The following fiction titles were illustrated in volume format when published between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland.
Title |
Author |
Year |
The Abbess of Shaftesbury: or, The Days of John of Gaunt |
Anonymous |
1846 |
Abbeychurch: or, Self Control and Self Conceit |
Charlotte Mary Yonge |
1844 |
The Abbot's Bridge |
Frances Mary Peard |
1891 |
Abbotsnid |
Constance E. Miller |
1888 |
Abdiel: A Tale of Ammon |
Anonymous |
1842 |
Abel Grey |
Elizabeth Youatt |
1860 |
Abigail Templeton: or, Brave Efforts. A Story of To-day |
Emma Marshall |
1896 |
Aboard the "Atalanta": The Story of a Truant |
Henry Frith |
1888 |
Above the Breakers: or, Simple Trust |
Mary Onley |
1875 |
Abroad and at Home: Tales Here and There |
Julia S. H. Pardoe |
1857 |
Accidents of Childhood: or, Cautionary Stories for Heedless Children |
Elizabeth Croft |
1861 |
Across Country |
Elim Henry D'Avigdor |
1882 |
Across the Channel: or, What I Did and What I Saw |
Theophilus Oper |
1857 |
Across the Water |
Mrs. Alfred Payne |
1882 |
Acting on the Square: A Schoolboy's Diary |
Harriett Boultwood |
1887 |
Ada and Gerty: A Story of School Life |
Louisa Mary Gray |
1875 |
Ada Brenton: or, Plans for Life |
Anonymous |
1861 |
Ada Vernham, Actress |
Richard Marsh |
1900 |
Ada, the Betrayed: or, The Murder at the Old Smithy. A Romance of Pa... |
James Malcolm Rymer |
1847 |
Adam Bell, Clym O' the Cleugh, and William of Cloudeslie |
Pierce Egan |
1842 |
Adam Gorlake's Will |
Constance E. Miller |
1887 |
Adé, a Story of German Life |
Esmé Stuart |
1882 |
Adelaide Rosenberg's Troubles |
BTAO "Worth her Weight in Gold" |
1876 |
Adelbert and Bastel: or, Every Man in his Place. A Story for Boys |
Franz Hoffmann |
1871 |
Adeline: or, Mysteries, Romances, and Realities of Jewish Life |
Osborn William Trenery Heighway |
1854 |
Adeline: or, The Grave of the Forsaken. A Domestic Romance |
James Malcolm Rymer |
1841 |
The Admiralty House: A Story of Three Happy Children |
Edith King Hall |
1899 |
Adonijah: A Tale of the Jewish Dispersion |
Jane Margaret Strickland |
1856 |
The Adopted Brothers: or, "Blessed are the Peacemakers" |
Mary E. Clements |
1885 |
Adrift in a Boat |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1869 |
Adrift in the Great City: A Story |
Mary Elizabeth Whatham |
1893 |
Adrift in the Pacific |
Jules Verne |
1889 |
Adrift on the Sea: or, The Children's Escape |
Emilia Norris |
1871 |
The Adventurers: A Tale of Treasure Trove |
Henry Brereton Marriott Watson |
1898 |
Adventures Among the Indians |
Francis Robert Goulding |
1871 |
The Adventures and Experiences of Biddy Dorking: To which is Added t... |
Anna Maria Hall |
1858 |
Adventures Ashore and Afloat |
Anonymous |
1887 |
Adventures in Africa by an African Trader |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1883 |
Adventures in Borneo |
Catherine Gore |
1849 |
Adventures in India |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1884 |
Adventures in the Far West |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1881 |
Adventures in Toyland |
Edith King Hall |
1897 |
Adventures in Western Africa: A Tale |
Henry Samuel Budget Yates |
1880 |
The Adventures of a Donkey: Written by Himself |
Anonymous |
1869 |
The Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse |
Sir George Stephen |
1835 |
The Adventures of a Griffin on a Voyage of Discovery |
Harden Sidney Melville |
1867 |
The Adventures of a Little French Boy |
Alfred de Bréhat |
1863 |
Adventures of a Perambulator: True Details of a Family History |
Jeanie Hering |
1894 |
The Adventures of a Sporting Dog |
Anonymous |
1863 |
The Adventures of a Stowaway |
Fred Whishaw |
1897 |
The Adventures of a Watch |
Julie Gouraud |
1864 |
Adventures of a Young Naturalist |
Lucien Biart |
1870 |
Adventures of Alfan: or, The Magic Amulet |
John Holme Burrow |
1863 |
The Adventures of Billy Bump in Boston and California |
Samuel Griswold Goodrich |
1852 |
The Adventures of Captain Mago: or, A Phoenician Expedition, B. C. 1... |
Léon Cahun |
1876 |
The Adventures of Carlo |
Katharine Tynan |
1900 |
Adventures of Dick Onslow among the Red Skins |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1863 |
The Adventures of François: Foundling, Thief, Juggler, and Fencing-... |
Silas Weir Mitchell |
1898 |
The Adventures of Gustavus Wasa: or, The Dawning of Light in Sweden |
L. S. Griffith |
1880 |
Adventures of Hans Sterk, the South African Hunter and Pioneer |
Alfred Wilks Drayson |
1869 |
The Adventures of Herbert Massey in Eastern Africa |
Verney Lovett Cameron |
1888 |
The Adventures of Herr Baby |
Mary Louisa Molesworth |
1881 |
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: (Tom Sawyer's Comrade) |
Mark Twain |
1884 |
The Adventures of Johnny Ironsides: A Tale |
Jules Girardin |
1875 |
The Adventures of Joshua Hawsepipe, Master Mariner: A Tale of the Se... |
Charles Rathbone Low |
1869 |
Adventures of Kwei, the Chinese Girl |
Mary E. Gellie |
1872 |
The Adventures of Mark Paton, and Other Stories |
Charles John Jodrell Mansford |
1898 |
Adventures of Marshall Vavasour, Midshipman |
Samuel Whitchurch Sadler |
1873 |
The Adventures of Maurice Drummore, Royal Marines, by Land and Sea |
Charles Butler Greatrex |
1884 |
The Adventures of Mick Callighin, M.P.: A Story of Home Rule. And Th... |
William Robert Ancketill |
1874 |
The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green: An Oxford Freshman |
Edward Bradley |
1853 |
The Adventures of Mr. Wilderspin on His Journey Through Life |
Andrew Halliday |
1860 |
Adventures of Old Dan Tucker, and his Son Walter: A Tale of North Ca... |
Calvin Henderson Wiley |
1851 |
The Adventures of Owen Evans, Esq., Surgeon's Mate, Left Ashore in 1... |
William Henry Anderdon |
1862 |
The Adventures of Picklock Holes |
Rudolph Chambers Lehmann |
1901 |
The Adventures of Prior Claime: Relating Chiefly to his Residence in... |
Anonymous |
1872 |
The Adventures of Reuben Davidger: Seventeen Years and Four Months C... |
James Greenwood |
1865 |
The Adventures of Rob Roy |
James Grant |
1864 |
The Adventures of Robinson Playfellow, a Young French Marine |
Anonymous |
1873 |
The Adventures of Rolando in Mesopotamia, Persia, Siberia, Kamschatk... |
Anne Bowman |
1877 |
The Adventures of Seven Four-footed Foresters, Narrated by Themselves |
James Greenwood |
1865 |
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes |
Arthur Conan Doyle |
1892 |
The Adventures of the Bodley Family |
Horace Scudder |
1879 |
The Adventures of Tom Hanson: or, Brave Endeavours Achieve Success |
Firth Garside |
1877 |
The Adventures of Wouldn't-Say-Wee: By Nasr-ed-Din Sparrow, R. A. |
Frances Isabelle Tylcoat |
1881 |
Adventures Round the World |
Anonymous |
1880 |
An Affair of Honour |
Alice Weber |
1892 |
Afloat at Last: A Sailor Boy's Log of his Life at Sea |
John Conroy Hutcheson |
1890 |
The African Cruiser: A Midshipman's Adventures on the West Coast |
Samuel Whitchurch Sadler |
1873 |
The African Trader: or, The Adventures of Harry Bayford |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1873 |
The Africander: A Plain Tale of Colonial Life |
Egerton Clairmonte |
1896 |
After Five Years |
Frances E. Reade |
1885 |
After Many Days: or, Clear Shining After Rain |
Anonymous |
1875 |
After the Holidays: or, Wunnie's Work |
Mary W. Ellis |
1874 |
After Twenty Years: A Story of Patient Hope |
Anonymous |
1882 |
After Worcester: The Story of a Royal Fugitive |
Evelyn Ward Everett Green |
1901 |
Afterward |
Emilie Searchfield |
1885 |
Against Tide: A Story of a Poor Street Arab |
Miriam Ross |
1871 |
Agatha: A Fanciful Flight for a Gusty Night |
George Halse |
1861 |
Agatha: or, Sketches of School Life. And The Black Sheep. Two Tales ... |
Mrs. Packer |
1865 |
Agatha Lee's Inheritance |
Mary R. Higham |
1878 |
Agatha Webb |
Anna Katherine Green |
1900 |
Agnes Beaumont: A True Story of the Year 1670 |
Marian Caldecott |
1874 |
Agnes Fairfield: or, The Triumph of Faith |
Charles F. Higginson |
1873 |
Agnes Falconer |
BTAO "Agnes Falconer" |
1863 |
Agnes Grahame, Deaconess: A Story of Woman's Work for Christ and His... |
M. A. M. |
1879 |
Agnes Hopetoun's Schools and Holidays: The Experiences of a Little G... |
Margaret Oliphant |
1859 |
Agnes Leigh: or, The Path and Lamp |
Anonymous |
1867 |
Agnes Morton: or, The Idolatry of the Heart |
BTAO "The Bread of Deceit" |
1847 |
Agnes Selby: A Story for Children |
Henrietta Lushington |
1861 |
Ahmo's Plot: or, The Governor's Indian Child |
Ann S. Stephens |
1863 |
Ailie Stuart: A Story of School Life |
Annie Gray |
1873 |
"Aim at a Sure End" |
Emilie Searchfield |
1886 |
Aimée: A Tale of the Days of James the Second |
Agnes Giberne |
1872 |
Alda Graham, and her Brother Philip |
Emilia Norris |
1872 |
Alda, the British Captive |
Agnes Strickland |
1841 |
Alec Green: A Tale of Sea Life |
Silas Kitto Hocking |
1879 |
Alec Tomlin: or, Choose Wisely |
Isabella Eleanor Aylmer |
1873 |
Aletta: A Tale of the Boer Invasion |
Bertram Mitford |
1900 |
Alfred and his Mother: or, Seeking the Kingdom |
Katharine E. May |
1871 |
Alfred Arnold's Choice, and What Came of It: A Tale of Factory Life |
BTAO "Alice Leigh's Mission" |
1878 |
Alfred de Rosann: or, The Adventures of a French Gentleman |
George William MacArth Reynolds |
1839 |
Alfred in India: or, Scenes in Hindoostan |
Anonymous |
1848 |
Alfred Leslie: A Story of Glasgow Life |
Frederick Arnold |
1856 |
Alfred May |
R. Rylands |
1882 |
Alfred the Great, and other Stories from History |
Anonymous |
1871 |
Alfreda Holme: A Story of Social Life in Australia |
Elisabeth Boyd Bayly |
1882 |
The Algerian Slave: A Novel |
Lisbeth Gooch Séguin |
1888 |
Algy's Lesson |
Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan |
1868 |
Alice and Beatrice |
Grandmamma |
1869 |
Alice Barlow: or, Principle in Everything. A Country Village History |
George Eliel Sargent |
1861 |
Alice Benden: or, The Bowed Shilling |
Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna |
1838 |
Alice Bridge of Norwich: A Tale of the Time of Charles the First |
Andrew Reed |
1879 |
Alice de Burgh: A Home Story for Girls |
Louisa Joyce Tomlinson |
1874 |
Alice Deane's Life-Work: A Tale of the Fisher-Folk at Sencliff |
Anonymous |
1874 |
Alice Errol and Other Tales |
Charlotte Brown Carmichael Stopes |
1861 |
Alice Franklin: A Tale. Another Part of "Sowing and Reaping" |
Mary Howitt |
1843 |
Alice Gray: or, The Ministrations of a Child |
BTAO "Alice Gray" |
1855 |
Alice Herbert and Emily's Choice |
E. V. N. |
1871 |
Alice Home: or, The Revenge of the Blighted One. A Romance of Deep I... |
James Malcolm Rymer |
1848 |
Alice in the Country |
Anonymous |
1873 |
Alice Leigh's Mission |
BTAO "Alice Leigh's Mission" |
1870 |
Alice Leighton: or, The Murder at the Druids' Stones. A Romance of t... |
Thomas Frost |
1848 |
Alice Lowther: or, Grandmamma's Story about her Little Red Bible |
J. W. C. |
1862 |
Alice Neville: or, A Little Child Shall Lead Them |
Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen |
1874 |
Alice Stanley and Other Stories |
Anna Maria Hall |
1868 |
Alice Thorne: or, A Sister's Work |
Anonymous |
1867 |
Alice Wilde: The Raftsman's Daughter. A Forest Romance |
Metta Victoria Fuller |
1861 |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland |
Lewis Carroll |
1865 |
Alice's Pupil |
Letitia McClintock |
1883 |
Alicia Grey: or, To be Useful is to be Happy |
Catherine Grace Godwin |
1837 |
Alicia Newcome: or, The Land Claim. A Tale of the Upper Missouri |
Frances Fuller Barritt |
1862 |
Aline |
Hannah Meynell Whittemore |
1892 |
"All But": A Chronicle of Laxenford Life |
Sir Henry Thompson |
1886 |
All for Number One: or, Charlie Russell's Ups and Downs. A Story for... |
Henry Johnson |
1888 |
All for the Best: or, Bernard Gilpin's Motto |
Emily Sarah Holt |
1887 |
All in a Garden Green: and, Talk of a Sheet of Paper |
Elizabeth Traice |
1877 |
All is not Gold that Glitters: and, Happy Joan Oliver |
Anonymous |
1889 |
All Play and no Work |
Charles Harold Avery |
1901 |
All Sorts and Conditions of Men: An Impossible Story |
Walter Besant |
1882 |
All the Way One Shilling: Judy's Book for Anywhere and All Times. Th... |
Charles Henry Ross |
1877 |
All the Way to Fairyland: Fairy Stories |
Evelyn Sharp |
1898 |
The Allens: A Tale of the Great Kanawha Valley |
Henry J. Thomas |
1862 |
Allie: or, Into the Light |
E. E. H. |
1877 |
Allina Grey: or, The Decision |
Georgiana Margaret Sterne |
1867 |
All's Well: or, Alice's Victory |
Emily Sarah Holt |
1893 |
All's Well that Ends Well: A Tale for Children |
M. M. S. |
1870 |
Ally and Her School-Fellow: A Tale for the Young |
Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards |
1861 |
Almeria's Castle: or, My Early Life in India and in England |
Henrietta Lushington |
1866 |
Almost a Hero: or, School-Days at Ashcombe |
Robert Richardson |
1880 |
Almost a Pauper: A Tale of Trial and Triumph |
Erminda Rentoul Esler |
1888 |
"Almost Persuaded": A Tale of Village Life |
Frances Elizabeth G. Brock |
1856 |
Alone in China and Other Stories |
Julian Ralph |
1897 |
Alone in Crowds: or, Kindlup Tower |
Annette Thomasina Lyster |
1882 |
Always in the Way: A Little Story |
Thomas Jeans |
1866 |
Alwyn Morton: His School and Schoolfellows. A Tale of St. Nicholas G... |
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps |
1867 |
Alypius of Tagaste: A Tale of the Early Church |
Annie Webb |
1865 |
The Amazon: A Tale |
Franz Dingelstedt |
1869 |
The Amber City: Being Some Account of the Adventures of a Steam Croc... |
Thomas Vetch |
1888 |
Ambition |
Mrs. Courtenay Newton |
1851 |
Ambrose Oran: or, With the Buccaneers |
Frederick Scarlett Potter |
1881 |
An American Emperor: The Story of the Fourth Empire of France |
Louis Tracy |
1897 |
An American Girl in London |
Sara Jeanette Duncan |
1891 |
Amid the Greenwood |
Anne Catherine Chambers |
1881 |
Among Hostile Hordes: A Story of the Tai-ping Rebellion |
Bessie Marchant |
1901 |
Among the Brigands, and Other Tales of Adventure |
Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen |
1875 |
Among the Cannibals |
Jules Verne |
1876 |
Among the Freaks |
William Livingston Alden |
1896 |
Among the Gibjigs: A Child's Romance |
Sydney Hodges |
1881 |
Among the Hop-Pickers |
Samuel Chinn |
1887 |
Among the Maoris: A Book of Adventure |
Emilia Norris |
1874 |
Among the Mountains: or, The Harcourts at Montreux |
Agnes Giberne |
1865 |
Among the Squirrels |
Mary A. Denison |
1867 |
Among the Tartar Tents: or, The Lost Fathers. A Tale |
Anne Bowman |
1861 |
Among the Woblins: A Child's Romance |
Sydney Hodges |
1882 |
Among Thorns |
Marion Clarke |
1887 |
Among Typhoons and Pirate Craft |
Alexander Christie |
1892 |
Amos Fayle: or, Through the Wilderness into a Wealthy Place |
Sophie Amelia Prosser |
1878 |
Amos Huntingdon: A Tale Illustrative of Moral Courage, with Examples... |
Theodore Percival Wilson |
1881 |
The Amphibion's Voyage |
Parker Gillmore |
1885 |