story of Charles Ogilvie George Eliel Sargent 1880
The Story of Dick Whittington: The Famous Lord Mayor of London John Browne Marsh 1874
The Story of Elise Marcel Madame J. de Lambert 1874
The Story of Elizabeth Anne Isabella Ritchie 1863
The Story of Frithiof Anonymous 1872
The Story of Henrietta and the Ayah Clara de Chatelain 1861
The Story of Herbert Lovell: or, Handsome is who Handsome does. A Bo... Frederick William Byron Bouverie 1862
The Story of John Heywood: An Historical Tale of the Time of Harry V... Charles Bruce 1873
The Story of Johnny Bertram Dora B. Mackean 1900
The Story of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table Sir James Thomas Knowles 1862
The Story of Madge and The Fairy Content William Blanchard Jerrold 1870
The Story of Nan and Jack BTAO "Remarkable Stories" 1880
The Story of Our Sunday Trip to Hastings: As Related by One of the P... Anonymous 1879
The Story of Papa's Wise Dogs John Bailey 1867
The Story of Robin Hood William Heaton 1870
The Story of Roland James Baldwin 1883
The Story of Sevenoaks Josiah Gilbert Holland 1876
The Story of Siegfried James Baldwin 1883
The Story of the Don: Re-Written for Our Young Folks Clarissa L. Matéaux 1870
A Story of the Golden Age James Baldwin 1887
The Story of the Hamiltons: or, The Two Sisters Caroline Leicester 1869
The Story of the Old Plank and Other Wonder Tales John Widdicombe 1875
The Story of the Plébiscite: Told by One of the Seven Million Five ... Émile Erckmann 1872
The Story of the Rock: or, Building on the Eddystone R. M. Ballantyne 1875
The Story of the Two Margarets Emma Marshall 1870
The Story of the White-Rock Cove Anonymous 1868
The Story of Two Islands Crona Temple 1877
The Story of Two Lives: or, The Trials of Wealth and Poverty Winifred Taylor 1870
The Story of Wandering Willie Lady Augusta Noel 1870
A Story with a Vengeance: or, How Many Joints may go to a Tale Angus Bethune Reach 1852
The Straight Road is Shortest and Surest Charlotte Maria Tucker 1866
Straight to the Mark Thomas Street Millington 1883
The Strange Adventures of Israel Pendray Silas Kitto Hocking 1899
The Strange Adventures of Little Snowdrop, and Other Tales Clara Mulholland 1889
The Strange Adventures of Roger Wilkins and Other Stories Alfred Walter Barrett 1895
The Strange Adventures of Two Single Gentlemen: A Big Black Box, and... Charles Henry Ross 1864
The Strange Career of Thomas Gander and his Friend and Tutor Doctor ... Charles Henry Ross 1865
A Strange Company Katharine Sarah Macquoid 1886
A Strange Craft and its Wonderful Voyage Edward S. Ellis 1898
A Strange Elopement William Clark Russell 1892
The Strange Fox-Hunter and the Blank Sheet Sophie Amelia Prosser 1888

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