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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Unknown Authors

This is a current list of every unknown author of a fiction title published between 1837 and 1901. Authors with a particular nationality or occupation can be found on the Browse Author Tags page. For other author and gender-specific lists, use the Browse Authors, Browse Men Authors, or Browse Women Authors pages. Use the ABC-index to narrow the list.

all A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

A Graduate of OxfordA LadyA Member of the Middle TempleA., A. M. C.A., A.A., A.A., E.A., E.A., I. O. T.A., N. O. R.A., S. O.AdairAdmaAesculapiusAldred, W. W.AlletAllison, J.AmbofiliusAmes, F. S. D.Amity, JohnAndriessenAnonymousAnstruther, Maceap Rhys, RichardApaque, L. H.AramiArenaArmitage, E. M.Arnold, A. S.Arthur, FrancisAshton, H. A.AsmodeusAsperiaAugustinusB., C.B., C.B., C. E.B., E.B., E. M.B., Hon. F.B., J.B., M. A.B., M. A.B., M. M.B., S. A. E.B., W. B.B........ and A........Baird, E. J. C.Baldwen, F.Baldwin, M. E.Bamford, F. W.Barber, S.Barre, UttereBarry, M. L.Beatty, W.Beeston, C.Bekenn, M. L.BellBell, F. J.Bell, ThornbroughBenett, J. T.Berrington, B. S.BertieBinfield, A. D.Bios, EtymosBird, M.Bleby, A. E.Bliss, LaurenceBlue TunicBlunt, E. M.Blunt, G.Bourne, C. E.Bouverie, J. FortreyBower, A.Brand, S. L.Bridgeman, S. C.Briton, E. VincentBroad, C. E.Brodie, Carrick F.Brooke, LaurisBrougham, W. E.BTAO "A Bride from the Rhin...BTAO "A Fallen Angel"BTAO "A Plea for the Boys"BTAO "Agnes Falconer"BTAO "Aids to Development"BTAO "Alice Gray"BTAO "Alice Leigh's Mission"BTAO "Alice Middleton"BTAO "Almost a Nun"BTAO "Amram"BTAO "Amy and her Brother"BTAO "An Elder Sister"BTAO "Anonyma"BTAO "Arthur"BTAO "Ashley Priors"BTAO "Aunt Tabitha's Waifs"BTAO "Basil St. John"BTAO "Behind the Scenes in ...BTAO "Bird's Nest Farm"BTAO "Blanche and her Betro...BTAO "Blanche Seymour"BTAO "Blind Ellie's Class"BTAO "Blind Nelly"BTAO "Boughton Grange"BTAO "Bread upon the Waters"BTAO "Busy Bee"BTAO "Buy an Orange, Sir"BTAO "Cheerful Sundays"BTAO "Chickseed without Chi...BTAO "Clara Cameron"BTAO "Clare Maitland"BTAO "Clevedon Chimes"BTAO "Cynthia"BTAO "Dick Bolter"BTAO "Dick Bolter"BTAO "Dr. Armstrong"BTAO "Ellen and her Confirm...BTAO "Ellen Mansel"BTAO "Ellen Mason"BTAO "Fanny Raymond"BTAO "Flower and Fruit"BTAO "Frank Damore's Trust"BTAO "Gather Up the Fragments"BTAO "Geoffry and the Prize...BTAO "Grandmamma's Nest"BTAO "Grumbling Tommy"BTAO "Guilty without a Crime"BTAO "Hannah Twist"BTAO "Harry Lawton's Advent...BTAO "Helen Dundas"BTAO "Her Second Marriage"BTAO "Hester Blake"BTAO "Higher and Higher"BTAO "Home Truths for Home ...BTAO "Hugh's Heroism"BTAO "Hungry Jack"BTAO "Jack the Runaway"BTAO "Janet Cameron"BTAO "Jenny's Geranium"BTAO "Jenny's Geranium"BTAO "John Hampton's Home"BTAO "Johnny M'Kay"BTAO "Kathleen"BTAO "Kind Words to my Cott...BTAO "Kitty's Victory"BTAO "Lea's Playground"BTAO "Lenten Lessons"BTAO "Letty Deane"BTAO "Life's Battle Lost an...BTAO "Lilian"BTAO "Little George"BTAO "Little Hazel"BTAO "Little Red Shoes"BTAO "Little Rosy's Travels"BTAO "Little Snowdrop"BTAO "Little Tales for Tiny...BTAO "Lord Dundreary"BTAO "Madame de Gascoine"BTAO "Magdalen Stafford"BTAO "Margaret Stourton"BTAO "Marian Falconer"BTAO "Marion Howard"BTAO "Mary Constant"BTAO "Mary Mathieson"BTAO "Mat and Sofie"BTAO "Maurice and his Mother"BTAO "Max"BTAO "May's Garden"BTAO "Meta Frantz"BTAO "Mick Tracy"BTAO "Milly Clifford"BTAO "Missionary Anecdotes"BTAO "Motherless Maggie"BTAO "My Grandmother's Monk...BTAO "My Little Patient"BTAO "My Neighbour Nellie"BTAO "My Trivial Life and M...BTAO "Neddy and Me"BTAO "Nellie and Alice"BTAO "No Appeal"BTAO "Nursery Influence"BTAO "Olive the Teacher"BTAO "Our Little Girls"BTAO "Palgrave of Sycamora"BTAO "Paul Preston's Voyage...BTAO "Poems Written for a C...BTAO "Poetic Sketches"BTAO "Ponce de Leon"BTAO "Poppet"BTAO "Queen's May"BTAO "Quiet Thoughts for Qu...BTAO "Rare Pale Margaret"BTAO "Remarkable Stories"BTAO "Reminiscences of a La...BTAO "Roxana"BTAO "Ruth and her Friends"BTAO "Shadrach"BTAO "Shams"BTAO "Siegfried"BTAO "Sin and Sorrow"BTAO "Sir Richard Hamilton"BTAO "Squires and Parsons"BTAO "St. Peter's Day"BTAO "Stories of School Boys"BTAO "Stretton of Ringwood ...BTAO "Sunlight in the Clouds"BTAO "Sunshine and Shadows ...BTAO "Sunshine in Sickness"BTAO "Tales of the Northern...BTAO "Tales that might be t...BTAO "The Baroness"BTAO "The Beginnings of Evil"BTAO "The Best Cheer"BTAO "The Book of Children'...BTAO "The Boy Martyr"BTAO "The Bread of Deceit"BTAO "The Bright City"BTAO "The Chateau of Vesinet"BTAO "The Conceited Pig"BTAO "The Cousins Reconciled"BTAO "The Garden in the Wil...BTAO "The Golden Harp"BTAO "The Hearthstone Boy"BTAO "The Heavy Sixpence"BTAO "The Holidays at Lland...BTAO "The Kingdom and the P...BTAO "The Life of a Bear"BTAO "The Little Comforters"BTAO "The Little Drummer"BTAO "The Little Drummer"BTAO "The Miser's Secret"BTAO "The Missing Sovereign"BTAO "The Object of Life"BTAO "The Orphan of Kinloch"BTAO "The Story of a Happy ...BTAO "The Two Friends of Fo...BTAO "The Two Lucys"BTAO "The White Moss Rose"BTAO "The Wife's Trials"BTAO "The Young Armour Bearer"BTAO "Theodore"BTAO "Three Opportunities"BTAO "Three Street Orphans"BTAO "Town Talk of Clyda"BTAO "Ulric"BTAO "Uncle Jack the Fault ...BTAO "Uplands"BTAO "Upward Longing"BTAO "Voices that are Near"BTAO "Walter and the Prize"BTAO "Was He a Hero?"BTAO "What Makes me Grow?"BTAO "Whiter than Snow"BTAO "Willy Morgan"BTAO "Win and Wear"BTAO "Worth her Weight in G...BTAO ******Burden, E. R.Burnaby, C. A.Butson, A. A. StrangeByerley, J.Byron, M.C., A. J.C., A. S. O.C., E. E.C., H.C., H. R.C., J.C., M. A. E.C., S. T.C., T.C., W.C., W. A.C., W. H.Cain, TubalCameron, J. A.Carey, M. R.Carmichael, J.Caroll, M.Carson, F. L.Chapman, E.Chetwode, R. D.Chetwynd, A. B.Chief of Clandonchadh of MarChillington, J. C.Chillon, E.ChristelChristopher, S.ChromeClark, S. R. GrahamClarke, C. M.Clarke, Effie A.Clinton, KytheClunes, G. C.CoelhoCoker, A. M.Colmache, G. A.Colonist, AColossaCompton, C. G.Constance, E.CordeliaCornish, J. F.Cornwall, C. M.Cowan, J. B.Cragg, E. H.Crampton, G. E. E.Crowther, M. E.Cunningham, E.Curry, E. S.Curtis, E.Curzon, G.Cuthbert, C. A.D., A.D., A. J.D., E. A. B.D., E. A. B.D., F. A.D., L. E.D., M.D., M.DaineDaisy, WinterDanyell, J. J.Danyers, GeoffreyDartnell, G. E.Davies, A. J.DavusDe Rocfort, C. C.De Sérant, E.De Valvedre, AdrienDeadfallDeccan, HilaryDelle, ValentineDeltaDemage, G.Dene, NoelDephiasDerby, AluredDevonshire, F.Dick, Mr.Diplomat, ADixon, CharlesDixon, DavidDodoDoggett, C. B.Doggett, P. D.Dokenfeld, HamoDonelan, A. M.Donnison, A.Dorset, A.Douglas, J. B.Dowden, T.Drewry, A. HillDungey, J. W.Duthie-Lisle, T.E., E. G.E., J.E., L. R.E., L. S.E., M.EadgythEaglestone, C. R.Eames, T. W.ECAEinanEllis, C.EonaErickson, D. S.ErigenaErroEsmonde, T.Ex-Revolutionist, AnEye Witness, AnEyre, ChristianF., E. L.Ferguson, T.Fernau, E. C.FerniaFevez, CoralisFitz, G. W.FlorianFolingsby, KennethFord, I. O.Ford, Rowland M.Forrest, Henry J.Francis, J.Francis, S.FrankG., A. L.G., B. C.G., C. C.G., F. F.G., F. C.G., L.G., M. L.G., M. C.G., S. E.Garrett, F.GeorgeGillie, E. A.Gladstone, L.Gomerie, BourneGoodrich, A. M.Graham, LeonardGranhim, CaradocGrant, SadiGrant-Forbes, G. A.Gray, RobinGray, WaldoGreen, A. LincolnGreen, NunsoweGrey, EdwardGriffith, L. S.Guinee, W. B.GwynethH., C. H.H., C.H., C. F.H., C.H., C.H., C.H., E.H., E. E.H., F.H., G. E.H., H. A.H., M. A.H., M.H., ProfessorH., S. L. G.Hall, E.Hall, L. A.Happyman, HoraceHarris, L. P. MohunHartley, W.Harwood, Gabriel H.Hawksford, C. M.Hazard, MereHeale, J.Hebert, GeorgeHelvelynHendow, Z. S.Henry, Re.Henslowe, J. R.Heppenstall, R. H.Herbert, WilliamHill, LaindonHogg, M. G.Holme, WarwickHome, C. M.Homer, A. N.HomoHope, A. K.Hope, CuthbertHorne, A. H.Howard, C.Howard, ChristopherHumbug, A Hater ofI., F. W.Iles, E.Infirmity, UncleIotaIotaIotaIron, N. C.Irving, EarnesIrving, GrahamIsalineIsheJ., F.JajabeeJeb, SemaJessonJohn, DaddyJohnson, M. T.Jones, JingoJoy, J. M.Judd, A. M.K., I. C.K., J. M. M.K., J.K., L. P.KamouraskaKay, E. H. D.Kean, ArthurKenny, M. L.Kermode, M. E.King, AlixKing, E. K.KlothoL'Estrange, MilesL., E. M. O.L., J. B.L., M.L., M. E.L., M.L., M.L., M.L., S.Lamson, J. W.Lancaster, F.Lang, HermannLapis, QuintusLaurence, TempleLee, AubreyLee, C. A.Listado, J. T.LoloLong, A. MonktonLord, M. A.Louis, A. B.Lovelace, FèliseLovesy, CaptainLuttrell, HopeLyall, J. G.Lyle, LaslettLyons, M. L.M., A.M., C. M.M., E. L.M., E.M., F. M.M., G.M., H.M., T.M., W.M., W.MacCulloch, J.MacEire, FergusMactavish, A.Magee, VioletMaginn, J. D.Malcolm, C. H.Malen, M. E. O.Mammoth Martinet, His Royal...Manners, Mrs.Manton, M. E.MariusMarks, A. J.Martin, M.Masters, OwenMax, CarlMcDermott, P. L.Mell, F. H.MerlinMerry, OldMervyn, L. C.Milford, HeberdenMinnMoimêmeMoiraMonicaMontagueMoore, SkeffingtonMor, OwynMorgan, G. S.MosesMurphy, W.N.N., A. R.N., E. V.N., L.N., M.N., S. D.NamowaNemo me ImpuneNesbitt, M. L.Newbould, F. A.Nicholson, ClaudNicholson, H. W.Nicholson, M. J.Nixon, J. St. ArnaudNorth, DelavalNutgall, NathanielO'Keeffe, C. M.Observer, By anOld MerryOman, C. P. A.OmegaOne of his SoldiersOne Who Saw ItOnyxOrloffsky, R.P., A. G.P., D.P., E. M.P., K. M.P., M. A.P., P. M.P., S. E.P., S. E.P. & O.Pace, Aurelia C.Parr, S. H.Penman, VirgiliusPenrice, ArthurPerry, E.Piper, E. M.Podmore, C. T.Porter, E. J.Primrose, E. D.Prole, G.ProteusPrudentiaPuckPullan, J. F.Punot, S.Punt, A.Puxley, Francis LavallinQuintonQuipR., E. A.R., E.R., E. F. A.R., E. A. D.R., J.R., J.R., M. C.Raban, L.Rae, RaeRaper, S.Rhys, J.Rose, A. R.Rosegarth, BrianRyan, DarbyRyder, E. A.Rysbridge, C.S., A. I. T.S., A. O.S., C. M.S., C. L. J.S., C. E.S., E. J.S., F. M.S., F. C.S., L. J.S., M. R. C.S., M. M.S., P. E.Sagon, AmyotSand, LouisSatorSaunders, E. S. G.Savage, FrancisScholes, R. SebrightScott, J. F.ScrutatorSejanusSevey, LouisSharowood, T. S.SigmaSkamble, SkimbleSkinner, W.Smith, M. de VereSomerset, WestSomerville, R. A.SpectreSpence, J. C.St Leonards, EdenStallybrassStanton, E. B.Stewart, StanleyStone, T. D. P.Storm, C.Stowell, B.Strange, CalthorpeStrong, MatthewSunshine, Sir ShadowySwingler, J. H.T., A.T., E. S.T., W.Themselves, One ofThomas, J. MeredithTobyn, A. M.Travers, MarTrudaTwo AuthorsU., A. M.UrsulaVagabondVance, FaberVance, FerrolVane, ChallysVarra, OwenVectisVere, B. M.Vere, S.Vetch, ThomasVictim, AW., A.W., A. G.W., A. R.W., A. S.W., A. M. E.W., A. J.W., A. B. B.W., A. J. A.W., C. J.W., E. H.W., E. O.W., E.W., E. A.W., F.W., K. M.W., L. F.W., T. P.W., T.Walker, A. D.Walpole, W. W.Walsh, B.White, F. A.White, LeslieWilding, W. J.Williams, J. S.Willoughby, F.Wilton, A. E.Wilton, JosephWilton, T.Wingate, WilfridWinthrop, A. T.Wistan, AdenWolfe, Ernte ArielWood, Marshall G.Wothem, H.Wye, JayWygorn, A.Wynne, S. S.X., Z. Y.Y., A. M.Y., O. D.Yolland, E.Z., X. Y.

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