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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
The Pilgrim and the Shrine: or, Passages from the Life and Correspon... Edward Maitland 1868
Pilgrim Street: A Story of Manchester Life Hesba Stretton 1867
The Pilgrimage of Ben Beriah Charlotte Mary Yonge 1897
The Pilgrimage of Strongsoul and Other Stories John Davidson 1896
A Pilgrimage over the Prairies Philip Ruysdale 1863
The Pilgrims: A Bit of Cornwall in Australia William Carleton Dawe 1894
Pilgrims of Fashion: A Novel Kinahan Cornwallis 1862
Pilgrims of Love, etc Bessie Hatton 1902
The Pilgrims of New England: A Tale of the Early American Settlers Annie Webb 1853
Pilgrims of the Night: A Novel Sarah Doudney 1897
The Pilgrims of the Rhine Edward Bulwer Lytton 1834
The Pilgrims of Walsingham: or, Tales of the Middle Ages Agnes Strickland 1835
The Pillar House Florence Severne 1888
The Pillar of Fire: or, Israel in Bondage Joseph Holt Ingraham 1865
The Pillars of the House: or, Under Wode, Under Rode Charlotte Mary Yonge 1873
The Pillypingle Pastorals Druid Grayl 1899
The Pilot and his Wife Jonas Lie 1877
The Pilot's Daughters Sarah Doudney 1875
The Pilots of Pomona: A Story of the Orkney Islands Robert Leighton 1892
Pin Money Catherine Gore 1831
Pinafore Days: The Adventures of Fred and Dolly by Wood and Wave Ismay Thorn 1878
A Pinch of Experience L. B. Walford 1891
A Pinchbeck Goddess Beatrice Kipling 1897
Pinches of Salt Edmund Downey 1896
Pine and Palm: A Novel Moncure Daniel Conway 1887
Pine Needles Susan Bogert Warner 1877
Pink and White Tyranny Harriet Beecher Stowe 1871
A Pink of Perfection Emma Marshall 1900
Pink Papers Edward Spencer Mott 1899
Pink Roses, and Other Stories for Leisure Hours Margaret Scott Haycraft 1895
The Pink Sash: A Story of Little Girls Grace Elizabeth Wyatt 1886
A Pink Wedding: A Novel Richard Mounteney Jephson 1880
The Pioneers.: A Tale of the Western Wilderness R. M. Ballantyne 1872
Pious Frauds: A Novel Albany de Grenier de Fonblanque 1880
Pipistrello, and Other Stories Ouida 1880
Pippie's Warning: or, Mind your Temper Catherine Ann Crowe 1848
Pippins and Cheese Joseph Hatton 1868
Pique: A Novel Frances E. M. Notley 1850
The Pirate City: An Algerine Tale R. M. Ballantyne 1875
Pirate Gold J. Robert Hutchinson 1898
The Pirate Island: A Story of the South Pacific William Joseph Cosens Lancaster 1885
The Pirate Junk: A Story of the Sooloo Sea John Conroy Hutcheson 1896
A Pirate of the Caribees William Joseph Cosens Lancaster 1898
The Pirate of the Gulf: or, Lafitte Joseph Holt Ingraham 1837
The Pirate of the Mediterranean: A Tale of the Sea William Henry Giles Kingston 1851
The Pirate Queen: or, Captain Kidd and the Treasure Douglas Stewart 1867
The Pirate Slaver: A Story of the West African Coast William Joseph Cosens Lancaster 1895
The Pirate, and the Three Cutters Frederick Marryat 1836
Pirates' Creek: A Story of Treasure-Quest Samuel Whitchurch Sadler 1883
The Pirate's Doom: or, A Midshipman's First Voyage William Hurton 1843
A Pirate's Gold: A True Story of Buried Treasure William Gordon Stables 1899
The Pirate's Hand: A Romance of Heredity Clo Graves 1889
The Pirates of "The Foam": A Novel Francis Claudius Armstrong 1863
The Pirates of the Mississippi Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Gerstäcker 1856
The Pirates of the Prairies: Adventures in the American Desert Gustave Aimard 1862
The Pirates' Treasure: A Legend of Panama William Henry Giles Kingston 1868
Piso and the Praefect: or, The Ancients off their Stilts Anonymous 1837
The Pit Town Coronet: A Family Mystery Charles James Wills 1888
A Pitiful Passion Ella Macmahon 1896
The Pity of It Jane Grace Smith 1884
Pixie's Adventures: The Tale of a Terrier N. D'Anvers 1878
Pixies and Nixies: A Little Book of Quivergrass and Spindrift for Su... Edith Mary Shaw 1885
Pixton's Parish: A Story for Young Men and Women Florence Moore 1895
The Place of Dreams: Four Stories William Francis Barry 1893
The Plagiarist William Myrtle 1897
The Plague Ship George Alfred Henty 1889
Plain Frances Mowbray and Other Tales Emily Lawless 1889
Plain John Orpington John Berwick Harwood 1866
Plain Living: A Bush Idyll Rolf Boldrewood 1898
The Plain Miss Cray Florence Warden 1900
Plain or Ringlets? Robert Smith Surtees 1860
Plain Tales from the Hills Rudyard Kipling 1888
The Plan of Campaign: A Story of the Fortune of War Frances Mabel Robinson 1888
The Plant Hunters: or, Adventures Among the Himalaya Mountains Capt. Mayne Reid 1858
Plantagenet Anonymous 1835
The Planter's Northern Bride Caroline Lee Hentz 1854
A Plaster Saint Annie Edwards 1899
Platonia: A Tale of Other Worlds Henry L'Estrange 1893
Platonic Affections Horace Gordon Hutchinson 1896
Plato's Handmaiden Lucas Cleeve 1901
The Plattner Story and Others H. G. Wells 1897
Play and Earnest: A Tale Florence Wilford 1860
Play or Pay: A Novelette Hawley Smart 1878
The Play-Day Book: or, New Stories for Little Folks Fanny Fern 1857
The Playactress S. R. Crockett 1894
Played Out: A Novel Annie Thomas 1866
Played Out and Lost Amy Hurlston 1885
The Players: or, The Stage of Life Thomas James Serle 1847
A Player's Tragedy Henry Hamilton Fyfe 1893
The Playfair Papers: or, Brother Jonathan, "the smartest nation in a... Paul Patterson 1841
The Playfellow and Other Stories Anna Maria Hall 1866
Playing at Botany Phoebe Anne Allen 1887
Playing for Love: A Story Ellen Creathorne Clayton 1876
Playing on the Brink: A Novel John Frazer Corkran 1867
Playing Trades Charles Marshall 1870
Playing with Fire: A Story of the Soudan War James Grant 1887
The Plaything of an Hour, and Other Stories Mary Kennard 1895
A Playwright's Daughter Annie Edwards 1886
Pleasant Grove: A Book for the Young Anonymous 1868
A Pleasant Life Mary Howitt 1871
Pleasant Paths for Little Feet Ruth Lamb 1862
Pleasant Stories in Prose and Verse Jane Boden 1877
Pleasant Tales for Young People George Mogridge 1850
Pleasant Words for Little Folk Anonymous 1869
The Pleasures of Old Age Émile Souvestre 1868
Plebeians and Patricians Peter Gaskill 1836
A Pledge that Redeemed Itself Sarson C. J. Ingham 1879
A Pliable Marriage Anna Maria Pickering 1895
Plot of the Present Day Kate Hope Huntly 1880
Plotters of Paris Edmund Mitchell 1900
Ploughed and Other Stories L. B. Walford 1894
Pluck Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard 1886
Plucky Fellows: Being Reminiscences from the Note-book of Captain Fr... Stephen Joseph Mackenna 1873
The Plunder Ship Headon Hill 1900
The Plunderers: A Romance Morley Roberts 1900
A Plunge into Space Robert Cromie 1890
A Plunge into the Sahara: An Adventure of To-Day G. Demage 1894
A Plunge into Troubled Waters: or, Scenes of Modern Parochial Life Christabel Rose Coleridge 1888
The Plunger: A Turf Tragedy of Five-and-Twenty Years Ago Hawley Smart 1891
Plutus Adonis: A Mythical Hero Sara M. Hardwich 1883
The Poachers: A Tale Ewan Hugh Maclachlan 1863
The Poacher's Sons Hay Hill 1873
The Poacher's Wife: A Story of the Times G. Charlton Carew 1849
Poet and Peer Hamilton Aidé 1880
The Poet and Penelope Abbie Hargrave 1902
A Poet Hero Mary von Bothmer 1870
Poets All John Affleck Bridges 1893
A Poets' Bazaar Hans Christian Andersen 1846
The Poet's Children Mary Howitt 1863
The Poet's Daughter: A Novel Anonymous 1837
Point Blank: A Novel Amelia Sophia Coates Young 1884
A Point of Conscience Margaret Wolfe Hungerford 1896
A Point of Honour Annie Edwards 1863
The Point of Honour: Being Some Adventures of Certain Gentlemen of t... Henry Albert Hinkson 1901
A Point of View Caroline Janet Fothergill 1898
The Poison of Asps Richard Orton Prowse 1892
Poisoned Arrows Jean Middlemass 1884
Poisoners and Propagandists: or, A Developed Age. A Tale Anonymous 1856
The Poles in the Seventeenth Century: An Historical Novel. With a Sk... Henry Krasinski 1843
Police Sergeant C 21: The Story of a Crime Reginald Barnett 1888
The Policeman's Lantern: Strange Stories of London Life. James Greenwood 1888
Policy and Passion: A Novel of Australian Life Rosa Caroline Praed 1881
A Polish Conspiracy: or, A Wandering Star Fanny Du Tertre 1893
Politics and Life in Mars: A Story of a Neighbouring Planet Anonymous 1883
Pollie and Jack: A Small Story for Small People Alice Hepburn 1875
Polly: A Village Portrait Percy H. Fitzgerald 1867
Polly and Winnie: or, The Story of he Good Samaritan F. F. G. 1871
Polly of Parker's Rents Grace Thyrza Kimmins 1899
Polly Oliver's Problem: A Story for Girls Kate Douglas Wiggin 1894
Polly Rivers: or, What Must I Renounce? Frances E. Reade 1888
Polly Spanker's Green Feather: An East Lothian Story L. B. Walford 1887
Polly Wyatt: or, Virtue its own Reward Sarah M. S. Clarke 1877
Polly, who was 'Nobody's Child' Robina Forrester Hardy 1891
Polly's Petition: or, Bread for a Stone Marion Clarke 1885
Pomegranate Seed BTAO "Rare Pale Margaret" 1886
Pomegranates from the Punjab: Indian Stories Charlotte Maria Tucker 1878
Pomeroy Abbey: A Romance Ellen Wood 1878
Pomfret: or, Public Opinion and Private Judgment Henry Fothergill Chorley 1845
Pomfret's Ward: or, A Vermonter's Adventures in Mexico Augustine J. H. Duganne 1865
Pomona Evelyn Whitaker 1894
Pomona's Travels Frank R. Stockton 1894
The Pomp of the Lavilettes Sir Gilbert Parker 1897
Pomponia: or, The Gospel in Caesar's Household Annie Webb 1867
Ponce de Leon: or, The Rise of the Argentine Republic. A Novel BTAO "Ponce de Leon" 1878
Ponsonby: A Tale of Troublous Times Anonymous 1850
Pontiac, Chief of the Ottawas: A Tale of the Siege of Detroit Edward S. Ellis 1897
Poor and Plain: A Story for Elder Girls Mary Ann Seamer 1891
Poor Archie's Girls: A Novel Kathleen Knox 1882
The Poor Artist: or, Seven Eye-sights and One Object Richard Hengist Horne 1850
Poor Blossom: The Story of a Horse BTAO "Neddy and Me" 1875
A Poor Buffer: A Story for Young People Helen Vernon Savile 1900
The Poor Clerk and his Crooked Sixpence George Eliel Sargent 1874
The Poor Cousin: A Novel Elizabeth Daniel 1846
Poor Elisabeth M. Hamilton 1901
Poor Fellow! Charlotte Elizabeth Riddell 1902
Poor Folk Fyodor Dostoyevsky 1894
A Poor Gentleman Margaret Oliphant 1889
The Poor Girl Pierce Egan 1880
Poor Human Nature Jessie Bedford 1898
Poor Humanity Frederick William Robinson 1868
Poor Jack Frederick Marryat 1840
Poor Joe the Parish Boy James Campkin 1860
Poor Laurette: A Novel Ledbury Bedford 1887
Poor Little Bella Francis Charles Philips 1897
Poor Little Gaspard's Drum: A Tale of the French Revolution Alfred Harold Engelbach 1867
Poor Little Mother Eleanor C. Price 1896
Poor Match: His Life, Adventures, and Death Harriet Parr 1863
Poor Max Kathleen Mannington Caffyn 1898
Poor Mike: The Story of a Waif Silas Kitto Hocking 1882
Poor Milly: A Tale of London Life Cecilia Anne Jones 1876
Poor Miss Finch Wilkie Collins 1872
Poor Nellie BTAO "My Trivial Life and Misfortunes" 1887
Poor Nelly Elizabeth Anna Hart 1880
The Poor of Paris: A Story of Everyday Life. On Which is Founded the... Anonymous 1864
Poor Papa: A New American Story Mary W. Porter 1879
A Poor Player: A Story of Kent West Digges 1888
The Poor Plutocrats: A Romance Mór Jókai 1899
The Poor Relation: A Novel Julia S. H. Pardoe 1858
Poor Relations: Cousin Pons Honoré de Balzac 1880
A Poor Squire Harriet Parr 1882
Poor Wisdom's Chance: A Novel Caroline Emily Cameron 1880
Poor Zeph, and Other Tales Frederick William Robinson 1880
Pop and Peggy: or, How Tom was Sent to Sea Anonymous 1875
The Pope: A Novel John Richard Digby Beste 1840
The Pope and the Actor: An Historical Novel Hannah Dorothy Burdon 1842
The Poplar Grove: or, Little Harry and his Uncle Benjamin. A Tale fo... Esther Copley 1841
Poplar House Academy Anne Manning 1859
Popplewags Chrome 1879
Poppy: A Novel Flora Matilda Hayter 1883
Poppy's Easter Holidays: A Story for Children Emma Marshall 1864
Poppy's Life Service Emilie Searchfield 1885
A Poppy's Tears Stephen Mannington Caffyn 1890
A Popular Girl: A Tale of School Life in Germany May Baldwin 1901
The Popular Idol: A Novel William Mackay 1876
The Popular Member, The Wheel of Fortune, etc Catherine Gore 1844
Popularity, and Destinies of Woman Margaret Baron Wilson 1842
The Port Admiral: A Tale of the War William Johnstoune Nelson Neale 1833
The Port Guard Ship: A Romance of the Present Day Navy Frederick Thomas Jane 1900
Port Salvation: or, The Evangelist Alphonse Daudet 1883
The Portent: A Story of the Inner Vision of the Highlanders, commonl... George MacDonald 1864
Portia: or, By Passions Rocked Margaret Wolfe Hungerford 1883
The Portrait of a Lady Henry James 1881
The Portrait of a Woman Cosmo Clarke 1899
Position: A Novel Ouida 1890
Possessed of Devils Nina Cecelia Francesca Gorst 1897
Post Haste: A Tale of Her Majesty's Mails R. M. Ballantyne 1880
Post Hiems Ver: A Novel Ada Montague 1877
Post Mortem Arthur Montagu Brookfield 1881
The Post of Honour Charlotte Bickersteth Wheeler 1863
Poste Restante: A Novel C. Y. Hargreaves 1894
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club Charles Dickens 1837
Posthumous Records of a London Clergyman John Hobart Caunter 1835
The Postman's Bag and Other Stories Jan de Liefde 1862
The Postman's Daughter and Other Tales Henry Herman 1894
The Postmaster of Market Deignton E. Phillips Oppenheim 1897
The Postmaster of Prenzlau, and Other Tales Anonymous 1875
The Pot of Gold and Other Stories Mary Eleanor Freeman 1892
The Potentate: A Romance Frances Forbes-Robertson 1898
Potsherds Mabel C. Birchenough 1898
The Potterers' Club: A Cycling Novel George Lacy Hillier 1900
The Potter's Thumb: A Novel Flora Annie Steel 1894
The Pottle Papers Tristram Coutts 1898
The Pottleton Legacy: A Story of Town and Country Life Albert Richard Smith 1849
Pounceford Hall: A Story of School Life Benjamin Clarke 1872
The Powder Monkey: or, The Adventures of Two Boy Heroes in the Islan... William Dalton 1874
The Power of Consistency Kate 1863
The Power of Gold: A Novel George Lambert 1886
The Power of Kindness and Other Stories: A Book for the Example and ... Timothy Shay Arthur 1875
The Power of the Dog: A Novel Lilian Rowland Brown 1896
The Power of the Hand: A Romance Frances E. M. Notley 1888

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