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At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
The C Minor, and the Vicar of Ristock: Two Stories E. Douglas Nelson 1880
The Cabin by the Wayside: A Tale for the Young Lady Pamela Campbell 1854
The Cabin on the Beach: A Tale Mary Elizabeth Whatham 1884
The Cabinet Minister Catherine Gore 1839
Cabinet Pictures Headon Hill 1893
The Cabinet Secret Leigh Spencer 1867
A Cabinet Secret Guy Boothby 1901
The Cabman's Daughter: A Tale Anonymous 1885
Cabramatta, and Woodleigh Farm Mary Theresa Vidal 1850
The Caeruleans: A Vacation Idyll Sir Henry Stewart Cunningham 1887
Caesar Borgia: A Historical Romance Emma Robinson 1846
Caesar's Column: A Story of the Twentieth Century Ignatius Loyola Donnelly 1891
The Caged Linnet: or, Love's Labour not Lost Matilda Leathes 1883
The Caged Lion Charlotte Mary Yonge 1870
Caged!: The Romance of a Lunatic Asylum Headon Hill 1900
Cairnforth and Sons: A Tale Helen Shipton 1885
Cakes and Ale Douglas William Jerrold 1842
Calcraft's Confessions: or, Coward-Conscience Charles Clarke 1870
Caleb Booth's Clerk: A Lancashire Story Isabella Banks 1878
Caleb Carthew: A Life Story Silas Kitto Hocking 1884
Caleb Field: A Tale of the Puritans Margaret Oliphant 1851
Caleb in the Country: A Story for Children Jacob Abbott 1840
Caleb in Town: A Story for Children Jacob Abbott 1840
Caleb Jones, Miner: A Story of the South Wales Coal Field Scrutator 1900
Caleb Stukley Samuel Phillips 1844
A Californian Girl Herbert Flowerdew 1897
Californian Stories Bret Harte 1884
The Californians Gertrude Atherton 1898
The Call of the Future Kate Tanqueray 1901
Called Back Frederick John Fargus 1884
Called Back to Tsarland: A Novel Fred Whishaw 1899
Called to Account: A Novel Annie Thomas 1867
Called to the Bar Samuel Bracebridge Hemyng 1867
Called to the Rescue Anna Harriet Drury 1879
Callista: A Sketch of the Third Century John Henry Newman 1856
Calmire Henry Holt 1892
Calumnies E. M. Davy 1899
Calumny: A Novel Frederick Eastwood 1877
The Cambric Mask: A Romance Robert W. Chambers 1900
The Cambridge Freshman: or, Memoirs of Mr. Golightly James Rice 1871
The Cambridge Grisette Algernon Herbert Vaughan Morgan 1862
Cameos: Short Stories Marie Corelli 1896
Camera Lucida: or, Strange Passages in Common Life Bertha Thomas 1897
The Cameronians: A Novel James Grant 1881
Camilla's Girlhood: A Novel Linda Mazini 1885
Camille Valérie Boissier de Gasparin 1867
Camille's Tormentor Bertha De Jongh 1877
Camiola: A Girl with a Fortune Justin McCarthy 1885
The Camorristi, and Other Tales Countess Galletti di Cadilhac 1882
The Camp at Wandinong Ethel Sybil Turner 1898
The Camp of Refuge Charles Macfarlane 1844
The Camp on the Severn: A Tale of the Tenth Persecution in Britain Augustine David Crake 1875
A Campaigner at Home Sir John Skelton 1865
Campaigning in a Strange Land: An Election Story Anonymous 1886
Campanella: or, The Teachings of Life Sarah Anne Mercier 1870
The Campbells: A Novel Thomas Solly 1859
Campion Court: A Tale of the Days of the Ejectment Two Hundred Years... Emma Jane Worboise 1864
A Camsterie Nacket: Being the Story of a Contrary Laddie Ill to Guide Jessie Margaret Edmonston Saxby 1894
Can it be True?: A Novel Francis Henry Cliffe 1887
Can She Forgive? E. S. Curry 1894
Can She Keep the Secret? John Erskine Clarke 1866
Can this be Love?: A Novel Louisa Parr 1893
Can Wrong be Right?: A Tale Anna Maria Hall 1862
Can You Forgive Her? Anthony Trollope 1865
Canadian Crusoes: A Tale of the Rice Lake Plains Catharine Parr Traill 1852
The Canadian Girl: or, The Pirate of the Lakes. A Story of the Affec... Mary E. Bennett 1838
A Canadian Heroine: A Novel Annie Louisa Walker 1873
Canary Bird: A Story of Town Life in the Seventeenth Century. A Sequ... Watts Phillips 1862
Cancelled Bonds Henry Cresswell 1895
Candiduccia: Scenes from Roman Life Lily Marchesa Theodoli 1894
The Cankerworm: Being Episodes of a Woman's Life George Manville Fenn 1901
Canonbury Hold: A Life's Problem Solved Emma Jane Worboise 1872
Canonbury House: or, The Queen's Prophecy George William MacArth Reynolds 1870
The Canon's Daughters: The Story of a Love Chase Robert St. John Corbet 1871
The Canon's Ward James Payn 1884
A Canterbury Tale Maria Alice Hoyer 1891
Cap and Bells Margaret C. Helmore 1875
Cap and Gown Comedy: A Schoolmaster's Stories Ascott R. Hope 1893
The Capel Girls: A Novel Isabella Mayo 1876
A Capful o' Nails David Christie Murray 1896
A Capful of Moonshine: or, Tis not all Gold that Glitters John Mills 1849
Capital Punishment: A Tale of the Nineteenth Century John Erskine Clarke 1867
The Caprice of Julia Lewis Sergeant 1898
The Capsina Edward Frederic Benson 1899
Captain Antifer Jules Verne 1895
Captain Balfour: A Novel Caroline Agnes Drayson 1868
Captain Bayley's Heir: A Tale of the Gold Fields of California George Alfred Henty 1889
Captain Bluitt Max Adeler 1901
Captain Brand, of the "Centipede": A Pirate of Eminence in the West ... Henry Augustus Wise 1860
Captain Castle: A Tale of the China Seas William Carleton Dawe 1897
Captain Chimney-Sweep: A Story of the Great War Dorothea Townshend 1900
Captain Christie's Granddaughter Ruth Lamb 1865
Captain Clutterbuck's Champagne: A West Indian Reminiscence William George Hamley 1862
Captain Cobler: or, The Lincolnshire Rebellion. An Historical Romanc... Thomas Cooper 1850
Captain Enderis, First West African Regiment: A Novel Archer Philip Crouch 1893
Captain Eva: The Story of a Naughty Girl Kathleen Knox 1880
Captain Fanny William Clark Russell 1876
Captain Fortescue's Handful Cecil Marryat Norris 1887
Captain Haverty's Wooing Frank Trollope 1880
Captain Herbert: A Sea Story George Cupples 1864
Captain Ishmael: A Saga of the South Seas George Griffith 1901
Captain Jack: or, The Great Van Broek Property. A Story James Alexander Maitland 1867
Captain Jack: or, Old Fort Duquesne. A Story of Indian Adventure Charles McKnight 1874
Captain Jacobus: Certain Passages from the Memoirs of Anthony Langford Leslie Cope Cornford 1896
Captain Jacques: A Romance of the Time of the Plague Somerville Gibney 1890
Captain Japp William Gordon Stables 1891
Captain Jewell's Wife Julia Cartwright 1884
Captain Kidd's Money and Other Stories Harriet Beecher Stowe 1876
Captain Lanagan's Log: Passages in the Life of a Merchant Skipper Edmund Downey 1891
Captain Lobe: A Story of the Salvation Army Margaret Harkness 1889
Captain Macdonald: or, Haps and Hishaps at Capias Castle John Lang 1856
Captain Macheath: or, The Highwayman of a Century Since! Pierce Egan 1842
Captain Mansana, and Other Stories Björnstjerne Björnson 1884
Captain Masters' Children: A Novel Tom Hood 1865
Captain Molly: or, The Fight at Trenton Mary A. Denison 1866
The Captain of Five Mary H. Debenham 1895
The Captain of the Guard James Grant 1862
The Captain of the "Mary Rose": A Tale of To-morrow William Laird Clowes 1892
The Captain of the Polestar and Other Tales Arthur Conan Doyle 1890
The Captain of the Vulture Mary Elizabeth Braddon 1862
Captain O'Shaughness's Sporting Career: An Autobiography James Roderick O'Flanagan 1873
Captain O'Sullivan: or, Adventures, Civil, Military and Matrimonial ... William Hamilton Maxwell 1846
Captain Paul the Pirate: A Tale of the Sea Alexandre Dumas 1848
Captain Satan: The Adventures of Cyrano de Bergerac Louis Gallet 1899
Captain Shannon Coulson Kernahan 1897
Captain Spike: or, The Islets of the Gulf James Fenimore Cooper 1848
Captain Spitfire and the Unlucky Treasure: Two Spanish Novelettes Pedro Antonio de Alarcón 1886
Captain Stormalong: The Bushranger John Shaw 1898
Captain Trafalgar: A Story of the Mexican Gulf André Laurie 1887
Captain Wolf and Other Sketches of Animal Biography Edis Searle 1870
The Captain's Cabin: A Christmas Yarn John Edward Jenkins 1877
Captains Courageous: A Story of the Grand Banks Rudyard Kipling 1897
The Captain's Daughter, and the Queen of Spades Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin 1858
The Captain's Dog Louis Enault 1880
The Captain's Fags: A Story of School Life William Edward Cule 1901
The Captains of Cadets: A Story of the Rule of Britannia Henry Frith 1889
The Captain's Room: Etc. Walter Besant 1883
The Captain's Story: or, Jamaica Sixty Years Since Captain Brooke Knight 1883
The Captain's Story: or, The Disobedient Son William Scott Martin 1868
The Captain's Wife William Johnstoune Nelson Neale 1842
The Captain's Youngest. Piccino. And Other Child Stories Frances Hodgson Burnett 1894
Captal: or, The Little French Count Franz Hoffmann 1876
The Captive: A Tale of the War of Guienne Timothy Scribewell 1835
A Captive Princess: A Novel Henry Richard Savage 1898
The Captive Skylark: or, Do as you would be done by. A Tale Clara de Chatelain 1861
The Captives Emma Leslie 1873
The Captive's Daughter and Other Stories William Heard Hillyard 1863
The Captive's Vow: or, The Bashaw. A Moral Tale Charity Batchelor 1843
The Captivity of James Towker Henry Lloyd 1884
Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon. The Last Confession. The Blind Mother Hall Caine 1893
The Capture of the "Estrella": A Tale of the Slave Trade Claud Harding 1893
Capture of the Pirates: And Other Stories of the Western Seas Henry Bleby 1880
Captured by Brigands: A Story of Modern Greece Anonymous 1901
Captured by Cannibals: Some Incidents in the Life of Horace Durand Joseph Hatton 1888
Captured by Indians Edward S. Ellis 1898
The Captured Cruiser: or, Two Years from Land Charles John Cutcliffe Hyne 1893
Cara Roma Maria Margaret Grant 1885
Carbineer and Scout: A Story of the Great Boer Way Edwin Harcourt Burrage 1901
The Carbonels Charlotte Mary Yonge 1896
The Carbridges: A Suburban Story Mary Eliza Bramston 1874
The Carbuncle Clue: A Mystery Fergus Hume 1896
The Carcellini Emerald: With Other Tales Constance Cary Harrison 1899
The Cardics William George Waters 1885
The Cardinal: A Romance Archibald Boyd 1854
Cardinal Pole: or, The Days of Philip and Mary. An Historical Romance William Harrison Ainsworth 1863
Cardinal Richelieu: Founded on the Play of "Richelieu" by Lord Lytton Henry Llewellyn Williams 1882
A Cardinal Sin: A Story Frederick John Fargus 1886
The Cardinal Virtues: or, Morals and Manners Connected Harriette Campbell 1841
The Cardinal's Daughter: A Novel Elizabeth Daniel 1847
The Cardinal's Page: A Story of Historical Adventure James Baker 1898
The Cardinal's Snuff-Box Henry Harland 1900
The Carding-Mill Valley Rosa Mackenzie Kettle 1882
Cared For: or, The Orphan Wanderers Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen 1881
The Career of a Beauty Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard 1901
The Career of a Nihilist: A Novel Sergius Stepniak 1889
The Career of a Rising Man: A Novel M. Viener 1855
The Career of Candida Emily Morse Symonds 1896
The Career of Claudia Frances Mary Peard 1897
Careless Kyts, and Other Stories Charles Marshall 1879
The Carewes: A Tale of the Civil Wars Mary Gillies 1861
Carey Glynn: or, The Child-Teacher William Leask 1868
Carine Steinburgh: An Autobiography Elodie Lawton Mijatovic 1862
The Carissima: A Modern Grotesque Lucas Malet 1896
Carità Margaret Oliphant 1877
Carl Forrest's Faith Mary Jane Linskill 1883
Carl Krinken Susan Bogert Warner 1855
Carleton Grange: A Novel Isabella Neil Harwood 1866
Carlington Castle: A Tale of the Jesuits Catherine Georgina Hamilton 1852
Carlowrie: or, Among Lothian Folk Annie S. Swan 1884
Carl's Secret: A Story of Life in Vienna Anonymous 1887
Carlton Priors John Stafford 1897
Carlyon's Year James Payn 1868
Carmela: A Novel Olga Cantacuzene 1880
Carola Hesba Stretton 1884
Caroline Lady Caroline Blanche Elizabeth Lindsay 1888
Caroline: A Franconia Story Jacob Abbott 1853
Caroline: A Novel William Stephens Hayward 1875
Caroline Eaton: or, Little Crosses Sarah Schoonmaker Baker 1866
Caroline Mordaunt: or, The Governess Mary Martha Sherwood 1835
Caroline Street: or, Little Homes and Big Hearts Mary Emily Ropes 1877
Carol's Gift: or, "What Time I am Afraid, I will Trust in Thee" Jennie Chappell 1896
Carpathia Knox: A Novel Susan Rowley Richmond Lee 1900
The Carpenter's Daughter Susan Bogert Warner 1864
The Carpenter's Family: A Sketch of Village Life Ruth Lamb 1865
Carpet Courtship: A Story of Some Imperfect Persons Thomas Cobb 1898
Carr of Carrlyon: A Novel Hamilton Aidé 1862
Carr of Dimscaur Theo Douglas 1899
Carrie Williams and her Scholars A. R. W. 1871
Carried Off: A Story of Pirate Times Esmé Stuart 1888
Carrigaholt: A Tale of Eighty Years Ago John Burke 1885
Carriston's Gift Frederick John Fargus 1886
Carrots: Just a Little Boy Mary Louisa Molesworth 1876
Carry Morgan: or, The Stolen Purse S. E. P. 1876
"Carry your Parcel?" Mary Onley 1873
Carry's Christmas Gift Evelyn Ward Everett Green 1881
Carry's Confession Frederick William Robinson 1865
Carstairs Massingberd Home 1876
Carstone Rectory: A Story George Graham 1860
The Cartaret Affair: A Novel St George Henry Rathborne 1894
The Carterets: or, Country Pleasures E. A. R. 1862
Cartouche: A Novel Frances Mary Peard 1878
Cartouche: The French Jack Sheppard. A Romance Anonymous 1869
Cartouche, the Celebrated French Robber Richard Brinsley Peake 1844
Carved Cartoon: A Picture of the Past Wilhelmina Martha James 1874
The Carved Cupboard Amy Le Feuvre 1899
The Carved Lions Mary Louisa Molesworth 1895
The Carylls: A Novel Sir Francis Vincent 1871
Carynthia: A Legend of Black Rock Eliza Winstanley 1870
Casa Braccio F. Marion Crawford 1895
The Case and the Cure Annie Gertrude Gordon 1901
The Case of a Man with his Wife Theo Gift 1901
The Case of Ailsa Gray George Manville Fenn 1896
A Case of Blackmail Charles K. Moore 1900
A Case of Conscience Dora M. Jones 1891
The Case of George Candlemas George Robert Sims 1890
The Case of Mr. Lucraft, and Other Tales Walter Besant 1876
The Case of Reuben Malachi Henry Sutherland Edwards 1886
Cash on Delivery (Rubis sur l'ongle) Fortuné du Boisgobey 1887
Cashel Byron's Profession: A Novel George Bernard Shaw 1886
Cashiered and Other War Tales Sir Andrew Balfour 1902
The Cashmere Shawl, an Eastern Fiction Charles White 1840
Casimir Maremma Sir Arthur Helps 1870
Casimir, the Little Exile Caroline Peachey 1867
The Casket Rifled: or, Guilt and its Consequences: A Tale Founded on... Mary Catherine Best 1851
Caspar Brooke's Daughter Adeline Sergeant 1891
Casper Susan Bogert Warner 1856
Casque and Cowl: A Tale of the French Reformation Gabriel H. Harwood 1875
Cassandra Elizabeth Burgoyne Corbett 1884
Cassandra's Casket Emma Marshall 1885
Cassock and Comedy: The Humorous Side of Clerical Life Athol Forbes 1898

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