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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
Each for Himself: or, The Two Adventurers Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Gerstäcker 1859
Each Other: A Tale H. A. Darlington 1878
Eagle and Dove Zénaïde Fleuriot 1873
The Eagle Cliff: A Tale of the Western Isles R. M. Ballantyne 1889
Eagle Joe: A Wild West Romance Henry Herman 1892
Eaglehurst Towers Emma Marshall 1887
The Eagle's Heart Hamlin Garland 1900
The Earl -Printer: A Tale of the Time of Caxton C. M. M. 1877
Earl Hubert's Daughter: or, The Polishing of the Pearl. A Tale of th... Emily Sarah Holt 1880
Earl Nugent's Daughter: or, The Last Days of the Penal Laws. A True ... Agnes M. Stewart 1883
The Earl of Effingham: A Novel Lalla McDowell 1877
The Earl of Essex: A Romance Charles Whitehead 1843
The Earldom Restored: An Event in High Life Edward Lakeby 1837
The Earl's Cedars Rosa Mackenzie Kettle 1860
The Earl's Daughter Elizabeth Missing Sewell 1850
An Earl's Daughter: A Story for the Young Matilda Mary Pollard 1873
Earl's Dene Robert Edward Francillon 1870
The Earls of the Village Agnes Giberne 1888
The Earl's Path: A Narrative Founded on the Historical Events of 1745 Sidney Corner 1875
Earl's Promise: A Novel Charlotte Elizabeth Riddell 1873
Earlscourt: A Novel of Provincial Life Alexander Allardyce 1894
Earlswood: or, Lights and Shadows of the Anglican Church. A Tale Charlotte Anley 1852
The Early Dawn: or, Stories to Think About A Country Clergyman 1857
Early Friendship: A Tale for Young People Esther Copley 1840
An Early Frost and An Awkward Affair Charles Thomas Clement James 1890
Early Italian Love Stories, Taken from the Originals Una Ashworth Taylor 1899
The Early Life of Old Jack: A Sea Tale William Henry Giles Kingston 1859
Early Lost, Late Found: A Novel Wynter Frore Knight 1884
The Early Stars: A Novel Albert Kinross 1901
The Early Start in Life Emilia Norris 1867
Early Struggles Sophia Crawford 1857
Earnest Madement: A Tale of Wiltshire Robert Dwarris Gibney 1882
Earnestness: The Sequel to "Thankfulness" Charles Benjamin Tayler 1850
Earning a Living: or, From Hand to Mouth. Scenes from the Homes of W... Mary Ann Serrett Barber 1861
The Earth Children Henrietta Mary Batson 1897
The Earth-Mother Morley Roberts 1896
An Earthly Fulfilment John Reay Watson 1899
Earthly Idols: A Tale Anonymous 1857
Earth's Many Voices Elizabeth M. A. F. Saxby 1863
Earth's Many Voices: Second Series Elizabeth M. A. F. Saxby 1864
East and West: or, Once Upon a Time John Frazer Corkran 1861
East and West: or, The Strolling Artist Emily Brodie 1886
East Angels: A Novel Constance Fenimore Woolson 1886
East End Idylls Arthur St. John Adcock 1897
An East London Mystery Adeline Sergeant 1892
East Lynne Ellen Wood 1861
East of Suez Alice Perrin 1901
Eastbury: A Tale Anna Harriet Drury 1851
Easter Eggs, and Red and White Roses Johann Christoph von Schmid 1870
An Easter Vacation Moira O'Neill 1893
Eastern Tales by Many Story Tellers Mrs. Valentine 1875
Easton and its Inhabitants: or, Sketches of Life in a Country Town Hon. Eleanor Eden 1858
Eastward Ho!: A Story for Girls Emma Marshall 1890
Eastwards: or, Realities of Indian Life C. P. A. Oman 1864
An Easy-Going Fellow Charles James Wills 1896
Easydale: A Story Edis Searle 1874
Eaton Parsonage: or, The Secret of Home Happiness Sarah Ann Herbert 1867
The Eavesdropper: An Unparalleled Experience James Payn 1888
Ebb and Flow: A Novel Anonymous 1859
Ebb and Flow: or, He Did his Best. A Story of Five Years Ago Dame Elizabeth Wordsworth 1883
Ebb and Flow: A Story of Home and Abroad Richard André 1887
The Ebb-Tide: A Trio and Quartette Robert Louis Stevenson 1894
The Ebbing of the Tide: South Sea Stories Louis Becke 1896
Eben Holden: A Tale of the North Country Irving Bacheller 1901
Eberhard: or, The Mystery of Rathsbeck Katherine Clive 1883
The Eccentric Lord Ulverscroft Frederic Edward Breton 1902
The Eccentric Lover: A Novel Bayle Frederick St. John 1845
The Eccentrics Percy Ross 1894
Echoes Emily Marion Harris 1872
Echoes from the Backwoods: or, Sketches of Transatlantic Life Sir Richard George Augustus Levinge 1847
Echoes of an Old Bell and Other Tales of Fairy Lore Hon. Augusta Bethell 1865
Echoes of the Past from a Retired Hamlet: A Tale Founded on Fact Una 1870
Eda May: or, The Twin Roses A. D. Binfield 1873
Eda Morton and her Cousins: or, School-room Days Margaret Morice Bell 1848
Ede: A Story Anonymous 1889
An Eden in England: A Tale Charlotte Maria Tucker 1874
Edgar and I: The Story of a Home. A Novel Jessie P. Moncrieff 1877
Edgar Bardon: An Autobiographical Novel William Knighton 1856
Edgar Clifton: or, Right and Wrong. A Story of School Life Charlotte Adams 1852
Edgar's Ransom C. Rysbridge 1899
Edgar's Wife: A Story Esmé Stuart 1889
The Edge of Honesty Charles Gleig 1898
Edged Tools Sarah Stuart Robbins 1867
Edina: A Novel Ellen Wood 1876
Edith Emily Sarah Baker 1885
Edith: A Novel C. A. Lee 1871
Edith: A Tale of the Present Day Mary Elizabeth Herbert 1881
Edith and her Ayah, and Other Stories Charlotte Maria Tucker 1872
Edith and Mary at Holly Farm Susan Bogert Warner 1871
Edith Dewar: or, Glimpses of Scottish Life and Manners in the Ninete... Colin Rae Brown 1875
Edith Frankheart: or, The Baronet's Daughter Capt. Henry Curling 1857
Edith Heron: or, The Earl and the Countess James Malcolm Rymer 1864
Edith Hinton: or, Twice Blessed Emily Murray 1872
Edith Lawson: A Novel R. Bates 1886
Edith Leslie: A Novel Anonymous 1844
Edith Lyle Mary Jane Holmes 1878
Edith Mortimer: or, The Trials of Life at Mortimer Manor Gertrude Parsons 1857
Edith of Glammis Alexander Hamilton 1836
Edith Osward: or, Living for Others Jane M. Kippen 1881
Edith Sydney: A Tale Frances Mary Oxenham 1868
Edith the Captive: or, The Robbers of Epping Forest James Malcolm Rymer 1862
Edith Vavasour Mrs. Graham Branscombe 1876
Edith Vernon: or, Contrasts of Character Anonymous 1855
Edith Vernon's Life-Work Frances Mary Synge 1864
Edith Vivian's Experience of the World Mrs. Woodward 1878
Edith's Charity Frances E. Reade 1895
Edith's Marriage Arnold Heath 1868
An Editor's Tales Anthony Trollope 1870
Edleen Vaughan: or, Paths of Peril. A Novel Carmen Sylva 1892
Edna Browning: or, The Leighton Homestead Mary Jane Holmes 1878
Edna Grant: or, Never Lonely F. H. 1864
Edna Willis: or, The Promise Fulfilled Susanna Warren 1866
Ednor Whitlock Hugh MacColl 1891
Edrick the Saxon: A Tale of the Eleventh Century Arthur Stanley Bride 1836
An Education Frederic Carrel 1895
The Education of Antonia F. Emily Phillips 1895
Edward Ambrose, Viscount Delford: The Story of a Little Church Boy Gertrude Hollis 1896
Edward and Mary: A Story Illustrative of the Nature and Effects of T... Anonymous 1852
Edward Barry, South Sea Pearler Louis Becke 1900
Edward Bertram: or, The Emigrant Heir Grace Stebbing 1882
Edward Evelyn: A Tale of the Rebellion of Prince Charles Edward Jane Margaret Strickland 1843
Edward the Black Prince: or, A Tale of the Feudal Times Pierce Egan 1870
Edward the Exile: A Romance of History Mary M. Davidson 1901
Edward Travers: A Roman Catholic Story Jane Sergeant 1849
Edward Willoughby: A Tale Lady Emily Ponsonby 1854
Edward Wortley Montagu: An Autobiography Edward Vaughan Hyde Kenealy 1869
Edward, the Crusader's Son: A Tale Louisa Mary Barwell 1836
Edward's Conquest and Other Tales Emma Leslie 1874
Edward's Wife: A Tale Emma Marshall 1870
Edwin and Mary Lady Tuite 1838
Edwin Brothertoft Theodore Winthrop 1883
Edwin May's Philosophy James Campkin 1864
Edwin, the Boy Outlaw: or, The Dawn of Freedom in England James Frederick Hodgetts 1887
Edwin's Fairing Edward A. Monro 1867
Edwy: or, Was He a Coward? Annette Thomasina Lyster 1888
Edwy and Elgiva: A Romance of the Olden Time B........ and A........ 1868
Edwy the Fair: or, The First Chronicle of Aescendune. A Tale of the ... Augustine David Crake 1880
Eelin's New Home Isabel Suart Robson 1899
The Effacement of Oriel Penhaligon Ethel May Hewitt 1892
"Effects" and Adventures of Raby Rattler, Gent. Thomas Hall 1845
Effie and her Ayah: or, The Faithful Monkey and his Little White Mis... Beatrice Batty 1873
Effie Forrester: or, Woman's Constancy; and Other Stories Mary Anna Paull 1875
Effie Hetherington Robert Williams Buchanan 1896
Effie Maurice: or, What do I Love Best? Emily Judson 1862
Effie Maxwell Agnes Smith Lewis 1876
Effie Ogilvie: The Story of a Young Life Margaret Oliphant 1886
Effie Raymond's Life Work Jeannie Bell 1875
Effie Vernon: or, Life and its Lessons Julia Addison 1861
Effie's Friends: or, Chronicles of the Woods and Shore Lady Augusta Noel 1865
Effie's Game: How She Lost and How She Won Cecil Clayton 1873
Effie's Prayer: or, "Thy Will Be Done."" A Tale Explanatory of the L... Ellen Barlee 1871
Effie's Year: A Tale for Little Children of the Church Anonymous 1869
Egeria Lily Thicknesse 1896
Egerton Roscoe: A Story for the High-Spirited George Eliel Sargent 1851
Egerton's Brother Violet Brooke Hunt 1899
Eglantine Eliza Tabor Stephenson 1875
The Egoist: A Comedy in Narrative George Meredith 1879
Egyptian Bonds: A Novel Emily Katharine Bates 1879
An Egyptian Coquette Clive Holland 1898
An Egyptian Princess: An Historical Novel Georg Moritz Ebers 1887
The Egyptian Wanderers: A Story for Children, of the Great Tenth Per... John Mason Neale 1854
Eight Bells: A Tale of the Sea and the Cannibals of New Guinea James Hume Nisbet 1889
Eight Cousins: or, The Aunt-Hill Louisa May Alcott 1875
Eight Days: A Tale of the Indian Mutiny Robert Edward Treston Forrest 1891
Eight Years a Blue Coat Boy: or, Dundalker's Schooldays. A Narrative... Anonymous 1877
Eighteen Hundred and Twelve: An Historical Romance Ludwig Rellstab 1849
Eighteen of Them. Singular Stories William Pett Ridge 1894
Eighty Years Ago Harriet Cave 1874
Eildon Manor: A Tale for Girls Elizabeth Croft 1862
Eily O'Hartigan: An Irish-American Tale of the Days of the Volunteers Teresa J. Rooney 1889
Eily's Confession Alison 1895
Ekkehard: A Tale of the Tenth Century Joseph Victor von Scheffel 1872
El Carmen: A Romance of the River Plate George Crampton 1897
El Dorado: A Novel Alfred Leigh 1880
El Fureidis: A Tale Maria Susanna Cummins 1860
Elaine's Story: A Tale of the Afghan Frontier Maud Sheridan 1879
Elbow-Room: A Novel without a Plot Max Adeler 1876
Eldad the Pilgrim: A Sketch of the Manners and Customs of the Jews i... Anonymous 1855
Eldad the Pilgrim: A Sketch of the Manners and Customs of the Jews i... Anonymous 1855
The Elder Brother Louisa Mary Barwell 1836
An Elder Brother Elizabeth Emily Charlton 1895
Elder Conklin and Other Stories Frank Harris 1895
Elder Park: or, Scenes in Our Garden Mrs. Alfred Payne 1869
Eldergowan: or, Twelve Months of my Life, and Other Tales Rosa Mulholland 1874
The Eldest Miss Simpson: Her Haps and Mishaps; her Offers and Engage... Charles Henry Ross 1866
The Eldest of Seven Emma S. Pratt 1881
Eldol the Druid: or, The Dawn of Christianity in Britain William Henry Giles Kingston 1874
Eleanor Mary Augusta Ward 1900
Eleanor Lewknor Bessie Pullen Burry 1889
Eleanor Morrison: or, Home Duties. A Tale Lady Charles Thynne 1860
Eleanor's Ambition Sarson C. J. Ingham 1885
Eleanor's Hero Evelyn Ward Everett Green 1900
Eleanor's Victory Mary Elizabeth Braddon 1863
The Elect Lady George MacDonald 1888
Electra: A Story of Modern Times Philippe Ferdinand Auguste de Rohan Chabot 1853
An Electric Shock and Other Stories Emily Jane Gerard 1897
An Electric Spark George Manville Fenn 1895
Elementary Jane Richard Pryce 1897
Elena: An Italian Tale Ellen Clayton 1873
The Eleventh Commandment: A Novel Anton Giulio Barrili 1883
Elf Jeanie Hering 1887
Elf Island: A Fairy Tale Thomas Preston Battersby 1885
The Elf-Errant Moira O'Neill 1895
Elfie in Sicily: A Tale Anonymous 1860
The Elfin Bridegroom: A Tale from the German Sibella Jones 1864
Elfin Hollow Frederick Scarlett Potter 1880
Elfrica: An Historical Romance of the 12th Century Charlotte Gilson Boger 1885
Elfriede: A Romane of the Rhineland Adolf Hausrath 1888
Elgiva, the Daughter of the Thegn D. Ryles Griffiths 1901
Eliane Mrs. Augustus Craven 1882
Elias Power, of Ease-in-Zion John M. Bamford 1884
Eliezer: or, Suffering for Christ Charlotte Elizabeth Stern 1877
Elijer Goff: His Christmas Book William Dawes 1872
Elijer Goff: His Travels, Trubbles, and Other Amoozements William Dawes 1872
Elinor: A Novelette Clara Talbot 1878
Elinor Dryden's Probation Katharine Sarah Macquoid 1867
Elinor Wyllys: A Tale Susan Fenimore Cooper 1845
Elione: or, Light in Darkness. A Tale Caroline Mary Smith 1864
Eliot the Younger: A Fiction in Freehand Bernard Barker 1878
Eli's Children: The Chronicles of an Unhappy Family George Manville Fenn 1882
Eli's Daughter: A Novel Joseph Henry Pearce 1896
Eliza Barry Pain 1900
Eliza Metcalf's Basket: or, Policy not Principle Emma Leslie 1873
Elizabeth: A Story which does not end in Marriage Marie Nathusius 1860
Elizabeth and her German Garden Elizabeth von Arnim 1898
Elizabeth and Other Sketches Beatrice May Butt 1889
Elizabeth Eden: A Novel Maria Catherine Bishop 1878
Elizabeth Glen, M.B.: The Experiences of a Lady Doctor Annie S. Swan 1895
Elizabeth Morley Katharine Sarah Macquoid 1889
Elizabeth's Fortune Bertha Thomas 1887
Elizabeth's Pretenders Hamilton Aidé 1895
Elkerton Rectory: Being Part Second of "Twenty Years in the Church" Rev. James Pycroft 1860
Ella: or, The Emperor's Son Hon. Camden Elizabeth Lambert 1838
Ella and Marian: or, Rest and Unrest Catherine Douglas Bell 1866
Ella Norman: or, A Woman's Perils Elizabeth Alice Murray 1864
Ella, the Ballet Girl: A Tale Rose Ellen Hendriks 1851
Ella's Golden Year Emilie Searchfield 1900
Ella's Half-Sovereign: or, Pains and Gains. A Story of the Wyngate F... Agnes Catherine Maitland 1876
Ella's Locket and What it Brought Her G. E. Dartnell 1875
Ella's Mistake Laura M. Lane 1882
Ellen and Frank Eliza Perring 1875
Ellen and her Confirmation BTAO "Ellen and her Confirmation" 1861
Ellen Braye: or, The Fortune-Teller Miss Blackwell 1841
Ellen Clinton: or, The Influence of a Loving Spirit Mrs. Woodward 1868
Ellen French: A Tale for Girls Aunt Evergreen 1866
Ellen Linn: A Franconia Story Jacob Abbott 1853
Ellen Manners: or, Recollections of a Governess E. W. 1875
Ellen Mansel: or, Seek those things which are Above BTAO "Ellen Mansel" 1876
Ellen Mason: or, Principle and Prejudice BTAO "Ellen Mason" 1862
Ellen Merton: or, The Pic-Nic Elizabeth Stone 1856

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