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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
A Son of Africa: A Romance Anna de Brémont 1899
Son of Dives: A Novel Anonymous 1872
A Son of Empire: A Novel Morley Roberts 1899
A Son of Erin Annie S. Swan 1899
A Son of Hagar: A Romance of Our Time Hall Caine 1887
The Son of his Father Margaret Oliphant 1887
A Son of Ishmael: A Novel Elizabeth Thomasina Meade 1896
Son of Judith: A Tale of the Welsh Mining Valleys Joseph Keating 1900
A Son of Mammon George Brown Burgin 1901
A Son of Mars Major Arthur George Frederick Griffiths 1880
A Son of Mars St George Henry Rathborne 1897
A Son of Noah Mary Anderson 1893
A Son of Reuben Silas Kitto Hocking 1894
A Son of Rimmon: A Novel Athol Forbes 1899
A Son of Sweden: A Tale of the Last Century Carl Franz van der Velde 1879
A Son of the Forge Robert Blatchford 1894
A Son of the Gods Mrs. Lodge 1898
The Son of the House Bertha Thomas 1900
A Son of the Morning Sarah Doudney 1887
A Son of the Plains Arthur Paterson 1895
A Son of the Sea John Arthur Barry 1899
A Son of the Soil Margaret Oliphant 1866
A Son of the State William Pett Ridge 1899
A Song of Sixpence Henry Murray 1892
Sons and Daughters: A Novel Margaret Oliphant 1890
Sons of Adversity: A Romance of Queen Elizabeth's Time Leslie Cope Cornford 1898
Sons of Belial William Bury Westall 1895
The Sons of Eire: A Novel Fergus MacEire 1872
Sons of Fire: A Novel Mary Elizabeth Braddon 1895
Sons of Freedom: or, The Fugitives from Siberia Fred Whishaw 1897
Sons of the Covenant: A Tale of Anglo-Jewry Samuel Gordon 1900
Sons of the Croft Peter Hay Hunter 1893
Sons of the Morning Eden Phillpotts 1900
Sons of the Sword: A Romance of the Peninsular War Margaret Louisa Woods 1901
Sooner or Later Shirley Brooks 1868
Sophia: A Tale James Inches Hillocks 1857
Sophia Stanley John Weyman 1900
Sophia: A Novel Jane Ashton 1878
Sophie Crewe: A Novel Frederick Talbot 1878
Sophy: or, The Adventures of a Savage Violet Fane 1881
Sophy Laurie: A Novel William Carew Hazlitt 1865
The Sorceress: A Novel Margaret Oliphant 1893
A Sore Temptation John Kirkwood Leys 1901
Sorely Tried Cosmo Clarke 1898
The Sororicide: A Tale Catherine Josephine Martyr 1873
Sorrentina: A Novelette Gina Rose 1879
Sorrow on the Sea: A Novel Emma Caroline Wood 1868
Sorrowful Yet Lucky Adrien De Valvedre 1884
Sorrows and Joys: Tales of Quiet Life W. M. 1863
The Sorrows of a Golfer's Wife Mary Kennard 1896
The Sorrows of Gentility Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury 1856
The Sorrows of Satan: or, The Strange Experiences of Geoffrey Tempes... Marie Corelli 1895
The Sorrows of the Streets Mary Ann Serrett Barber 1855
Sorties from "Gib," in Quest of Sensation and Sentiment Edward Dyne Fenton 1872
Sought and Saved: A Tale Mary Anna Paull 1880
A Soul Astray Caroline Emily Cameron 1895
Soul Echoes: or, Reflected Influence Sarson C. J. Ingham 1873
The Soul of Countess Adrian: A Romance Rosa Caroline Praed 1891
The Soul of Honour: A Tale Hesba Stretton 1898
The Soul of Lilith Marie Corelli 1892
The Soul of the Bishop: A Novel Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard 1893
A Soul on Fire: A Tale Florence Marryat 1898
The Soul-Gatherer Margaret Fraser Barbour 1864
Souls and Cities: A Novel Valentine Durrant 1886
Souls of Passage Amelia E. Barr 1901
The Souls of the Stones Thomas Preston Battersby 1898
The Sound of a Voice Linda Gardiner 1897
The Sound of the Streets Eleanor Grace O'Reilly 1892
Sour Grapes J. F. Cornish 1900
The South Sea Bubble: A Tale of the Year 1720 William Harrison Ainsworth 1871
The South Sea Whaler: A Story of the Loss of the "Champion" and the ... William Henry Giles Kingston 1875
The Sovereign Reader: Scenes from the Life and Reign of Queen Victoria George Alfred Henty 1887
Sow Well and Reap Well Timothy Shay Arthur 1864
A Sower of Wheat Harold Bindloss 1901
The Sowers Hugh Stowell Scott 1896
Sowing and Harvesting Mary H. Debenham 1900
Sowing and Sewing: A Sexagesima Story Charlotte Mary Yonge 1882
Sowing Beside all Waters: A Tale of the Early Church Emma Leslie 1895
Sowing Dragon's Teeth Anonymous 1872
Sowing in Tears: A Novel Helvelyn 1873
Sowing in Tears and Reaping in Joy Franz Hoffmann 1870
Sowing Sunshine: or, Sue Blake's Self-denial Grace Stebbing 1894
Sowing the Good Seed: A Canadian Tale Alicia 1870
Sowing the Sand Florence Henniker 1898
Sowing the Wind: A Novel Eliza Lynn Linton 1867
The Span o' Life: A Tale of Louisbourg and Quebec Jean Newton McIlwraith 1899
The Spanish Barber: A Tale Anne Manning 1869
The Spanish Brothers: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century Deborah Alcock 1871
The Spanish Cavalier: A Story of Seville Charlotte Maria Tucker 1875
The Spanish Conscript and his Family: A Tale of Napoleon's Campaign ... Jane Margaret Strickland 1846
The Spanish Cousin: A Nineteenth-Century Story F. B. Forester 1896
Spanish Fables Anonymous 1874
The Spanish Galleon: A West Country Romance Frederick C. Badrick 1889
A Spanish Maid Lilian M. Quiller-Couch 1898
The Spanish Match: or, Charles Stuart at Madrid William Harrison Ainsworth 1865
The Spanish Mother: A Novel Hon. Charlotte Elizabeth Petre 1869
The Spanish Poniard, Being the Story of the Remorse of Ambrose Drybr... Thomas A. Pinkerton 1890
The Spanish Wine Frank Mathew 1898
Spare Well, Spend Well: or, The Adventures of a Five Franc Piece Anonymous 1865
Spark and I: A Story Told by a Cat Annie E. Armstrong 1894
Sparkling Diamonds: In Lessons for Young Readers Anonymous 1866
Sparkling Gems: Being Short Stories for the Benefit of Young People Anonymous 1871
The Sparrow on the Housetop and Wishing and Wanting Sophie Amelia Prosser 1882
The Sparrowgrass Papers: or, Living in The Country Frederic Swartwout Cozzens 1865
Speaking Likenesses Christina G. Rossetti 1874
A Speck of the Motley Fergus Hume 1893
A Speckled Bird Augusta Jane Evans 1902
Spectre Gold: A Romance of Klondyke Headon Hill 1898
The Spectre of Strathannan William Edward Norris 1895
The Spectre of the Camera: or, The Professor's Sister. A Romance Julian Hawthorne 1888
The Spectre-Mother: or, Love after Death Alexandre Dumas 1864
Speculation: A Tale William Edward Heygate 1851
The Spell of Delilah: A Novel Blanche Eaton Back 1895
The Spell of the Snow C. Guise Mitford 1900
Spell-Bound Alice King 1874
Spell-Bound: or, Tales of the Supernatural Mary Ann Bird 1865
Spencer's Cross Manor House: A Tale for Young People Caroline Leigh Gascoigne 1852
The Spendthrift: A Tale William Harrison Ainsworth 1857
The Spendthrift Francis Dodsworth 1900
The Sphinx of Eaglehawk: A Tale of Old Bendigo Rolf Boldrewood 1895
Spiders and Flies: A Novel Percy Fendall 1886
Spiders and Flies: A Novel Mrs. Hartley 1875
Spiders of Society: A Novel Florence Marryat 1886
A Spider's Web Emilia Julia Aylmer-Gowing 1900
The Spies of the Wight Headon Hill 1899
Spindle and Plough Alice Dudeney 1901
Spindle and Shears: A Welsh Story Lewis Armytage 1891
Spindle Stories: New Yarns spun from Old Wool Ascott R. Hope 1879
Spindles and Oars: or, Chronicles of Skyrle Annie E. Holdsworth 1893
Spinning-Wheel Stories Louisa May Alcott 1884
A Spinster's Diary Jane Josephine Phillips 1892
The Spinsters of Blatchington Mar Travers 1872
The Spinsters of Sandham: By One of Themselves. A Tale for Women Mary Hayman 1867
Spiridion George Sand 1842
The Spirit is Willing Anna Maria Pickering 1898
The Spirit of Love: A Novel of Church Life Anonymous 1893
The Spirit of Storm: A Romance Sir Ronald Ross 1896
The Spirit of the Giant Mountains: A Series of Fairy Tales M. C. R. 1864
Spiritual Alchemy: or, Trials Turned to Gold. A Novel Margaret Sandbach 1851
Spitewinter Helen Shipton 1892
The Spitfire: A Tale of the Sea Frederick Chamier 1840
A Splendid Cousin Cecily Sidgwick 1892
A Splendid Fortune: A Novel James Hain Friswell 1865
The Splendid Porsenna Mary Crawford Fraser 1899
Splendid Shackles: A Story in Two Chains Anonymous 1886
A Splendid Sin Grant Allen 1896
The Splendid Spur: Being Memoirs of the Adventures of Mr. John Marvel Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1889
The Splendid Stranger: A Story of the Monmouth Rebellion Robert Leighton 1898
Spoiled by a Woman Alice Charlotte Sampson 1877
The Spoils of Poynton Henry James 1897
A Spoilt Girl: A Novel Florence Warden 1895
Spoilt Guy: The Story of a Child Francesca Maria Steele 1883
Spoilt Lives: A Novel S. Raper 1875
Spoken in Anger: A Novel Jessie Krikorian 1877
Sport and Spangles Byron Webber 1902
The Sport of Chance William Sharp 1888
The Sport of Circumstances Louis E. Armstrong 1887
Sport of Fate Richard Dowling 1880
The Sport of Fate Clara Lemore 1899
The Sport of Stars Algernon Gissing 1896
The Sport of the Gods Esther Miller 1897
Sport Royal and Other Stories Anthony Hope 1893
Sporting Facts and Fancies J. P. Wheldon 1894
A Sporting Quixote: or, The Life and Adventures of the Hon. Augustus... Samuel Laing 1886
Sporting Sorrows Fox Russell 1901
Sporting Stories and Sketches Henry George Harper 1895
Sporting Tales Mary Kennard 1893
A Sportsman's Sketches Ivan S. Turgenev 1895
A Sportswoman's Love Letters Fox Russell 1901
A Spotless Reputation Dorothea Gerard 1897
Sprattie and the Dwarf: or, The Shining Stairway Nellie Cornwall 1891
A Sprig of Heather Geraldine May Butt 1878
A Sprig of White Heather Wilhelmina Martha James 1885
Spring and Autumn Anne Judith Penny 1865
Spring Comedies Lady Barker 1871
Spring Days: A Realistic Novel. A Prelude to "Don Juan" George Moore 1888
Spring Fairies and Sea Fairies Geraldine Mockler 1897
Springdale Abbey: Extracts from the Diaries and Letters of an Englis... Joseph Parker 1868
Springhaven: A Tale of the Great War Richard Doddridge Blackmore 1887
Sprott: An Autobiography F. S. A. Barnett 1884
Spunyarn and Spindrift: A Sailor Boy's Log of a Voyage Out and Home ... Robert Brown 1886
Spurs and Skirts Allet 1862
The Spy in the School: A Tale of Two Chums Andrew Home 1899
The Squanders of Castle Squander William Carleton 1852
Squattermania: or, Phases of Antipodean Life Erro 1880
The Squire Ellen Pickering 1837
The Squire Louisa Parr 1892
Squire Arden Margaret Oliphant 1871
Squire Harrington's Secret: A Novel George W. Garrett 1875
Squire Hellman and Other Stories Juhani Aho 1893
Squire Lisle's Bequest Anne Beale 1883
Squire Lynne's Will Emma Leslie 1875
The Squire of Beechwood: A True Tale William Knightley Horlock 1857
The Squire of Bratton Frances M. Marshall 1893
The Squire of Chapel Daresfield: A Novel Richard Whieldon Baddeley 1868
The Squire of Lonsdale Edith C. Kenyon 1897
The Squire of Oakburn Emily Foster 1885
The Squire of Sandal-Side Amelia E. Barr 1887
The Squire of the Parish: A Story for Boys Mary Bradford Whiting 1896
Squire Silchester's Whim Edward James Mortimer Collins 1873
The Squire's Courtship Elizabeth Daniel 1877
The Squire's Daughter and Other Tales Anonymous 1867
The Squire's Fatal Will: or Twenty Years of Plot and Crime Milton Danvers 1897
The Squire's Grandson: A Tale of a Strong Man's Weakness Robert St. John Corbet 1873
The Squire's Grandson: A Devonshire Story J. M. Callwell 1888
The Squire's Heir Ralph Neville 1881
The Squire's Household Elizabeth J. Lysaght 1894
The Squire's Legacy Mary Cecil Hay 1875
St Giles and St James Douglas William Jerrold 1851
St Quentin's: A Village Tale and Other Stories Lady Gertrude Georgina Douglas 1879
St. Agnes' Bay: A Tale of Love at First Sight Thomas Sutton 1864
St. Alban's: or, The Prisoner of Hope Felicia Mary Frances Skene 1853
St. Aldin's Abbey: A Story Anonymous 1869
St. Anne's Court Constance E. Miller 1889
St. Antholin's: or, Old Churches and New. A Tale for the Times Francis Edward Paget 1841
"St. Aubyn's Laddie," and The Little Would-Be Soldier Eliza Caroline Phillips 1882
The St. Aubyns of St. Aubyn Janet Maughan 1862
St. Aubyn's Vow: A Novel Mary A. Poole 1873
St. Austin's Court: or, The Grandchildren BTAO "Maurice and his Mother" 1863
St. Austin's Lodge: or, Mr. Berkeley and his Nieces Agnes Giberne 1885
St. Bede's Elizabeth Darby Eiloart 1870
St. Beetha's: or, The Heiress of Arne Emma Jane Worboise 1866
St. Bernard's: The Romance of a Medical Student Edward Berdoe 1887
St. Briavels Mary Bathurst Deane 1886
The St. Cadix Case Esther Miller 1898
St. Cecilia: Her Dream and its Fulfilment Grace L. Keith Johnston 1887
St. Cedd's Cross: A Tale of the Conversion of the East Saxons Edward L. Cutts 1872
St. Clair of the Isles: or, The Outlaws of Barra. A Scottish Tradition Elizabeth Helme 1867
St. Cuthbert's Tower Florence Warden 1889
St. Dunstan's Clock: A Story of 1666 Evelyn Ward Everett Green 1893
St. Elmo: A Novel Augusta Jane Evans 1883
St. Erle Caroline Thompson 1874
St. Etienne: A Romance of the First Revolution Mary Letitia Martin 1845
St. Eustace: or, The Hundred-and-One. A Novel Vane Ireton St. John 1857
St. George: A Miniature Romance Hargrave Jennings 1853
St. George and St. Michael George MacDonald 1875
St. George for England: A Tale of Cressy and Poitiers George Alfred Henty 1885
St. George's Key: A Tale for Boys W. E. Coghlan 1869
The St. Germain Legends J. T. De Saint Germain 1865
St. Helen's Well Mary H. Debenham 1888
St. Ives: Being the Adventures of a French Prisoner in England Robert Louis Stevenson 1898
St. Katherine's by the Tower Walter Besant 1891
St. Knighton's Keive: A Cornish Tale Francis Talbot O'Donoghue 1864
St. Martha's Home: or, Work for Women Emily Harriett Bowles 1864
St. Martin's Eve: A Novel Ellen Wood 1866
St. Martin's Summer Ella Jane Curtis 1880
St. Mary's Convent: or, Chapters in the Life of a Nun Jeanie Selina Dammast 1866
St. Maur Adeline Sergeant 1894
St. Mervyn's Jessie Fearon Armstrong 1893
St. Michael's Eve William Henry Wilkins 1892

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