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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
Mariette: or, Further Glimpses of Life in France. A Sequel to "Marie" Annie Raine Ellis 1870
Marigold Manor: or, Mischief and Merrymaking Angela Waring 1872
Marigold's Decision Agnes Giberne 1896
A Marine Residence, and Other Stories James Payn 1871
The Mariner's Compass: A Novel Henry Leslie 1865
Marion Joseph Alfred Scoville 1864
Marion: Étude A. R. Rose 1884
Marion: or, The Mystery of Robesdale R. Sebright Scholes 1886
Marion: or, The Smuggler's Wife Marianne Filleul 1873
Marion and Augusta: or, Love and Selfishness Emma Leslie 1884
Marion and her Pupils: A Story for Girls Charlotte Lankester 1864
Marion Darche: A Story without Comment F. Marion Crawford 1893
Marion Fay: A Novel Anthony Trollope 1882
Marion Forsyth: or, Unspotted from the World Annie S. Swan 1883
Marion Grey, and Emily's Victory Anonymous 1873
Marion Howard: or, Trials and Triumphs BTAO "Marion Howard" 1880
Marion Leslie: A Story Patrick Beaton 1863
Marion Scatterthwaite: A Story of Work Maggie Symington 1880
Marion's Married Life Christiana Jane Douglas 1886
Marion's Path: Through Shadow to Sunshine Mary Meeke 1871
Marion's Revenge Julia Chandler 1891
Marion's Story: or, "Softly all my Years" Janet Milne Rae 1879
Marion's Sundays: or, Stories on the Ten Commandments Anonymous 1864
Marion's Three Crowns Sarah Doudney 1873
Marius the Epicurean: His Sensations and Ideas Walter Pater 1885
Marjorie Lizzie Ellen Tiddeman 1895
Marjorie Bruce's Lovers Mary Patrick 1877
Marjorie Daw and Other People Thomas Bailey Aldrich 1873
Marjorie Dudingstoune: A Tale of Old St. Andrews William Francis Collier 1867
Marjorie's Quest Jeannie T. Gould 1875
Marjorie's Stranger Isabel Suart Robson 1897
Marjory: A Study Ellen Georgiana Clutton-Brock 1880
Marjory: or, The Gift of Peace Emma Marshall 1878
Marjory Mrs. Thomas Erskine 1872
Marjory's Faith Florence Harding 1876
Marjory's Husband Charlotte Louisa Hawkins Dempster 1888
Marjory's Mistake Adeline Sergeant 1895
Mark Brandon's Wife: A Novel Elizabeth J. Lysaght 1874
Mark Churchill: or, The Boy in Earnest Emma Marshall 1863
Mark Dennis: or, The Engine Driver. A Tale Mary Charlotte Julia Leith 1859
Mark Dennison's Charge Georgiana Marion Craik 1881
Mark Desborough's Vow Annie S. Swan 1884
Mark Eylmer's Revenge Lillian Spender 1877
Mark Hurdlestone, the Gold Worshipper Susanna Moodie 1853
The Mark of Cain Andrew Lang 1886
Mark Rutherford's Deliverance William Hale White 1885
Mark Seaworth: A Tale of the Indian Ocean William Henry Giles Kingston 1852
Mark Steadman: or, Show your Colours BTAO "Dick Bolter" 1868
Mark Strathmore's Renunciation Fannie Eden 1901
Mark Tillotson: A Novel in Three Volumes James Baker 1892
Mark Westcrof, Cordwainer: A Village Story Frederick Scarlett Potter 1885
Mark Wilton, the Merchant's Clerk Charles Benjamin Tayler 1848
Marked "In Haste": A Story of To-day Blanche Roosevelt 1883
A Marked Man: Some Episodes in his Life Ada Cambridge 1890
The Marked Man: A Novel Frank Trollope 1871
Market Harborough: or, How Mr. Sawyer went to the Shires George John Whyte-Melville 1861
Markham Howard: A Novel J. Heale 1893
The Markhams of Ollerton: A Tale of the Civil War 1642-1647 Elizabeth Glaister 1873
Mark's Reef: or, The Crater. A Tale of the Pacific James Fenimore Cooper 1847
Marks upon the Door: A Novel Mark May 1876
Marley Castle: A Novel Sir Garnet Joseph Wolseley 1877
Marley's Boy: or, "Out of Evil Cometh Good" Jennie Chappell 1901
Marlocks of Merriton Benjamin Brierley 1867
Marmaduke Herbert: or, The Fatal Error Countess of Blessington 1847
Marmaduke Lorrimer: A Novel Joseph Middleton 1850
Marmaduke Merry the Midshipman: or, My Early Days at Sea William Henry Giles Kingston 1862
Marmaduke Wyvil: or, The Maid's Revenge. An Historical Romance Henry William Herbert 1843
Marmaduke, Emperor of Europe: Being a Record of Some Strange Adventu... Frank Attfield Fawkes 1895
Marmorne: The Story is Told by Adolphus Segrave the Youngest of Thre... Philip Gilbert Hamerton 1878
Marna's Mutiny Mary Crawford Fraser 1901
The Maroon Capt. Mayne Reid 1862
Marooned William Clark Russell 1889
Marooned on Australia: Being the Narration by Diedrich Buys of his D... Ernest Favenc 1897
Marooner's Island: or, Dr. Gordon in Search of his Children Francis Robert Goulding 1869
The Marplot Sidney Royse Lysaght 1893
Marquis and Merchant Edward James Mortimer Collins 1871
The Marquis of Carabas: A Story of To-day Lillias Wassermann 1892
The Marquis of Lossie George MacDonald 1877
Marquise and Rosette and the Easter Daisy E. Martineau de Chesney 1878
Marrables' Magnificent Idea Frank Challice Constable 1901
Marred by Meddling Clarice March 1894
Marriage a la Mode: Romance in the Life of a Yorkshire Squire Anonymous 1880
Marriage and Married Life: A Novel for Girls about to Marry Ishe 1877
A Marriage at Sea William Clark Russell 1891
A Marriage at the Madeleine: or, "Mortefontaine" Chief of Clandonchadh of Mar 1862
Marriage Bonds: or, Christian Hazell's Married Life Catherine Jane Hamilton 1879
A Marriage by Capture: A Romance of To-day Robert Williams Buchanan 1896
A Marriage Ceremony Ada Cambridge 1894
The Marriage Contract Harriet Raikes 1849
A Marriage in China Alicia Ellen Neve Little 1896
A Marriage in High Life Lady Scott 1828
Marriage in May Fair: A Comedy in Five Acts Peter George Patmore 1854
A Marriage Mystery: Told from Three Points of View Fergus Hume 1896
A Marriage of Conscience: A Novel George Rose 1879
A Marriage of Convenience: A Tale Harriett Jay 1885
The Marriage of Elinor Margaret Oliphant 1892
The Marriage of Esther: A Torres Straits Sketch Guy Boothby 1895
The Marriage of Lydia Mainwaring: A Novel Adeline Sergeant 1902
The Marriage of Mr. Molyneux: Scenes from the Lives of a Man and a M... Cecil Headlam 1901
The Marriage of True Minds Theophila North 1900
The Marriage Settlement, and The Rose of Corail William Russell 1856
The Marriage Tie August Kuehne 1879
Marriage up to Date Albert Kevill Davies 1891
Married: A Tale Emma Newby 1869
Married at Last: A Novel Helen Dickens 1877
Married Beneath Him James Payn 1865
Married for Love Harriet Maria Smythies 1857
Married for Love Fortuné du Boisgobey 1888
Married for Money Emma Hosken Woodward 1875
Married in Haste: A Story of Every Day Life Sir Lascelles Wraxall 1863
Married Life: or, The Story of Philip and Edith Emma Jane Worboise 1863
A Married Man: A Novel Frances Aymer Mathews 1899
The Married Miss Binks: A Novel Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard 1900
Married or not Married: That is the Question! A Novel Augusta Huntingdon 1860
Married or Single? Bithia Mary Croker 1895
Married to Order: A Romance of Modern Days Esmé Stuart 1895
The Married Unmarried: A Novel Charles White 1837
Married Women: A Novel Anonymous 1855
Marrying and Giving in Marriage Mary Louisa Molesworth 1887
Marrying for Beauty: A Novel Elizabeth Daniel 1870
Marrying for Money: A Novel Elizabeth Daniel 1862
The Marrying Man Harriet Maria Smythies 1841
Mars Susannah Darling Barker 1898
Mar's White Witch: A Novel Lady Gertrude Georgina Douglas 1877
The Marsdens: or, Struggles in Life George Eliel Sargent 1860
Marshfield the Observer, and the Death-Dance: Studies of Character Egerton Castle 1900
Marston: or, The Soldier and Statesman George Croly 1846
Marston: A Novel Anonymous 1835
Marston Lynch: His Life and Times Robert Barnabas Brough 1860
The Marstons: A Novel Hamilton Aidé 1868
Mart and Mansion: A Tale of Struggle and Rest Philip Massinger 1876
Martha William Gilbert 1871
Martha: A Sketch from Life Anthony Smith 1855
Martha and her Kind Friend Rachel Susan Bogert Warner 1864
Martha and I: Being Scenes from our Suburban Life Alfred Walter Barrett 1898
Martha and Mary Mrs. Eyres 1880
Martha Bell: or, The Old Abbey Farm Mary E. Bennett 1860
Martha Brown, the Heiress Margaret Agnes Paul 1861
Martha Planebarke: A Romance Anonymous 1869
Martha Spreull: Being Chapters in the Life of a Single Wumman Henry Johnston 1887
Martha the Merry: or, As One Door Shuts, Another Opens. A History, F... Sarah Anne Mercier 1879
Martha's Home: and How the Sunshine Came into It Frances Mary Synge 1863
Martha's Trial: or, Truth will Prevail Mabel Quiller-Couch 1895
A Martial Maid Anne Elliot 1900
The Martian: A Novel George Du Maurier 1897
Martin Brook: A Novel Morgan Bates 1901
Martin Ffrench John Bradshaw 1886
Martin Hewitt, Investigator Arthur Morrison 1894
Martin Hill's Charge: or, The Forge and "The Feathers" F. W. 1867
Martin Laws Anonymous 1876
Martin Noble: or, A Boy's Experience of London Life John George Watts 1877
Martin Pole John Saunders 1863
Martin Rattler: or, A Boy's Adventures in the Forests of Brazil R. M. Ballantyne 1858
Martin Redfern's Oath Ethel Forster Heddle 1892
Martin the Weaver: or, The Power of Gold Anonymous 1870
Martin Tobin: A Novel Lady Pamela Campbell 1864
Martin Toutrond: A Frenchman in London in 1831 James Justinian Morier 1849
Martin's Drilling Frances E. Reade 1893
The Martins of Cro' Martin Charles James Lever 1856
Martin's Vineyard Agnes Macdonell 1872
Marty and the Mite-Boxes Jennie Harrison 1875
The Martyr Land: or, Tales of the Vaudois Mary Burrows 1856
The Martyr of Carthage: A Tale Edward Wilson 1845
The Martyr of Glencree: A Romance Too True Robert Somers 1878
The Martyr Shepherd: A Story of the Scottish Covenanters Ascott R. Hope 1867
A Martyr to Mammon Louisa Baldwin 1886
A Martyr to Pride: A Dramatic Romance of the Present Day Walter Stanhope 1888
The Martyrdom of Madeline Robert Williams Buchanan 1882
The Martyrdom of Society Quillim Ritter 1893
Martyred Fool: A Novel David Christie Murray 1895
Martyrs by Proxy and Other Stories James Greenwood 1885
The Martyrs of Carthage: A Tale of Times of Old Annie Webb 1850
Martyrs to Circumstance Maria Theresa Longworth 1861
Martyrs to Fashion: A Novel Joseph Verey 1868
The Martyr's Victory: A Tale of Danish England Emma Leslie 1886
Maruja Bret Harte 1885
Marvel Margaret Wolfe Hungerford 1888
The Marvellous and Incredible Adventures of Charles Thunderbolt, in ... Charles Rumball 1851
The Marvellous House: or, The Bishop's Enigma. A Story for Children,... Henry Charles Linstead 1879
The Marvellous Little Housekeepers: What They Did, and How They Did It Ida Joscelyne 1880
Marvels and Mysteries Richard Marsh 1900
Mary: A Tale of Humble Life Anonymous 1872
Mary: or, Peace and Joy in Believing. A Story for the Young A. G. P. 1876
Mary and Alice: or, The Highest Attainment BTAO "History of Mary Evans" 1868
Mary and Florence: or, Grave and Gay Ann Fraser Tytler 1835
Mary and Florence at Sixteen: A Continuation of "Grave and Gay" Ann Fraser Tytler 1838
Mary and Frank: or, A Mother's Influence BTAO "Blind Nelly" 1863
Mary Anerley: A Yorkshire Tale Richard Doddridge Blackmore 1880
Mary Anne of Parchment Buildings Lucas Cleeve 1901
Mary Anne Wellington, the Soldier's Daughter, Wife, and Widow Richard Cobbold 1846
Mary Ashford: or, the White Feather BTAO "Nellie and Alice" 1868
Mary Ashton: A True Story of Eighty Years Ago S. J. Fitzgerald 1879
Mary Barton: A Tale of Manchester Life Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 1848
Mary Bell: A Franconia Story Jacob Abbott 1854
Mary Bertrand Mary Francis Chapman 1860
Mary Best: or, Life in a Factory Town Anonymous 1863
Mary Browne L. E. Wilton 1880
Mary Brunton: and Her One Talent E. A. D. R. 1869
Mary Bunyan: The Dreamer's Blind Daughter. A Tale Sallie Rochester Ford 1860
Mary Derwent Ann S. Stephens 1868
Mary Dominic Grace Rhys 1898
Mary Dundas: or, Passages in Young Life Hannah Ransome Geldart 1853
Mary Ellesmere: or, Dawn and Daylight. An Attempt to Delineate in an... A Minister's Daughter 1873
Mary Elliot: or, Be ye kind one to another Catherine Douglas Bell 1856
Mary Ellis: or, Life and its Mistakes Miss Walker Spencer 1854
Mary Elton: or, Self-Control Susanna Mary Paull 1869
Mary Elwood: A Novel Jessie M. Barker 1884
Mary Fawcett: or, The Power of Influence L. P. K. 1875
Mary Fenwick's Daughter Beatrice Whitby 1894
Mary Gifford, M.B. Elizabeth Thomasina Meade 1898
Mary Graham Laura Jane Curling 1862
Mary Grainger George Leigh 1874
Mary Hamilton: Her Life and History Lord Ernest William Hamilton 1901
Mary Hazeldine's Desk Susanna Mary Paull 1879
Mary Hollis: A Romance of the Days of Charles II and William Prince ... Hendrik Jan Schimmel 1872
Mary Howard: or, The English Orphans Mary Jane Holmes 1860
Mary Jane Married: Tales of a Village Inn George Robert Sims 1888
Mary Jane's Memoirs: Compiled from her Original MS George Robert Sims 1887
Mary Leigh: or, Purpose in Life Hannah Ransome Geldart 1869
Mary Liddiard: or, The Missionary's Daughter. A Tale of the Pacific William Henry Giles Kingston 1873
Mary Lorn: The Story of an Ocean Waif. A Tale for the Young C. E. Broad 1879
Mary Lyndsay Lady Emily Ponsonby 1863
Mary Mansfield: or, No Time to be a Christian Marjory Horsburgh 1863
Mary Marston George MacDonald 1881
Mary Mathieson: or, Duties and Difficulties Mrs. Scott 1856
Mary M'Neill: or, The Word Remembered. A Story of Humble Life J. W. C. 1863
Mary Mordaunt: or, Faithful in the Least. A Story of Every-Day Life Annie Gray 1878
Mary Morton and Her Sister: or, The Advantages of the Savings Bank Anonymous 1853
Mary Myles: A Study Elizabeth Mayhew Edmonds 1888
Mary Neville: The History of a Woman who Attempted too Much A. F. Slade 1902
Mary of Burgundy: or, The Revolt of Ghent G. P. R. James 1833
Mary of Lorraine: An Historical Romance James Grant 1860
Mary Osborne Jacob Abbott 1873
Mary Raymond, and Other Tales Catherine Gore 1838
Mary Schweidler, the Amber Witch Johann Wilhelm Meinhold 1844
Mary Seaham: A Novel Catherine Maria Grey 1852
Mary Spencer: A Tale for the Times Anne Howard 1844
Mary St. John: A Novel Rosa Nouchette Carey 1882
Mary Stanley: or, The Secret Ones Stallybrass 1869
Mary Trelawny: A Story for Little Girls Christian Redford 1873
Mary Unwin Frances M. Marshall 1899
Mary Wharton: or, Never Forsaken Mary Ann Seamer 1873
Mary with Many Friends Georgina M. Moore 1878
Mary, a Daughter of the English Peasantry: A Novel Herbert Byng Hall 1853
Mary, the Primrose Girl: or, The Heir of Stanmore. An Interesting Tale Miss Wakefield 1878
Mary's Holiday Task Georgina M. Moore 1879
Mary's Work and Other Tales for her Young Friends Hetty Bowman 1874
Marzio's Crucifix F. Marion Crawford 1887
The Mascarenhas: A Legend of Portuguese India Isabella Steward 1836
A Mask and a Martyr: A Novel E. Livingston Prescott 1896

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