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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
Red Rooney: or, The Last of the Crew R. M. Ballantyne 1886
The Red Rose: A Legend of St. Alban's Abbey Anonymous 1858
Red Rose and White William Murray Graydon 1901
The Red Route: or, Saving a Nation William Sime 1884
Red Rowans Flora Annie Steel 1895
Red Ruin: A Tale of West African River Life A. N. Homer 1889
Red Ryvington William Bury Westall 1882
A Red Sister: A Story of Three Days and Three Months Catherine Louisa Pirkis 1891
The Red Spell Francis Henry Gribble 1895
Red Spider Sabine Baring-Gould 1887
The Red Star Charlotte Elizabeth Macmanus 1896
The Red Sultan: The Remarkable Adventures in Western Barbary of Sir ... James Maclaren Cobban 1893
Red Towers Eleanor C. Price 1889
The Red Track: A Story of Social Life in Mexico Gustave Aimard 1862
The Red Umbrella and Other Stories Edith King Hall 1896
Red Windows Hall: A Lancashire Story Benjamin Brierley 1868
Red, White, and Blue: Sketches of Military Life Julia Clara Byrne 1862
Red-Coat Romances E. Livingston Prescott 1898
The Red-Headed Man Fergus Hume 1899
The Red-House Mystery: A Novel Margaret Wolfe Hungerford 1893
The Red-Painted Box: Being the Narrative of a Curious Experience in ... Marie Connor 1897
A Red-Rose Chain Maggie Symington 1880
Redburn, his First Voyage: Being the Sailor-boy Confessions and Remi... Herman Melville 1849
Redcar Lee Mary Louise Searle 1881
Redeemed Ella Jane Curtis 1882
Redeemed by Love Charlotte M. Brame 1887
The Redeemed Captive: A Tale of Ingham Priory Arthur Brown 1875
Redeemed in Blood Lady Florence Caroline Dixie 1889
The Redemption of David Corson Charles Frederic Goss 1901
The Redemption of Edward Strahan: A Social Story William James Dawson 1891
Rediviva: A Novel Marian Comyn 1896
The Redland Papers: or, Trials of a Loving Heart. A Romance Anonymous 1869
Redlands: or, Home Temper Harriette Bowra 1872
Redmarsh Rectory: A Tale of Life Nona Maria Stevenson Bellairs 1858
Redminton School C. M. Home 1894
Redmond Count O'Hanlon, the Irish Rapparee: An Historical Tale William Carleton 1862
Redskin and Cow-boy: A Tale of the Western Plains George Alfred Henty 1892
Redskin and Paleface: Romance and Adventure of the Plains Ascott R. Hope 1891
Reed Farm Eleanor Grace O'Reilly 1880
Reediform Holm: A Tale Thomas Rowland Skemp 1877
Reedyford: or, Creed and Character Silas Kitto Hocking 1880
The Reef of Gold: A Story of the South Seas Maurice H. Hervey 1894
The Reef, and Other Parables Edward Henry Bickersteth 1874
A Reel of No. 8 and Suddaby Fewster: Two Holderness Tales Florence Foster 1896
The Refleckshuns of a Kuntry Pleecemun Robert Stanly Warren Bell 1892
The Refugee: A Novel Founded on Phrenological Observations Alfred Godwine 1857
The Refugee in America Frances Milton Trollope 1832
The Refugees: A Tale of Two Continents Arthur Conan Doyle 1893
Regent Rosalind: A Story Anne Maria Carter Smith 1878
The Regent's Daughter: An Historical Romance Alexandre Dumas 1858
Regia: or, Her Little Kingdom E. M. Waterworth 1898
Regimental Legends Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard 1883
Reginald Barentyne: or, Liberty without Limits. A Tale of the Times Frederick George Lee 1881
Reginald Bramble: A Cynic of the Nineteenth Century. An Autobiography Anonymous 1873
Reginald Cruden: A Tale of City Life Talbot Baines Reed 1894
Reginald Hastings: or, A Tale of the Troubles of 164- Eliot Warburton 1850
Reginald Hetherege Henry Kingsley 1874
Reginald Lyle Julia S. H. Pardoe 1854
Reginald Vane: A Tale of Barrack Life E. T. R. 1867
Reginald Vernon: or, The Fatal Likeness William Heard Hillyard 1887
A Regular Fraud: A Novel Ada Maria Jocelyn 1896
The Regular Service: or, The Story of Reuben Inch Emily Steele Elliott 1868
The Reign of Law: A Tale of the Kentucky Hemp Fields James Lane Allen 1900
The Reign of Rosas: or, South American Sketches E. C. Fernau 1877
The Reigning Beauty Lady Chatterton 1858
A Reigning Favourite Annie Thomas 1886
Reine's Kingdom Lizzie Ellen Tiddeman 1899
The Release: or, Caroline's French Kindred Charlotte Mary Yonge 1896
Released Mary Baskin 1878
A Reluctant Evangelist, and Other Stories Augusta Zelia Fraser 1896
The Remarkable Adventure of Walter Trelawney, Parish 'prentice of Pl... Joseph Smith Fletcher 1894
The Remarkable History of Sir Thomas Upmore, Bart., M.P. Richard Doddridge Blackmore 1884
Remember the Maine: A Story of the Spanish-American War William Gordon Stables 1899
Remembrances of a Monthly Nurse Harriet Downing 1852
Reminiscences of a Raven James Greenwood 1866
Reminiscences of a Retired Physician Anonymous 1854
Rendelsholme: A Novel Anne Margaret Rowan 1880
The Renegade: A Novel James Chalmers 1895
Renie James Prior 1895
Renruth: A Tale Henry Turner 1877
Renshaw Fanning's Quest: A Tale of the High Veldt Bertram Mitford 1894
A Rent in a Cloud Charles James Lever 1869
Renunciations: A Chemist in the Suburbs--A Confidence at the Savile-... Sir Frederick Wedmore 1893
The Repealers Countess of Blessington 1833
The Repentance of a Private Secretary Stephen Lucius Gwynn 1899
The Repentance of Paul Wentworth Constance Isabella Stuart Smith 1889
Repented at Leisure Charlotte M. Brame 1889
The Reproach of Annesley Maxwell Gray 1889
The Reputation of George Saxon and Other Stories Morley Roberts 1892
A Reputed Changling: or, Three Seventh Years Two Centuries Ago Charlotte Mary Yonge 1889
The Rescue of Helena Hadley: A Temperance Story Mary Elizabeth Carter 1894
Reseda Catherine Emily Blanche Randolph 1881
The Resident Magistrate Basil Marnan 1902
Resolution: or, The Depth of Woman's Love S. L. Couperthwaite 1865
Resolved to be Rich Edward Herbert Cooper 1899
Respectable Sinners Mary Isabella Irwin Brotherton 1863
Ressurrection: A Novel Count Leo Tolstoy 1900
Rest and Unrest: or, The Story of a Year Catherine Douglas Bell 1858
Rest in the Church Elizabeth Furlong Shipton Harris 1848
Restitution: A Novel Anne Beale 1889
Restless Human Hearts: A Novel Richard Jefferies 1875
Restored Emily Spender 1871
The Resurrection of his Grace Campbell Rae Brown 1899
Retaliation: A Novel Herbert Flowerdew 1901
Retiring from Business: or, The Rich Man's Error Timothy Shay Arthur 1879
Retribution: A Tale of Modern Life Delta 1883
Retribution: A Novel Mrs. Augustus Peel 1861
Retribution Clara Lucas Balfour 1863
The Return from India: A Sequel to Hilda and Hildebrand F. M. C. W. 1871
The Return of the Native Thomas Hardy 1878
Return to England: A Tale of the Fourth Year after the Battle of Wat... Anonymous 1840
A Return to Nature: A Kentish Idyll Elsa D'Esterre Keeling 1897
Reuben Everett: or, When Old Things were New Christabel Rose Coleridge 1888
Reuben Medlicott: or, The Coming Man Marmion Wilme Savage 1852
Reuben Roy's Temptations Elizabeth Emily Charlton 1892
Reuben Sachs: A Sketch Amy Levy 1888
Reuben Sterling: A Tale of Scottish Life Samuel Alfred Cox 1859
Reuben Thorne's Temptation Amy Key Clarke 1898
Reuben's Temptation Elizabeth Youatt 1874
The Rev. Alfred Hoblush and his Curacies: A Memoir Percy H. Fitzgerald 1863
The Rev. Annabel Lee: A Tale of To-morrow Robert Williams Buchanan 1898
The Rev. Dr. Willoughby, and His Wine Mary Spring Walker 1870
The Rev. Miles Latimer Linda Gardiner 1885
Revealed at Last Rev. Albert Eubule Evans 1873
Revelation: A Romance Eric Wyndham 1897
Revelations of a Lady Detective William Stephens Hayward 1864
The Revelations of a Private Detective James Redding Ware 1863
Revelations of School Life George Simpson 1853
Revenge: A Novel G. P. R. James 1852
Revenge Gertrude Fenton 1871
Revenge is Sweet: A Tale Alice Evezard 1878
The Revenge of Valerie: A Romance of British Columbia James Hume Nisbet 1900
Revenge! Robert Barr 1896
Revenged! Edith Laxon Chamberlain 1887
Revengeful Fangs F. W. Bamford 1900
The Reverberator Henry James 1888
A Reverend Gentleman James Maclaren Cobban 1891
The Reverse of the Shield: or, The Adventures of Grenville Le Marcha... Augusta Marryat 1879
Reverses Caroline Harriett Banister 1864
The Revolt of Man Walter Besant 1882
The Revolt of the Horses Walter Copland Perry 1898
The Revolution in Tanner's Lane William Hale White 1887
The Reward of Constancy T. W. 1876
Rex and Regina: or, The Song of the River Emma Marshall 1882
Rex Raynor, Artist: A Story of Sowing and Reaping Silas Kitto Hocking 1890
Rex Singleton: or, The Pathway of Life Elizabeth J. Lysaght 1894
The Rhine Inundation, and Other Tales Anonymous 1871
Rhineland and Its Legends: and Other Tales Anonymous 1868
Rhoda: A Novel Agnes Catherine Maitland 1885
Rhoda: A Tale for Girls Eleanor Luisa Haverfield 1901
Rhoda and Adela, the Colonel's Daughters. A Domestic Tale Mrs. Clere 1877
Rhoda Fleming: A Story George Meredith 1865
Rhoda Lethbridge: or, School Life in the Fatherland Greta Gilmour 1899
Rhoda Lyle: or, The Rose of the Home BTAO "Sunshine and Shadows in Kattern's Life" 1877
Rhoda Roberts: A Welsh Mining Story Harry Lindsay 1895
Rhoda's Reform: or, Owe No Man Anything Mary Anna Paull 1888
Rhoda's Reward: or, "If Wishes were Horses" Emma Marshall 1886
Rhona Emily Feake Bridges 1879
The Rhuvaig Smuggler: A Story of the Highland Crofters Adam Barbour 1889
The Rhymer Charlotte Stewart 1900
The Riband Oath: An Irish Story. And The Lighthouse Keepers of Antic... Mrs. Battersby 1886
Ribblesdale: or, Lancashire Sixty Years Ago Sir James Phillips Kay-Shuttleworth 1874
Ribbon Stories Lady Barker 1872
The Ribbonman: or, The Secret Tribunal. An Irish Romance of the Pres... Thomas Waters 1871
Ribstone Pippins: A Country Tale Maxwell Gray 1898
Rich and Poor Franz Hoffmann 1863
Rich and Poor: Stories Illustrative of Relative Duties C. E. B. 1865
Rich and Rare: A Tale of Anglo-Italian Life Lucius O'Brien Blake 1870
The Rich Husband: A Novel of Real Life Charlotte Elizabeth Riddell 1858
A Rich Man's Daughter Charlotte Elizabeth Riddell 1897
A Rich Man's Relatives Robert Cleland 1885
The Rich Miss Riddell Dorothea Gerard 1894
The Rich Relation Julia S. H. Pardoe 1862
Richard Arbour: or, The Family Scapegrace James Payn 1861
Richard Aubrey: or, My Own Bible E. O. W. 1868
Richard Barlow the Bloodhound: A Story in Twelve Scenes Campbell Rae Brown 1889
Richard Barton: or, The Wounded Bird Caroline Bray 1873
Richard Blake, and his little Green Bible: A Sequel Marjory Horsburgh 1868
Richard Cable, the Lightshipman Sabine Baring-Gould 1888
Richard Carvel Winston Churchill 1899
Richard Dare: A Novel Louisa Baldwin 1894
Richard de Lacy: A Tale of the Later Lollards Charles Edmund Maurice 1891
Richard Embleton: A Novel Anonymous 1857
Richard Escott Edward Herbert Cooper 1893
Richard Hunne: A Story of Old London George Eliel Sargent 1871
Richard IV, Plantagenet James Frederick Hodgetts 1888
Richard Langdon: or, Foreshadowed. A Novel Janet Maughan 1863
Richard Rowe's Parcel: A Story for Boys Anna Harriet Drury 1868
Richard Savage: A Romance of Real Life Charles Whitehead 1842
Richelieu G. P. R. James 1829
Richer than Wealth: A Novel Cecilia Wethered 1884
Richer than Wealth and Other Stories Uncle John 1875
Riches Have Wings: or, A Tale for the Rich and Poor Timothy Shay Arthur 1848
The Richest Man in Todmorton: and Other Stories about Riches and Hap... Anonymous 1864
The Richest Merchant in Rotterdam: A Novel A. N. Homer 1891
Rick: or, The Récidiviste. A Romance of Australian Life David G. Falk 1891
Rickerby's Folly Tom Gallon 1901
Ricroft of Withens Halliwell Sutcliffe 1898
Ridan the Devil, and Other Stories Louis Becke 1899
The Riddle of Lawrence Haviland Constance Isabella Stuart Smith 1890
The Riddle Ring: A Novel Justin McCarthy 1896
Riddles of Love: or, The Knave of Hearts Sidney Laman Blanchard 1871
Riddles Read Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock 1896
The Ride to Khiva: From Punch Francis Cowley Burnand 1877
Rider's Leap Frederick Langbridge 1888
Ridge and Furrow: A Novel Sir Randal Howland Roberts 1892
Riding Out the Gale: A Novel Annette Thomasina Lyster 1877
Ridley Seldon: or, The Way to Keep Lent. A Tale for the Times Anne Howard 1845
Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes Edward Bulwer Lytton 1835
The Rifle Rangers: or, Adventures of an Officer in Southern Mexico Capt. Mayne Reid 1850
The Riflemen of the Miami Edward S. Ellis 1862
The Rift in the Clouds Catherine Marsh 1871
Rift in the Lute Eliza Lynn Linton 1885
Right about Face: or, Ben the Gordon Boy Emily Brodie 1891
Right and Left: A Novel Emma Newby 1862
The Right and Wrong Way: or, The History of Mary Coleman and Jenny G... Susan Selby Coppard 1850
Right at Last and Other Tales Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 1860
The Right Fear and the Wrong Fear: "It Looks So!" Gossip" BTAO "Sunshine in Sickness" 1864
The Right Honourable: A Romance of Society and Politics Justin McCarthy 1886
Right or Wrong Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury 1859
The Right Sort: or, A Romance of the Shires Mary Kennard 1883
The Right Way and the Contrast Anonymous 1867
The Right Way and the Wrong Way: or, The Ardingley Lads BTAO "Woodbury Farm" 1871
A Right-Minded Woman: A Novel Frank Trollope 1865
A Righted Wrong: A Novel Edmund Hodgson Yates 1870
The Rightful Heir: A Romance of the Days of Good Queen Bess Vane Ireton St. John 1875
Rina Cliffe: A Village Character Emily M. Lawson 1871
Rinaultrie Janet Milne Rae 1887
Ring and Coronet: A Story of Circus Life Arena 1883
The Ring and the Veil: A Novel James Augustus St. John 1856
The Ring o' Bells George Robert Sims 1886
Ring o' Rushes Shan Bullock 1896
The Ring of Amasis: From the Papers of a German Physician Edward Robert Lytton Bulwer-Lytton 1863
The Ring of Gyges: Some Passages in the Life of Francis Neville Charles W. F. Cooper 1886
The Ring of Pearls: or, His at Last. A Novel Jerrold Quick 1876
A Ring of Rubies Elizabeth Thomasina Meade 1892
Rington Priory: A Tale Ethel Hone 1864
The Ringwoods of Ringwood: A Novel Henry Coe Coape 1873
Ripple and Flood James Prior 1897
The Rip's Redemption: A Trooper's Story E. Livingston Prescott 1897
The Rise and Fall of the United States: A Leaf from History, A.D. 2060 A Diplomat 1898
The Rise and Progress of Sir Timothy Buncombe, Kt. and M.P.: An Extr... Alexander Johnstone Wilson 1886
A Rise in the World: A Novel Adeline Sergeant 1900
The Rise of the Australian Wool Kings: A Romance of Port Phillip James Mouat 1892
The Risen Dead: A Novel Florence Marryat 1891
Rising Fortunes: The Story of a Man's Beginnings William Arthur Dunkerley 1899
Rising in the World Timothy Shay Arthur 1848
A Rising Star: A Novel David Christie Murray 1894
Rita: An Autobiography. A Novel Hamilton Aidé 1858
Ritter Bell, the Cripple: A Tale for the Young Fairleigh Owen 1861

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