The following fiction titles were illustrated in volume format when published between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland.
Title |
Author |
Year |
Rab Bethune's Double: or, Life's Long Battle Won |
Isabella Mayo |
1894 |
The Race for Gold : or, The City Merchant and his Country Brother |
Anonymous |
1866 |
A Race for Life |
Fred Whishaw |
1898 |
A Race for Life and Other Tales |
Anonymous |
1863 |
Rachel Cohen, the Usurer's Daughter |
Mrs. Kemp |
1860 |
Rachel Longford: or, Home and its Teachings |
Margaret Isabella Arden |
1877 |
Rag and Tag: or, A Plea for the Waifs and Strays of Old England |
F. M. C. W. |
1878 |
Ragamuffins: or, The Arabs of Love Lane. A Tale |
Jessie Sale Lloyd |
1880 |
Raggles, Baggles, and the Emperor |
Clarissa L. Matéaux |
1872 |
Rags and Rainbows: A Story of Thanksgiving |
Margaret Scott Haycraft |
1886 |
Rags and Tatters: A Story for Boys and Girls |
Stella Austin |
1876 |
The Rainbow Garden and Other Stories |
Gratiana Chanter |
1901 |
Rainbows in Springtide: Tales |
Sarah Williams |
1866 |
Rainy Afternoons: or, Tales and Sketches by the Howard Family |
Randall Hunter Ballantyne |
1853 |
The Rajah of Dah |
George Manville Fenn |
1891 |
The Rajah's Legacy |
David Ker |
1890 |
The Rajah's Second Wife |
Headon Hill |
1894 |
Ralph Harding's Success |
BTAO "Life's Battle Lost and Won" |
1872 |
Ralph Luttrel's Fortunes: By Rail, by Road, and by Sea. A Book for B... |
Robert St. John Corbet |
1869 |
Ralph Rodney's Mother |
H. Louisa Bedford |
1898 |
Ralph Saunders: or, The School-boy Friends |
Anonymous |
1861 |
Ralph Seabrooke: or, The Adventures of a Young Artist in Piedmont an... |
Alfred Elwes |
1861 |
Ralph Somerville: or, A Midshipman's Adventures in the Pacific Ocean |
Charles Henry Eden |
1876 |
Ralph Trulock's Christmas Roses |
Annette Thomasina Lyster |
1882 |
Ralph's Trouble, and Other Stories |
Anonymous |
1875 |
Ralph's Year in Russia: A Story of Travel and Adventure in Eastern E... |
Robert Richardson |
1882 |
Rambles and Adventures of Our School Field-Club |
George Christopher Davies |
1875 |
The Rambles of a Rat |
Charlotte Maria Tucker |
1857 |
The Rambles of Captain Bolio |
Archibald Nagle |
1838 |
Rambling Recollections of a Soldier of Fortune |
William Hamilton Maxwell |
1842 |
Ran Away to Sea: An Autobiography for Boys |
Capt. Mayne Reid |
1858 |
Randall Davenant: A Tale of the Mahrattas |
Sir Claude Arthur Bray |
1892 |
Random Shots |
Max Adeler |
1879 |
The Ranger: or, The Fugitives of the Border |
Edward S. Ellis |
1863 |
A Rat with Three Tales |
Mary Anna Lewis |
1876 |
The Raven's Nest |
Frederick Scarlett Potter |
1881 |
A Ray of Light to Brighten Cottage Homes |
Matilda Anne Mackarness |
1857 |
Raymi: or, The Children of the Sun |
Clive Holland |
1889 |
Raymond Bury: A Tale. Founded on T. Hood's Poem, "The Haunted House" |
Eliza H. Keating |
1853 |
Ready, O Ready!: or, These Forty Years |
Alfred Henry Alston |
1873 |
Real Grit |
Silas Kitto Hocking |
1886 |
Real Jam |
John Corlett |
1880 |
Real Stories from Many Lands |
Frances Parthenope Verney |
1878 |
Rebecca and Rowena: A Romance upon Romance |
William Makepeace Thackeray |
1850 |
The Rebel Chief: A Romance of New Zealand |
James Hume Nisbet |
1896 |
The Rebel Privateer: or, The Last Cruise of the Black Angel |
William Stephens Hayward |
1874 |
Reclaimed: A Tale |
Rev. Albert Eubule Evans |
1879 |
A Recoiling Vengeance |
Frank Barrett |
1888 |
Recollections of a Detective Police-Officer |
William Russell |
1856 |
Recollections of Mrs. Anderson's School: A Book for Girls |
Jane Margaret Hooper |
1851 |
Recollections of Mrs. Hester Taffetas, Court Milliner and Modiste: D... |
Augusta Johnstone |
1857 |
Reconciled: or, The Story of Hawthorn Hall |
Edwin Hodder |
1869 |
The Rector's Daughters: A Tale for the Young |
Anne Bowman |
1864 |
The Rector's Home: A Story |
Agnes Giberne |
1879 |
The Rectory: A Tale |
Eliza Paget |
1841 |
The Rectory and the Manor: A Tale |
Frances Elizabeth G. Brock |
1860 |
The Rectory Children |
Mary Louisa Molesworth |
1889 |
Red and White: A Tale of the Wars of the Roses |
Emily Sarah Holt |
1882 |
The Red Axe |
S. R. Crockett |
1898 |
The Red Brick House |
Theodora Elizabeth Lynch |
1855 |
The Red Chancellor: A Romance |
Sir William Magnay |
1901 |
Red Cloud, the Solitary Sioux: A Story of the Great Prairie |
Sir William Francis Butler |
1882 |
The Red Eric: or, The Whaler's Last Cruise. A Tale |
R. M. Ballantyne |
1861 |
The Red Grange: A Tale |
Mary Louisa Molesworth |
1891 |
Red Herring: or, Allie's Little Blue Shoes. A Tale for Young Readers |
Frances Charlotte Armstrong |
1888 |
The Red House in the Suburbs |
Eleanor Grace O'Reilly |
1881 |
Red Jacket, the Last of the Senecas |
Edward S. Ellis |
1900 |
The Red Man's Revenge: A Tale of the Red River Flood |
R. M. Ballantyne |
1880 |
Red Plume, the Renegade: A Tale of the Blackfeet Country |
J. Stanley Henderson |
1866 |
The Red Rose: A Legend of St. Alban's Abbey |
Anonymous |
1858 |
Red, White, and Blue: Sketches of Military Life |
Julia Clara Byrne |
1862 |
Redcar Lee |
Mary Louise Searle |
1881 |
Redskin and Cow-boy: A Tale of the Western Plains |
George Alfred Henty |
1892 |
Redskin and Paleface: Romance and Adventure of the Plains |
Ascott R. Hope |
1891 |
Reed Farm |
Eleanor Grace O'Reilly |
1880 |
Reedyford: or, Creed and Character |
Silas Kitto Hocking |
1880 |
The Reef, and Other Parables |
Edward Henry Bickersteth |
1874 |
A Reel of No. 8 and Suddaby Fewster: Two Holderness Tales |
Florence Foster |
1896 |
Reginald Barentyne: or, Liberty without Limits. A Tale of the Times |
Frederick George Lee |
1881 |
The Regular Service: or, The Story of Reuben Inch |
Emily Steele Elliott |
1868 |
Reine's Kingdom |
Lizzie Ellen Tiddeman |
1899 |
Reminiscences of a Raven |
James Greenwood |
1866 |
A Rent in a Cloud |
Charles James Lever |
1869 |
Ressurrection: A Novel |
Count Leo Tolstoy |
1900 |
Retiring from Business: or, The Rich Man's Error |
Timothy Shay Arthur |
1879 |
The Return from India: A Sequel to Hilda and Hildebrand |
F. M. C. W. |
1871 |
The Return of the Native |
Thomas Hardy |
1878 |
Reuben Everett: or, When Old Things were New |
Christabel Rose Coleridge |
1888 |
Reuben's Temptation |
Elizabeth Youatt |
1874 |
The Revenge of Valerie: A Romance of British Columbia |
James Hume Nisbet |
1900 |
The Reverse of the Shield: or, The Adventures of Grenville Le Marcha... |
Augusta Marryat |
1879 |
Rex Raynor, Artist: A Story of Sowing and Reaping |
Silas Kitto Hocking |
1890 |
The Rhine Inundation, and Other Tales |
Anonymous |
1871 |
Rhoda Lethbridge: or, School Life in the Fatherland |
Greta Gilmour |
1899 |
Rhoda Lyle: or, The Rose of the Home |
BTAO "Sunshine and Shadows in Kattern's Life" |
1877 |
The Riband Oath: An Irish Story. And The Lighthouse Keepers of Antic... |
Mrs. Battersby |
1886 |
Ribbon Stories |
Lady Barker |
1872 |
Richard Aubrey: or, My Own Bible |
E. O. W. |
1868 |
Richard Blake, and his little Green Bible: A Sequel |
Marjory Horsburgh |
1868 |
Richard Carvel |
Winston Churchill |
1899 |
Richard de Lacy: A Tale of the Later Lollards |
Charles Edmund Maurice |
1891 |
Richard Hunne: A Story of Old London |
George Eliel Sargent |
1871 |
Richard IV, Plantagenet |
James Frederick Hodgetts |
1888 |
Richard Savage: A Romance of Real Life |
Charles Whitehead |
1842 |
Richer than Wealth and Other Stories |
Uncle John |
1875 |
The Richest Man in Todmorton: and Other Stories about Riches and Hap... |
Anonymous |
1864 |
Rider's Leap |
Frederick Langbridge |
1888 |
Ridley Seldon: or, The Way to Keep Lent. A Tale for the Times |
Anne Howard |
1845 |
The Riflemen of the Miami |
Edward S. Ellis |
1862 |
Right about Face: or, Ben the Gordon Boy |
Emily Brodie |
1891 |
The Right Way and the Contrast |
Anonymous |
1867 |
The Right Way and the Wrong Way: or, The Ardingley Lads |
A. R. N. |
1871 |
Rina Cliffe: A Village Character |
Emily M. Lawson |
1871 |
Ritter Bell, the Cripple: A Tale for the Young |
Fairleigh Owen |
1861 |
The Rival Apprentices: A Tale of the Riots of 1780 |
Vane Ireton St. John |
1870 |
The Rival Crusoes |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1879 |
The Rival Kings: or, Overbearing |
Annie Keary |
1857 |
The Rival Scouts: or, The Forest Garrison. A Story of the Siege and ... |
Edward S. Ellis |
1865 |
River Legends: or, Father Thames and Father Rhine |
Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen |
1875 |
The River Syndicate, and Other Stories |
Charles Edward Carryl |
1899 |
The River Waif: or, The "Luck" of Godfrey's Wharf |
Constance Cross |
1885 |
Riverbank: or, The Clifford Family |
Anonymous |
1858 |
Rivers of Ice: A Tale Illustrative of Alpine Adventure and Glacier A... |
R. M. Ballantyne |
1876 |
Riversdale |
Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen |
1874 |
Riverslea |
G. Norway |
1901 |
Rivets of Gold |
Ada Isabel Bradshaw |
1888 |
Rob and Mag: or, A Little Light in a Dark Corner |
Louise Marston |
1881 |
Rob Rat: A Story of Barge Life |
Mark Guy Pearse |
1878 |
Robbie and His Mother |
Rev. Dr. Edersheim |
1871 |
Robert and Harold: or, The Young Marooners. A New Crusoe Story |
Francis Robert Goulding |
1853 |
Robert Dawson: or, The Brave Spirit |
Helen C. Knight |
1847 |
Robert Deane's Mission: A Tale for the Young |
Matilda Mary Pollard |
1885 |
Robert Easton: A Story for Fisher-Boys |
Anonymous |
1876 |
Robert Gilbert: A Sequel to "The Missing Sovereign" |
BTAO "The Missing Sovereign" |
1864 |
Robert's Birthday Present: A Story for Young and Old |
Anonymous |
1876 |
Robert's Holidays |
N. D'Anvers |
1875 |
Robin and Linnet |
Sue Perkins |
1880 |
Robin Hood: A Romance of the English Forest |
Alec Alexander |
1900 |
Robin Redbreast: A Story for Girls |
Mary Louisa Molesworth |
1892 |
Robin the Runner |
Frances Browne |
1870 |
Robin Tremayne: A Tale of the Marian Persecution |
Emily Sarah Holt |
1872 |
Rob's Broken Leg and his Friend in the Hospital |
W. Ford Bennet |
1886 |
Rochester: or, The Merry Days of Merry England |
John Frederick Smith |
1854 |
The Rock Light: or, Duty our Watchword |
Eleanora Louisa Montagu |
1871 |
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep: A Tale of the Salt, Salt Sea |
William Gordon Stables |
1890 |
Rodolphus: A Franconia Story |
Jacob Abbott |
1854 |
Rod's First Venture |
Mary Keary |
1900 |
Roe Carson's Enemy: or, The Struggle for Self-Conquest |
Edward N. Hoare |
1880 |
Roger Ingleton, Minor |
Talbot Baines Reed |
1891 |
Roger Kyffin's Ward |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1874 |
Roger Willoughby: or, The Times of Benbow. A Tale of the Sea and Land |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1881 |
The Rogues' Paradise: An Extravaganza |
Edwin William Pugh |
1898 |
Roland Cashel |
Charles James Lever |
1850 |
Roland Kalbris: The Adventures of a Fisherman's Son |
Hector Malot |
1877 |
The Roll of the Drum and Other Tales |
Richard Mounteney Jephson |
1880 |
Rollica Reed |
Eliza Kerr |
1890 |
A Romance of a Mince-Pie: An Incident in the Life of John Chirrup, o... |
Angus Bethune Reach |
1848 |
The Romance of Jenny Harlowe and Sketches of Maritime Life |
William Clark Russell |
1889 |
Romance of Modern Missions: A Home in the Land of Snows, and Other S... |
Cecilia Lucy Brightwell |
1870 |
The Romance of the Golden Star |
George Griffith |
1897 |
Romances of the Backwoods: and Perils of the Uncleared Territories |
Anonymous |
1871 |
The Romantic History of Robin Hood |
Barry Pain |
1898 |
Rome and the Abbey: The Sequel to, and by the author of Geraldine: A... |
Elizabeth de Vaux Agnew |
1849 |
Ronald Dunbeath: or, The Treasure in the Cave |
F. M. C. W. |
1872 |
Rory O'More: A National Romance |
Samuel Lover |
1837 |
Rosa: or, The Two Castles |
Eliza Weaver Bradburn |
1863 |
Rosa Lindesay: The Light of Kilmain |
Marjory Horsburgh |
1867 |
Rosabella: A Doll's Christmas Story |
Bertha Henry Buxton |
1878 |
Rosalia Vanderwelf: or, A Tale of the Siege of Leyden |
Mary Doig |
1872 |
Rosamond Fane: or, The Prisoners of St. James's |
Mary Lee |
1870 |
Rosamond Ferrars |
Mary Eliza Bramston |
1875 |
Rosamunda the Princess: An Historical Romance of the Sixth Century; ... |
Anna Bonus Kingsford |
1875 |
Rosa's Childhood: or, Every-Day Scenes |
BTAO "Home Life" |
1849 |
A Rose and a Pearl |
Christina Catherine Fraser Tytler |
1870 |
Rose and Kate: or, The Little Howards |
Elizabeth Spooner |
1865 |
Rose and Lillie Stanhope: or, The Power of Conscience |
Maria Jane Mcintosh |
1855 |
The Rose and the Ring: or, The History of Prince Giglio and Prince B... |
William Makepeace Thackeray |
1855 |
The Rose and the Shamrock |
Louisa Crow |
1876 |
Rose Bryant: Passages in her Maiden and Married Life |
Emma Marshall |
1862 |
Rose Capel's Sacrifice: or, A Mother's Love |
Margaret Scott Haycraft |
1893 |
Rose Dunbar's Mistake: or, Whom Have I in Heaven? |
Mary L. Dodds |
1879 |
Rose Hartley, and Her Christmas Waymarks: A Tale for Girls Leaving S... |
Christian Redford |
1880 |
The Rose in the Desert |
Susan Bogert Warner |
1864 |
Rose Morrison: or, Sketches of Home-Happiness |
Emily Harriet Comyn |
1857 |
A Rose of a Hundred Leaves: A Love Story |
Amelia E. Barr |
1893 |
The Rose of Judah: A Tale of the Captivity |
George Griffith |
1899 |
Rose Talbot: A Tale |
Eliza Paget |
1836 |
Rose, Robin, and Little may: A Story of Country Life |
M. E. Drewson |
1874 |
Rose-Buds |
BTAO "Madeleine's Forgiveness" |
1878 |
Rose-Leaves: Tea-Time Tales for Young Little Folks and Young Old Folks |
Richard Gustafsson |
1880 |
Rosebud |
Jeanie Hering |
1891 |
Roses |
Amy Le Feuvre |
1899 |
Roses and Thorns: or, Five Tales of the Start in Life |
Anonymous |
1859 |
Roses from Thorns: or, The Old Manor House |
Mary Emma Martin |
1880 |
The Roseville Family: An Historical Tale of the Eighteenth Century |
Mrs. Alexander S. Orr |
1869 |
Rosine |
George John Whyte-Melville |
1877 |
Rosy |
Mary Louisa Molesworth |
1882 |
Rottenstake Alley: A Tale of the Plaiting Districts (Founded on Facts) |
Gerald S. Davies |
1873 |
Rough Cast |
Christabel Rose Coleridge |
1898 |
Rough Diamonds: A Story-Book |
John Hollingshead |
1867 |