The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.
Title |
Author |
Year |
The Quadroon: or, A Lover's Adventures in Louisiana |
Capt. Mayne Reid |
1856 |
The Quadroone: or, St. Michael's Day |
Joseph Holt Ingraham |
1840 |
Quaker Cousins |
Agnes Macdonell |
1879 |
A Quaker Grandmother |
Kathleen Mannington Caffyn |
1896 |
A Quaker Maid |
Mrs. J. F. B. Firth |
1898 |
Quality Corner: A Study of Remorse |
Clara Louisa Antrobus |
1901 |
Quality Fogg's Old Ledger |
Sophie Amelia Prosser |
1869 |
The Quality of Mercy: A Tale of Slumberly Quamp |
Edward Harold Vallings |
1890 |
The Quarry Farm: A Country Tale |
Joseph Smith Fletcher |
1893 |
The Quarter-Deck: or, Home and Abroad |
Anonymous |
1847 |
Quatrefoil: A Novel |
Mary Bathurst Deane |
1883 |
The Quay of the Dioscuri: A History of Nicene Times; Written in Gree... |
John Mason Neale |
1860 |
Quebec and New York: or, The Three Beauties. An Historical Romance o... |
Joseph Holt Ingraham |
1839 |
Queechy |
Susan Bogert Warner |
1852 |
A Queen: A Story for Girls |
Ottalie Wildermuth |
1868 |
The Queen against Owen |
Allen Upward |
1894 |
Queen Amethyst: or, The Lips of Snow |
Henry Blunt |
1884 |
A Queen among Girls |
Ellinor Davenport Adams |
1900 |
The Queen Anne's Gate Mystery: A Novel |
Richard Arkwright |
1889 |
Queen Charlotte's Maidens |
Henrietta Keddie |
1901 |
Queen Cophetua |
Robert Edward Francillon |
1880 |
Queen Dora: The Life and Lessons of a Little Girl |
Kathleen Knox |
1879 |
Queen Elfrida of the Olden Time |
J. S. Williams |
1878 |
Queen Mab |
Julia Kavanagh |
1863 |
Queen Mab: A Novel |
Lord James Edward Sholto Douglas |
1884 |
The Queen o' the May |
Anne Beale |
1882 |
A Queen of Atlantis: A Romance of the Caribbean Sea |
Francis Henry Atkins |
1899 |
The Queen of Bohemia: A Novel |
Joseph Hatton |
1877 |
The Queen of Connaught: A Story |
Harriett Jay |
1875 |
The Queen of Coquettes: Her Courtiers and her Courtships |
Ernest Warren |
1881 |
A Queen of Curds and Cream |
Dorothea Gerard |
1892 |
The Queen of Denmark: An Historical Novel |
Andreas Nicolai de Saint-Aubain |
1845 |
The Queen of Hearts |
Wilkie Collins |
1859 |
Queen of Herself |
Alice King |
1871 |
The Queen of Love: A Novel |
Sabine Baring-Gould |
1894 |
A Queen of Men |
William O'Brien |
1898 |
The Queen of Night |
Headon Hill |
1896 |
The Queen of Sheba |
Thomas Bailey Aldrich |
1877 |
The Queen of the Black Hand |
Hugh Coleman Davidson |
1890 |
The Queen of the County |
Julia Cecilia Stretton |
1865 |
Queen of the Daffodils: A Story of High-School Life |
Alice Laing Stronach |
1894 |
Queen of the Hamlet |
Horace Frank Lester |
1894 |
Queen of the Isles |
Jessie Margaret Edmonston Saxby |
1897 |
Queen of the Jesters, and Her Strange Adventures in Paris |
Max Pemberton |
1897 |
The Queen of the Lakes: A Romance of the Mexican Valley |
Capt. Mayne Reid |
1879 |
Queen of the Meadow: A Novel |
Charles Gibbon |
1880 |
The Queen of the Mice, and Other Fairy Tales |
Anonymous |
1868 |
The Queen of the Moor |
Frederic Adye |
1885 |
The Queen of the Pirate Isle |
Bret Harte |
1886 |
Queen of the Ranche: or, Life in the Far West |
John Laurence Hornibrook |
1890 |
The Queen of the Rangers: A Tale of Indian Life |
Anonymous |
1865 |
The Queen of the Regiment |
Katharine King |
1872 |
The Queen of the Savannah: A Story of the Mexican War |
Gustave Aimard |
1862 |
The Queen of the Seas: A Tale of Sea and Land |
Francis Claudius Armstrong |
1864 |
The Queen of the World: or, Under the Tyranny |
Standish James O'Grady |
1900 |
The Queen of Two Worlds: A Novel |
Laurence Brooke |
1879 |
Queen Vashti: or, The Story of a Sister's Love |
Ella Cross |
1883 |
The Queen Wasp |
Jean Middlemass |
1900 |
Queenie: A Novel |
May Crommelin |
1874 |
Queenie's Whim: A Novel |
Rosa Nouchette Carey |
1881 |
The Queen's Cadet, and Other Tales |
James Grant |
1874 |
The Queen's Cup: A Novel |
George Alfred Henty |
1897 |
The Queen's Desire: A Romance of the Indian Mutiny |
James Hume Nisbet |
1893 |
The Queen's House: A Narrative |
Lizzie Alldridge |
1886 |
The Queen's Jewel: A Story of Queen Anne's Day |
Mary Popham Blyth |
1889 |
The Queen's Justice: A True Story of Indian Village Life |
Sir Edwin Arnold |
1899 |
The Queen's Land: or, Ard Al Malakat |
Verney Lovett Cameron |
1886 |
The Queen's Lieges: A Novel |
Anonymous |
1846 |
The Queen's Maries: A Romance of Holyrood |
George John Whyte-Melville |
1862 |
Queen's Mate |
John Jessop Teague |
1901 |
Queen's May: or, Stories for Village Girls |
BTAO "Queen's May" |
1862 |
The Queen's Necklace |
Alexandre Dumas |
1855 |
The Queen's Pardon |
Mary Eyre |
1860 |
The Queen's Poisoner: Or, France in the Sixteenth Century. A Romance |
Louisa Stuart Costello |
1841 |
The Queen's Scarf: A Story of a Scarecrow |
David Christie Murray |
1889 |
The Queen's Scarlet: Being the Adventures and Misadventures of Sir R... |
George Manville Fenn |
1895 |
The Queen's Serf: Being the Adventures of Ambrose Gwinett in England... |
Elsa D'Esterre Keeling |
1898 |
The Queen's Shilling: A Soldier's Story |
Major Arthur George Frederick Griffiths |
1873 |
The Queensberry Cup |
Clive Phillipps Wolley |
1895 |
Queensford |
Elizabeth Taylor |
1884 |
Queer Chums: Being a Narrative of a Midshipman's Adventures and Esca... |
Charles Henry Eden |
1887 |
Queer Customers: What They Did, and What They Didn't. Promiscuously ... |
Richard Locke Johnson |
1866 |
Queer Folk: Seven Stories |
Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen |
1874 |
Queer Little People |
Harriet Beecher Stowe |
1867 |
Queer People: A Selection of Short Stories |
Josefina Vilhelmina Vettergrund |
1882 |
A Queer Race: The Story of a Strange People |
William Bury Westall |
1887 |
A Queer Showman and Other Stories |
James Greenwood |
1885 |
The Quest of Jack Hazelwood |
Marion Andrews |
1891 |
The Quest of Mr. East |
Edwin Johnson |
1900 |
The Quest of the Golden Girl: A Romance |
Richard Le Gallienne |
1896 |
The Quest of the Golden Pearl |
J. Robert Hutchinson |
1897 |
The Question of Cain |
Frances Cashel Hoey |
1882 |
A Question of Colour |
Francis Charles Philips |
1895 |
A Question of Degree |
Caroline Janet Fothergill |
1896 |
A Question of Faith |
Lily Dougall |
1895 |
A Question of Honour: A Novel |
William Cosmo Monkhouse |
1868 |
A Question of Instinct: An Analytical Study |
Morley Roberts |
1895 |
A Question of Penmanship: Stories |
L. B. Walford |
1893 |
A Question of Taste: A Novel |
Maarten Maartens |
1892 |
A Question of Time |
Gertrude Atherton |
1892 |
The Quickening of Caliban: A Modern Story of Evolution |
Sir Joseph Compton Rickett |
1893 |
Quicksands: A Tale |
Anna Lisle |
1858 |
The Quicksands of Fashion: A Novel |
Mrs. Martin Lucas |
1855 |
The Quicksands of Pactolus: A Novel |
Horace Annesley Vachell |
1896 |
Quicksilver: or, The Boy with no Skid to his Wheel |
George Manville Fenn |
1889 |
Quid's Silver Bond |
Agnes Giberne |
1886 |
Quiet Corners: An American Tale |
Mary Howe Henry |
1883 |
The Quiet Heart |
Margaret Oliphant |
1854 |
The Quiet Husband |
Ellen Pickering |
1840 |
The Quiet Mrs. Fleming |
Richard Pryce |
1891 |
A Quiet Nook in the Jura |
Giovanni Ruffini |
1867 |
Quindaro: or, The Heroine of Fort Laramie. A Tale of the Far West |
Harry Hazelton |
1865 |
Quinland: or, Varieties in American Life |
Orlando Williams Wight |
1857 |
Quinnebasset Girls |
Sophie May |
1878 |
Quintin Matsys, the Blacksmith of Antwerp |
Pierce Egan |
1839 |
Quintura: Its Singular People and Remarkable Customs |
Joseph Carne-Ross |
1886 |
Quisante |
Anthony Hope |
1900 |
Quisisana |
Friedrich Spielhagen |
1880 |
Quita: A Novel |
Cecil Dunstan |
1891 |
Quite Alone |
George Augustus Sala |
1864 |
Quite True: A Novel |
Dora Russell |
1880 |
Quits: A Novel |
Baroness von Tautphoeus |
1857 |
Quixote, the Weaver |
Catherine Grant Furley Smith |
1892 |
Quixstar: A Novel |
Elizabeth Taylor |
1873 |
"Quo Vadis": A Narrative of the Time of Nero |
Henryk Sienkiewicz |
1896 |
Rab Bethune's Double: or, Life's Long Battle Won |
Isabella Mayo |
1894 |
Rabbi Saunderson, etc. |
Ian Maclaren |
1898 |
The Rabbi's Spell: A Russo-Jewish Romance |
Charles Garner |
1886 |
A Race for a Wife: A Novel |
Hawley Smart |
1872 |
The Race for Gold : or, The City Merchant and his Country Brother |
Anonymous |
1866 |
A Race for Life |
Fred Whishaw |
1898 |
A Race for Life and Other Tales |
Anonymous |
1863 |
A Race for Millions |
David Christie Murray |
1898 |
The Race for Wealth: A Novel |
Charlotte Elizabeth Riddell |
1867 |
A Race with the Sun |
Elizabeth Thomasina Meade |
1901 |
Racecourse and Battlefield |
Nat Gould |
1899 |
A Racecourse Tragedy |
Nat Gould |
1901 |
Rach-Land: A Romance of Adventure and Adventurers |
W. B. Gilpin |
1890 |
Rachel |
Jane Helen Findlater |
1899 |
Rachel: A Heroine |
Edith C. Kenyon |
1889 |
Rachel and Maurice and Other Tales |
Countess Galletti di Cadilhac |
1892 |
Rachel Cohen, the Usurer's Daughter |
Mrs. Kemp |
1860 |
Rachel Dene: A Tale of Deepdale Mills |
Robert Williams Buchanan |
1894 |
Rachel Gray: A Tale Founded on Fact |
Julia Kavanagh |
1856 |
Rachel Langton |
Henrietta Keddie |
1896 |
Rachel Longford: or, Home and its Teachings |
Margaret Isabella Arden |
1877 |
Rachel Noble's Experience |
Elizabeth Taylor |
1862 |
Rachel Olliver: A Tale |
Anonymous |
1878 |
Rachel Ray: A Novel |
Anthony Trollope |
1863 |
Rachel's Marriage: or, Dearly Bought Experience |
Anonymous |
1865 |
Rachel's Reward |
Alice Mangoldt Diehl |
1898 |
Rachel's Romance: or, The Countess Otto |
Joseph Fogerty |
1894 |
Rachel's Secret |
Eliza Tabor Stephenson |
1866 |
A Racing Rubber: A Novel |
Hawley Smart |
1895 |
The Radical's Wife |
Helen Graham McKerlie |
1896 |
Raff Hall |
Robert Sulivan |
1838 |
Raffans Folk: A Story of a Highland Parish |
Mary E. Gellie |
1891 |
Rag and Tag: or, A Plea for the Waifs and Strays of Old England |
F. M. C. W. |
1878 |
Ragamuffins: or, The Arabs of Love Lane. A Tale |
Jessie Sale Lloyd |
1880 |
The Ragged Edge: Tales of the African Gold Fields |
Anna de Brémont |
1895 |
Ragged Simon: or, Monkey's Inheritance |
Florence Edith Burch |
1892 |
Raggles, Baggles, and the Emperor |
Clarissa L. Matéaux |
1872 |
Ragland Castle: A Tale of the Great Rebellion |
Katherine Thomson |
1843 |
Rags and Rainbows: A Story of Thanksgiving |
Margaret Scott Haycraft |
1886 |
Rags and Tatters: A Story for Boys and Girls |
Stella Austin |
1876 |
The Raid of the "Detrimental": Being the True History of the Great D... |
Earl of Desart |
1897 |
The Raiders: Being Some Passages in the Life of John Fea, Lord and E... |
S. R. Crockett |
1894 |
A Railway Foundling: A Novel |
Adèle Crafton Smith |
1890 |
The Railway Man and His Children |
Margaret Oliphant |
1891 |
Railway Romances |
John Lawton Owen |
1897 |
Railway Sketches |
Mary F. Cross |
1899 |
A Railway Tragedy |
Fortuné du Boisgobey |
1887 |
A Rainbow at Night |
M. E. Le Clerc |
1891 |
The Rainbow Feather |
Fergus Hume |
1898 |
The Rainbow Garden and Other Stories |
Gratiana Chanter |
1901 |
Rainbow Gold: A Novel |
David Christie Murray |
1885 |
Rainbows in Springtide: Tales |
Sarah Williams |
1866 |
Rainy Afternoons: or, Tales and Sketches by the Howard Family |
Randall Hunter Ballantyne |
1853 |
Rainy Days, and How to Meet Them |
Emma Marshall |
1863 |
A Rainy June: A Novelette |
Ouida |
1885 |
Raised to the Peerage: A Novel |
Emily Owen |
1859 |
Raised to the Woolsack |
Langton Lockhart |
1864 |
Raising the Veil |
Anne Denn Pollard |
1862 |
The Rajah and the Rosebud |
William Sime |
1890 |
The Rajah of Dah |
George Manville Fenn |
1891 |
The Rajah's Daughter: or, The Half-Moon Girl |
Bessie Marchant |
1899 |
The Rajah's Heir: A Novel |
Charlotte Despard |
1890 |
The Rajah's Legacy |
David Ker |
1890 |
The Rajah's Sapphire: "From a plot given him viva voce by W.T. Stead" |
M. P. Shiel |
1896 |
The Rajah's Second Wife |
Headon Hill |
1894 |
Ralf Skirlaugh the Lincolnshire Squire: A Novel |
Edward Peacock |
1870 |
Ralph: or, St. Sepulchre's and St. Stephen's |
Sir Robert Arthur Arnold |
1863 |
Ralph and Bruno |
Mary Eliza Bramston |
1875 |
Ralph Clavering: or, We must try before we can do |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1867 |
Ralph Clifford: A Tale of Country Life in Virginia after the Civil War |
George Robert Wynne |
1894 |
Ralph Darnell |
Philip Meadows Taylor |
1865 |
Ralph Denham's Adventures in Burma |
G. Norway |
1898 |
Ralph Ellison's Opportunity, and East and West |
Grace L. Keith Johnston |
1889 |
Ralph Hardcastle's Will |
Agnes Giberne |
1888 |
Ralph Harding's Success |
BTAO "Life's Battle Lost and Won" |
1872 |
Ralph Luttrel's Fortunes: By Rail, by Road, and by Sea. A Book for B... |
Robert St. John Corbet |
1869 |
Ralph Norbreck's Trust |
William Bury Westall |
1883 |
Ralph Raeburn, and other tales |
John Berwick Harwood |
1885 |
Ralph Redfern: A Novel |
Emma Rhodes |
1868 |
Ralph Rodney's Mother |
H. Louisa Bedford |
1898 |
Ralph Rutherford: A Nautical Romance |
William Fisher |
1851 |
Ralph Ryder of Brent |
Florence Warden |
1892 |
Ralph Saunders: or, The School-boy Friends |
Anonymous |
1861 |
Ralph Seabrooke: or, The Adventures of a Young Artist in Piedmont an... |
Alfred Elwes |
1861 |
Ralph Somerville: or, A Midshipman's Adventures in the Pacific Ocean |
Charles Henry Eden |
1876 |
Ralph the Bailiff and Other Tales |
Mary Elizabeth Braddon |
1862 |
Ralph the Heir |
Anthony Trollope |
1871 |
Ralph Trulock's Christmas Roses |
Annette Thomasina Lyster |
1882 |
Ralph Wilton's Weird |
Mrs. Alexander |
1875 |
Ralph's Trouble, and Other Stories |
Anonymous |
1875 |
Ralph's Year in Russia: A Story of Travel and Adventure in Eastern E... |
Robert Richardson |
1882 |
The Ralstons |
F. Marion Crawford |
1895 |
Ram Dai: A Tale of Hindu Home Life |
Khwaja Ali Mohamed |
1900 |
Ram Dass |
Charles Warren Adams |
1875 |
Rama: A Sensational Story of Indian Village Life |
Julius Barras |
1886 |
Rambles and Adventures of Our School Field-Club |
George Christopher Davies |
1875 |
Rambles at Sunnyside: or, A Week with my Godchildren |
Clara Woolloton |
1862 |
The Rambles of a Rat |
Charlotte Maria Tucker |
1857 |
The Rambles of Captain Bolio |
Archibald Nagle |
1838 |
The Rambles of the Emperor Ching Tih in Këang Nan: A Chinese Tale |
Anonymous |
1843 |
The Rambles of Three Children |
Geraldine Mockler |
1892 |
Rambling Recollections of a Soldier of Fortune |
William Hamilton Maxwell |
1842 |
A Rambling Story |
Mary Victoria Cowden Clarke |
1874 |
Ramona: A Story |
Helen Maria Hunt Jackson |
1884 |
Ran Away from Home: A Life of Adventure |
William Stephens Hayward |
1875 |
Ran Away to Sea: An Autobiography for Boys |
Capt. Mayne Reid |
1858 |
Rana: The Story of a Little Frog |
Anonymous |
1860 |
Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood |
George MacDonald |
1871 |
The Ranche in the Valley |
George Alfred Henty |
1892 |
Randal Vaughan: or, Self in Self-Sacrifice |
Charles Warren Adams |
1856 |
Randall Davenant: A Tale of the Mahrattas |
Sir Claude Arthur Bray |
1892 |
Randall Trevor |
Herbert P. Earl |
1889 |
Randolph Methyl: A Story of Anglo-Indian Life |
William Wotherspoon Ireland |
1863 |
Random Shots |
Max Adeler |
1879 |
The Rane: A Legend of the Indian Mutiny (1857-58) |
John Norman Hector Maclean |
1887 |
The Ranger: or, The Fugitives of the Border |
Edward S. Ellis |
1863 |
The Ranger's Lodge: A Romance |
Rosa Mackenzie Kettle |
1878 |
Rank and Beauty: or, The Young Baroness: A Novel |
Anonymous |
1856 |
A Rank Outsider |
Nat Gould |
1900 |
The Ransom: A Tale of the 13th Century |
Laura Jewry |
1846 |
Ranthorpe |
George Henry Lewes |
1847 |
The Rape of the Gamp: or, Won at Last. A Novel |
Charles Welsh Mason |
1875 |
Raphael Ben Isaac: A Tale of 20 A.D. |
John Bradshaw |
1887 |
The Rapiers of Regent's Park |
John Cordy Jeaffreson |
1882 |
The Rapin |
Henry de Vere Stacpoole |
1899 |