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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Illustrated Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were illustrated in volume format when published between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland.


Title Author Year
Midsummer at Hay-lodge Ruth Lamb 1861
Midsummer Eve: A Fairy Tale of Love Anna Maria Hall 1848
Mignonette Agnes Giberne 1869
Mike: A Tale of the Great Irish Famine Edward N. Hoare 1880
Mildred Dalton Christian Redford 1876
Mildred's Mistake: A Still-Life Study Fanny Levien 1877
Miles Lambert's Three Chances Mary Elizabeth Palgrave 1884
Miles Tremenhere Annette Marie Maillard 1853
Milford Malvoisin: or, Pews and Pewholders Francis Edward Paget 1842
Milicent Courtenay's Diary: or, The Experiences of a Young Lady at H... William Henry Giles Kingston 1873
The Military Chest: An Incident of the War between Prussian and France Friedrich Wilhelm Oertel 1870
The Mill in the Valley: or, Truth Will Out Constance E. Miller 1885
The Miller of Deanhaugh James Ballantine 1844
The Miller's Children Anonymous 1870
The Miller's Daughter: A Legend of the Granta Samuel Page Widnall 1871
Millicent and her Cousins Hon. Augusta Bethell 1870
Millicent's Home Crona Temple 1871
Millie Howard: or, Trust in God Theodora Elizabeth Lynch 1854
A Millionaire of Yesterday E. Phillips Oppenheim 1900
Milly and Olly: or, A Holiday Among the Mountains Mary Augusta Ward 1881
Milly's Errand: or, Saved to Save Emma Leslie 1870
Milly's Mistakes: and What she Learned by Them Ruth Lamb 1884
Milly's Trials and Triumphs Mary E. Gellie 1881
Mimi's Charity, and Its Reward after Many Days Vicomtesse Solange de Kerkadec 1876
Mince-Pie Island: A Christmas Story for Mince-Pie Eaters. With other... Robert St. John Corbet 1868
The Mine: or, Darkness and Light Charlotte Maria Tucker 1870
Mine Own People Louisa Mary Gray 1885
The Miner's Son and Margaret Vernon Matilda Mary Pollard 1872
Minister Lovel: A Story of the Days of Laud Emily Sarah Holt 1890
The Minister of Ebenezer Chapel Annie M. Barton 1887
A Ministering Angel Ellen Creathorne Clayton 1895
The Minister's Daughter: and, Old Anthony's Will. Tales for the Young Matilda Mary Pollard 1872
The Minister's Wooing Harriet Beecher Stowe 1859
Minna Raymond: A Tale That Might Have Been True Isabella Catherine Howard 1858
Minnie's Legacy Elizabeth Spooner 1867
Minon: or, The Cat that the King Looked at Phoebe Anne Allen 1887
Minor Dialogues William Pett Ridge 1895
Minty, the Policeman's Foundling Anonymous 1866
Miracles of Heavenly Love in Daily Life Charlotte Maria Tucker 1864
Miranda: or, The Heiress of the Grange. A Romance James Malcolm Rymer 1848
Mirango the Man-Eater: A Tale of Central Africa Charles Dudley Lampen 1899
Miriam Rosenbaum: A Story of Jewish Life Rev. Dr. Edersheim 1872
Miriam's Trials: A Child's Story A. A. 1874
The Mirror of Truth and Other Marvellous Histories Eugénie Hamerton 1875
The Mischief Maker and the Peace Maker Anonymous 1864
Mischievous Moncton: or, Jest Turned to Earnest Evelyn Ward Everett Green 1890
The Miser Hope Inslow 1868
The Miser's Daughter William Harrison Ainsworth 1843
Miss Bobbie Ethel Sybil Turner 1897
Miss Carr's Young Ladies: A Story Mary Eliza Bramston 1897
Miss Chilcott's Legacy H. Louisa Bedford 1896
Miss Con: or, All Those Girls Agnes Giberne 1887
The Miss Crusoes: A Curious Story for Big and Little Children George Hatton Colomb 1888
Miss Elsie: A Simple Story of Single-Hearted Service Helen Mary Wilson 1888
Miss Grantley's Girls, and the Stories She Told Them Thomas Archer 1885
Miss Hitchcock's Wedding Dress Elizabeth Anna Hart 1876
Miss Margaret's Stories A Clergyman's Wife 1880
Miss Mary's Little Maid Ellinor Davenport Adams 1899
Miss Matty: or, Our Youngest Passenger, and Other Tales Anonymous 1866
Miss Milly Moss: or, Sunlight and Shade Ellen Creathorne Clayton 1863
Miss Misanthrope Justin McCarthy 1878
Miss Moore: A Tale for Girls Georgiana Marion Craik 1873
Miss Mouse and her Boys Mary Louisa Molesworth 1897
Miss Nonentity Elizabeth Thomasina Meade 1900
Miss Quillet Sabine Baring-Gould 1902
Miss Robert's Fortune: A Story for Girls Sophy Winthrop 1875
Miss Secretary Ethel: A Story for Girls of To-day Ellinor Davenport Adams 1898
Miss Toosey's Mission Evelyn Whitaker 1878
Miss Troube-the-House, and her Adventures Sarah M. S. Clarke 1877
Miss Willowburn's Offer Sarah Doudney 1888
The Missing Merchantman William Joseph Cosens Lancaster 1889
The Missing Ship William Henry Giles Kingston 1877
The Missing Sovereign BTAO "The Missing Sovereign" 1863
A Missing Witness: From the Narrative of Dorothy Heatherly Frank Barrett 1897
Missionary Tales, for Little Listeners Mary Ann Serrett Barber 1840
Missy F. Bayford Harrison 1886
Missy and Master: A Story for Girls Mary Eliza Bramston 1881
Mistletoe Grange: A Royal Road to Wrinkles Anonymous 1870
Mistress Branican Jules Verne 1892
Mistress Margery: A Tale of the Lollards Emily Sarah Holt 1868
Mistress Nancy Molesworth: A Romantic Story Joseph Hocking 1898
Mists and Shadows George Eliel Sargent 1861
The Mists of the Valley Agnes Giberne 1874
Mobsley's Mohicans: A Tale of Two Terms Charles Harold Avery 1900
A Modern Don Quixote Elizabeth Mary Alford 1889
A Modern Man Ella Macmahon 1895
A Modern Miracle Matthias MacDonnell Bodkin 1902
A Modern Romance Laurence Bliss 1892
A Modern Slavedealer Archer Philip Crouch 1901
Modern Wonders of the World: or, The New Sinbad William Gilbert 1881
Modesty and Conceit Anonymous 1865
Moffat the Missionary and Other Stories Anonymous 1871
The Mohegan Maiden: or, The Stranger of the Settlement James L. Bowen 1867
Mokeanna: A Treble Temptation &c. Francis Cowley Burnand 1873
Molka: Christmas Angel Benjamin Leopold Farjeon 1886
The Molyneux Family: or, How to do Good. A Tale Julia Addison 1865
The Monastery and the Mountain Church: A Story-Book for Children Mary Burrows 1855
The Moneyspinner, and Other Character Notes Hugh Stowell Scott 1896
A Monk of Cruta E. Phillips Oppenheim 1894
Monowano, the Shawnee Spy Edward S. Ellis 1862
Monsieur Beaucaire Booth Tarkington 1901
Monsieur Jack: A Tale of the Old War-Time Alfred Harold Engelbach 1879
The Monster, and Other Stories Stephen Crane 1901
A Month at Ashfield Farm: Or, Ellen and Robert's First Journey from ... Anonymous 1868
A Month at Brighton, and What Came of It Mary Elizabeth Shipley 1874
A Month at the Sea-side: or, A Sequel to Willie and May Emily Octavia Bray 1872
Moonbeams and Brownies Roma White 1894
Moonfolk: A True Account of the Home of the Fairy Tales Jane Goodwin Austin 1882
Moonshine: Fairy Stories Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen 1871
Moor and Moss Mary H. Debenham 1892
The Moose Hunter John Neal 1864
Mooswa and Others of the Boundaries William Alexander Fraser 1901
Moral Nursery Tales for Children BTAO "The Golden Harp" 1875
More about Peggy Jessie Mansergh 1901
More Dolls Bertha Henry Buxton 1879
More Stories Julia Bachope Goddard 1863
More than Conqueror: or, A Boy's Temptation Harriette Emma Burch 1888
More True than Truthful: A Story and a Study Marion Clarke 1887
Moreton: or, The Doomed House. A Romance James Malcolm Rymer 1847
Mossdale: A Tale Anna M. De Jongh 1870
Moth and Rust: A Story of Wealth. Its Evils and Advantages M. L. 1872
The Moth and the Candle: or, Lucy Woodville's Temptation Anonymous 1869
Mother Bunch: A Story for Boys and Girls Stella Austin 1885
Mother Carey's Chicken: Her Voyage to the Unknown Isle George Manville Fenn 1888
The Motherless Lads: or, George West and his Brother Tom Anonymous 1866
Motherless Maggie: A Liverpool Tale Edward N. Hoare 1876
Mother's Nell Evelyn R. Garratt 1877
Mother's Shawl: A Story for Children Anonymous 1866
A Mother's Trial Lady Emily Ponsonby 1859
Mother's Warm Shawl: A Tale Charlotte O'Brien 1865
The Mountain Pastor Theodora Elizabeth Lynch 1852
Mountain Patriots: A Tale of the Reformation in Savoy Mrs. Alexander S. Orr 1869
The Mountain Refuge: or, Sure Help in Time of Need. A Tale of the Va... Ann Elizabeth Sykes 1862
The Mountain-Sprite's Kingdom and Other Stories Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen 1881
Mousmé Clive Holland 1901
Mr. Batter's Pedigree: or, Experiences of a Tenderfoot Horace Gordon Hutchinson 1891
Mr. Burke's Nieces Elizabeth Anna Hart 1883
Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds Robert Smith Surtees 1865
Mr. Leslie's Stories Ascott R. Hope 1868
Mr. Lipscombe's Apples Julia Bachope Goddard 1889
Mr. Manby's Midnight Visitors William C. Preston 1880
Mr. Meeson's Will H. Rider Haggard 1888
Mr. Mygale's Hobby: A Story about Spiders Francesca Maria Steele 1889
Mr. Rudd's Grandchildren Mary Howitt 1864
Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour Robert Smith Surtees 1853
Mr. Wind and Madam Rain Paul De Musset 1864
Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures, as Suffered by the Late Job Caudle Douglas William Jerrold 1845
Mrs. Cliff's Yacht Frank R. Stockton 1896
Mrs. Dobbs' Dull Boy Annette Thomasina Lyster 1879
Mrs. Gordon's Household: or, One Way of doing Good Anonymous 1869
Mrs. Harker's Christmas, and Other Tales: For Mothers' Meetings, Vil... Lucy Massey 1879
Mrs. Jones's Evening Party Edmund Routledge 1864
Mrs. Lupton's Lodgings Laura M. Lane 1891
Mrs. Martin's Company and Other Stories Jane Barlow 1896
Mrs. Merriman's Godchild H. Louisa Bedford 1897
Mrs. Montague Jones' Dinner Party: or, Reminiscences of Cheltenham L... John Joseph Nunn 1872
Mrs. Mouser: or, Tales of a Grandmother Edis Searle 1875
Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances Juliana Horatia Ewing 1869
Mrs. Perkin's Ball William Makepeace Thackeray 1847
Mrs. Thorne's Guests: or, Salt, With Savour and Without Mary J. Capron 1880
Mrs. Woodruffe's Refuge: or, "Mother it-is-Written" Caroline Gladstone 1883
Muriel's Two Crosses: The Cross She Rejected and the Cross She Chose Annette Thomasina Lyster 1884
The Musgrove Ranch: A Tale of Southern California Tryphena Margaret Browne 1890
The Mutiny on Board the Ship "Leander": A Story of the Sea Richard Marsh 1882
My Aunt Constantia Jane: A Story for Children Mary Emily Hullah 1893
My Beautiful Home!: or, Lily's Search Charles Bruce 1871
My Boy Jack Ernest Warren 1888
My Boyhood: A Story Book for Boys Henry C. Barkley 1877
My Brother Basil Elizabeth Neal 1891
My Brother Ben George Eliel Sargent 1861
My Brother Harold: A Tale of Home Joys and Sorrows Cecilia Lucy Brightwell 1872
My Brother Hugh: and Other Stories of Town and Country Anonymous 1875
My Brother Jack: or, The Story of What-d'ye-Call'em Alphonse Daudet 1877
My Brother Paul: or, A Real Hero BTAO "Tales of the Northern Seas" 1875
My Brother's Keeper Anna Bartlett Warner 1855
My "Budie" and I: A Novel Marcellus Eugene Thornton 1899
My Coloured Schoolmaster, and Other Stories Henry Bleby 1880
My Cousin and I: A Story in Two Parts Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 1879
My Day with the Hounds, and Other Stories G. Finch Mason 1880
My Dear Old Home, and The Sisters J. B. L. 1876
My Doggie and I R. M. Ballantyne 1881
My Dolly H. Rutherford Russell 1877
My Earnings: or, The Story of Ann Ellison's Life BTAO "John Hampton's Home" 1859
My Father's Garden Thomas Miller 1867
My Father's Hand: and Other Stories and Allegories for the Young Frances Elizabeth G. Brock 1867
My First and Last Voyage Benjamin Clarke 1871
My First Cruise William Henry Giles Kingston 1866
My First Journal: A Book for the Young Georgiana Marion Craik 1860
My First Place, and Other Stories: Adapted for Servants and Young Wo... Anonymous 1875
My First Voyage to Southern Seas William Henry Giles Kingston 1860
My Friend Smith: A Story of School and City Life Talbot Baines Reed 1889
My Goddaughter Mary H. Debenham 1893
My Governess Life: or, Using my One Talent Emma Raymond Pitman 1883
My Grandmother's Budget of Stories and Songs Frances Freeling Broderip 1863
My Guardian: A Story of the Fen Country Ada Cambridge 1878
My Indian Queen Guy Boothby 1901
My Kalulu, Prince, King, and Slave: A Story of Central Africa Sir Henry Morton Stanley 1873
My Lady Marcia: A Story of the French Revolution Eliza Fanny Pollard 1901
My Lady of Orange H. C. Bailey 1901
My Lady's Slippers Mary H. Debenham 1899

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