Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Publication Year: 1896

All the fiction titles published in the year 1896:

  1. John Ackworth.  Clog Shop Chronicles.  1 vol.  London: Charles H. Kelly.
  2. Andrew Oswald Acworth.  A New Eden.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  3. Henry Cadwallader Adams.  School and University: or, Dolph Woolward.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  4. Ellinor Davenport Adams.  Little Miss Conceit.  1 vol.  London: Oliphant.
  5. Ellinor Davenport Adams.  The Palace on the Moor.  1 vol.  London: Edward Arnold.
  6. Arthur St. John Adcock.  Beyond Atonement: A Story of London Life.  1 vol.  London: Bellairs and Co..
  7. James Ainscough.  The Man who Disappeared: A Lancashire Story.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  8. Effie Adelaide Maria Albanesi.  A Faithful Traitor.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens.
  9. Mary Jemima Albert.  The Luckiest Man in the World: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  10. William Livingston Alden.  The Mystery of Elias G. Roebuck and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  11. William Livingston Alden.  Among the Freaks.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  12. Mrs. Alexander.  A Fight with Fate.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  13. Mrs. Alexander.  A Golden Autumn: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  14. Mrs. Alexander.  A Winning Hazard.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  15. Grant Allen.  A Splendid Sin.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  16. Phoebe Anne Allen.  Whispering Tongues.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  17. Percy Andreae.  The Vanished Emperor.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  18. Marion Andrews.  Countess Helena.  1 vol.  London: Wells Gardner, Darton.
  19. Marion Andrews.  Down the Village Street: Scenes in a West Country Hamlet.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  20. Clara Catherine Andrews.  Prue.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens.
  21. Anonymous.  Joan's Secret.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens.
  22. Charles Vernon Anson.  The Great Anglo-American War of 1900.  1 vol.  London: Edward Stanford.
  23. F. Anstey.  The Statement of Stella Maberly, Written by Herself.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  24. George Webb Appleton.  A Philanthropist at Large.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
  25. Jessie Fearon Armstrong.  Kitty Landon's Girlhood: A Story.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son.
  26. Joseph Ashby-Sterry.  A Tale of the Thames: With Illustrations in Verse by the Author.  1 vol.  London: Bliss, Sands, and Foster.
  27. Francis Henry Atkins.  The Devil-Tree of El Dorado: A Romance of British Guiana.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  28. Charles Harold Avery.  Frank's First Term: or, Making a Man of Him.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  29. Charles Harold Avery.  A Boy all Over.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  30. Emilia Julia Aylmer-Gowing.  Gods of Gold.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  31. James Baker.  The Gleaming Dawn: A Romance of the Middle Ages.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  32. Louisa Alice Baker.  In Golden Shackles.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  33. Henry Barton Baker.  Margaret Grey: An Episode in a Life.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  34. Marie Clothilde Balfour.  White Sand: The Story of a Dreamer and His Dream.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  35. Marie Clothilde Balfour.  Maria Stella.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  36. Honoré de Balzac.  The Girl with the Golden Eyes.  1 vol.  London: Leonard Smithers.
  37. Sabine Baring-Gould.  The Broom-Squire.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  38. Sabine Baring-Gould.  Dartmoor Idylls.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  39. Jane Barlow.  Mrs. Martin's Company and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: J. M. Dent.
  40. Robert Barr.  Revenge!.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  41. Robert Barr.  A Woman Intervenes.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  42. Amelia E. Barr.  Bernicia.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  43. Frank Barrett.  The Harding Scandal.  2 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  44. Joan Barrett.  Monte Carlo Stories.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  45. J. M. Barrie.  Sentimental Tommy: The Story of his Boyhood.  1 vol.  London: Cassell.
  46. John Arthur Barry.  In the Great Deep: Sea Stories.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  47. Elisabeth Boyd Bayly.  Forestwyk: or, Ten Years After.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son.
  48. Emeric Hulme Beaman.  Ozmar the Mystic: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Bliss, Sands, and Foster.
  49. Louis Becke.  The Ebbing of the Tide: South Sea Stories.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  50. Louis Becke.  His Native Wife.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  51. Louis Becke.  A First Fleet Family.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  52. Louis Becke.  The Mystery of the Laughlin Islands.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  53. H. Louisa Bedford.  Miss Chilcott's Legacy.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  54. Lilian Bell.  The Under Side of Things: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  55. Edward Frederic Benson.  Limitations: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  56. Walter Besant.  The City of Refuge.  3 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  57. Walter Besant.  The Master Craftsman.  2 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  58. Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards.  The Dream-Charlotte: A Story of Echoes.  1 vol.  London: A. and C. Black.
  59. John Bickerdyke.  Lady Val's Elopement.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  60. Mabel C. Birchenough.  Disturbing Elements.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  61. Olive Mary Birrell.  Behind the Magic Mirror.  1 vol.  London: Osgood, McIlvaine.
  62. Clementina Black.  The Princess Désirée.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  63. William Black.  Briseis.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  64. Richard Doddridge Blackmore.  Tales from the Telling-House.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  65. Nellie K. Blissett.  The Wisdom of the Simple.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  66. Mary Blundell.  Among the Untrodden Ways.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  67. Mary Blundell.  Frieze and Fustian.  1 vol.  London: Osgood, McIlvaine.
  68. Matthias MacDonnell Bodkin.  Lord Edward Fitzgerald: An Historical Romance.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  69. Rolf Boldrewood.  The Sealskin Cloak.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  70. Eliza Margaret von Booth.  Joan and Mrs. Carr.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  71. Eliza Margaret von Booth.  Vignettes: Stories.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  72. Eliza Margaret von Booth.  Kitty the Rag.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  73. Guy Boothby.  The Beautiful White Devil.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  74. Guy Boothby.  Doctor Nikola.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  75. Guy Boothby.  In Strange Company: A Story of Chili and the Southern Seas.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  76. Paul Bourget.  A Tragic Idyl.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
  77. Mary Elizabeth Braddon.  London Pride: or, When the World was Younger.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  78. Sheila E. Braine.  Cynthia's Holiday: A Story for Girls.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  79. Sheila E. Braine.  To Tell the King the Sky is Falling.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  80. Mary Eliza Bramston.  Too Fair a Dawn.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  81. Mary Eliza Bramston.  The Story of a Cat and a Cake During the Thirty Years' War.  1 vol.  London: National Society's Depository.
  82. Mary Eliza Bramston.  Punch, Judy, and Toby: A Tale.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  83. Sir Claude Arthur Bray.  The King's Revenge.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  84. Frederic Edward Breton.  The Trespasses of Two.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  85. Emily Feake Bridges.  Harlow's Ideal, and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  86. Alice Jane Briggs.  Donald's Ambition.  1 vol.  London: Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School Union.
  87. Emily Brodie.  Freyda's Piano.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  88. Emily Hester Brodrick.  The Creed of Philip Glyn.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  89. Emma Frances Brooke.  Life the Accuser: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  90. Lilian Rowland Brown.  The Power of the Dog: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son.
  91. John Hutton Balfour Browne.  The Turn of the Tide: A Story of 1745.  1 vol.  London: Women's Printing Society.
  92. Tryphena Margaret Browne.  Gerald Thurlow: or, The New Marshal. A Story of California.  1 vol.  London: Partridge.
  93. Tryphena Margaret Browne.  Clair: or, A Hundred Years Ago.  1 vol.  London: Partridge.
  94. Henry Anderson Bryden.  Tales of South Africa.  1 vol.  London: Archibald Constable.
  95. John Buchan.  Scholar Gipsies.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  96. Robert Williams Buchanan.  A Marriage by Capture: A Romance of To-day.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  97. Robert Williams Buchanan.  Effie Hetherington.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  98. Henry F. Buller.  Where Two Tides Meet.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  99. Shan Bullock.  Ring o' Rushes.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  100. George Brown Burgin.  Tomalyn's Quest.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  101. George Brown Burgin.  The Judge of the Four Corners.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  102. George Brown Burgin.  Gascoigne's Ghost.  1 vol.  London: Neville Beeman.
  103. C. A. Burnaby.  Farmer Winstone's Waif.  1 vol.  London: Operative Jewish Converts' Institution.
  104. Frances Hodgson Burnett.  A Lady of Quality: Being a Most Curious, hitherto Unknown History.  1 vol.  London: Frederick Warne.
  105. Edwin Harcourt Burrage.  The Slave Raiders of Zanzibar.  1 vol.  London: Partridge.
  106. William Dutton Burrard.  Chronicles of an Eminent Fossil.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  107. John Edward Bloundelle Burton.  Denounced: A Romance of Love and Sorrow.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  108. John Edward Bloundelle Burton.  In the Day of Adversity: A Romance.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  109. Francis George Burton.  The Naval Engineer and the Command of the Sea: A Story of Naval Administration.  1 vol.  Manchester: The Technical Publishing Co..
  110. Rayne Butler.  In the Power of Two. The Spider and the Fly.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  111. Marion Clifford Butler.  A Thankful Heart.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  112. Kathleen Mannington Caffyn.  A Quaker Grandmother.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  113. Ada Cambridge.  A Humble Enterprise.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  114. Caroline Emily Cameron.  Two Cousins and a Castle.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  115. Caroline Emily Cameron.  Little Lady Lee: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  116. Josephine Elizabeth Campbell.  The Problem of Prejudice.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  117. Magdalen Harriet Mary Capes.  The Little Runaways.  1 vol.  London: Sunday School Union.
  118. Rosa Nouchette Carey.  The Mistress of Brae Farm: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  119. Montgomery Carmichael.  Sketches and Stories, Grave and Gay.  1 vol.  London: Archibald Constable.
  120. Frederic Carrel.  The City.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  121. Agnes Castle.  My Little Lady Anne.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  122. Gratiana Chanter.  The Witch of Withyford: A Story of Exmoor.  1 vol.  London: J. M. Dent.
  123. Jennie Chappell.  Carol's Gift: or, "What Time I am Afraid, I will Trust in Thee".  1 vol.  London: Partridge.
  124. Jennie Chappell.  Raymond's Rival: or, Which Will Win?.  1 vol.  London: Partridge.
  125. Jennie Chappell.  My Friend Kathleen.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  126. Annie Vivanti Chartres.  The Hunt for Happiness.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  127. R. D. Chetwode.  The Lord of Lowedale: A Chronicle of the Sixteenth Century.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son.
  128. R. D. Chetwode.  To the Death: A Tale of the Days of Cromwell.  1 vol.  London: Cassell.
  129. Egerton Clairmonte.  The Africander: A Plain Tale of Colonial Life.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  130. Alfred Clark.  The Finding of Lot's Wife.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  131. Marcus Clarke.  Long Odds: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  132. Amy Key Clarke.  A High School Girl: or, The Secret of the Old Bureau.  1 vol.  London: Sunday School Union.
  133. Amy Key Clarke.  Matthew Parkyn.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  134. Amy Key Clarke.  A Clever Daughter.  1 vol.  London: Sunday School Union.
  135. Lucas Cleeve.  Epicures.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
  136. Sophia Lucy Jane Clifford.  Mere Stories.  1 vol.  London: A. and C. Black.
  137. James Maclaren Cobban.  The Tyrants of Kool-Sim.  1 vol.  London: Henry.
  138. Alfred John Henry Cochrane.  Told in the Pavilion: Stories of Cricket.  1 vol.  Bristol: Arrowsmith.
  139. Christabel Rose Coleridge.  Minstrel Dick: A Tale of the XIVth Century.  1 vol.  London: Wells, Gardner, Darton.
  140. Christabel Rose Coleridge.  Ravenstone.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  141. Christabel Rose Coleridge.  A Colt from the Heather.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  142. Robert Collier.  Kate Grenville.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  143. William Gershom Collingwood.  The Bondwoman: A Story of the Northmen in Lakeland.  1 vol.  London: Edward Arnold.
  144. Mabel Collins.  The Star Sapphire.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
  145. C. G. Compton.  Her Own Devices.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  146. Margaret S. Comrie.  Manor Coombe.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  147. Marian Comyn.  Rediviva: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  148. Joseph Conrad.  An Outcast of the Islands.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  149. Edward Herbert Cooper.  The Enemies.  1 vol.  London: Archibald Constable.
  150. Elizabeth Burgoyne Corbett.  A Young Stowaway: His Surprising Adventures and Hairbreadth Escapes.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  151. Marie Corelli.  The Mighty Atom.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  152. Marie Corelli.  Cameos: Short Stories.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  153. Marie Corelli.  The Murder of Delicia.  1 vol.  London: Skeffington.
  154. Leslie Cope Cornford.  Captain Jacobus: Certain Passages from the Memoirs of Anthony Langford.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  155. Nellie Cornwall.  Joyce's Little Maid.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  156. Mary Helena Cornwall-Legh.  How Dick and Molly Saw England.  1 vol.  London: Edward Arnold.
  157. Annie Sophie Cory.  Paula: A Sketch from Life.  1 vol.  London: Walter Scott.
  158. George Cossins.  Isban-Israel: A South African Story.  1 vol.  London: Gay and Bird.
  159. Constance Annie Mary Cotterell.  An Impossible Person.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  160. Annie Cox.  Comrades.  1 vol.  London: H. J. Drane.
  161. Hubert Montague Crackanthorpe.  Vignettes: A Miniature Journal of Whim and Sentiment.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  162. Stephen Crane.  The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American Civil War.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  163. Stephen Crane.  George's Mother.  1 vol.  London: Edward Arnold.
  164. Stephen Crane.  The Little Regiment, and Other Episodes of the American Civil War.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  165. F. Marion Crawford.  Taquisara.  2 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  166. F. Marion Crawford.  Adam Johnstone's Son.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  167. Oswald John Frederick Crawfurd.  The White Feather and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  168. Henry Cresswell.  The Wooing of Fortune.  1 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  169. Paul Creswick.  At the Sign of the Cross Keys.  1 vol.  London: John Macqueen.
  170. S. R. Crockett.  Cleg Kelly: Arab of the City.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  171. S. R. Crockett.  The Grey Man.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  172. Bithia Mary Croker.  The Real Lady Hilda: A Sketch.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  173. Bithia Mary Croker.  In the Kingdom of Kerry and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  174. Robert Cromie.  The Next Crusade.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  175. May Crommelin.  Half Round the World for a Husband: A Comedy of Errors.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  176. Frances E. Crompton.  The Green Garland.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  177. Constance Cross.  Kate Reyburn.  1 vol.  London: Wells Gardner, Darton.
  178. Elim Henry D'Avigdor.  Lady Hetty: A Story of To-day.  1 vol.  London: Vanity Fair Office.
  179. Daine.  Hilary and Vivian.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens.
  180. Richard Patrick Boyle Davey.  The Sand Sea, and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Roxburghe Press.
  181. Hugh Coleman Davidson.  The Story of a Lost Soul: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  182. John Davidson.  Miss Armstrong's, and Other Circumstances.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  183. John Davidson.  The Pilgrimage of Strongsoul and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  184. William Carleton Dawe.  The History of Godfrey Kinge.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  185. Alec John Dawson.  Leeway: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  186. William James Dawson.  The Story of Hannah.  1 vol.  London: Hodder and Stoughton.
  187. Mary H. Debenham.  The Laird's Legacy.  1 vol.  London: National Society's Depository.
  188. Mary H. Debenham.  My Neighbour's Garden.  1 vol.  London: Frederick Warne.
  189. Hilary Deccan.  Where Billows Break.  1 vol.  London: Digby, Long.
  190. Henry E. Dennehy.  Alethea: At the Parting of the Ways.  2 vol.  London: Burns and Oates.
  191. Mary Angela Dickens.  Some Women's Ways.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son.
  192. Evelyn Dickinson.  The Sin of Angels.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  193. Alice Mangoldt Diehl.  A Modern Helen.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  194. Alice Mangoldt Diehl.  A Woman's Cross.  1 vol.  London: Digby, Long.
  195. Sarah Doudney.  Katherine's Keys: A Tale.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  196. Sarah Doudney.  A Vanished Hand.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  197. Sarah Doudney.  Bitter and Sweet.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  198. Lily Dougall.  The Madonna of a Day: A Study.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  199. Theo Douglas.  Iras: A Mystery.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  200. Theo Douglas.  A Bride Elect.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  201. Walmer Downe.  The Bloom of Faded Years.  1 vol.  Greenock: J. M'Kelvie and Sons.
  202. Edmund Downey.  Pinches of Salt.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
  203. Edmund Downey.  The Ugly Man.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
  204. Arthur Conan Doyle.  The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard.  1 vol.  London: George Newnes.
  205. Arthur Conan Doyle.  Rodney Stone.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  206. Hamilton Drummond.  Gobelin Grange.  1 vol.  London: A. and C. Black.
  207. William Price Drury.  The Petrified Eye, and Other Naval Stories: As Originally told to the Marines by one of Themselves.  1 vol.  Portsmouth: Charpentier & Co..
  208. Sara Jeanette Duncan.  His Honor and a Lady.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  209. Gertrude Dunn.  Love for a Key.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  210. Annie Victoria Dutton.  Wisdom's Folly: A Study in Feminine Development.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  211. Anne Elliot.  Lord Harborough: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  212. Emma Elliot.  Up in Arms.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  213. Erminda Rentoul Esler.  The Wardlaws.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  214. David G. Falk.  A Castaway of the Barrier.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  215. Benjamin Leopold Farjeon.  The Betrayal of John Fordham.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  216. Ernest Favenc.  The Secret of the Australian Desert.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  217. George Manville Fenn.  Cursed by a Fortune.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  218. George Manville Fenn.  The Case of Ailsa Gray.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  219. George Manville Fenn.  In Honour's Cause: A Tale of the Days of George the First.  1 vol.  London: Partridge.
  220. George Manville Fenn.  Sappers and Miners: or, The Flood Beneath the Sea.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  221. George Manville Fenn.  The Black Tor: A Tale of the Reign of James I.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers.
  222. George Manville Fenn.  Roy Royland: or, The Young Castellan. A Tale of the Civil War.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers.
  223. George Manville Fenn.  The Adventures of Don Lavington.  1 vol.  London: Partridge.
  224. Jeanie Ferry.  Chrissie's Faults: or, Fettered by Custom.  1 vol.  London: Sunday School Union.
  225. Jeanie Ferry.  Maggie's Life Work.  1 vol.  London: Robert Culley.
  226. Louise Frances Field.  Denis: A Study in Black and White.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  227. Julian Osgood Field.  The Limb: An Episode of Adventure.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  228. Jane Helen Findlater.  The Green Graves of Balgowrie.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  229. S. J. Adair Fitz-Gerald.  The Zankiwank and the Bletherwitch.  1 vol.  London: J. M. Dent.
  230. Wilhelmina FitzClarence.  Ghostly Tales.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  231. Gerald Beresford Fitzgerald.  An Odd Career.  1 vol.  London: Digby, Long.
  232. Joseph Smith Fletcher.  Mistress Spitfire.  1 vol.  London: J. M. Dent.
  233. Joseph Smith Fletcher.  At the Gate of the Fold: A Country Tale.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  234. Joseph Smith Fletcher.  In the Days of Drake: Being the Adventures of Humphrey Salkeld.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  235. Joseph Smith Fletcher.  Life in Arcadia.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  236. Mary H. Folkard.  Within her Grasp.  1 vol.  London: Frederick Warne.
  237. F. B. Forester.  The Spanish Cousin: A Nineteenth-Century Story.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  238. F. B. Forester.  His Level Best.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  239. Robert Edward Treston Forrest.  The Bond of Blood: An Indian Tale.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  240. Florence Foster.  How to be Happy though Hunted: From the Fox's Point of View.  1 vol.  London: A. Brown and Sons.
  241. Florence Foster.  A Reel of No. 8 and Suddaby Fewster: Two Holderness Tales.  1 vol.  London: A. Brown and Sons.
  242. Caroline Janet Fothergill.  A Question of Degree.  1 vol.  London: A. and C. Black.
  243. Augusta Zelia Fraser.  A Reluctant Evangelist, and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Edward Arnold.
  244. Mary Crawford Fraser.  Palladia.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  245. Mary Crawford Fraser.  Dora Murray's Ideal and How It Came to Her.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  246. Mary Eleanor Freeman.  Madelon: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Osgood, McIlvaine.
  247. Hamlin Garland.  Rose of Dutcher's Coolly.  1 vol.  London: Neville Beeman.
  248. Blanche A. L. Garvock.  Raymond's Angel: A Story of Two Lives Laid Down.  1 vol.  London: Elliot Stock.
  249. Sir William Nevill Montgomerie Geary.  A Lawyer's Wife: A Tale of Two Women and Some Men.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  250. Dorothea Gerard.  Angela's Lover.  1 vol.  London: Archibald Constable.
  251. Emily Jane Gerard.  A Foreigner: An Anglo-German Study.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  252. Agnes Giberne.  Miss Primrose.  1 vol.  London: J. F. Shaw.
  253. Agnes Giberne.  Old Comrades.  1 vol.  London: J. F. Shaw.
  254. Agnes Giberne.  The Girl at the Dower House and Afterward.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers.
  255. Agnes Giberne.  Marigold's Decision.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  256. Agnes Giberne.  Life-Tangles: or, The Journal of Rhoda Frith.  1 vol.  London: J. F. Shaw.
  257. Hélène E. A. Gingold.  Half-a-Dozen Transgressions.  1 vol.  London: Iliffe and Son.
  258. Algernon Gissing.  The Sport of Stars.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  259. Ernest Glanville.  Kloof Yarns.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  260. Alice Coralie Glyn.  A Woman of To-Morrow: A Tale of the 20th Century.  1 vol.  London: Women's Printing Society.
  261. Nat Gould.  The Magpie Jacket: A Tale of the Turf.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  262. Nat Gould.  Who did it?.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  263. Nat Gould.  The Miners' Cup: A Coolgardie Romance.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  264. Nat Gould.  The Doctor's Double: An Anglo-Australian Sensation.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  265. Winifred Graham.  A Strange Solution.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  266. Winifred Graham.  On the Down Grade.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  267. Clo Graves.  A Well-Meaning Woman.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  268. Esca Gray.  Belfield: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Skeffington.
  269. Evelyn Ward Everett Green.  Arnold Inglehurst, the Preacher: A Story of the Fen Country.  1 vol.  London: J. F. Shaw.
  270. Evelyn Ward Everett Green.  In Taunton Town: A Story of the Rebellion of James Duke of Monmouth in 1685.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  271. Evelyn Ward Everett Green.  Olive Roscoe: or, The New Sister.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  272. Evelyn Ward Everett Green.  The Chatterton Mystery.  1 vol.  London: James Clarke.
  273. Evelyn Ward Everett Green.  A Soldier's Son and the Battle he Fought.  1 vol.  London: J. F. Shaw.
  274. William Oliver Greener.  The Men of Harlech.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  275. Henry Martineau Greenhow.  The Tower of Ghilzan: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  276. Henry Martineau Greenhow.  Brenda's Experiment: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son.
  277. Edith Greeves.  Banners and Battlefields.  1 vol.  London: Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School Union.
  278. Lady Violet Greville.  The Home for Failures.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  279. Francis Henry Gribble.  The Things that Matter: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  280. Francis Henry Gribble.  The Lower Life.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  281. Sydney C. Grier.  His Excellency's English Governess.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  282. Sydney C. Grier.  An Uncrowned King: A Romance of High Politics.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  283. Major Arthur George Frederick Griffiths.  The Rome Express.  1 vol.  London: John Milne.
  284. Francis Hindes Groome.  Kriegspiel: The War-Game.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  285. Weedon Grossmith.  A Woman with a History: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  286. Archibald Clavering Gunter.  Her Senator: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  287. Gwyneth.  Bertha's Fate.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens.
  288. H. Rider Haggard.  Heart of the World.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  289. H. Rider Haggard.  The Wizard.  1 vol.  Bristol: Arrowsmith.
  290. Edith King Hall.  The Red Umbrella and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  291. Charles Edmund Hall.  Hathersage: A Tale of North Derbyshire.  1 vol.  London: Horace Cox.
  292. Cosmo Hamilton.  Which is Absurd.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  293. M. Hamilton.  Across an Ulster Bog.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  294. Charles Hannan.  Chin Chin-wa.  1 vol.  London: Archibald Constable.
  295. Mrs. Harcourt-Roe.  The Romance of Mrs. Wodehouse.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  296. Claud Harding.  Jack Stapleton: or, The Romance of a Coral Island.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  297. Thomas Hardy.  Jude the Obscure.  1 vol.  London: Osgood, McIlvaine.
  298. Henry George Harper.  New Sporting Stories.  1 vol.  London: Bellairs and Co..
  299. Edith Bagot Harte.  Wrongly Condemned: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son.
  300. Julian Hawthorne.  A Fool of Nature.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
  301. Margaret Scott Haycraft.  Gildas Haven: A Story.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son.
  302. Margaret Scott Haycraft.  Namesakes: A Story for Children.  1 vol.  London: James Hogg.
  303. Ethel Forster Heddle.  Three Girls in a Flat.  1 vol.  London: Wells Gardner, Darton.
  304. Florence Henniker.  In Scarlet and Grey: Stories of Soldiers and Others.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  305. George Alfred Henty.  A Woman of the Commune: A Tale of Two Sieges of Paris.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  306. George Alfred Henty.  A Knight of the White Cross: A Tale of the Siege of Rhodes.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  307. George Alfred Henty.  Through the Russian Snows: A Story of Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  308. George Alfred Henty.  The Tiger of Mysore: A Story of the War with Tippoo Saib.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  309. George Alfred Henty.  Bears and Dacoits: A Tale of the Ghauts.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  310. George Alfred Henty.  Surly Joe: The Story of a True Hero.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  311. George Alfred Henty.  White-Faced Dick: A Story of Pine-Tree Gulch.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  312. Henry Herman.  The Great Beckleswaithe Mystery, and How it Was Solved: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  313. Maurice H. Hervey.  Dartmoor.  1 vol.  Bristol: Arrowsmith.
  314. Maurice H. Hervey.  Amyas Egerton, Cavalier.  1 vol.  Bristol: Arrowsmith.
  315. Robert Hichens.  The Folly of Eustace and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  316. Lily Higgin.  A Cornish Maid.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  317. Headon Hill.  Guilty Gold: A Romance of Financial Fraud and City Crime.  1 vol.  London: C. Arthur Pearson.
  318. Headon Hill.  The Queen of Night.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  319. Henry Albert Hinkson.  O'Grady of Trinity: A Story of Irish University Life.  1 vol.  London: Lawrence and Bullen.
  320. James Dennis Hird.  A Christian with Two Wives.  1 vol.  London: Clement Wilson.
  321. John Oliver Hobbes.  The Herb-Moon: A Fantasia.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  322. Joseph Hocking.  Fields of Fair Renown.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  323. Sydney Hodges.  When Leaves were Green: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  324. Annie E. Holdsworth.  The Years that the Locust hath Eaten.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  325. Clive Holland.  The Lure of Fame.  1 vol.  London: Bellairs and Co..
  326. Gertrude Hollis.  Edward Ambrose, Viscount Delford: The Story of a Little Church Boy.  1 vol.  Oxford: Mowbray and Co..
  327. Eleanor Holmes.  A Painter's Romance, and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  328. Emily Sarah Holt.  The Gold that Glitters: or, The Mistakes of Jenny Lavender.  1 vol.  London: J. F. Shaw.
  329. C. M. Home.  Claudius: A Sketch from the First Century.  1 vol.  London: Catholic Truth Society.
  330. C. M. Home.  The Thanes of Kent.  1 vol.  London: Catholic Truth Society.
  331. Andrew Home.  From Fag to Monitor: or, Fighting to the Front.  1 vol.  London: A. and C. Black.
  332. Andrew Home.  Through Thick and Thin: The Story of a School Campaign.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers.
  333. Anthony Hope.  Comedies of Courtship.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  334. Anthony Hope.  The Heart of Princess Osra.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  335. William Tighe Hopkins.  Nell Haffenden: A Strictly Conventional Story.  2 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  336. Arabella Maud Hopkinson.  Toby's Promise.  1 vol.  London: Edward Arnold.
  337. Ernest William Hornung.  The Rogue's March: A Romance.  1 vol.  London: Cassell.
  338. Ernest William Hornung.  Irralie's Bushranger: A Story of Australian Adventure.  1 vol.  London: William Beeman.
  339. George Horton.  Constantine: A Tale of Greece under King Otho.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  340. Clemence Housman.  The Were-wolf.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  341. Laurence Housman.  All-Fellows: Seven Legends of Lower Redemption.  1 vol.  London: Kegan Paul.
  342. Percy Hulburd.  Lord Hever: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  343. Fergus Hume.  The Expedition of Captain Flick.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son.
  344. Fergus Hume.  The Dwarf's Chamber and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  345. Fergus Hume.  The Carbuncle Clue: A Mystery.  1 vol.  London: Frederick Warne.
  346. Fergus Hume.  Tracked by a Tattoo: A Mystery.  1 vol.  London: Frederick Warne.
  347. Fergus Hume.  A Marriage Mystery: Told from Three Points of View.  1 vol.  London: Digby, Long.
  348. Margaret Wolfe Hungerford.  A Point of Conscience.  3 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  349. Margaret Wolfe Hungerford.  A Lonely Girl.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
  350. Violet Hunt.  The Way of Marriage.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  351. John Conroy Hutcheson.  The Pirate Junk: A Story of the Sooloo Sea.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  352. John Conroy Hutcheson.  Young Tom Bowling: A Story of the Boys of the British Navy.  1 vol.  London: Frederick Warne.
  353. John Conroy Hutcheson.  Crown and Anchor: or, Under the Pen'ant.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  354. Horace Gordon Hutchinson.  Platonic Affections.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  355. J. Robert Hutchinson.  Way Down East.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  356. Charles John Cutcliffe Hyne.  The Stronger Hand.  1 vol.  London: Neville Beeman.
  357. Henry Crossly Irwin.  A Man of Honour.  1 vol.  London: A. and C. Black.
  358. William Wymark Jacobs.  Many Cargoes.  1 vol.  London: Lawrence and Bullen.
  359. Henry James.  The Other House.  2 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  360. Henry James.  Embarrassments.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  361. Charles Thomas Clement James.  The Yoke of Freedom: A Tale of Home.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  362. Charles Thomas Clement James.  Where Thames is Wide: A Romance of the Last Century.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  363. Charles Thomas Clement James.  Two on a Tandem: Being the Account of Two Men on a Bicycle.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  364. Wilhelmina Martha James.  An Ill-Matched Pair: The Story of a Marriage of Convenience.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  365. Eva Jameson.  No. 11, Chesterton Street: A Story for Mothers' Meetings.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  366. Frederick Thomas Jane.  The Incubated Girl.  1 vol.  London: Tower Publishing Co..
  367. Edgar Alfred Jepson.  The Passion for Romance.  1 vol.  London: Henry.
  368. Jesson.  Love-Knots.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens.
  369. Ada Maria Jocelyn.  Juanita Carrington: A Sporting Sketch.  1 vol.  London: Digby, Long.
  370. Ada Maria Jocelyn.  A Regular Fraud: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  371. Grace L. Keith Johnston.  The Indian Uncle.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  372. Henry Johnston.  Doctor Congalton's Legacy: A Chronicle of North Country By-ways.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  373. Edith Johnstone.  The Girleen.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  374. Edith Johnstone.  The Douce Family.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  375. Dora M. Jones.  The Duke's Ward: A Romance of Old Kent.  1 vol.  London: Oliphant.
  376. Charles Francis Keary.  Herbert Vanlennert.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  377. Henrietta Keddie.  Honor Ormthwaite.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  378. Henrietta Keddie.  Rachel Langton.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  379. Henrietta Keddie.  A Little Lass and Lad.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  380. May Kelly.  A Leddy in her Ain Richt.  1 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  381. Mary Kennard.  The Sorrows of a Golfer's Wife.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  382. Mary Kennard.  A Riverside Romance: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  383. David Ker.  Swept out to Sea.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers.
  384. Coulson Kernahan.  The Child, the Wise Man, and the Devil: A Companion to "God and the Ant".  1 vol.  London: James Bowden.
  385. Florence Morse Kingsley.  Stephen, A Soldier of the Cross.  1 vol.  London: Sunday School Union.
  386. Albert Kinross.  The Fearsome Island: Being a Modern Rendering of the Narrative of One Silas Fordred.  1 vol.  Bristol: Arrowsmith.
  387. Rudyard Kipling.  Soldier Tales.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  388. Rudyard Kipling.  The Seven Seas.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  389. Ruth Lamb.  Not Quite a Lady.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  390. Charles Dudley Lampen.  The Dead Prior.  1 vol.  London: Elliot Stock.
  391. William Joseph Cosens Lancaster.  Jack Beresford's Yarn: An Ocean Romance.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  392. Harry Longley Lander.  Stages in the Journey.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  393. Andrew Lang.  A Monk of Fife: Being the Chronicle Written by Norman Leslie of Picullo.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  394. André Laurie.  The Crystal City under the Sea.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  395. Amy Le Feuvre.  Dwell Deep: or, Hilda Thorne's Life Story.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  396. Richard Le Gallienne.  The Quest of the Golden Girl: A Romance.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  397. William Le Queux.  The Great White Queen: A Tale of Treasure and Treason.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  398. William Le Queux.  Devil's Dice.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  399. Susan Rowley Richmond Lee.  Those Children.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  400. Robert Leighton.  Under the Foeman's Flag: A Story of the Spanish Armada.  1 vol.  London: Andrew Melrose.
  401. Clara Lemore.  At War with Destiny.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens.
  402. Emma Leslie.  In the Gipsies' Van: or, Caught in a Trap. A Story for Boys.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  403. Emma Leslie.  Lizzie's Experiment: A Story of London Life.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  404. Harry Lindsay.  Robert Forward: or, A Life's Regret.  1 vol.  London: Charles H. Kelly.
  405. Eliza Lynn Linton.  Dulcie Everton.  2 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  406. Eliza Lynn Linton.  'Twixt Cup and Lip.  1 vol.  London: Digby, Long.
  407. Henry Caldwell Lipsett.  Where the Atlantic Meets the Land.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  408. Edith Lister.  An Erring Pilgrimage.  1 vol.  London: Lawrence and Bullen.
  409. Alicia Ellen Neve Little.  A Marriage in China.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  410. William John Locke.  A Study in Shadows.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  411. William John Locke.  The Demagogue and Lady Phayre.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  412. Mrs. Lodge.  The Mystery of Bloomsbury Crescent.  1 vol.  London: Digby, Long.
  413. Maria L. Lord.  Persis Yorke.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  414. Norma Octavia Lorimer.  A Sweet Disorder.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  415. Henry Dawson Lowry.  A Man of Moods.  1 vol.  London: Bliss, Sands, and Foster.
  416. Henry Dawson Lowry.  Make-Believe.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  417. Henry William Lucy.  The Miller's Niece, and Some Distant Connections.  1 vol.  London: Hodder and Stoughton.
  418. Edna Lyall.  How the Children Raised the Wind: A Tale.  1 vol.  London: James Clarke.
  419. Edna Lyall.  The Autobiography of a Truth.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  420. Hannah Lynch.  Dr. Vermont's Fantasy.  1 vol.  London: J. M. Dent.
  421. Hannah Lynch.  Denys d'Auvrillac: A Story of French Life.  1 vol.  London: John Macqueen.
  422. James Middleton Macdonald.  The Baba Log: A Tale of Child Life in India.  1 vol.  London: David Nutt.
  423. Ian Maclaren.  Kate Carnegie and those Ministers.  1 vol.  London: Hodder and Stoughton.
  424. Ella Macmahon.  A Pitiful Passion.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  425. Charlotte Elizabeth Macmanus.  The Red Star.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  426. Charlotte Elizabeth Macmanus.  The Silk of the Kine.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  427. Lucas Malet.  The Carissima: A Modern Grotesque.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  428. Mary Elizabeth Mann.  There was once a Prince.  1 vol.  London: Henry.
  429. Charles John Jodrell Mansford.  Under the Naga Banner.  1 vol.  London: James Hogg.
  430. Charles John Jodrell Mansford.  A Bride's Experiment: A Story of Australian Bush Life.  1 vol.  London: Bellairs and Co..
  431. M. E. Manton.  Her Golden Sorrow.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens.
  432. Bessie Marchant.  Weasel Tim.  1 vol.  London: Robert Culley.
  433. Bessie Marchant.  In the Cradle of the North Wind.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo.
  434. Edward Markwick.  The City of Gold: A Tale of Sport, Travel and Adventure in the Heart of the Dark Continent.  1 vol.  London: Tower Publishing Co..
  435. Florence Marryat.  The Dream that Stayed.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  436. Florence Marryat.  The Strange Transfiguration of Hannah Stubbs.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  437. Frances M. Marshall.  To Step Aside is Human.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  438. Frances M. Marshall.  The Bishop's Delusion.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  439. Emma Marshall.  The Lady's Manor: or, Between Brook and River. A Tale.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  440. Emma Marshall.  The Two Henriettas.  1 vol.  London: Partridge.
  441. Emma Marshall.  By the North Sea: or, The Protector's Granddaughter.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son.
  442. Emma Marshall.  The Master of the Musicians: A Story of Handel's Days.  1 vol.  London: Seeley.
  443. Emma Marshall.  An Escape from the Tower: A Story of the Jacobite Rising of 1715.  1 vol.  London: Seeley.
  444. Emma Marshall.  Only Susan: Her Own Story.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  445. Emma Marshall.  A Little Curiosity.  1 vol.  London: J. F. Shaw.
  446. Emma Marshall.  Abigail Templeton: or, Brave Efforts. A Story of To-day.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers.
  447. Louise Marston.  Love Conquers: The Story of Madge Morton.  1 vol.  London: J. F. Shaw.
  448. Mary Emma Martin.  Lindsay's Girl: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son.
  449. Mary Emma Martin.  Out of the Workhouse.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  450. Mary Emma Martin.  A Musical Genius.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  451. Mary Emma Martin.  Uncle Jem's Stella: A Story for Girls.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  452. Mrs. George Martyn.  Worse than a Crime: The History of a Mistake.  1 vol.  London: Digby, Long.
  453. Charles Welsh Mason.  Merlin: A Piratical Love Story.  1 vol.  London: William Beeman.
  454. Charles Welsh Mason.  The Chest of Opium.  1 vol.  London: William Beeman.
  455. A. E. W. Mason.  The Courtship of Morrice Buckler: A Romance.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  456. Caroline Masters.  The Duchess Lass.  1 vol.  London: Frederick Warne.
  457. James Marshall Mather.  The Sign of the Wooden Shoon.  1 vol.  London: Frederick Warne.
  458. Helen Mathers.  The Sin of Hagar.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  459. Helen Mathers.  The Juggler and the Soul.  1 vol.  London: Skeffington.
  460. Frank Mathew.  The Wood of the Brambles.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  461. Evan May.  Much in a Name.  1 vol.  London: Digby, Long.
  462. Justin McCarthy.  The Riddle Ring: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  463. Justin Huntly McCarthy.  The Royal Christopher.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  464. Helen Graham McKerlie.  The Radical's Wife.  1 vol.  London: John Macqueen.
  465. Elizabeth Thomasina Meade.  Stories from the Diary of a Doctor: Second Series.  1 vol.  London: Bliss, Sands, and Foster.
  466. Elizabeth Thomasina Meade.  The White Tzar.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  467. Elizabeth Thomasina Meade.  Dr. Rumsey's Patient: A Very Strange Story.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  468. Elizabeth Thomasina Meade.  Good Luck.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  469. Elizabeth Thomasina Meade.  Catalina: Art Student.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers.
  470. Elizabeth Thomasina Meade.  A Son of Ishmael: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  471. Elizabeth Thomasina Meade.  The House of Surprises.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  472. David Storrar Meldrum.  Grey Mantle and Gold Fringe.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  473. Leonard Merrick.  Cynthia: A Daughter of the Philistines.  2 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  474. Leonard Merrick.  This Stage of Fools.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  475. Charles Messent.  Whiffs from a Short Briar.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  476. Elizabeth Harcourt Mitchell.  The King's Stirrup: A Tale of the Forest.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  477. Edmund Mitchell.  Towards the Eternal Snows.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  478. Bertram Mitford.  The Expiation of Wynne Palliser: A Novel of Contrast.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  479. Bertram Mitford.  The Sign of the Spider: An Episode.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  480. Bertram Mitford.  The Bamboo Garden.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  481. Geraldine Mockler.  The Hollow Tree: The Story of a Winter Adventure.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  482. Geraldine Mockler.  Proud Miss Sydney.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  483. Geraldine Mockler.  The Little Girl from Next Door.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  484. Mary Louisa Molesworth.  Uncanny Tales.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  485. Mary Louisa Molesworth.  The Oriel Window.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  486. F. F. Montresor.  Worth While.  1 vol.  London: Edward Arnold.
  487. F. F. Montresor.  False Coin or True?.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  488. Frank Frankfort Moore.  Dr. Koodmadhi of Ashantee.  1 vol.  London: Archibald Constable.
  489. Herbert Arthur Morrah.  A Serious Comedy.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  490. William Morris.  The Well at the World's End: A Tale.  2 vol.  London: Longman.
  491. Arthur Morrison.  A Child of the Jago.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  492. Arthur Morrison.  Adventures of Martin Hewitt: Third Series.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  493. Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock.  Stripped of the Tinsel: A Story of Bohemia.  1 vol.  London: Digby, Long.
  494. Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock.  The Great White Hand: or, The Tiger of Cawnpore. A Story of the Indian Mutiny.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  495. Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock.  Without Faith or Fear: The Story of a Soul.  1 vol.  London: Digby, Long.
  496. Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock.  Young Lochinvar: A Tale of the Border Country.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  497. Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock.  Basile the Jester: A Romance of the Days of Mary Queen of Scots.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  498. Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock.  The Mystery of Jamaica Terrace.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  499. Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock.  Riddles Read.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  500. Rosa Mulholland.  Our Own Story and Other Tales.  1 vol.  London: Catholic Truth Society.
  501. Neil Munro.  The Lost Pibroch, and Other Sheiling Stories.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  502. Henry Murray.  The Ordeal of Thomas Taffler, Costermonger.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  503. Henry Murray.  A Fatal Mistake.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  504. David Christie Murray.  The Bishop's Amazement.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
  505. David Christie Murray.  A Capful o' Nails.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  506. Edith Nesbit.  In Homespun.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  507. Emma Newman.  His Vindication.  1 vol.  London: Archibald Constable.
  508. Nathaniel Newnham-Davis.  Three Men and a God, and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
  509. Jessie L. Nicholson.  After Long Waiting.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  510. Claud Nicholson.  Ugly Idol: A Development.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  511. James Hume Nisbet.  My Love Noel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  512. James Hume Nisbet.  Kings of the Sea: A Story of the Spanish Main.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  513. James Hume Nisbet.  The Rebel Chief: A Romance of New Zealand.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  514. Frances Noble.  The Temptation of Norah Leecroft.  1 vol.  London: Catholic Truth Society.
  515. William Edward Norris.  The Dancer in Yellow.  2 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  516. G. Norway.  Tregarthen.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  517. Alice O'Brien.  Anthony Blake's Experiment.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  518. Standish James O'Grady.  In the Wake of King James: or, Dun-Randal on the Sea.  1 vol.  London: J. M. Dent.
  519. Standish James O'Grady.  Ulrick the Ready: or, The Chieftains' Last Rally.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
  520. Conal Holmes O'Connell O'Riordan.  The Fool and his Heart: Being the Plainly Told Story of Basil Thimm.  1 vol.  London: Leonard Smithers.
  521. Margaret Oliphant.  The Two Marys.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  522. Margaret Oliphant.  Old Mr Tredgold.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  523. Margaret Oliphant.  The Unjust Steward: or, The Minister's Debt.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers.
  524. George William Thomson Omond.  The Story of Maurice Lestrange: Being an Account of his Travels and Adventures in Scotland.  1 vol.  London: A. and C. Black.
  525. E. Phillips Oppenheim.  The World's Great Snare.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  526. E. Phillips Oppenheim.  The Modern Prometheus: A Romance.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  527. E. Phillips Oppenheim.  False Evidence.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  528. E. Phillips Oppenheim.  The Mystery of Mr. Bernard Brown.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  529. E. Phillips Oppenheim.  The Wooing of Fortune.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Downey.
  530. Belton Otterburn.  He Would be an Officer: or, From Charing Cross to the Twenty-fifth Hussars.  1 vol.  London: Roxburghe Press.
  531. Rodrigues Ottolengui.  The Crime of the Century.  1 vol.  London: G. P. Putnam's Sons.
  532. Ouida.  Le Selve.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  533. James Macdonald Oxley.  Making his Way: A Tale for Boys.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  534. James Macdonald Oxley.  The Romance of Commerce.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers.
  535. James Macdonald Oxley.  Baffling the Blockade.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  536. James Macdonald Oxley.  Two Boy Tramps.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers.
  537. James Macdonald Oxley.  On the World's Roof.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  538. D. P..  Love's Conquest.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens.
  539. Mary Elizabeth Palgrave.  How Dick Found his Sea-Legs: A Stroy of a Seaside Holiday.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  540. Edwin Pallander.  Across the Zodiac: A Story of Adventure.  1 vol.  London: Digby, Long.
  541. Sir Gilbert Parker.  The Seats of the Mighty: Being the Memoirs of Captain Robert Moray.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  542. Margaret Parker.  For the Sake of a Friend: A Story of School Life.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  543. Walter Pater.  Gaston de Latour: An Unfinished Romance.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  544. Arthur Paterson.  For Freedom's Sake.  1 vol.  London: Osgood, McIlvaine.
  545. William Romaine Paterson.  Nancy Noon.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  546. James Payn.  The Disappearance of George Driffell.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  547. Ferdinand Mansel Peacock.  Curl'd Darling.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  548. Joseph Henry Pearce.  Eli's Daughter: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  549. Frances Mary Peard.  Jacob and the Raven, with Other Stories for Children.  1 vol.  London: George Allen.
  550. Max Pemberton.  A Gentleman's Gentleman: Being Certain Pages from the Life and Strange Adventures of Sir Nicolas Steele, Bart.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  551. Max Pemberton.  A Puritan's Wife.  1 vol.  London: Cassell.
  552. Peregrinator.  The Haunted Manor House, and Other Tales.  1 vol.  London: Skeffington.
  553. Mary McKinlay Perks.  Among the Braken.  1 vol.  London: Archibald Constable.
  554. Lily Perks.  Gifts and Weirds.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  555. Alice Perrin.  Late in Life.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  556. Francis Charles Philips.  An Undeserving Woman and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
  557. Francis Charles Philips.  The Luckiest of Three: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  558. Eden Phillpotts.  My Laughing Philosopher.  1 vol.  London: A. D. Innes.
  559. Eden Phillpotts.  Down Dartmoor Way.  1 vol.  London: Osgood, McIlvaine.
  560. Edgar T. Pickering.  King for a Summer: A Story of Corsican Life and Adventure.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  561. Annie Maria Piercy.  Fa Tien: A Chinese Love Story.  1 vol.  London: Charles H. Kelly.
  562. William Carter Platts.  The Tuttlebury Tales.  1 vol.  London: Digby, Long.
  563. Adolphus Pohl.  A Mixed World: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Elliot Stock.
  564. Eliza Fanny Pollard.  The Green Mountain Boys: A Story of the American War of Independence.  1 vol.  London: Partridge.
  565. Eliza Fanny Pollard.  The White Dove of Amritzir: A Romance of Anglo-Indian Life.  1 vol.  London: Partridge.
  566. Eliza Fanny Pollard.  The Minister's Money.  1 vol.  London: Partridge.
  567. Rosa Caroline Praed.  Mrs. Tregaskiss: A Novel of Anglo-Australian Life.  3 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  568. E. Livingston Prescott.  The Apotheosis of Mr. Tyrawley.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  569. E. Livingston Prescott.  A Mask and a Martyr: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Edward Arnold.
  570. Francis Prevost.  On the Verge.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  571. Eleanor C. Price.  Poor Little Mother.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  572. Eleanor C. Price.  Young Denys: A Story of the Days of Napoleon.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers.
  573. Daisy Hugh Pryce.  Goddesses Three: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  574. Edwin William Pugh.  The Man of Straw.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  575. Howard Pyle.  The Garden Behind the Moon: A Real Story of the Moon Angel.  1 vol.  London: Lawrence and Bullen.
  576. Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch.  Anthony Jasper: A West Country Tale.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  577. Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch.  Ia.  1 vol.  London: Cassell.
  578. Mabel Quiller-Couch.  The Recovery of Jane Vercoe and Other Stories.  1 vol.  Bristol: Arrowsmith.
  579. Mabel Quiller-Couch.  One Good Seed Sown: or, Old Jasper's Protege.  1 vol.  London: Sunday School Union.
  580. Lilian M. Quiller-Couch.  Man.  1 vol.  London: J. M. Dent.
  581. St George Henry Rathborne.  Her Rescue from the Turks: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: James Henderson.
  582. St George Henry Rathborne.  Doctor Jack.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  583. Frances E. Reade.  Emma's Marriage.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
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  586. William Pett Ridge.  The Second Opportunity of Mr. Staplehurst.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  587. Morley Roberts.  The Courage of Pauline: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  588. Morley Roberts.  The Earth-Mother.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
  589. Morley Roberts.  The Circassian.  1 vol.  London: Downey.
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  599. Dora Russell.  A Fatal Past.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  600. William Clark Russell.  The Honour of the Flag and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: T. Fisher Unwin.
  601. William Clark Russell.  What Cheer!.  1 vol.  London: Cassell.
  602. Herbert Russell.  The Longshoreman.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
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  606. Henry Richard Savage.  Checked Through. Missing, Trunk no. 17580: A Story of New York Life.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  607. Henry Richard Savage.  Her Foreign Conquest: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  608. Henry Richard Savage.  His Cuban Sweetheart: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  609. Jessie Margaret Edmonston Saxby.  The Sagabook of Lunda, Wherein is Recorded some more of the Notable Adventures of Viking-Boys and their Friends.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
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  612. Hugh Stowell Scott.  Flotsam: The Study of a Life.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  613. Hugh Stowell Scott.  The Sowers.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  614. Hugh Stowell Scott.  The Moneyspinner, and Other Character Notes.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  615. Mary Ann Seamer.  Here, There, and Everywhere: or, The Strange Adventures of a Penny.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  616. Mary Ann Seamer.  A Girl's Kingdom.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
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  618. Adeline Sergeant.  The Failure of Sibyl Fletcher.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  619. Adeline Sergeant.  Roger Vanbrugh's Wife.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  620. Adeline Sergeant.  Told in the Twilight.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  621. Adeline Sergeant.  A Rogue's Daughter.  1 vol.  Bristol: Arrowsmith.
  622. Adeline Sergeant.  In the Wilderness.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
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  624. William Sharp.  Green Fire: A Romance.  1 vol.  London: Archibald Constable.
  625. William Sharp.  Madge o' the Pool, The Gypsy Christ and Other Tales.  1 vol.  London: Archibald Constable.
  626. William Sharp.  The Washer of the Ford, and Other Legendary Moralities.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: P. Geddes and Co..
  627. M. P. Shiel.  Shapes in the Fire: Being a Midwinter-night's Entertainment in Two Part and an Interlude.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  628. M. P. Shiel.  The Rajah's Sapphire: "From a plot given him viva voce by W.T. Stead".  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
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  634. George Robert Sims.  The Ten Commandments.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
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  641. Thomas Wilkinson Speight.  The Heart of a Mystery: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son.
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  643. William Gordon Stables.  Shoulder to Shoulder: A Story of the Stirring Times of Old.  1 vol.  London: J. F. Shaw.
  644. William Gordon Stables.  The Pearl Divers and Crusoes of the Sargossa Sea.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  645. William Gordon Stables.  For Life and Liberty: A Story of Battle by Land and Sea.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  646. Henry de Vere Stacpoole.  Pierrot!: A Story.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
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  649. Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard.  The Strange Story of my Life: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  650. Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard.  The Same Thing with a Difference: Being the Chronicle of a Suburban Episode.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  651. Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard.  I Loved Her Once: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
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  659. Esmé Stuart.  Arrested: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  660. Esmé Stuart.  Harum Scarum: A Poor Relation.  1 vol.  London: Jarrold and Son.
  661. Esmé Stuart.  The Footsteps of Fortune.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
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  663. Ernest Richard Suffling.  The Fur Traders of the West: or, Adventures among the Redskins.  1 vol.  London: Frederick Warne.
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  666. Annie S. Swan.  A Stormy Voyager.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  667. Annie S. Swan.  Kinsfolk.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  668. Annie S. Swan.  The Land o' the Leal.  1 vol.  London: Hodder and Stoughton.
  669. Maggie Swan.  A Neglected Privilege: The Story of a Modern Woman.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
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  678. Robert Thynne.  The Turn of the Tide: An Irish Story of the Day.  1 vol.  London: Roxburghe Press.
  679. Lizzie Ellen Tiddeman.  Bogie and Fluff: A Story.  1 vol.  London: Blackie.
  680. Lizzie Ellen Tiddeman.  Taking French Leave.  1 vol.  London: National Society's Depository.
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  688. Ethel Sybil Turner.  The Little Duchess and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  689. Lilian Turner.  The Lights of Sydney: or, No Past is Dead.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  690. Katharine Tynan.  Oh, What a Plague is Love!.  1 vol.  London: A. and C. Black.
  691. Allen Upward.  A Crown of Straw.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.
  692. Allen Upward.  One of God's Dilemmas.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  693. Horace Annesley Vachell.  The Romance of Judge Ketchum: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  694. Horace Annesley Vachell.  The Quicksands of Pactolus: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  695. Judith Vandeleur.  Val: A Story of the Tivyside.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  696. Jules Verne.  Floating Island: or, The Pearl of the Pacific.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  697. Louis Vintras.  A Pagan Soul: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  698. Nora Vynne.  The Story of a Fool and his Folly.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  699. L. B. Walford.  Successors to the Title.  1 vol.  London: Methuen.
  700. Mary Augusta Ward.  Sir George Tressady.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  701. Gertrude Warden.  The Sentimental Sex.  1 vol.  London: John Lane.
  702. Gertrude Warden.  Her Fairy Prince.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens.
  703. Florence Warden.  A Lady in Black: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  704. Florence Warden.  Doctor Darch's Wife: A Study.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  705. Florence Warden.  Our Widow: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  706. Florence Warden.  Two Lads and a Lass and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
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  708. Stanley Waterloo.  A Man and a Woman.  1 vol.  London: George Redway.
  709. E. M. Waterworth.  Lady Betty's Twins.  1 vol.  London: Partridge.
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  714. Sir Frederick Wedmore.  Orgeas and Miradou with Other Pieces.  1 vol.  London: James Bowden.
  715. H. G. Wells.  The Island of Dr. Moreau.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
  716. H. G. Wells.  The Wheels of Chance: A Holiday Adventure.  1 vol.  London: J. M. Dent.
  717. Mary West.  Hester Neale: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  718. Fred Whishaw.  My Terrible Twin.  1 vol.  Bristol: Arrowsmith.
  719. Fred Whishaw.  The Emperor's Englishman.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
  720. Fred Whishaw.  A Boyar of the Terrible: A Romance of the Court of Ivan the Cruel.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  721. Fred Whishaw.  Lost in African Jungles.  1 vol.  London: Frederick Warne.
  722. Fred Whishaw.  A Lost Army: A Tale of the Russians in Central Asia.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  723. Beatrice Whitby.  A Matter of Skill and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
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  731. Annie E. Wickham.  Loveday: A Tale of a Stirring Time.  1 vol.  London: Cassell.
  732. Annie E. Wickham.  Fortune's Fingers.  1 vol.  London: Hutchinson.
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  738. George Robert Wynne.  Ballinvalley: or, "A Hundred Years Ago." A Tale.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
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  740. E. Yolland.  In Days of Strife: Fragments of Facts and Fiction from a Refugee's History in France, 1666 to 1685.  1 vol.  London: F. V. White.
  741. Charlotte Mary Yonge.  The Release: or, Caroline's French Kindred.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  742. Charlotte Mary Yonge.  The Wardship of Steepcombe.  1 vol.  London: National Society's Depository.
  743. Charlotte Mary Yonge.  The Carbonels.  1 vol.  London: National Society's Depository.
  744. Louis Zangwill.  The World and a Man.  1 vol.  London: William Heinemann.
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  746. Émile Zola.  Rome.  1 vol.  London: Chatto and Windus.