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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
Under Two Skies: A Collection of Stones Ernest William Hornung 1892
Under Wellington's Command: A Tale of the Peninsular War George Alfred Henty 1899
Under Which King? William Johnston 1872
Under Which Lord? Eliza Lynn Linton 1879
Under-currents Margaret Wolfe Hungerford 1888
Under-Currents: A Novel of Our Day Vane Ireton St. John 1860
The Under-Secretary William Le Queux 1902
Undercurrents Overlooked Julia Clara Byrne 1860
The Undergraduate: A Sketch Frederic Henry Balfour 1891
An Undeserving Woman and Other Stories Francis Charles Philips 1896
The Undiscovered Country William Dean Howells 1880
Undiscovered Crimes William Russell 1862
Une Culotte: or, A New Woman. An Impossible Story of Modern Oxford Horace William Bleackley 1894
The Unequal Marriage: or, Is He the Heir? Vere Grey 1879
Unequally Yoked Mary Anne Needell 1891
Uneven Ground Florence Severne 1891
An Unexpected Hero Elizabeth J. Lysaght 1893
Unexpected Pleasures: or, Left Alone in the Holidays Anne Jane Cupples 1868
Unfairly Won: A Novel Nannie Power O'Donoghue 1882
An Unfinished Martyrdom and Other Stories Arthur St. John Adcock 1894
The Unforeseen Alice O'Hanlon 1885
An Unfortunate Arrangement: A Novel John Hill 1890
The Unfortunate Man Frederick Chamier 1835
Unfortunate Tommy: A Story Caused by an Accident (?) Eona 1875
Ungava: A Tale of Esquimaux-Land R. M. Ballantyne 1858
The Unhired Labourer: or, The Desiring of a Good Work A. M. U. 1885
Unholy Matrimony Thomas Murray Ford 1899
Unica: A Story for a Sunday Afternoon Elizabeth Sara Sheppard 1858
The Uninhabited House and The Haunted River Charlotte Elizabeth Riddell 1883
Union Jack and Other Stories Anna Maria Hall 1863
A Union of Hearts Katharine Tynan 1901
United: A Novel Alfred Percy Sinnett 1886
Units in a Crowd Marianne M. Lathom Browne 1900
The Universal Strike of 1899 William Oakhurst 1891
The Unjust Steward Herbert Broom 1879
The Unjust Steward: or, The Minister's Debt Margaret Oliphant 1896
The Unkind Word, and Other Stories Dinah Marie Craik 1870
Unkist, Unkind!: A Romance Violet Hunt 1897
An Unknown Quantity Violet Hobhouse 1898
The Unknown Sea Clemence Housman 1898
Unknown to Herself Laurentia Drewry 1897
Unknown to History: A Story of the Captivity of Mary of Scotland Charlotte Mary Yonge 1882
An Unlessoned Girl Mary Emma Martin 1881
Unlock the Gate! Mary Bradford Whiting 1896
The Unloved One: A Domestic Story Barbara Hofland 1844
Unmasked: A Novel Annie Cox 1884
The Unnamed: A Romance of Modern Italy William Le Queux 1902
Unrelated Twins: A Novel Belton Otterburn 1897
An Unruly Spirit: A Novel Emilia Julia Aylmer-Gowing 1890
An Unsatisfactory Lover: A Novel Margaret Wolfe Hungerford 1894
The Unseen Guide: or, Stories and Allegories to Illustrate the Fruit... Anonymous 1869
The Unseen Hand Emma Van Deventer 1899
The Unseen Hand: or, Episodes in an Eventful Life Stopford James Ram 1852
An Unselfish Woman Caroline Emily Cameron 1894
The Unsocial Socialist George Bernard Shaw 1887
Unsolved Mysteries Violet Chambers Tweedale 1895
An Unsought Heritage Catherine Grant Furley Smith 1896
Unspotted from the World: A Novel Mary Rose Godfrey 1883
Until My Lord's Return: A Romance of a River Town Valentine Durrant 1892
Until Seventy Times Seven Sarah Doudney 1872
Until the Day Breaks Emily Spender 1886
Until the End: A Story of Real Life Anne Denn Pollard 1867
Until the Shadows Flee Away: A True Tale of the Last Century Jessie Mclaren 1869
Unto the Third and Fourth Generation Kate C. Bright 1881
Unto which she was not Born: A Novel Ellen Gadesden 1878
The Untold Half Louisa Alice Baker 1899
Untold Tales of the Past Beatrice Harraden 1897
Untrue to his Trust: or, Plotters and Patriots. A Story of Life and ... Henry Johnson 1886
Unvarnished Tales William Mackay 1886
The Unwelcome Guest: A Story for Girls Esmé Stuart 1886
An Unwilling Wife: A Tale of the Indian Mutiny Alice Clifton 1890
An Unwilling Witness Annette Thomasina Lyster 1884
The Unwritten Law Mrs. H. Bennett Edwards 1892
The Unwritten Law Blanche Mary Loftus Tottenham 1895
Up Among the Ice-Floes James Macdonald Oxley 1894
Up and Down in the World William Blanchard Jerrold 1863
Up and Down the Pantiles: A Story of Tunbridge Wells a Hundred Years... Emma Marshall 1890
Up and Down the World: A Novel Eleanor Frances Le Fanu 1869
Up for the Green: A Romance of the Irish Rebellion of 1798 Henry Albert Hinkson 1898
Up Hill: A Novel Emma Caroline Wood 1873
Up Hill and Down Dale: A Tale of Country Life Edith Laxon Chamberlain 1884
Up in Arms Emma Elliot 1896
Up in the Clouds Joseph Verey 1861
Up North: or, Lost and Found in Russia and the Arctic Wastes Janet Gordon 1878
Up the Creeks: A Tale of Adventure in West Africa Edward Shirley 1900
Up the Rainbow Stairs: A Story of Strange Adventure Sheila E. Braine 1899
Up to Fifteen: A Tale for Boys Matilda Mary Pollard 1875
Up to the Mark: A Novel Mrs. Day 1876
Up to the Mark?: A School-boy's Story Harriett Boultwood 1888
An Up-to-Date Parson, and Other Stories Harry Lindsay 1899
Uphill Work Clara Lucas Balfour 1861
The Upper Berth F. Marion Crawford 1894
Ups and Downs: A Family Chronicle Annie S. Swan 1878
Ups and Downs: A Story of Australian Life Rolf Boldrewood 1878
Ups and Downs: An Every-Day Novel Edward Everett Hale 1873
Ups and Downs: or, Incidents of Australian Lie Horace Earle 1861
Ups and Downs: The Story of a Newspaper Boy Anonymous 1879
Ups and Downs of a Blue Coat Boy: or, Three Sevens of Real Life. Wit... A. O. S. 1876
Ups and Downs of a Donkey's Life Clarissa L. Matéaux 1877
The Ups and Downs of a Sixpence: or, Guess the Many Curious Places I... Mary Ann Seamer 1889
The Ups and Downs of an Old Maid's Life Caroline Gladstone 1868
Upton-on-Thames: A Novel Thomas A. Pinkerton 1882
The Upward Gaze Agnes Giberne 1879
Upwards and Downwards: or, The Sluggard and the Diligent. A Story fo... Charlotte Maria Tucker 1857
Urania: A Romance Camille Flammarion 1891
Urith: A Tale of Dartmoor Sabine Baring-Gould 1891
Urling: A Novel Anonymous 1858
Ursel and Other Stories Frances Maitland 1894
Ursula: A Tale of Country Life Elizabeth Missing Sewell 1858
Ursula Katherine Douglas King 1900
Ursula: A Story of the Bohemian Reformation. A Book for Boys and Girls M. L. Bekenn 1880
Ursula Clara Catherine Andrews 1901
Ursula Vivian, the Sister Mother Annie S. Swan 1884
Ursula's Beginnings Mary Howe Henry 1886
Ursula's Fortune: A Story Esmé Stuart 1886
Ursula's Girlhood Emma Wearing 1867
Ursula's Love Story Gertrude Parsons 1869
Ursula's Promise Mary Ann Seamer 1876
Ursula's Stumbling-Block: or, "Pride comes before a Fall" Julia Bachope Goddard 1885
Us: An Old-fashioned Story Mary Louisa Molesworth 1885
Use and Abuse: A Tale Felicia Mary Frances Skene 1849
The Use of Sunshine: A Christmas Narrative Menella Bute Smedley 1852
The Use of Talents Lucy Lyttelton Cameron 1837
The Useful Little Girl Charlotte Adams 1865
The Usurer's Daughter William Pitt Scargill 1832
Utopia: A Romance of Today. Presenting a Solution of the Labor Probl... Frank Rosewater 1897
Utterly Mistaken Annie Thomas 1893
The Uttermost Farthing: A Novel Cecil Griffith 1865
The Uttermost Farthing Helen Shipton 1893
The Uttermost Farthing Berman Paul Neuman 1900
V. R.: or, The Adventures of Three Days in 1837 Edward Rose 1887
The Vacant Chair: or, Fallen Among Thieves Anonymous 1879
The Vagabond Mrs. F. Marshall Ward 1870
Vagabond Charlie Vagabond 1877
A Vagabond Heroine Annie Edwards 1873
A Vagabond in Arts Algernon Gissing 1894
A Vagabond Lover: A Novel Eliza Margaret von Booth 1889
A Vagabond Will William George Waters 1889
Vagaries of Life W. Wellington Cairnes 1852
The Vagary Papers Edwin Benhab 1881
A Vagrant Wife Florence Warden 1885
Vaia's Lord: A Novel Jean Middlemass 1888
Vain Ambition: or, Only a Girl Emma Anne Georgina Davenport 1878
Vain Fortune George Moore 1891
A Vain Sacrifice Caroline Emily Cameron 1895
A Vain Sacrifice Jessie Kerr Lawson 1892
Val: A Story of the Tivyside Judith Vandeleur 1896
Val Strange: A Story of the Primrose Way David Christie Murray 1883
Valda Hânem: The Romance of a Turkish Harîm Daisy Hugh Pryce 1899
Valdar the Oft-Born: A Saga of Seven Ages George Griffith 1895
Valdmer the Viking: A Romance of the Eleventh Century by Sea and Land James Hume Nisbet 1893
The Vale of Cedars: or, The Martyr Grace Aguilar 1850
Valentin: A French Boy's Story of Sedan Henry Kingsley 1872
Valentina: A Sketch Eleanor C. Price 1882
Valentine: A Story of Ideals Susan Rowley Richmond Lee 1897
Valentine Duval: An Autobiography of the Last Century Anne Manning 1860
Valentine Forde: A Novel Cecil Griffith 1870
Valentine M'Clutchy, the Irish Agent: or, Chronicles of the Castle C... William Carleton 1845
Valentino William Waldorf Astor 1886
Valeria: A Story of Venice Eleanor Lloyd 1879
Valerie: An Autobiography Frederick Marryat 1849
Valerie's Fate Mrs. Alexander 1885
Valetta: A Novel Emily Cross 1851
The Valiant Runaways Gertrude Atherton 1899
A Valient Ignorance: A Novel Mary Angela Dickens 1894
The Valley Council: or, Leaves from the Journal of Thomas Bateman of... Percy Clarke 1891
The Valley of a Hundred Fires Julia Cecilia Stretton 1860
The Valley of Baca Catherine E. Mallandaine 1884
The Valley of Decision: or, Divine Teachings in a Boarding School. A... Helen C. Knight 1851
The Valley of Poppies Joseph Hatton 1872
The Valley of Sapphires Mayne Lindsay 1899
A Valley of Shadows Gertrude Dunn 1892
The Valley of Sorek: A Novel Gertrude M. George 1884
The Valley of the Great Shadow Annie E. Holdsworth 1900
The Valley of the Maude: or, "On Dits." A Tale Louisa Stewart 1862
The Valley of the Teetotum Trees Philip Stewart Robinson 1886
A Valuable Life: A Novel Adeline Sergeant 1898
The Value of Fosterstown: A Tale of Irish Life A. M. Donelan 1871
Van Bibber and Others Richard Harding Davis 1892
Van Wagener's Ways William Livingston Alden 1898
Vanda: A Story Esmé Stuart 1881
Vandeleur: or, Animal Magnetism: A Novel Marian Pisani 1836
The Vandeleurs of Red Tor: A Tale of South Devon Theodore Russell Monro 1877
Vandrad the Viking: or, The Feud and the Spell Joseph Storer Clouston 1898
Vanessa Margaret Agnes Paul 1875
Vanessa Faire: A Novel George Joseph 1878
The Vanished Diamond: A Tale of South Africa Jules Verne 1885
The Vanished Emperor Percy Andreae 1896
A Vanished Hand Sarah Doudney 1896
A Vanished Rival: A Story of To-day John Edward Bloundelle Burton 1901
The Vanished Yacht Edwin Harcourt Burrage 1898
Vanished!: or, The Strange Adventures of Arthur Hawksleigh David Ker 1895
Vanished! BTAO "Poppet" 1898
The Vanishing Diamond: A Story of the Himalayas Sir Gilbert Edward Campbell 1891
The Vanishing of Tera Fergus Hume 1900
Vanitas: Polite Stories Vernon Lee 1892
Vanity: The Confessions of a Court Modiste Eliza Margaret von Booth 1900
Vanity Church John M. Whitelaw 1861
Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero William Makepeace Thackeray 1848
Vanity's Daughter: A Novel Hawley Smart 1893
Vanity's Price E. Yolland 1900
A Vantage Ground, and Other Stories Florence Wilford 1879
Varney the Vampyre: or, The Feast of Blood. A Romance James Malcolm Rymer 1847
A 'Varsity Man: Passages in the Career of an Impressionable Undergra... Inglis Allen 1901
Vashti: or, Until Death us do Part Augusta Jane Evans 1889
Vashti and Esther: A Story of Society To-day Emma Sarah Williamson 1893
The Vassal: A Story of Old Normandy Laura Jewry 1850
The Vast Abyss: Being the Story of Tom Blount, his Uncles, and his C... George Manville Fenn 1894
The Vasty Deep: A Strange Story of To-day Charles Garner 1889
Vates: or, The Philosophy of Madness Thomas Gordon Hake 1840
The Vaulted Chamber Harry A. Spurr 1900
The Veil Lifted: or, The Romance and Reality of Convent Life Eliza Smith Richardson 1865
The Veiled Hand: A Novel of the Sixties, the Seventies, and the Eigh... Frederick Wicks 1892
Veiled Hearts: A Novel BTAO "The Wife's Trials" 1856
The Veiled Man William Le Queux 1899
The Veiled Picture: or, The Wizard's Legacy Elizabeth J. Lysaght 1890
The Veiled Woman: A Romance of the Fleet Wilfrid Wingate 1888
Velasco: or, The Memoirs of a Page Cyrus Redding 1846
A Veldt Official: A Novel of Circumstance Bertram Mitford 1895
The Velvet Glove Hugh Stowell Scott 1901
Velvet Lawn: A Novel Charles Warren Adams 1864
Velveteens: A Norfolk Story Edward Gilliat 1893
The Vendale Lost Property Office Emily Steele Elliott 1869
A Vendetta of the Desert William Charles Scully 1898
Vendetta!: A Life Lost Sight of Marie Corelli 1886
Vendigaid: or, The Blessed One. A Tale of the Thirteenth Century Henry Murray Lane 1857
Venetia Benjamin Disraeli 1837
A Venetian Love Story Blanche Mary Loftus Tottenham 1896
The Venetians: A Novel Mary Elizabeth Braddon 1892
Venetia's Lovers: An Uneventful Story Grace L. Keith Johnston 1884
Vengeance is Mine Eliza Fanny Pollard 1886
Vengeance is Mine Sir Andrew Balfour 1899
The Vengeance of James Vansittart Mary Anne Needell 1895
Ventured in Vain Reginald Ernest Salwey 1894
The Venturesome Twins Mary E. Gellie 1886
Venus' Doves Ida Ashworth Taylor 1884
Véra Charlotte Louisa Hawkins Dempster 1871
Vera's Christmas Guests Kate Thompson Sizer 1899
Vera's Trust: A Tale Evelyn Ward Everett Green 1889
Verbena Camellia Stephanotis, etc. Walter Besant 1892
Vere of Ours, the Eighth or King's: A Novel James Grant 1878
Vere Thornleigh's Inheritance: A Novel Arabella Maud Hopkinson 1887
Vere Vereker's Vengeance: A Sensation in Several Paroxyms Tom Hood 1865
The Vereker Family May Crommelin 1900
Verena: or, Safe Paths and Slippery Byeways. A Story of To-Day Emily Sarah Holt 1873
The Verge of Night Percy Greg 1885
Verity Sidney Pickering 1900
Vermont Hall: or, Light Through the Darkness Mary Anna Paull 1888
Vermont Vale: or, Home Pictures in Australia Maud Jeanne Franc 1866
Verner Galbraith's Wife Blanche Eaton Back 1895

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