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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Illustrated Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were illustrated in volume format when published between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland.


Title Author Year
Quality Fogg's Old Ledger Sophie Amelia Prosser 1869
The Quay of the Dioscuri: A History of Nicene Times; Written in Gree... John Mason Neale 1860
A Queen: A Story for Girls Ottalie Wildermuth 1868
Queen Amethyst: or, The Lips of Snow Henry Blunt 1884
A Queen among Girls Ellinor Davenport Adams 1900
Queen Charlotte's Maidens Henrietta Keddie 1901
Queen Dora: The Life and Lessons of a Little Girl Kathleen Knox 1879
The Queen o' the May Anne Beale 1882
A Queen of Atlantis: A Romance of the Caribbean Sea Francis Henry Atkins 1899
The Queen of Coquettes: Her Courtiers and her Courtships Ernest Warren 1881
Queen of the Daffodils: A Story of High-School Life Alice Laing Stronach 1894
The Queen of the Lakes: A Romance of the Mexican Valley Capt. Mayne Reid 1879
Queen of the Meadow: A Novel Charles Gibbon 1880
The Queen of the Pirate Isle Bret Harte 1886
Queen of the Ranche: or, Life in the Far West John Laurence Hornibrook 1890
The Queen's Jewel: A Story of Queen Anne's Day Mary Popham Blyth 1889
Queen's May: or, Stories for Village Girls BTAO "Queen's May" 1862
The Queen's Scarlet: Being the Adventures and Misadventures of Sir R... George Manville Fenn 1895
The Queensberry Cup Clive Phillipps Wolley 1895
Queer Chums: Being a Narrative of a Midshipman's Adventures and Esca... Charles Henry Eden 1887
Queer Folk: Seven Stories Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen 1874
The Quest of Jack Hazelwood Marion Andrews 1891
The Quest of the Golden Pearl J. Robert Hutchinson 1897
Quiet Corners: An American Tale Mary Howe Henry 1883
Quindaro: or, The Heroine of Fort Laramie. A Tale of the Far West Harry Hazelton 1865
Quintin Matsys, the Blacksmith of Antwerp Pierce Egan 1839
Rab Bethune's Double: or, Life's Long Battle Won Isabella Mayo 1894
The Race for Gold : or, The City Merchant and his Country Brother Anonymous 1866
A Race for Life Fred Whishaw 1898
A Race for Life and Other Tales Anonymous 1863
Rachel Cohen, the Usurer's Daughter Mrs. Kemp 1860
Rachel Longford: or, Home and its Teachings Margaret Isabella Arden 1877
Rag and Tag: or, A Plea for the Waifs and Strays of Old England F. M. C. W. 1878
Ragamuffins: or, The Arabs of Love Lane. A Tale Jessie Sale Lloyd 1880
Raggles, Baggles, and the Emperor Clarissa L. Matéaux 1872
Rags and Rainbows: A Story of Thanksgiving Margaret Scott Haycraft 1886
Rags and Tatters: A Story for Boys and Girls Stella Austin 1876
The Rainbow Garden and Other Stories Gratiana Chanter 1901
Rainbows in Springtide: Tales Sarah Williams 1866
Rainy Afternoons: or, Tales and Sketches by the Howard Family Randall Hunter Ballantyne 1853
The Rajah of Dah George Manville Fenn 1891
The Rajah's Legacy David Ker 1890
The Rajah's Second Wife Headon Hill 1894
Ralph Harding's Success BTAO "Life's Battle Lost and Won" 1872
Ralph Luttrel's Fortunes: By Rail, by Road, and by Sea. A Book for B... Robert St. John Corbet 1869
Ralph Rodney's Mother H. Louisa Bedford 1898
Ralph Saunders: or, The School-boy Friends Anonymous 1861
Ralph Seabrooke: or, The Adventures of a Young Artist in Piedmont an... Alfred Elwes 1861
Ralph Somerville: or, A Midshipman's Adventures in the Pacific Ocean Charles Henry Eden 1876
Ralph Trulock's Christmas Roses Annette Thomasina Lyster 1882
Ralph's Trouble, and Other Stories Anonymous 1875
Ralph's Year in Russia: A Story of Travel and Adventure in Eastern E... Robert Richardson 1882
Rambles and Adventures of Our School Field-Club George Christopher Davies 1875
The Rambles of a Rat Charlotte Maria Tucker 1857
The Rambles of Captain Bolio Archibald Nagle 1838
Rambling Recollections of a Soldier of Fortune William Hamilton Maxwell 1842
Ran Away to Sea: An Autobiography for Boys Capt. Mayne Reid 1858
Randall Davenant: A Tale of the Mahrattas Sir Claude Arthur Bray 1892
Random Shots Max Adeler 1879
The Ranger: or, The Fugitives of the Border Edward S. Ellis 1863
A Rat with Three Tales Mary Anna Lewis 1876
The Raven's Nest Frederick Scarlett Potter 1881
A Ray of Light to Brighten Cottage Homes Matilda Anne Mackarness 1857
Raymi: or, The Children of the Sun Clive Holland 1889
Raymond Bury: A Tale. Founded on T. Hood's Poem, "The Haunted House" Eliza H. Keating 1853
Ready, O Ready!: or, These Forty Years Alfred Henry Alston 1873
Real Grit Silas Kitto Hocking 1886
Real Jam John Corlett 1880
Real Stories from Many Lands Frances Parthenope Verney 1878
Rebecca and Rowena: A Romance upon Romance William Makepeace Thackeray 1850
The Rebel Chief: A Romance of New Zealand James Hume Nisbet 1896
The Rebel Privateer: or, The Last Cruise of the Black Angel William Stephens Hayward 1874
Reclaimed: A Tale Rev. Albert Eubule Evans 1879
A Recoiling Vengeance Frank Barrett 1888
Recollections of a Detective Police-Officer William Russell 1856
Recollections of Mrs. Anderson's School: A Book for Girls Jane Margaret Hooper 1851
Recollections of Mrs. Hester Taffetas, Court Milliner and Modiste: D... Augusta Johnstone 1857
Reconciled: or, The Story of Hawthorn Hall Edwin Hodder 1869
The Rector's Daughters: A Tale for the Young Anne Bowman 1864
The Rector's Home: A Story Agnes Giberne 1879
The Rectory: A Tale Eliza Paget 1841
The Rectory and the Manor: A Tale Frances Elizabeth G. Brock 1860
The Rectory Children Mary Louisa Molesworth 1889
Red and White: A Tale of the Wars of the Roses Emily Sarah Holt 1882
The Red Axe S. R. Crockett 1898
The Red Brick House Theodora Elizabeth Lynch 1855
The Red Chancellor: A Romance Sir William Magnay 1901
Red Cloud, the Solitary Sioux: A Story of the Great Prairie Sir William Francis Butler 1882
The Red Eric: or, The Whaler's Last Cruise. A Tale R. M. Ballantyne 1861
The Red Grange: A Tale Mary Louisa Molesworth 1891
Red Herring: or, Allie's Little Blue Shoes. A Tale for Young Readers Frances Charlotte Armstrong 1888
The Red House in the Suburbs Eleanor Grace O'Reilly 1881
Red Jacket, the Last of the Senecas Edward S. Ellis 1900
The Red Man's Revenge: A Tale of the Red River Flood R. M. Ballantyne 1880
Red Plume, the Renegade: A Tale of the Blackfeet Country J. Stanley Henderson 1866
The Red Rose: A Legend of St. Alban's Abbey Anonymous 1858
Red, White, and Blue: Sketches of Military Life Julia Clara Byrne 1862
Redcar Lee Mary Louise Searle 1881
Redskin and Cow-boy: A Tale of the Western Plains George Alfred Henty 1892
Redskin and Paleface: Romance and Adventure of the Plains Ascott R. Hope 1891
Reed Farm Eleanor Grace O'Reilly 1880
Reedyford: or, Creed and Character Silas Kitto Hocking 1880
The Reef, and Other Parables Edward Henry Bickersteth 1874
A Reel of No. 8 and Suddaby Fewster: Two Holderness Tales Florence Foster 1896
Reginald Barentyne: or, Liberty without Limits. A Tale of the Times Frederick George Lee 1881
The Regular Service: or, The Story of Reuben Inch Emily Steele Elliott 1868
Reine's Kingdom Lizzie Ellen Tiddeman 1899
Reminiscences of a Raven James Greenwood 1866
A Rent in a Cloud Charles James Lever 1869
Ressurrection: A Novel Count Leo Tolstoy 1900
Retiring from Business: or, The Rich Man's Error Timothy Shay Arthur 1879
The Return from India: A Sequel to Hilda and Hildebrand F. M. C. W. 1871
The Return of the Native Thomas Hardy 1878
Reuben Everett: or, When Old Things were New Christabel Rose Coleridge 1888
Reuben's Temptation Elizabeth Youatt 1874
The Revenge of Valerie: A Romance of British Columbia James Hume Nisbet 1900
The Reverse of the Shield: or, The Adventures of Grenville Le Marcha... Augusta Marryat 1879
Rex Raynor, Artist: A Story of Sowing and Reaping Silas Kitto Hocking 1890
The Rhine Inundation, and Other Tales Anonymous 1871
Rhoda Lethbridge: or, School Life in the Fatherland Greta Gilmour 1899
Rhoda Lyle: or, The Rose of the Home BTAO "Sunshine and Shadows in Kattern's Life" 1877
The Riband Oath: An Irish Story. And The Lighthouse Keepers of Antic... Mrs. Battersby 1886
Ribbon Stories Lady Barker 1872
Richard Aubrey: or, My Own Bible E. O. W. 1868
Richard Blake, and his little Green Bible: A Sequel Marjory Horsburgh 1868
Richard Carvel Winston Churchill 1899
Richard de Lacy: A Tale of the Later Lollards Charles Edmund Maurice 1891
Richard Hunne: A Story of Old London George Eliel Sargent 1871
Richard IV, Plantagenet James Frederick Hodgetts 1888
Richard Savage: A Romance of Real Life Charles Whitehead 1842
Richer than Wealth and Other Stories Uncle John 1875
The Richest Man in Todmorton: and Other Stories about Riches and Hap... Anonymous 1864
Rider's Leap Frederick Langbridge 1888
Ridley Seldon: or, The Way to Keep Lent. A Tale for the Times Anne Howard 1845
The Riflemen of the Miami Edward S. Ellis 1862
Right about Face: or, Ben the Gordon Boy Emily Brodie 1891
The Right Way and the Contrast Anonymous 1867
The Right Way and the Wrong Way: or, The Ardingley Lads A. R. N. 1871
Rina Cliffe: A Village Character Emily M. Lawson 1871
Ritter Bell, the Cripple: A Tale for the Young Fairleigh Owen 1861
The Rival Apprentices: A Tale of the Riots of 1780 Vane Ireton St. John 1870
The Rival Crusoes William Henry Giles Kingston 1879
The Rival Kings: or, Overbearing Annie Keary 1857
The Rival Scouts: or, The Forest Garrison. A Story of the Siege and ... Edward S. Ellis 1865
River Legends: or, Father Thames and Father Rhine Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen 1875
The River Syndicate, and Other Stories Charles Edward Carryl 1899
The River Waif: or, The "Luck" of Godfrey's Wharf Constance Cross 1885
Riverbank: or, The Clifford Family Anonymous 1858
Rivers of Ice: A Tale Illustrative of Alpine Adventure and Glacier A... R. M. Ballantyne 1876
Riversdale Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen 1874
Riverslea G. Norway 1901
Rivets of Gold Ada Isabel Bradshaw 1888
Rob and Mag: or, A Little Light in a Dark Corner Louise Marston 1881
Rob Rat: A Story of Barge Life Mark Guy Pearse 1878
Robbie and His Mother Rev. Dr. Edersheim 1871
Robert and Harold: or, The Young Marooners. A New Crusoe Story Francis Robert Goulding 1853
Robert Dawson: or, The Brave Spirit Helen C. Knight 1847
Robert Deane's Mission: A Tale for the Young Matilda Mary Pollard 1885
Robert Easton: A Story for Fisher-Boys Anonymous 1876
Robert Gilbert: A Sequel to "The Missing Sovereign" BTAO "The Missing Sovereign" 1864
Robert's Birthday Present: A Story for Young and Old Anonymous 1876
Robert's Holidays N. D'Anvers 1875
Robin and Linnet Sue Perkins 1880
Robin Hood: A Romance of the English Forest Alec Alexander 1900
Robin Redbreast: A Story for Girls Mary Louisa Molesworth 1892
Robin the Runner Frances Browne 1870
Robin Tremayne: A Tale of the Marian Persecution Emily Sarah Holt 1872
Rob's Broken Leg and his Friend in the Hospital W. Ford Bennet 1886
Rochester: or, The Merry Days of Merry England John Frederick Smith 1854
The Rock Light: or, Duty our Watchword Eleanora Louisa Montagu 1871
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep: A Tale of the Salt, Salt Sea William Gordon Stables 1890
Rodolphus: A Franconia Story Jacob Abbott 1854
Rod's First Venture Mary Keary 1900
Roe Carson's Enemy: or, The Struggle for Self-Conquest Edward N. Hoare 1880
Roger Ingleton, Minor Talbot Baines Reed 1891
Roger Kyffin's Ward William Henry Giles Kingston 1874
Roger Willoughby: or, The Times of Benbow. A Tale of the Sea and Land William Henry Giles Kingston 1881
The Rogues' Paradise: An Extravaganza Edwin William Pugh 1898
Roland Cashel Charles James Lever 1850
Roland Kalbris: The Adventures of a Fisherman's Son Hector Malot 1877
The Roll of the Drum and Other Tales Richard Mounteney Jephson 1880
Rollica Reed Eliza Kerr 1890
A Romance of a Mince-Pie: An Incident in the Life of John Chirrup, o... Angus Bethune Reach 1848
The Romance of Jenny Harlowe and Sketches of Maritime Life William Clark Russell 1889
Romance of Modern Missions: A Home in the Land of Snows, and Other S... Cecilia Lucy Brightwell 1870
The Romance of the Golden Star George Griffith 1897
Romances of the Backwoods: and Perils of the Uncleared Territories Anonymous 1871
The Romantic History of Robin Hood Barry Pain 1898
Rome and the Abbey: The Sequel to, and by the author of Geraldine: A... Elizabeth de Vaux Agnew 1849
Ronald Dunbeath: or, The Treasure in the Cave F. M. C. W. 1872
Rory O'More: A National Romance Samuel Lover 1837
Rosa: or, The Two Castles Eliza Weaver Bradburn 1863
Rosa Lindesay: The Light of Kilmain Marjory Horsburgh 1867
Rosabella: A Doll's Christmas Story Bertha Henry Buxton 1878
Rosalia Vanderwelf: or, A Tale of the Siege of Leyden Mary Doig 1872
Rosamond Fane: or, The Prisoners of St. James's Mary Lee 1870
Rosamond Ferrars Mary Eliza Bramston 1875
Rosamunda the Princess: An Historical Romance of the Sixth Century; ... Anna Bonus Kingsford 1875
Rosa's Childhood: or, Every-Day Scenes BTAO "Home Life" 1849
A Rose and a Pearl Christina Catherine Fraser Tytler 1870

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