Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Publishers

This is a complete list of every publisher of new fiction titles between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Click on a publisher name to find lists of their published titles.

Henry VickersWilliam Walker and SonJohn AdamAdams and FrancisW. J. AdamsAddeyW. H. AddisonAldine Publishing Co.W. Allan and Co.E. W. AllenGeorge AllenW. H. AllenAlliance Publishing AgencyJ. W. AllinghamEdward AllmanThomas AllmanAndrews and Co.William Andrews and Co.E. AppleyardEdward ArnoldF. Enos ArnoldArrowsmithArt and Book Co.Ash PartnersAsherAlbert J. AttwoodAuthor's AllianceAuthors' Co-operative Publishing Co.Authors' SyndicateAylott and Co.Aylott and JonesA. H. Baily and Co.Baily BrothersF. W. J. BakerBaldwin and CradockBall and Co.Robert Banks and SonFrderick BarnardS. B. BarrettWilliam BarthW. BartholomewJohn H. BattyBeadle and CompanyBeare and SonJ. J. BeecroftNeville BeemanWilliam BeemanS. O. BeetonBell and BradfuteBell and DaldyGeorge BellGeorge Bell and SonsBellairs and Co.Bemrose and SonsA. W. BennettJohn BennettWilliam BennettBentleyGeorge BergerJ. A. BergerBevingtonBible Christian Book-RoomBickersBickers and BushBiggs and Co.Biggs & DibenhamBinns and GoodwinA. and C. BlackBlack & White Publishing Co.Spencer BlackettBlackieB. H. BlackwellJames BlackwoodBlackwoodBlayney & FryerBliss, Sands, and FosterDavid BogueHenry G. BohnBook SocietyBooker and Co.Booker and DolmanT. and W. BooneL. BoothBosworthBosworth and HarrisonJoseph BoultonS. H. Bousfield & Co.James BowdenJ. BrackettBradbury, Agnew and Co.Bradbury and EvansBradley and Co.J. BrayEdwin J. BrettBritish and Colonial Publishing Co.British WorkmanBrook and ChrystalCecil BrooksThomas BrooksW. H. BroomBrotherhood Publishing Co.A. Brown and SonsBrown and Co.J. and C. BrownBrowne and NolanBruce and WyldDavid Bryce & SonDavid BryceRobert BuchananEdward BullBull, Simmons, and Co.R. BulmanEdward BumpusJohn BumpusThomas BurleighCharles BurnetBurns and OatesJ. BurnsJames BurnsRobert John BushButterworthCadellW. CaffynCameron and FergusonD. N. CarvalhoCashW. and F. G. CashCassellCatholic Truth SocietyGeorge CauldwellW. & R. ChambersChapman and ElcoateChapman and HallJohn ChapmanCharing Cross Publishing Co.F. Charles and Co.Charpentier & Co.Chatto and WindusChristian Book SocietyChristian World OfficeChurch Extension AssociationChurch Monthly OfficeChurch of England Temperance SocietyChurch Press CompanyChurch Sunday School UnionEdward ChurtonCity of London Publishing Co.The Clarion Newspaper Co. Ltd.W. M. ClarkClarke, Beeton, & Co.C. H. ClarkeH. G. Clarke & Co.James ClarkeR. Yorke ClarkeW. J. CleaverWilliam ClowesJames CochraneGustavus Cohen and Co.Henry ColburnCollins and PonsfordWilliam CollinsArchibald ConstableThomas ConstableH. J. CookNathaniel CookeJ. CordingJ. E. CornishW. CornishCosmopolitan Printing and Publishing Co.Cotton PressCourant OfficeHenry CoxHorace CoxCradock and Co.Andrew CrombieRobert CulleyJohn CummingJoseph CundallR. CunnackCunningham and MortimerHugh CunninghamWilliam CurryDaily Journal OfficeDaldy, IsbisterJohn DaleW. H. DaltonDalziel Bros.J. and D. A. DarlingDarton and ClarkDarton and Co.Darton and HarveyDarton and HodgeWilliam Darton and SonDayCharles William DeaconDean and SonDeightonsE. T. W. DennisJ. M. DentTarstow Denver and Co.John DicksDigby, LongE. DippleDiproseBertram DobellD. DodsonCharles DolmanBernard DouglasDavid DouglasDowneyH. J. DraneGeorge DroughtPeter DrummondDuckworth and Co.James DuffyDulauDunn and WrightEdmund Durrant and Co.John EbersEdenEdinburgh Publishing CompanyEdmonston and DouglasWilliam EdwardsEdward EgintonEli Charles EgintonEglington and Co.The Electrician Printing & Publishing Co.William Elgin and SonW. H. ElkinsElliotAndrew ElliotRowland A. ElliottEllis and WhiteE. J. EllisEllisEllissen and Co.William EmansEnglish Publishing CompanyEvelynsR. A. Everett and Co.Eyre and SpottiswoodeEmily FaithfullW. FarmerFrederick FarrahFavourite Publishing Co.Field and TuerThe Field OfficeFisherKanes James Ford, Jr.Robert ForderWilliam FosterW. FoulshamJohn F. FowlerCharles FoxFraser and Co.James FraserWilliam FreemanS. T. FreemantleSamuel FrenchHenry FrowdeJ. P. FullerW. FullerFun OfficeFund for... Catholic ChildrenJ. GadsbyGale & PoldenGall & InglisAlexander GardnerAlex. GardnerGardner and Co.Wells Gardner, DartonWilliam Wells GardnerF. W. GarnhamGay and BirdP. Geddes and Co.James GemmellGeneral Publishing CompanyBenjamin GeorgeGibbings & Co.H.J. GibbsM. H. Gill and SonsL. Upcott GillThe Girl's Own Paper OfficeG. J. GlaisherGlen and HallGoodwinGeorge GoodyGoubaudGovernesses' Benevolent InstitutionGrantGrant and GriffithR. Grant and SonThomas GrantGrattan and GilbertThomas Gray and Co.Benjamin L. GreenJohn GreenGreenberg and Co.W. W. GreenerGreening and Co.John Greig and SonCharles GriffinP. GriffinRichard Griffin and Co.Griffith and FarranCharles GriffithE. GriffithsFrancis GriffithsGroombridgeT. GunnArthur HallJ. Hall and SonsWarren HallHamiltonHand and Heart Publishing OfficeHansom Cab Publishing Co.James Hanson and SonHardwickeHarper and Bros.E. Harris and SonsJohn HarrisSamuel Harris and Co.HarrisonHarrison and SonHarrison and SonsE. HarrisonG. HarrisonT. HarrisonHarvey and DartonCharles HaseldenR. HastingsHatchardHaughton and Co.HawkinsJ. T. HayesA. HaysHayward and AdamJames Hayward and Co.Headley BrothersWilliam HeinemannGeorge HendersonJames HendersonHenryGeorge HerbertHextall and WallF. HextallAbel HeywoodJohn HeywoodSamuel HighleyAlexander HilsopT. HintonR. HirschfeldHislop and CompanyGeorge HobyHodder and StoughtonHodder BrothersHodges and SmithHodges, Figgis and Co.John HodgesThomas HodgsonJ. S. HodsonJames HoggJohn HoggHoldsworthAlfred HolnessHome Words Publishing OfficeThomas HookhamHopeJ. C. HottenHoughton & Co.Houlston and Co.Houlston and WrightJeremiah HowA. E. HubschJoseph HughesHunt & Co.F. Bordon HuntJ. HunterHurst and BlackettHenry HurstThomas HurstHutchinsonGeorge W. HydeIliffe and SonIngramIngram, Cooke, and Co.A. D. InnesA. Ireland and Co.Alfred J. Isaacs and SonsWilliam IsbisterThomas C. JackJackson and ParkerJohn Henry JacksonRichard JacksonJackson, Walford and HodderMarshall Japp and Co.Jarrold and SonR. B. JohnsonW. S. JohnsonJohnstone and Co.Johnstone, Hunter, and Co.John JohnstoneA. S. JonesT. JonesJudd and GlassJudy OfficeW. KayThomas H. KebleKelly and Co.Charles H. KellyW. B. KellyJohn Kempster and Co.W. P. KennedyJohn KensitKent and RichardsW. Kent and Co.Kerby and EndeanKerby and SonHenry S. KingF. Bowyer KittoJames B. KnappKnight and SonCharles KnightW. KnowlesHenry Edward KnoxLambertLamley and Co.Land and Water OfficeJohn LaneThomas LaurieLawrence and BullenHenry LeaLeadenhall PressP. LeggLeisure Hour OfficeW. C. Leng and CompanyH. K. LewisS. LinghamLiterary Production CommitteeLiterary Publishing SocietyEdward LloydLockwood and Co.Crosby LockwoodLondon Literary SocietyJohn LongWilliam E. LongF. E. LongleyLongmanLovejoy's LibraryLover and GroombridgeFrederick LoverSampson LowJohn D. LoweJ. M'Kelvie and SonsWilliam MacintoshMackE. MackenzieMaclaren & MacnivenJohn MaclarenJ. MaclehoseMacmillanJohn MacqueenMacraeJohn MacroneMaddenManwaringE. MarlboroughJohn S. Marr and SonsA. P. MarsdenWilliam MarshMarshall BrothersHorace Marshall and SonMarshall, Russell & Co.J. MasonJoseph MastersElkin MathewsJohn MaxwellMayne and Co.M'Caw, Stevenson and Orr, LimitedMcClure and Co.William McGeeJames McGlashanThomas McLeanAndrew MelroseJohn Menzies and Co.MethuenJames M'GeachyMiller and FieldSamuel MillerThomas MillerMills and SonJohn MilneMilner and Co.Milner and SowerbyW. MilnerH. F. MitchellJohn MitchellThe Modern PressMoffat and Co.Monthly Tract SocietyW.H. Moor and Co.Moran and Co.Morgan and ChaseMorgan and HebronMorgan and ScottJohn MorganRobert MorrowJohn MortimerE. B. MortlockA. R. MowbrayMowbray and Co.MoxonMozley and Co.Henry Mozley and SonsW. R. M'PhunWilliam Mullan & SonJohn MullanySamuel MullenA. MurrayMurray and Co.Archibald K. Murray and Co.Frank MurrayJohn MurrayThomas Murray and SonNational Society's DepositoryNational Temperance Publication DepôtF. Tennyson NeelyNelson and SonsJ. R. NethertonNew Century PressT. C. NewbyA. K. NewmanNewman and Co.George NewnesNewsagents' Publishing Co.W. Nicholson & SonsJohn C. NimmoW. P. NimmoJames NisbetErnest NisterNorth British Publishing Co.William NorthDavid NuttOffice of London SocietyOffice of Black and WhiteOffice of Pierce EganOffice of Texas SiftingsOffice of The Boys of EnglandOffice of The Illustrated London NewsOffice of the National Illustrated LibraryThe OfficeOliphantWilliam Oliphant and Co.William Oliphant and SonCharles OllierS. L. OllifJohn OllivierOperative Jewish Converts' InstitutionWilliam S. OrrOsgood, McIlvainePage, Pratt & TurnerW. E. PainterPalmer and HoweG. J. PalmerJames ParkerJ. H. and J. ParkerJohn W. ParkerParker, Son, and BournParlor Journal OfficeParry and Co.PartridgePartridge and OakeyPassmore and AlabasterWilliam PatersonPaton and RitchieKegan PaulC. Arthur PearsonGeorge PeircePenny Miscellany OfficeWilliam PennyPercival & Co.Henry PerrisPewtress and Co.PhilipG. PhilipPhillipson and GolderJohn PhilpWilliam PickeringGeorge PiercePiper, Stephenson, and SpenceWilliam and Thomas PiperPitmanPitsligo PressJ. PollardWilliam PooleJ. S. PrattProvostThe Publishing CompanyPunch OfficeG. PurkessG. P. Putnam's SonsRailway and General Automatic LibraryGeorge RedwayReeves and TurnerWilliam ReevesRelfe and FletcherReligious Book SocietyR. T. S.RemingtonReynolds and SonRichards and Co.Grant RichardsJohn RichardsonThomas Richardson and SonJoseph RickerbyJames RidgewayStanley RiversRivingtonJohn RobertsonWilliam RobertsonRoper & DrowleyRoutledgeJames RoutledgeRoworthRoxburghe PressRoyal Exchange OfficeT. de la Rue and Co.W. R. Russell and Co.St. James' Gazette OfficeSt. James's Magazine OfficeSampson BrothersI. SampsonJohn SampsonW. SamsSandsW. Satchell and Co.Saunders and OtleyJohn SaundersW. SaundersWalter ScottScottish Temperance LeagueSealy and Co.Sealy, Bryers & WalkerSeeleyService and PatonSharpeJ. F. ShawShephert and ElliotShepherd and ElliotSheppard and St. JohnSherwood and Co.Sherwood, Gilbert and PiperShoberlT. and G. ShrimptonEdgar S. ShrubsoleS. W. SilverSimmons and Co.Simms and M'IntyreSimpkinJ. & R. SimpsonC. J. SkeetSkeffington and SouthwellSkeffingtonJohn SlarkHenry SlaterSmallfieldEdward SmallwoodSmart and AllenA. SmithSmith, Ainslie, and Co.John Russell SmithW. H. Smith and SonWalter SmithSmith, ElderLeonard SmithersSmithsJohn SnowS. P. C. K.H. W. SoutheyJ. W. SouthgateW. P. SpaldingF. R. SparkJames SpeirsSpenceWalter SpiersRobert S. StacyEdward StanfordWilliam StevensAndrew StevensonG. J. StevensonThomas StevensonD. StewartElliot StockStockwellG. StonemanDavid StottAlexander StrahanW. StrangeSullivan BrothersSunday School InstituteSunday School UnionSunrise Publishing Co.Sutherland and KnoxJohn SutherlandSuttaby and Co.Sutton, Drowley & Co.Swan SonnenscheinSyndicate of AuthorsWilliam TaitJ. & F. TallisJohn TallisJames TaylorR. E. Taylor and SonThe Technical Publishing Co.Thomas TeggWilliam Tegg"Temperance Companion" Publishing CompanyW. Thacker and Co.Thickbroom BrothersJoseph ThomasThompsonJ. H. ThomsonThurgate and SonsCharles J. ThynneCharles TiltRichard Moore TimsTinsley BrothersSamuel TinsleyTit-Bits OfficesJoseph ToulsonTower Publishing Co.Town and Country Publishing Co.F. TrashH. & C. TreacherAnthony TreherneHenry James TresidderTrischlerTrübnerTruslove and ShirleyTubbs and BrookRaphael Tuck and SonsCharlton TuckerWilliam TweedieRobert TyasTylston and EdwardsTyne Publishing CompanyUnicorn PressUniversity PressT. Fisher UnwinJohn Van VoorstVanity Fair OfficeJ. VaseyA. VickersGeorge VickersVinton and Co.VirtueVirtue, Hall, and VirtueVizetellyWadeJames WakehamWalbrook and Co.John Walker and Co.John Thomas WaltersWard and DowneyWard and LockMarcus WardThomas WardFrederick WarneJ. WarrenH. WashbourneR. WashbourneJ. WatsonA. P. Watt and SonWatts & Co.James WeirR. WeirWeldonWells, Gardner, DartonWertheim and MacintoshB. WertheimWilliam WesleyWesleyan Conference OfficeWesleyan Methodist Sunday School UnionCharles WestertonF. C. WestleyWhibley and Co.J. WhitakerF. V. WhiteThomas WhiteE. T. WhitfieldWhitfield, Green and SonWhiting and Co.WhittakerW. B. WhittinghamWilliam Whyte and Co.WightmanWiley and PutnamWilliams and NorgateJohn WilliamsWilloughby and Co.Wilson and McCormickWilson and MilneClement WilsonEffingham WilsonJohn WilsonWomen's Printing SocietyCharles W. WoodJoseph WoodheadT. WoolmerWright and Co.W. N. WrightWyman and SonsWilliam Yapp[None]