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L'Epine, CharlesL'Épine, Ernest Louis Vict...L'Estrange, HenryL'Estrange, MilesL., C.L., E. M. O.L., J. B.L., M.L., M. E.L., M.L., M.L., S.La Touche, Marie PriceLablache, FannyLacey, MissLacey, William J.Lach-Szyrma, Wladislaw Some...Lacy, Fanny ElizaLacy, LouisaLady, ALady, ALady, ALady --Lagerstrom, Angelika vonLaing, SamuelLakeby, EdwardLamartine, Alphonse deLamb, Rev. RobertLamb, RuthLambart, William HughLambert, GeorgeLambert, Hon. Camden ElizabethLambert, Madame J. deLambton, Alfred HenryLamont, Martha MacdonaldLamonte, ElishLampen, Charles DudleyLamson, J. W.Lancaster, F.Lancaster, William Joseph C...Lance, Mary J.Lander, Harry LongleyLandon, Letitia ElizabethLandor, Edward WilsonLandor, Robert EyresLane, AmeliaLane, Henry MurrayLane, Laura M.Lane, LouisaLang, AliceLang, AndrewLang, Cosmo GordonLang, HermannLang, JohnLang, Leonora BlancheLangbridge, FrederickLangdon, MaryLange, Ernst Philipp KarlLangton, Mrs. FosterLankester, CharlotteLanyon, Hannah Sant MartinLapis, QuintusLapointe, ArmandLapointe, SavinienLarder, AlfredLarking, Col. CuthbertLatey, JohnLatham, Grace MaryLathrop, George ParsonsLatta, MaryLatto, William DuncanLauder, Sir Thomas DickLaurence, TempleLaurie, AndréLaurie, Mrs.Lauriston, LewisLavigne, ErnestLaw, AgnesLaw, CissieLaw, Lady CharlotteLaw, William ArthurLawless, EmilyLawlor, Denys ShyneLawrence, Annie M.Lawrence, EdmundLawrence, George AlfredLawrence, Sydney BoyleLawson, Emily M.Lawson, HenryLawson, Jessie KerrLaycock, ArthurLazarus, HenryLazhechnikov, Ivan IvanovichLe Clerc, EdwardLe Clerc, M. E.Le Fanu, Eleanor FrancesLe Fanu, J. SheridanLe Feuvre, AmyLe Gallienne, RichardLe Geyt, Alice BellLe Marchant, Sir Henry DenisLe Peur, JeanLe Queux, WilliamLe Ros, ChristianLeakey, Caroline WoolmerLeal, FrederickLeander, RichardLeask, WilliamLeason, AnneLeatham, Edward AldamLeatham, William HenryLeathes, Edmund JohnLeathes, MatildaLeathley, Mary Elizabeth So...Leclere, HenryLee, AlbertLee, AliceLee, AubreyLee, C. A.Lee, Charles JamesLee, EdgarLee, FrankLee, Frederick GeorgeLee, KatharineLee, LetticeLee, MarthaLee, Mary CatherineLee, MaryLee, MauriceLee, SarahLee, Susan Rowley RichmondLee, ThomasLee, VernonLeech, JosephLeeds, Mrs. G. LewisLefèbre-Laboulaye, Edouard...Lefroy, Ella NapierLefroy, Fanny CarolineLefurt, Annie B.Legh, Crocus ForsterLegouvé, ErnestLehmann, Rudolph ChambersLeicester, CarolineLeicester, PeterLeigh, AlfredLeigh, EffieLeigh, GeorgeLeigh, John GeorgeLeighton, AlexanderLeighton, DorothyLeighton, RobertLeikin, Nikolai AleksandrovichLeitch, JamesLeith, Mary Charlotte JuliaLejeune, MaryLeland, Charles GodfreyLemon, MarkLemore, ClaraLennep, Jacob vanLennox, Lord William PittLeonoraLermina, JulesLermontov, MikhailLesdernier, Emily Pierpont deLeslie, EmmaLeslie, FrederickLeslie, HenryLeslie, MadelineLeslie, Mary E.Lester, EdwardLester, Horace FrankLester, MaryLetherbrow, EmmaLever, Charles JamesLever, Sydney SybellaLevett-Yeats, Sidney KilnerLevetus, Celia MossLevien, FannyLevinge, Sir Richard George...Levy, AmyLewes, George HenryLewis, Agnes SmithLewis, Alfred HenryLewis, Helen ProtheroLewis, JanetLewis, Leopold DavidLewis, MariaLewis, Mary AnnaLewis, RobertLewis, RosaLeys, John KirkwoodLiardet, FrederickLie, JonasLiechtenstein, MarieLiefde, Jacob B. deLiefde, Jan deLiesching, Louis F.Lillie, ArthurLilly, William SamuelLincoln, HaroldLindsay, HarryLindsay, Lady Caroline Blan...Lindsay, MayneLindsay, William SchawLinskill, Mary JaneLinstead, Henry CharlesLinton, Eliza LynnLinton, William JamesLinwood, MaryLipsett, Henry CaldwellLisle, AnnaListado, J. T.Lister, CharlesLister, EdithLitchfield, ThomasLittle, Alicia Ellen NeveLittle, James StanleyLittlewood, William EdensorLivesay, Jessie E.Lloyd, BithaLloyd, Diana DigbyLloyd, EleanorLloyd, Elizabeth MariaLloyd, FrancisLloyd, FrancisLloyd, HenryLloyd, Jessie SaleLloyd, John UriLloyd, Nelson McAllisterLobenhoffer, LilliasLocke, AlbynLocke, William JohnLocker, ArthurLocker, Mrs. FrederickLockett, JeannieLockhart, John IngramLockhart, LangtonLockhart, Lawrence William ...Lockyer, LisaLodge, ArthurLodge, Mrs.Loftie, William JohnLogan, OliveLoloLong, A. MonktonLong, Lady CatharineLongstaff, William LutherLongworth, Maria TheresaLonsdale, FannyLord, M. A.Lord, Maria L.Lorimer, Norma OctaviaLoti, PierreLoudon, MargraciaLoughborough, LouisaLoughman, Joseph A.Loughnan, Edmond BrenanLoughnan, J. PymLouis, A. B.Lovelace, FèliseLovell, George WilliamLover, SamuelLovesy, CaptainLow, Charles RathboneLowe, Louisa RuthLowis, Cecil ChampainLowry, Henry DawsonLowth, George ThomasLowther, GorgesLuard, JuliaLubomirski, Prince JosephLucas, AnnieLucas, CecilLucas, E. V.Lucas, John TempletonLucas, Mrs. MartinLucas, ReginaldLuchan, BrendaLucy, Henry WilliamLudlow, James MeekerLudlow, LoisLuke, JemimaLumley, BenjaminLumley, HenryLumsden, Marianne HelenLunn, Caroline SophiaLupton, MargaretLushington, CeciliaLushington, Ellen E.Lushington, HenriettaLuttrell, HopeLyall, EdnaLyall, J. G.Lyfield, FrankLyle, LaslettLyle, MaxLymburner, Adam LymburnerLynch, Arthur AlfredLynch, HannahLynch, Theodora ElizabethLyne, Joseph LeycesterLynn, RuthLyon, Edmund DavidLyon, Gilberta M. F.Lyons, Augusta LouisaLyons, M. L.Lys, Count Charles Vetter duLysaght, Elizabeth J.Lysaght, Sidney RoyseLysons, Honora MaryLyster, Annette ThomasinaLyttelton, KathleenLyttlejohn, HenryLytton, Edward BulwerLytton, Rosina Bulwer