Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Illustrated Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were illustrated in volume format when published between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland.


Title Author Year
Stories of Long Ago Ascott R. Hope 1881
Stories of Love and Duty for Boys and Girls Anonymous 1875
Stories of Love and Mercy: A Series of Narratives for Young People Anonymous 1878
Stories of Old England George Eliel Sargent 1868
Stories of Old England: Second Series George Eliel Sargent 1871
Stories of Success: As Illustrated by the Lives of Humble Men who ha... James Francis Cobb 1872
The Stories of the Broadmoor Patient: and The Poor Clerk Frederick Wicks 1893
Stories of the Early Christians Aunt Emily 1871
Stories of the Flowers Gertrude P. Dyer 1877
Stories of the Good Shepherd: A Sunday Book for Little Children Anonymous 1864
Stories of the Governess Anna Maria Hall 1852
Stories of the Italian Reformation Mrs. Campbell Overend 1870
Stories of the Mountain and the Forest Mary Anna Paull 1882
Stories of the Norsemen Anonymous 1852
Stories of the Old Romans Anonymous 1874
Stories of Vinegar Hill Anna Bartlett Warner 1871
Stories of Women Anonymous 1864
Stories of Young Adventurers Ascott R. Hope 1881
Stories of Youth and Childhood: or, Scenes from Humble Life Anonymous 1847
Stories on My Duty Towards God Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen 1865
Stories on "My Duty Towards My Neighbour" Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen 1869
Stories on Proverbs Anonymous 1854
Stories on Proverbs BTAO "The Conceited Pig" 1854
Stories out of School-Time Ascott R. Hope 1884
Stories that Came True Prudentia 1879
Stories to Teach Me to Think T. D. P. Stone 1861
Stories Told to a Child Jean Ingelow 1865
The Storm of Life Hesba Stretton 1876
Story after Story of Land and Sea, Man and Beast BTAO "Cheerful Sundays" 1877
The Story Book of Country Scenes Lydia Falconer Miller 1846
The Story of a Bad Boy Thomas Bailey Aldrich 1870
The Story of a Boy's Adventures, and How He Rose in the World Louisa Stewart 1862
The Story of a Cat Eliza Perring 1865
The Story of a Cat and a Cake During the Thirty Years' War Mary Eliza Bramston 1896
The Story of a Child's Companion George Eliel Sargent 1872
The Story of a City Arab George Eliel Sargent 1878
The Story of a Demoiselle Eleanor C. Price 1880
The Story of a Diamond: Illustrative of Egyptian Manners and Customs M. L. Whately 1867
The Story of a Dog Eliza Perring 1866
The Story of a Feather Douglas William Jerrold 1844
The Story of a Honeymoon Charles Henry Ross 1869
The Story of a King One of his Soldiers 1881
The Story of a Moss Rose: or, Ruth and the Orphan Family Charles Bruce 1871
The Story of a Mouse: For the Amusement and Benefit of Little People Eliza Perring 1858
The Story of a Needle Charlotte Maria Tucker 1858
The Story of a Peninsular Veteran: Sergeant in the Forty-Third Light... Anonymous 1878
The Story of a Penny Eliza Perring 1863
The Story of a Pocket Bible George Eliel Sargent 1857
The Story of a Pupil Teacher BTAO "Gather Up the Fragments" 1876
The Story of a Red Velvet Bible Marjory Horsburgh 1862
The Story of a Summer Day BTAO "Busy Bee" 1875
A Story of a Wooden Horse Jeanne Marcel 1878
The Story of Aimée: or, A Life's Discipline Mary Helen Holt 1872
The Story of Alice Middleton BTAO "Alice Middleton" 1868
Story of Allan Gordon: or, From Cabin-boy to Quarterdeck Alexander Christie 1893
The Story of an Apple Lady Pamela Campbell 1853
The Story of Arthur Hunter and his First Shilling: With Other Tales Catherine Ann Crowe 1861
The Story of Charles Ogilvie George Eliel Sargent 1880
The Story of Dick Whittington: The Famous Lord Mayor of London John Browne Marsh 1874
The Story of Elise Marcel Madame J. de Lambert 1874
The Story of Elizabeth Anne Isabella Ritchie 1863
The Story of Frithiof Anonymous 1872
The Story of Henrietta and the Ayah Clara de Chatelain 1861
The Story of Herbert Lovell: or, Handsome is who Handsome does. A Bo... Frederick William Byron Bouverie 1862
The Story of John Heywood: An Historical Tale of the Time of Harry V... Charles Bruce 1873
The Story of Johnny Bertram Dora B. Mackean 1900
The Story of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table Sir James Thomas Knowles 1862
The Story of Madge and The Fairy Content William Blanchard Jerrold 1870
The Story of Nan and Jack BTAO "Remarkable Stories" 1880
The Story of Our Sunday Trip to Hastings: As Related by One of the P... Anonymous 1879
The Story of Papa's Wise Dogs John Bailey 1867
The Story of Robin Hood William Heaton 1870
The Story of Roland James Baldwin 1883
The Story of Sevenoaks Josiah Gilbert Holland 1876
The Story of Siegfried James Baldwin 1883
The Story of the Don: Re-Written for Our Young Folks Clarissa L. Matéaux 1870
A Story of the Golden Age James Baldwin 1887
The Story of the Hamiltons: or, The Two Sisters Caroline Leicester 1869
The Story of the Old Plank and Other Wonder Tales John Widdicombe 1875
The Story of the Plébiscite: Told by One of the Seven Million Five ... Émile Erckmann 1872
The Story of the Rock: or, Building on the Eddystone R. M. Ballantyne 1875
The Story of the Two Margarets Emma Marshall 1870
The Story of the White-Rock Cove Anonymous 1868
The Story of Two Islands Crona Temple 1877
The Story of Two Lives: or, The Trials of Wealth and Poverty Winifred Taylor 1870
The Story of Wandering Willie Lady Augusta Noel 1870
A Story with a Vengeance: or, How Many Joints may go to a Tale Angus Bethune Reach 1852
The Straight Road is Shortest and Surest Charlotte Maria Tucker 1866
Straight to the Mark Thomas Street Millington 1883
The Strange Adventures of Israel Pendray Silas Kitto Hocking 1899
The Strange Adventures of Little Snowdrop, and Other Tales Clara Mulholland 1889
The Strange Adventures of Roger Wilkins and Other Stories Alfred Walter Barrett 1895
The Strange Adventures of Two Single Gentlemen: A Big Black Box, and... Charles Henry Ross 1864
The Strange Career of Thomas Gander and his Friend and Tutor Doctor ... Charles Henry Ross 1865
A Strange Company Katharine Sarah Macquoid 1886
A Strange Craft and its Wonderful Voyage Edward S. Ellis 1898
A Strange Elopement William Clark Russell 1892
The Strange Fox-Hunter and the Blank Sheet Sophie Amelia Prosser 1888
A Strange Friendship: A Story of New Zealand C. Evans 1874
The Strange Story at Lee Alice King 1887
A Strange Tangle Alice King 1887
The Strange Wooing of Mary Bowler Richard Marsh 1895
Stratagems: A Story for Young People Camilla Dufour Crosland 1849
Strawberry Bank: or, Home from India BTAO "Busy Bee" 1874
Stray Leaves from Shady Places Camilla Dufour Crosland 1853
The Strength of her Youth Sarah Doudney 1887
The String of Pearls: or, The Barber of Fleet Street. A Domestic Rom... James Malcolm Rymer 1851
A String of Stories Ascott R. Hope 1891
Stringtown on the Pike: A Tale of Northernmost Kentucky John Uri Lloyd 1900
Strive and Thrive: A Tale Mary Howitt 1840
Strive and Thrive: or, Stories for the Example and Encouragement of ... Anonymous 1875
Striving for the Mastery Anonymous 1873
The Stronger Will Evelyn Ward Everett Green 1890
Struggles and Adventures of Christopher Tadpole at Home and Abroad Albert Richard Smith 1848
The Struggles of a Village Lad James Campkin 1858
The Struggles of Brown, Jones and Robinson: By One of the Firm Anthony Trollope 1870
Stumps: A Story for Children Stella Austin 1873
Sturdy and Strong: or, How George Andrews Made His Way George Alfred Henty 1888
Sukie's Boy Henrietta Keddie 1887
Summer Clouds: A Story for the Young Rosamond L. Grey 1871
Summer Days: or, The Cousins. A Story for the Young Anonymous 1853
Summer Holidays at Silversea E. Rosalie Salmon 1872
Summer Snow Henrietta Keddie 1878
Sunbeam: A Fairy Tale Mary Ann Pietzker 1869
The Sunbeam of Seven-Dials: and Other Stories of London Poor M. J. Nicholson 1874
Sunbeam Stories: A Selection of the Tales Matilda Anne Mackarness 1860
Sunbeam Susette: A Story of the Siege of Paris Emma Leslie 1874
Sunbeam Willie and Other Stories Isabel Reaney 1875
A Sunbeam's Influence: or, Eight Years After. A Sequel to "Little El... Marion Clifford Butler 1871
The Sunbeam's Story: or, Sketches from Beetle Life Mona B. Bickerstaffe 1868
Sunday Afternoons at Rose Cottage E. M. Waterworth 1887
Sunday Chaplet of Stories Charlotte Maria Tucker 1867
Sunday Echoes in Weekday Hours: A Tale Illustrative of Scripture Cha... Frances Elizabeth G. Brock 1873
Sunday Echoes in Weekday Hours: A Tale Illustrative of the Church Ca... Frances Elizabeth G. Brock 1867
Sunday Echoes in Weekday Hours: A Tale Illustrative of the Children ... Frances Elizabeth G. Brock 1870
Sunday Echoes in Weekday Hours: A Tale Illustrative of the Example o... Frances Elizabeth G. Brock 1879
Sunday Echoes in Weekday Hours: A Tale Illustrative of the Collects Frances Elizabeth G. Brock 1863
Sunday Evenings at Northcourt George Eliel Sargent 1872
The Sunday-School Prize Anonymous 1864
Sunk at Sea: or, The Adventures of Wandering Will in The Pacific R. M. Ballantyne 1869
Sunlight Through Shadows: By the Seaside and in the Green Lanes F. M. S. 1877
Sunlight Through the Mist: or, Practical Lessons Drawn from the Live... Mary Burrows 1854
Sunny Days: or, A Month at the Great Stowe Henry Courtney Selous 1871
The Sunny Side of the Street: A Story of Patient Waiting Evelyn Ward Everett Green 1895
Sunnyland Stories Eliza Tabor Stephenson 1876
Sunnyside School: A Tale for the Young Lettice Lee 1880
Sunshine: or, Believing and Rejoicing. A Series of Home and Foreign ... Mary Ann Serrett Barber 1854
Sunshine and Shadows in Kattern's Life BTAO "Sunshine and Shadows in Kattern's Life" 1872
Sunshine at Last: A Tale of London Life Mary Keary 1888
A Sunshine in the Shady Place Edith Milner 1876
Sunshine Jenny and Other Stories Isabel Reaney 1878
Sunshine through the Clouds: or, The Reward of Gentleness Frances Isabelle Tylcoat 1878
Surly Bob Louisa Caroline Silke 1881
The Surprise: or, Little Robert and His Dog Anonymous 1865
The Surprising Adventures of Sir Toady Lion with those of General Na... S. R. Crockett 1897
The Surprising, Unheard of and Never-to-be-Surpassed Adventures of Y... Charles Henry Bennett 1865
The Survivor E. Phillips Oppenheim 1901
The Survivors of the Chancellor: Diary of J. R. Kazallon, Passenger Jules Verne 1875
Susan Fanny Osborne 1862
Susan: or, The First Year in Service Anonymous 1873
Susan and Magdalene BTAO "The Cousins Reconciled" 1866
Susan and the Doll: or, Do Not be Covetous. The Little Orphan's Hist... Caroline Leicester 1861
Susie and the Chestnut Stall Mary Keary 1891
Susy's Flowers: or, 'Blessed are the Merciful, for they shall obtain... Frances Mary Synge 1862
Susy's Sacrifice Julia A. Mathews 1867
Suzanne de l'Orme: A Story of France in Huguenot Times Harriet Gabourel 1872
Swallow-Tails and Skippers Francesca Maria Steele 1886
Swallowed by an Earthquake Edward Douglas Fawcett 1894
The Swallows of Leigh Farm: A Story for CHildren BTAO "The Book of Children's Hymns and Rhym... 1869
The Swampers: A Romance of the Westralian Goldfields James Hume Nisbet 1897
The Swan and Her Crew: or, The Adventures of Three Young Naturalists... George Christopher Davies 1876
Swanford Bridge BTAO "Madeleine's Forgiveness" 1886
The Swan's Egg Anna Maria Hall 1851
The Swedish Singer: Or, The Story of Vanda Rosendahl Mrs. Walter G. Hall 1871
The Swedish Twins: A Tale for the Young Sarah Schoonmaker Baker 1878
Sweet Charity Mary Bell 1891
Sweet Content Mary Louisa Molesworth 1891
Sweet Flowers Matilda Anne Mackarness 1873
Sweet Little Rogues: A Child's Story Elvina Corbould 1876
A Sweet Sinner James Hume Nisbet 1897
Sweet Violet, and Other Stories Christina Catherine Fraser Tytler 1869
Sweet Violets and Other Tales Matilda Anne Mackarness 1873
Swept out to Sea David Ker 1896
Swift and Sure: or, The Career of Two Brothers Alfred Elwes 1873
The Sword of De Bardwell: A Tale of Agincourt C. M. Katherine Phipps 1881
Sybil and Chryssa: Being a Sequel to Mr. Rutherford's Children Susan Bogert Warner 1869
Sybil Campbell: or, The Queen of the Isle. A Tale of Dark Deeds, and... May Agnes Fleming 1865
Sybil Chase: or, The Valley Ranche. A Tale of California Life Ann S. Stephens 1862
Sybil, and her Live Snowball: To which is Added the Story of the Bir... Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen 1880
Sybil's Book Lady Barker 1874
Sybil's Friend and How She Found Him Florence Marryat 1874
Sybil's Sacrifice and Other Choice Stories for the Young Anonymous 1870
Syd Belton, the Boy who would not go to Sea George Manville Fenn 1891
Sylvester Sound, the Somnambulist Henry Cockton 1844
Sylvia and Janet Anne Maria Carter Smith 1870
Sylvia Brooke Magdalen Harriet Mary Capes 1888
Sylvia in Flowerland Linda Gardiner 1899
Sylvia's Romance Marion Andrews 1900
Sylvie and Bruno Lewis Carroll 1889
Sylvie and Bruno Concluded Lewis Carroll 1893

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