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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
The Aarbergs Rosamond Hervey 1864
Aaron the Jew Benjamin Leopold Farjeon 1894
Ab-o-th-Yate in London: or, Southern Life from a Northern Point of V... Benjamin Brierley 1868
The Abbess: A Romance Frances Milton Trollope 1833
The Abbess of Shaftesbury: or, The Days of John of Gaunt Anonymous 1846
The Abbey by the Sea, and Another Story Mary Louisa Molesworth 1887
The Abbey Mill Emma Jane Worboise 1883
The Abbey Murder Joseph Hatton 1888
The Abbey Road Mystery Walter T. Arnold 1899
Abbeychurch: or, Self Control and Self Conceit Charlotte Mary Yonge 1844
Abbeys and Attics: or, Sketches of Artist-life Julian Strickland 1861
The Abbot's Bridge Frances Mary Peard 1891
Abbot's Cleve: or, Can It be Proved? A Novel Isabella Neil Harwood 1864
Abbots' Crag: A Tale Mary Catherine Rowsell 1872
Abbot's Thorpe: or, The Two Wills Mrs. Charles Henry Burton 1864
Abbotsmere: or, Illustrations of Home Education Mary Gertrude 1846
Abbotsnid Constance E. Miller 1888
Abbott's Mere: a Tale C. H. H. 1865
Abby's Discoveries Mary Eliza Bramston 1891
Abdalla the Moor and the Spanish Knight: A Romance of Mexico Robert Montgomery Bird 1835
Abdallah: or, The Four-Leaved Shamrock Edouard René Lefèbre-Laboulaye 1868
Abdiel: A Tale of Ammon Anonymous 1842
The Abduction: or, Marvels of Mesmerism Leopoldine Harriet Prochazka 1850
Abel Allnutt: A Novel James Justinian Morier 1837
Abel Drake's Wife: A Novel John Saunders 1862
Abel Grey Elizabeth Youatt 1860
Abel Massinger: or, The Aëronaut. A Romance Thomas Tod Stoddart 1846
Abigail Templeton: or, Brave Efforts. A Story of To-day Emma Marshall 1896
Abigel Rowe: A Chronicle of the Regency Lewis Strange Wingfield 1883
Aboard the "Atalanta": The Story of a Truant Henry Frith 1888
About Buying a Horse: Occasional Happy Thoughts Francis Cowley Burnand 1875
About Peggy Saville Jessie Mansergh 1900
Above and Below: A Novel Nicholas John Gannon 1864
Above Suspicion: A Novel Charlotte Elizabeth Riddell 1876
Above the Breakers: or, Simple Trust Mary Onley 1875
Abra of Poictiers: A Story of the Days of S. Hilary M. E. Ames 1900
Abroad and at Home: Tales Here and There Julia S. H. Pardoe 1857
Absent, Yet Present Gilberta M. F. Lyon 1894
Abu Telfan: Return from the Mountains of the Moon Wilhelm Karl Raabe 1882
The Academician Henry Erroll 1888
Accessory After the Fact Bertha Jane Adams 1899
Accidents of Childhood: or, Cautionary Stories for Heedless Children Elizabeth Croft 1861
An Accomplished Gentleman Julian Russell Sturgis 1879
According to Plato Frank Frankfort Moore 1901
The Accused Princess Allen Upward 1900
The Ace of Hearts Fortuné du Boisgobey 1889
Acquitted: A Novel Harriet Maria Smythies 1870
An Acrobat's Girlhood Hesba Stretton 1889
Across an Ulster Bog M. Hamilton 1896
Across Country Elim Henry D'Avigdor 1882
Across Her Path Annie S. Swan 1885
Across Texas Edward S. Ellis 1894
Across the Channel: or, What I Did and What I Saw Theophilus Oper 1857
Across the Garden Wall Hon. Louisa Lelias Greene 1886
Across the Salt Seas: A Romance of War and Adventure John Edward Bloundelle Burton 1898
Across the Water Mrs. Alfred Payne 1882
Across the World for a Wife Guy Boothby 1898
Across the Zodiac: The Story of a Wrecked Record Percy Greg 1880
Across the Zodiac: A Story of Adventure Edwin Pallander 1896
Acte: A Novel Hugh Farrie 1890
Acting on the Square: A Schoolboy's Diary Harriett Boultwood 1887
Active Service Stephen Crane 1899
The Actor-Manager Leonard Merrick 1898
An Actor's Duel and The Winning Shot Arthur Conan Doyle 1894
The Actor's Wife: A Novel Edmund John Leathes 1880
An Actress's Love Story: A Novel Eva Ross Church 1888
Ad Misericordiam: A Novel BTAO "Dr. Armstrong" 1872
Ada: A Tale Camilla Needham 1838
Ada and Gerty: A Story of School Life Louisa Mary Gray 1875
Ada Brenton: or, Plans for Life Anonymous 1861
Ada Fortescue: A Novel Sibella Jones 1863
Ada Gresham: An Autobiography Mary Anne Needell 1853
Ada Greville: or, Woman's Constancy Peter Leicester 1850
Ada Moore's Story: A Novel Anonymous 1867
Ada Norman's Trials and Difficulties: A Story for Girls Mary Ann Seamer 1889
Ada Triscott Andrew Charles Parker Haggard 1890
Ada Vernham, Actress Richard Marsh 1900
Ada, the Betrayed: or, The Murder at the Old Smithy. A Romance of Pa... James Malcolm Rymer 1847
Adah, the Jewish Maiden: A Story of the Siege of Jerusalem Agnes M. Gray 1873
Adam and Eve Louisa Parr 1880
Adam and Eve's Courtship: or, How to Write a Novel Jay Wye 1877
Adam Bede George Eliot 1859
Adam Bell, Clym O' the Cleugh, and William of Cloudeslie Pierce Egan 1842
Adam Brown, the Merchant Horace Smith 1843
Adam Delved and Eve Span: A Novel Fanny Aikin Kortright 1882
Adam Gorlake's Will Constance E. Miller 1887
Adam Grainger: A Tale Ellen Wood 1876
Adam Grigson Elizabeth de la Pasture 1899
Adam Hepburn's Vow: A Tale of Kirk and Covenant Annie S. Swan 1885
Adam Johnstone's Son F. Marion Crawford 1896
Adam the Gardener Henrietta Mary Batson 1894
Addie's Husband BTAO "Kathleen" 1884
Adé, a Story of German Life Esmé Stuart 1882
Adela: A Jersey Romance C. M. Hawksford 1883
Adela Cathcart George MacDonald 1864
Adelaide Lindsay: A Novel Anne Marsh 1850
Adelaide Rosenberg's Troubles BTAO "Worth her Weight in Gold" 1876
Adelaide, Queen of Italy: or, The Iron Crown. An Historical Tale William Bernard MacCabe 1856
Adelaide's Treasure: and How the Thief Came Unawares Sarson C. J. Ingham 1880
Adela's Ordeal Florence Warden 1894
Adelbert and Bastel: or, Every Man in his Place. A Story for Boys Franz Hoffmann 1871
Adèle: A Tale Julia Kavanagh 1857
Adèle: A Tale of France E. Randall 1838
Adèle's Love: The Story of a Faithful Little Heart Maude Mary Butler 1889
Adeline: or, Mysteries, Romances, and Realities of Jewish Life Osborn William Trenery Heighway 1854
Adeline: or, The Grave of the Forsaken. A Domestic Romance James Malcolm Rymer 1841
The Admirable Lady Biddy Fane: Her Surprising Curious Adventures... Frank Barrett 1888
The Admiral: A Romance of Nelson in the Year of the Nile Douglas Sladen 1898
The Admiral's Niece: or, A Tale of Nova Scotia Mrs. Edmund Heathcote 1858
The Admiral's Ward Mrs. Alexander 1883
The Admiral's Will: A Tale with a Purpose Margaret Morice Bell 1878
The Admiralty House: A Story of Three Happy Children Edith King Hall 1899
Adonijah: A Tale of the Jewish Dispersion Jane Margaret Strickland 1856
The Adopted Brothers: or, "Blessed are the Peacemakers" Mary E. Clements 1885
The Adopted Child: A Story Illustrative of the Spirit of Adoption Susan Selby Coppard 1862
Adrian: or, The Clouds of the Mind. A Romance G. P. R. James 1852
Adrian Bright Florence Caddy 1883
Adrian L'Estrange: or, Moulded out of Faults Mrs. Dalrymple 1863
Adrian Rome Ernest Christopher Dowson 1899
Adrian Vidal William Edward Norris 1885
Adrien: or, Parent Power Annette Marie Maillard 1855
Adrienne: A Romance of French Life Eliza Margaret von Booth 1898
Adrienne Hope: The Story of a Life Matilda Mary Hays 1866
Adrift: or, The Fortunes of Connor Blake Biddulph Warner 1860
Adrift: or, The Rock in the South Atlantic. A Faithful Narrative, Wr... Frank Fowler 1861
Adrift and at Anchor Alfred Sylvester 1868
Adrift in a Boat William Henry Giles Kingston 1869
Adrift in the Great City: A Story Mary Elizabeth Whatham 1893
Adrift in the Pacific Jules Verne 1889
Adrift on the Sea: or, The Children's Escape Emilia Norris 1871
The Adventure of Princess Sylvia Alice Muriel Williamson 1901
The Adventure of the Broad Arrow: An Australian Romance Morley Roberts 1897
An Adventurer of the North: Being a Continuation of the Personal His... Sir Gilbert Parker 1895
The Adventurers: A Tale of Treasure Trove Henry Brereton Marriott Watson 1898
The Adventurers: A Story of a Love Chase Gustave Aimard 1863
Adventures Among the Indians Francis Robert Goulding 1871
The Adventures and Experiences of Biddy Dorking: To which is Added t... Anna Maria Hall 1858
Adventures Ashore and Afloat Anonymous 1866
Adventures Ashore and Afloat Anonymous 1887
Adventures in Africa by an African Trader William Henry Giles Kingston 1883
Adventures in Borneo Catherine Gore 1849
Adventures in India William Henry Giles Kingston 1884
Adventures in the Far West William Henry Giles Kingston 1881
Adventures in Thule: Three Stories for Boys William Black 1883
Adventures in Toyland Edith King Hall 1897
Adventures in Western Africa: A Tale Henry Samuel Budget Yates 1880
The Adventures of a Beauty Catherine Ann Crowe 1852
The Adventures of a Brownie, as Told to my Child Dinah Marie Craik 1872
The Adventures of a Donkey: Written by Himself Anonymous 1869
The Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse Sir George Stephen 1835
Adventures of a Gold Finder, by Himself Anonymous 1850
The Adventures of a Griffin on a Voyage of Discovery Harden Sidney Melville 1867
The Adventures of a Journalist Herbert Cadett 1900
The Adventures of a Lady Pearl Broker Beatrice Heron-Maxwell 1899
The Adventures of a Leather Purse Mary Ann Seamer 1897
The Adventures of a Little French Boy Alfred de Bréhat 1863
The Adventures of a Man of Family Lord William Pitt Lennox 1864
Adventures of a Medical Student Robert Douglas 1848
The Adventures of a Midshipman William Taylor Adams 1866
Adventures of a Perambulator: True Details of a Family History Jeanie Hering 1894
The Adventures of a Protestant in Search of a Religion Iota 1873
The Adventures of a Serf's Wife among the Mines of Siberia Mrs. Agar 1866
The Adventures of a Ship's Doctor Morley Roberts 1895
The Adventures of a Solicitor Charles John Cutcliffe Hyne 1898
The Adventures of a Sporting Dog Anonymous 1863
The Adventures of a Stowaway Fred Whishaw 1897
The Adventures of a Strolling Player: An Autobiography John Wade Clinton 1868
The Adventures of a Three Guinea Watch Talbot Baines Reed 1880
The Adventures of a Watch Julie Gouraud 1864
Adventures of a Young Naturalist Lucien Biart 1870
Adventures of Alfan: or, The Magic Amulet John Holme Burrow 1863
Adventures of an Aide-de-Camp: or, A Campaign in Calabria James Grant 1848
The Adventures of an Arcot Rupee Charles Foveaux Kirby 1867
Adventures of an Attorney in Search of Practice Sir George Stephen 1839
The Adventures of an Engineer Charles John Cutcliffe Hyne 1898
The Adventures of an Irish Gentleman John Gideon Millingen 1830
The Adventures of Augustus Short: Things Which I Have Done for Other... Richard Marsh 1902
Adventures of Bilberry Thurland Charles Hooton 1836
The Adventures of Billy Bump in Boston and California Samuel Griswold Goodrich 1852
The Adventures of Captain Horn Frank R. Stockton 1895
Adventures of Captain Kettle Charles John Cutcliffe Hyne 1898
The Adventures of Captain Mago: or, A Phoenician Expedition, B. C. 1... Léon Cahun 1876
The Adventures of Carlo Katharine Tynan 1900
The Adventures of Denis Mary Eliza Bramston 1892
Adventures of Dick Onslow among the Red Skins William Henry Giles Kingston 1863
The Adventures of Doctor Brady William Howard Russell 1868
The Adventures of Doctor Van der Bader Evariste Carrance 1877
The Adventures of Don Lavington George Manville Fenn 1896
The Adventures of François: Foundling, Thief, Juggler, and Fencing-... Silas Weir Mitchell 1898
The Adventures of Gustavus Wasa: or, The Dawning of Light in Sweden L. S. Griffith 1880
The Adventures of Hajji Baba James Justinian Morier 1824
Adventures of Hans Sterk, the South African Hunter and Pioneer Alfred Wilks Drayson 1869
The Adventures of Harry Richmond George Meredith 1871
The Adventures of Herbert Massey in Eastern Africa Verney Lovett Cameron 1888
The Adventures of Herr Baby Mary Louisa Molesworth 1881
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: (Tom Sawyer's Comrade) Mark Twain 1884
The Adventures of Jimmy Brown: Written by Himself William Livingston Alden 1885
The Adventures of John Johns Frederic Carrel 1897
Adventures of Johnnie Pascoe G. Norway 1889
The Adventures of Johnny Ironsides: A Tale Jules Girardin 1875
The Adventures of Joshua Hawsepipe, Master Mariner: A Tale of the Se... Charles Rathbone Low 1869
Adventures of Kwei, the Chinese Girl Mary E. Gellie 1872
The Adventures of Mark Paton, and Other Stories Charles John Jodrell Mansford 1898
Adventures of Marshall Vavasour, Midshipman Samuel Whitchurch Sadler 1873
Adventures of Martin Hewitt: Third Series Arthur Morrison 1896
The Adventures of Maurice Drummore, Royal Marines, by Land and Sea Charles Butler Greatrex 1884
The Adventures of Mick Callighin, M.P.: A Story of Home Rule. And Th... William Robert Ancketill 1874
The Adventures of Mr. Ambiguous Law, an Articled Clerk: Being Notes ... Carr Bunkle 1860
The Adventures of Mr. Ledbury Albert Richard Smith 1844
The Adventures of Mr. Moses Finegan, an Irish Pervert James Reynolds 1870
The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green: An Oxford Freshman Edward Bradley 1853
The Adventures of Mr. Wilderspin on His Journey Through Life Andrew Halliday 1860
Adventures of Mrs. Colonel Somerset in Caffraria, During the War Isabella Eleanor Aylmer 1858
Adventures of Mrs. Hardcastle Lady Charles Thynne 1869
The Adventures of Mrs. Wishing-to-be, and Other Stories Alice Corkran 1883
Adventures of My Cousin Smooth: or, The Little Quibbles of Great Gov... Charles Adams 1855
The Adventures of Nevil Brooke: How India was Won for England Christopher James Riethmüller 1877
The Adventures of Olaf Tryggveson, King of Norway: A Tale of the Ten... Mrs. Joseph J. Reed 1865
Adventures of Old Dan Tucker, and his Son Walter: A Tale of North Ca... Calvin Henderson Wiley 1851
The Adventures of Owen Evans, Esq., Surgeon's Mate, Left Ashore in 1... William Henry Anderdon 1862
The Adventures of Philip on his Way Through the World: Showing who R... William Makepeace Thackeray 1862
The Adventures of Picklock Holes Rudolph Chambers Lehmann 1901
The Adventures of Prior Claime: Relating Chiefly to his Residence in... Anonymous 1872
The Adventures of Reuben Davidger: Seventeen Years and Four Months C... James Greenwood 1865
The Adventures of Rob Roy James Grant 1864
The Adventures of Robinson Playfellow, a Young French Marine Anonymous 1873
The Adventures of Rolando in Mesopotamia, Persia, Siberia, Kamschatk... Anne Bowman 1877
The Adventures of Roly Helen Elrington 1901
The Adventures of Seven Four-footed Foresters, Narrated by Themselves James Greenwood 1865
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle 1892
Adventures of Susan Hopley: or, Circumstancial Evidence Catherine Ann Crowe 1841
The Adventures of the Adventurers' Club: A Shocker in Six Shocks Anonymous 1890
The Adventures of the Bodley Family Horace Scudder 1879
Adventures of the Comte de la Muette During the Reign of Terror Bernard Capes 1898
The Adventures of Tod with and without Betty Ada Barnett 1900
The Adventures of Tom Hanson: or, Brave Endeavours Achieve Success Firth Garside 1877
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain 1876
The Adventures of Tyler Tatlock, Private Detective Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock 1900
The Adventures of William Jermyn: A Novel Sir George Brisbane Scott Douglas 1881
Adventures of Working-Men George Manville Fenn 1881
The Adventures of Wouldn't-Say-Wee: By Nasr-ed-Din Sparrow, R. A. Frances Isabelle Tylcoat 1881
Adventures Round the World Anonymous 1880
An Adventuress: A Novel Francis Addison 1888
The Adventuress Annie Edwards 1894
An Adventuress Elizabeth Thomasina Meade 1899
The Adventurous Voyage of the "Polly" and Other Yarns Samuel Whitchurch Sadler 1886
Aemilius: A Tale of the Decian and Valerian Persecutions Augustine David Crake 1871
An Affair of Honour Alice Weber 1892
Affairs of the Heart Violet Hunt 1900
Affection, its Flowers and Fruits: A Tale of the Times Sydney Whiting 1848

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